Mareschal, Lord
Marie, Queen of France
Marie Antoinette, Queen of France
Marignac, Gabriel Louis de
Markoe, Margaret
Marriage of Figaro, The (Beaumarchais)
Marshall Plan
Martin, Luther
Mary I, Queen of England
Mason, George
Mason & Dixon (Pynchon)
anti-tax rebellion in
Stamp Act crisis in
Massachusetts Assembly
Massachusetts Bay Colony
Massachusetts Committee on Correspondence
Massachusetts House of Representatives
matching grant, concept of
Mather, Cotton
library of
smallpox controversy and
Mather, Increase
Mather, Samuel
May, Henry
mechanical arm
Mecom, Jane, see Franklin, Jane
Mellon, Thomas
Melville, Herman
BF assessed by
Meredith, Hugh
Mesmer, Friedrich Anton
Metternich, Klemens von
middle class
values of
Middlekauff, Robert
Militia Association
Miller, Perry
Mississippi River
“Modest Enquiry into the Nature and Necessity of a Paper Currency, A” (Franklin)
“Modest Proposal, A” (Swift)
Mohawk Indians
Monroe Doctrine
Montesquieu, Baron de la Brède et de
Montgolfier, Etienne
Montgolfier, Joseph
moral perfection project
“Morals of Chess, The” (Franklin)
Morellet, André
Morgan, Edmund,
Morrill, Mary, see Folger, Mary Morrill
Morris, Gouverneur
Morris, Lewis
Morris, Richard
Morris, Robert
Morris, Robert Hunter
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Musschenbroek, Pieter van
“Narrative of the Late Massacres in
Lancaster County, A” (Franklin)
Native Americans, see Indians
natural rights, concept of
New England Courant
“Silence Dogood” essays in
smallpox dispute in
New Jersey
William Franklin appointed
governor of
New Jersey Gazette
Newton, Isaac
New York
Nine Sisters, Lodge of
Nini, Giovanni Battista
Nollet, Abbé
Norris, Isaac
North, Lord
North Carolina
Oberg, Barbara
“Observations on the Increase of Mankind” (Franklin)
Ohio valley
Olive Branch Petition
“On Conciliation with America” (Burke)
“On Conversation” (Franklin)
“On Infidelity” (Bradford)
“On the Laboring Poor” (Franklin)
“On the Providence of God in the Government of the World” (Franklin)
Osborne, Charles
Oswald, Richard
Ottawa Indians
Oxford University
Paine, Thomas,
Palmer, Samuel
Pamela (Richardson)
paper currency
Paris, Ferdinand John
Paris, Treaty of (1763)
Paris mission of 1776–1785:
Adams-BF rift and
Adams in,
Adams’s return to
American commissioners in
balloon fad in
Bancroft’s spying activities in
BF appointed minister plenipotentiary in
BF’s appointment to
and BF’s arrival in France
BF’s attempted resignation from
BF’s bagatelles in
BF’s departure from
BF’s diplomatic style in
BF’s flirtatious relationships in
BF’s household in
BF’s mock scientific essays in
BF’s public relations campaign in
BF’s resignation from
BF’s writing of Autobiography in
commission-seeking supplicants in
French loans in
French policy in
Jefferson in
Lee-BF feud in
Lodge of Nine Sisters controversy in
Mesmer commission investigation in
military alliance treaty in
new European treaties in
peace negotiations in, see Anglo-American peace negotiations of 1782
planned attack on Britain in
proposed Franco-American alliance in
realism and idealism in
Spain’s rejection of treaty in
Temple Franklin in
trade and friendship treaty in
Wentworth’s secret mission and
Parker, James
Parliament, British,
colonial representation in
Scotland in
taxation power of
see also House of Commons, British; House of Lords, British
Parliament, Irish
Parrington, Vernon
Parsons, William
Partridge, Elizabeth
Paterson, William
“Paul Revere’s Ride” (Longfellow)
Paxton Boys
peace negotiations, see Anglo-American peace negotiations of 1782
Peale, Charles Willson
Pemberton, Israel
Penn, John
Penn, Richard
Penn, Thomas
BF on
BF’s conflict with
Penn, William
royal charter of
pen names
see also Busy-Body Essays; “Dogood, Silence”; Poor Richard’s Almanack
Penn family
BF elected president of
BF’s efforts to change colonial status of
BF’s militia proposal for
colonial defense as issue in
constitution of
Continental Congress and
independence question and
Indians’ relations with
Paxton Boys uprising in
royal charter of
unicameral legislature of
Pennsylvania, University of
Pennsylvania Assembly
BF as clerk of
BF elected speaker of
BF elected to
BF’s militia proposal and
Braddock’s Ohio campaign and
“Charter of Privileges” of
colonial status as issue in
defense issues and
election of 1733 and
election of 1764 and
hospital scheme and
Quakers in
taxation of Proprietors and
Pennsylvania Chronicle
Pennsylvania Executive Council
Pennsylvania Fireplaces
Pennsylvania Gazette
“Apology for Printers” in
first political cartoon in
gossip in
humor in
lightning experiments in
Poor Richard’s Almanack advertisements in
postal service dispute and
readers’ essays and letters in
sexual references in
Whitefield in
Pennsylvania Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery
nbsp; Peter (BF’s slave)
Peters, Richard
“Petition of the Letter Z, Commonly Called Ezzard, Zed, or Izard” (Franklin)
Philadelphia, Pa.
