15. Charles Angoff, A Literary History of the American People (New York: Knopf, 1931), 296–308.
16. Herbert Schneider, The Puritan Mind (New York: Henry Holt, 1930); Van Doren 782; I. Bernard Cohen, Benjamin Franklin’s Experiments (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1941), 73.
17. For more on Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence People (1937; New York: Pocket Books, 1994), see ch. 4 n. 6, above; E. Digby Baltzell, Puritan Boston and Quaker Philadelphia (New York: Free Press, 1979), 55.
18. FranklinCovey Web site, www.franklincovey.com ; Grady McAllister, “An Unhurried Look at Time Management,” vasthead.com/Time/tm_papl.html. Peter Jennings and Todd Brewster, In Search of America (New York: Hyperion, 2002), chapter 3, reports on an interesting class discussion by Baylor professor Blaine Mc-Cormick about Franklin as the founding father of business books.
19. Brands 715; Morgan Franklin, 314.
20. Alan Taylor, “For the Benefit of Mr. Kite,” The New Republic, Mar. 19, 2001, 39. The play 1776, by Sherman Edwards and Peter Stone, opened at Broadway’s 46th Street Theater on Mar. 16, 1969, ran for 1,217 performances, and was made into a film in 1972; Howard Da Silva played Franklin on both stage and screen. Ben Franklin in Paris, by Mark Sandrich Jr. and Sidney Michaels, opened at the Lunt-Fontanne Theater on Oct. 27, 1964, and ran for 215 performances with Robert Preston playing Franklin.
21. David Brooks, “Our Founding Yuppie,” The Weekly Standard, Oct. 23, 2000, 32, 35.
22. BF to JM, July 17, 1771.
23. Taylor, “For the Benefit of Mr. Kite,” 39.
24. Vernon Parrington, Main Currents in American Thought (New York: Harcourt, 1930), 1:178.
25. Taylor, “For the Benefit of Mr. Kite,” 39.
26. Poor Richard’s, 1750; BF to Louis Le Veillard, Mar. 6, 1786; Autobiography 107 (all use the “empty sack” line).
27. Brooks, “Our Founding Yuppie,” 35.
28. Autobiography 139.
29. Angoff, A Literary History of the American People, 306; Garry Wills, Under God (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1990), 380.
30. Henry Steele Commager, The American Mind (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1950), 26; John Updike, “Many Bens,” New Yorker, Feb. 22, 1988, 115.
31. David Hume to BF, May 10, 1762; Campbell 356.
abortion issue
Adams, Abigail
BF described by
Madame Helvétius described by
Adams, John
BF reassessed by
BF’s relationship with
Great Seal and
in Paris mission
in peace negotiations
in Staten Island summit
Vergennes and
and writing of Declaration of Independence
Adams, John Quincy
Adams, Samuel
Addison, Joseph
“Advice to a Young Man on the Choice of a Mistress” (Franklin)
“Advice to a Young Tradesman Written by an Old One” (Franklin)
Age of Reason
Age of Reason, The (Paine)
Albany Plan,
federalism concept and
Indians and
unified colonies idea and
Aldridge, Alfred Owen
Alger, Horatio
Allen, William
alphabet, phonetic
Alsop, Susan Mary
American Aurora
American Magazine
American Mind, The (Commager)
American Philosophical Society
American Revolution
Albany Plan and
battles of, see specific battles
Canada invaded in
financial problems in
independence question and
Olive Branch Petition in
onset of
Philadelphia captured in
Staten Island summit in
treaty ending
American Weekly Mercury
analytic truths
André, John
Andrews, Jedediah
Anglican Church,
Anglo-American peace negotiations of 1782:
Adams-BF rift and
Adams in
“advisable” points in
American delegation to
assessment of diplomacy in
BF’s peace proposal in
British back-door overtures in
compensation for loyalists in
fishing rights in
French protest of
Hartley’s ten-year truce proposal in
independence debate in
Jay in
“necessary” points in
official opening of
Oswald-BF talks in
prewar debts in
reparations issue in
separate peace as issue in
signing of treaty in
Spain and
status of Canada in
Temple Franklin and