BF’s 1723 arrival in
BF’s 1785 arrival in
in BF’s will
British capture of
Freemasons in
Great Awakening in
lightning rods erected in
population of
slavery in
Philadelphia Academies
Philadelphia Academy, see Pennsylvania, University of
Philadelphia Inquirer
Philosophical Transactions (Royal Society of London)
phonetic alphabet
Pierce, William
Pilgrim’s Progress (Bunyan)
Pinckney, Charles
Pitt, William (the Elder)
“Plain Truth” (Franklin)
“Plan for Future Conduct” (Franklin)
Pliny the Elder
Poe, Edgar Allan
police patrols
Polignac, Diane de
“Polly Baker” (Franklin)
Pontiac (Ottawa chief)
Poor Richard’s Almanack
BF’s motive for
final edition of
format and style of
lightning rod ad in
maxims and sayings in
sly wit of
success of
Poor Robin’s Almanack
Pope, Alexander
population growth
postal system
BF as postmaster of
BF-Bradford access dispute and
BF’s inspection tours of
BF’s reforms of
dead letter office of
home delivery system of
Powel, Mrs.
Pownall, John
Paxton Boys uprising and
Priestley, Joseph,
Princeton University
Pringle, John
Privy Council, British
BF’s Cockpit ordeal in
progressive taxation
“Proposal for Promoting Useful
Knowledge Among the British
Plantations in America, A” (Franklin)
“Proposals Relating to the Education of Youth in Pennsylvania” (Franklin)
BF’s colonial status dispute with
Indians and
taxation as issue and
Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, The (Weber)
Pulaski, Casimir
Puritan Mind, The (Schneider)
Puritans, Puritanism
BF’s rejection of
in Boston
in migration to America
Protestant ethic of
special providence dogma of
Pynchon, Thomas
Paxton Boys uprising and
in Pennsylvania Assembly
Quincy, Josiah, Jr.
Radicalism of the American Revolution, The (Wood)
Ralph, James,
Randall, Willard Sterne
Randolph, Edmund
Rawls, John
Ray, Catherine, see Greene, Catherine Ray
Raynal, Abbé
Read, Deborah, see Franklin, Deborah Read
Read, John
Reagan, Ronald
Rees, Daniel
Reforming Societies for the Suppression of Disorders
BF on
divine providence in
Great Awakening and
Junto talk on
Supreme Being in
see also deism; Puritans, Puritanism
Religion of Nature Delineated, The (Wollaston)
Revere, Paul
Revolutionary War, see American Revolution
Richardson, Samuel
Richelieu, Cardinal
Ridley, Matthew
Roberts, George
Rockingham, Lord
Rogers, John
Rogers, Will
Roman Catholic Church
Romantic era, romanticism
Ross, Margaret
Rossiter, Clinton
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
Royal Academy, French
Royal Academy of Brussels
Royal Society of London
BF elected to
BF honored by
“Rules and Maxims for Promoting Matrimonial Happiness” (Franklin)
“Rules by Which a Great Empire May be Reduced to a Small One” (Franklin)
“Rules of a Society which Met Once a Week for the Improvement of Useful Knowledge” (Locke)
Rush, Benjamin
Rutledge, Edward
“Sage et la Goutte, Le” (Brillon)
St. Andrews, University of
Sandwich, Lord
Saratoga, Battle of
Sartine, Antoine de
Scaroyady (Iroquois chief)
Schneider, Herbert
“Scolding Wife, A” (Franklin)
Seahorse, HMS
Second Treatise on Government (Locke)
Secret Service, British
self-help movement
Senate, U.S.
Seneca Indians
Serapis, HMS
Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, The (Covey)
1776 (Edwards and Stone)
Seven Years’ War
Sewall, Samuel
Shaftesbury, Lord
Shays, Daniel
Shelburne, Lord
Sherman, Roger
Shipley, Jonathan
Shipley, Kitty
BF’s “pleasant dreams” letter to
Shipley, Mrs. Jonathan
Shirley, William
“Short Hints towards a Scheme for Uniting the Northern Colonies” (Franklin)
“Silentiarius: The Silent Sufferer” (C. Mather)
silk industry
single-fluid theory
“Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” (Edwards)
Six Nations
Skemp, Sheila
“Sketch of Propositions for Peace” (Franklin)
and BF as slave owner
BF’s “Conversation” on
in Constitutional Convention
in Declaration of Independence
representation question and
Sloane, Hans
Smith, Adam
Smith, William
Smyth, Albert
Société Apollonienne
Society for Political Inquiries
Society of the Cincinnati
Socratic method
“Somerset Case and the Slave Trade The” (Franklin)
Sons of Liberty
South Carolina
Franco-American treaty rejected by
Sparks, Jared
Spencer, Archibald
Spotswood, Alexander
Stamp Act,
repeal of
states’ rights
Steele, Richard
Steuben, Friedrich von, Baron
Stevenson, Margaret
Stevenson, Mary “Polly,” see Hewson, Mary Stevenson “Polly”
Stiles, Ezra
storage battery
Stormont, Lord
Stourzh, Gerald
stove design
Strachey, Henry
Strahan, Billy
Strahan, William
BF’s correspondence with
BF’s “you are my enemy” letter to
; Deborah Franklin’s correspondence with
Stuart, Gilbert
Swift, Jonathan
swimming pads
synthetic truths
Tanford, Charles
taxes, taxation:
in Constitutional Convention
exterior-interior distinction of
of Proprietors
representation and
Shays’ rebellion and
Townshend duties and
Taylor, Alan
Temple, William, see Franklin, William Temple
Thevenot, Melchisedec
Thompson, J. J.
Thomson, Charles
Thoreau, Henry David
Tiyanoga (Hendrick Peters)
Tocqueville, Alexis de
Tonnerre, Marquis de
Tour de Sol
Tourtellot, Arthur
Townshend, Charles
Townshend duties
BF’s essay on
Treatise of Human Nature, A (Hume)
Trevose summit
True Conduct of Persons of Quality, The
Truman, Harry
Turgot, Anne-Robert-Jacques
Turner, Frederick Jackson
Twain, Mark
Under God (Wills)
Union Fire Company
United States
bald eagle as national symbol of
Universal Instructor in all Arts and Sciences, and Pennsylvania Gazette, The
Updike, John
on BF’s Autobiography
on BF’s transformation of Puritanism
urinary catheter
Van Doren, Carl
Vaughan, Benjamin
Veillard, Louis-Guillaume le
Vergennes, Comte de
Adams and
Anglo-American peace negotiations and
BF’s first meeting with
BF’s postal inspection trips to
constitution of
Stamp Act crisis in
Virginia, University of
Virginia House of Burgesses
virtues, BF’s definitions of
“Walking Purchase,”
Wall, Samuel
Walpole, Richard
Walpole, Robert
Walpole, Thomas
Walpole Company
Walter, Thomas
Walters, Kerry
War of Austrian Succession
War of Jenkins Ear
Washington, George
BF and
BF’s correspondence with
Cincinnati Society and
at Constitutional Convention
in Ohio Valley missions
at Yorktown
Watson, Joseph
Watt, James
Watts, John
Way to Wealth, The (Franklin)
Wealth of Nations, The (A. Smith)
weather forecasting
Webb, George
Webbe, John
Weber, Max
Webster, Noah
Wedderburn, Alexander
Wentworth, Paul
West, Benjamin
Wharton, Samuel
Whitefield, George,
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