Thomas Grenville-BF talks in
Vaughan’s secret mission and
western boundary in
Yorktown Battle and
Angoff, Charles
“Anti-Courant, The” (Walter)
“Apology for Printers” (Franklin)
Aquinas, Saint Thomas
Arnold, Benedict
“Articles of Belief and Acts of Religion” (Franklin)
Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union
“Art of Procuring Pleasant Dreams, The” (Franklin)
Art of Swimming, The (Thevenot)
Asgill, Charles
Associated Families
Associates of Dr. Bray
Augustine, Saint
Austrian Succession, War of
Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, The (Franklin)
Updike on
writing of
Babbitt (Lewis)
Bache, Benjamin Franklin
death of
education of
personality of
in return to Passy
in training as printer
Voltaire’s blessing of
Bache, Deborah
Bache, Elizabeth
Bache, Louis
Bache, Mary
Bache, Richard (father)
Bache, Richard (son)
Bache, Sarah (BF’s granddaughter)
Bache, Sarah Franklin “Sally” (BF’s daughter)
BF’s correspondence with
BF’s “luxury” letter to
in BF’s will
birth of
marriage of
Bache, William
Bailyn, Bernard
balloon fad
Bancroft, Edward
Banks, Joseph
Barber of Seville, The (Beaumarchais)
Barclay, David
Bartram, John
Beaumarchais, Pierre-Augustin Caron de
Becker, Carl
Beethoven, Ludwig van
Benezet, Anthony
Ben Franklin in Paris (Sandrich and Michaels)
Ben Franklin Stilled the Waves (Tanford)
Benjamin Franklin and His Enemies (Middlekauff)
Benjamin Franklin and His Gods (Walters)
Benjamin Franklin and Nature’s God (Aldridge)
Benjamin Franklin Institute of Technology
Bentham, Jeremy
Berkeley, George
bifocal glasses
Board of Associated Loyalists
Board of Trade, London
Bob (Bache family slave)
Bonhomme Richard,
Bonifacius: Essays to Do Good (C. Mather)
Bonvouloir, Julien de
Boston, Mass..
in BF’s will
British blockade of
in eighteenth century
libraries of
Puritan hierarchy of
smallpox epidemic in
Boston Evening Post
Boston Gazette
Boston Latin School
Boston Massacre
Boston News Ledger
Boston News-Letter
Boston Tea Party
Boswell, James
Bourbon, Duchess of
Boyle, Robert
Braddock, Edward
Bradford, Andrew
BF’s rivalry with
Bradford, William (father)
Bradford, William (son)
Bradstreet, Simon
Brands, H. W.
Breintnall, Joseph
Bridgewater, Duke of
Brillon de Jouy, Anne-Louise
Brillon de Jouy, Cunégonde
Brillon de Jouy, Monsieur
Broglio, Count
Brooker, William
Brooks, David
Brooks, Van Wyck
Brownell, George
Buffon, Comte de
Bunker Hill, Battle of
Bunyan, John
Burgoyne, John
Burke, Edmund
Burnet, Gilbert
“Business Man, The” (Poe)
Busy-Body Essays,
Bute, Lord
Cabanis, Pierre-Jean-Georges
Cabinet, U.S.
Caillot, Blanchette
Calvin, John
Cambridge mission
Cambridge University
Campan, Henriette de
Campbell, James
Campbell, John
in Anglo-American peace negotiations
Britain’s retention of
Quebec expedition and
Carlyle, Thomas
Carlyle conference
Carnegie, Andrew
Carnegie, Dale
Caslon, William
“Casuist, The” (BF pen name)
“Causes of the American Discontents” (Franklin)
Cellini, Benvenuto
Cervantes, Miguel de
Channel Islands
Charles, Jacques
Charles, Prince of Lorrains
Charles I, King of England
Charles II, King of England
Charleston, S.C.
Chatham, Lord, see Pitt, William
Chaumont, Jacques-Donatien Leray de,
Chaumont, Madame de
Checkley, John
Chesterfield, Earl of
Child, Anne, see Franklin, Anne Child
Cholmondeley, Lord
“Christian at His Calling, A” (C. Mather)
Cincinnati, Society of
Civil War, U.S.
Clinton, George
Clinton, Henry
Cohen, I. Bernard
Colden, Cadwallader
Coleman, William
Collins, John
Collinson, Peter
BF’s correspondence with
Collyer, Hannah
Commager, Henry Steele
Committee on Correspondence Massachusetts
common cold
Common Sense (Paine)
community associations
Concord, Battle of
Condorcet, Marie-Jean Caritat, Marquis de
Confessions (Rousseau)
Confessions (St. Augustine)
Congregation Mikveh Israel
Congress, U.S.
see alse House of Representatives, U.S.; Senate, U.S.
Connecticut Compromise
Constitution, U.S.
Constitutional Convention of
BF’s closing address to
BF’s role in
BF’s speeches in
bicameral legislature as issue in
colonial discord and
Connecticut Compromise in
delegates to
election of judges as issue in
executive powers debated in
impeachment powers in
payment of legislators debated in
prayer as issue in
property requirements debated in
representation debated in
signing of Constitution in
slavery as issue in
states’ rights in
two-headed snake fable and
Virginia plan in
Washington in
“Conte” (Franklin)
Continental Congress (1774)
Continental Congress (1775)
and Articles of Confederation
BF’s assignments for
BF selected as delegate to
BF’s Paris mission and
Cambridge mission and
Committee of Secret Correspondence of
Declaration of Independence edited in
financial problems of
Franco-American treaty ratified by
Great Seal adopted by
peace negotiations and
Quebec expedition and
representation question in
roots of federal system in
royal congresses removed by
Staten Island summit and
vote for independence in
“Conversation on Slavery” (Franklin)
“Cool Thoughts on the Present Situation” (Franklin)
Cooper, Grey
Cooper, Samuel
Copley Medal
copperplate press
Cornwallis, Charles, Lord
Covey, Stephen
Cramer, Catherine
Cramer, Philibert
Craven, Wayne
Craven Street Gazette
Crockett, Davy
Cromwell, Oliver
Cushing, Thomas
Cutler, Manasseh
D’Alibard, Thomas-François
Dallett, Francis James
Dartmouth, William Legge, Lord
BF’s secret correspondence with
Davenport, Josiah
Davis, William Morris
Davy, Humphry
Dawes, William
Dayton, Jonathan
Deane, Silas
“Death of Infants, The” (Franklin)
Declaration of Independence
Adams and
BF’s editing of
BF’s influence on
congressional editing of
official signing of
“self-evident truths” phrase in
slave trade in
writing of
Declaration of Rights
Declaration of the Causes and Necessity for Taking Up Arms
Declaratory Act
Deffand, Marie de Vichy-Chamrond, Marquise du
Defoe, Daniel
BF’s interpretation of
“general providence” concept in
DeLancey, James
de la Roche, Martin Lefebvre
Delaware Indians
De l’Esprit (C.-A. Helvétius)
Denham, Thomas
Denny, William
Descartes, René
D’Evelyn, Mary
“Dialogue Between the Gout and Mr. Franklin, The” (Franklin)
Dick, Alexander
Dickinson, John,
Dictionary of American Biography
Diderot, Denis
Didot, François
“Dissertation on Liberty and Necessity Pleasure and Pain, A” (Franklin)
Dissertations on the English Language (Webster)
divine providence
“Dogood, Silence” (pen name)
“Don’t Tread on Me” flag
Douglass, William
Downes, Elizabeth, see Franklin, Elizabeth Downes
“Dr. Franklin’s In-Laws” (Dallett)
’s Dictionary” (Franklin)
Duane, William
Dudley, Thomas
Dull, Jonathan
“Dulman, Jack” (pseudonym)
Duplessis, Joseph-Siffrèd
Du Pont de Nemours, Pierre-Samuel
East India Company
Eden, William
“Edict by the King of Prussia, An” (Franklin)
Edinburgh Review
Edwards, Jonathan
BF’s importance to field of
BF’s kite experiments in
and coinage of new terms
criticism of BF and
French experiments in
lightning and
single-fluid theory of
Spencer’s experiments in
storage of
Eliot, Jared
Elizabeth I, Queen of England
“Elysian Fields, The” (Franklin)
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
BF assessed by
enclosure practice
Age of Reason in
BF as exemplar of
BF’s creed of
free press and
Enlightenment in America, The (May)
Ephemera, The (Franklin)
Essays Concerning Human Understanding (Hume)
Essay Upon Projects, An (Defoe)
Estaing, Jean-Baptiste, Comte d’
Farmers General
federalism, concept of
Feke, Robert
Fielding, Henry
fire corps
First American, The (Brands)
Fisher, Mary Franklin
Flaubert, Gustave
“Flies, The” (Franklin)
Folger, Abiah, see Franklin, Abiah Folger
Folger, John
Folger, Mary Morrill
Folger, Peter
Folger, Timothy
Fontenelle, Bernard Le Bovier de
Fothergill, John
Fox, Charles
Foxcroft, John
adoration of BF in
BF’s mission to, see Paris mission of 1776–1785
BF’s vacation in
electricity experiments in
freemasonry in
peace negotiations and, see Anglo-American peace negotiations of
Franklin, Abiah Folger (BF’s mother)
Franklin, Anne (BF’s half-sister)
Franklin, Anne (BF’s sister-in-law)
Franklin, Anne Child
Franklin, Benjamin:
abolitionist views of
air baths of
America as viewed by
appearance as a concern of
appointed postmaster general
on bald eagle as national symbol
birth of
books as passion of
in Cambridge mission
in Canada mission
character of
chess loved by
childhood of
colonial unity as theme of
conservatism of
curiosity of
Walter Isaacson Great Innovators e-book boxed set: Steve Jobs, Benjamin Franklin, Einstein Page 139