Falling For The Doctor (BWWM Pregnancy Romance)

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Falling For The Doctor (BWWM Pregnancy Romance) Page 3

by Violet Jackson

  “Hey Sherina,” he said, his French accent making her name into poetry.

  “Andre,” she sighed.

  He strolled in, the very picture of controlled strength and intense masculinity. An air of power hung about him, as well it should given that he was the VP of the company. At thirty-six, he was considered one of the most eligible bachelors in New York and France. In the seven weeks or so since she had come to work for Paul, Andre had made it clear he would like to be friends and more but she was still too raw to pay much attention to him so she had made a point of keeping things light and friendly. The man had the persistence of a fox though. He showed up everywhere she went, his bold green eyes roving over her; his manners impeccable and faultless and his attention never straying from her. She’d noticed that he never stared at another woman; not in her presence anyway and while she was not attracted to him, it was very flattering.

  Now that she thought about it, she had caught Darren’s eyes delving into Deb’s body on two occasions but she’d never thought much of it. She remembered one time he had visibly checked out a waitress on the anniversary of their relationship and Deb had been even more upset than Sherina had. Sherina had actually thought Deb’s reaction was just more evidence of her best friend’s protectiveness of her at the time; she knew better now.

  “I was wondering Sherina, what you would say to dinner with me, tonight?” Andre asked bluntly as was his usual manner.

  This was the millionth time he had come right out and asked her on a date and Sherina had said no so many times she was starting to feel like a bitch. The man was a complete gentleman, always unfailingly polite and kind to her; not to mention he was quite the looker. He was generous too, she thought, her eyes resting on the 24-carat gold paper-weight he had gifted her with when she joined the firm. Unfortunately, when she had joined the firm, her emotions were too raw and messy for her to even consider dating again and lately, her thoughts were always filled with a pair of dark, dark eyes with a weird silver light in them. Dr. David Knight had been on her mind for more than a week and it annoyed her to no end. He annoyed her and all she had wanted was for him to get out of her freaking mind and stay out! Besides he was kind of smooth; kind of like Darren.

  No fair, her subconscious screamed. David was really nothing like Darren. He had character, a raw strength and just looking at him was intoxicating. She didn’t know him well but he sure triggered all the right feelings in her.

  The last thing she needed was to fall for him and the best way to do that was to use someone else to stave off whatever feeling she may be developing for a man she had seen only once!

  “I’ll go with you tonight,” she said, making up her mind immediately as she dimpled at Andre.

  His eyes flashed green fire at her, showing his pleasure before he bowed and turned to leave.

  “Where are we going?” she asked.

  “I’m thinking Masa. Have you ever been?”

  “No. It’s got to be one of the most expensive restaurants in New York.”

  “It’s quite an experience, I assure you Mademoiselle. I shall look forward to it,” he said, his eyes once more roving over her face, tracing her lips and skimming her hair.

  In that instant, Sherina was grateful for her dark complexion; she would have been blushing otherwise what with the unmistakable heat in Andre’s eyes as he looked at her.


  Sherina flipped her hair out, grinning at her reflection in the mirror. For the first time in ages, she felt like her old self. She had not gone on a single date since she’d walked in on Darren and Deb several weeks ago and to her surprise, she was so eager for the night to get started.

  Her reflection in the mirror showed a young woman of twenty-seven with a firm pointy chin, sparkling brown eyes that suggested she liked to have fun, and a pretty gamine face. Her slim, curvy body was clad in a knee-length, tight-fitting, red sheath gown that accentuated her figure, clung to her hips and exposed riveting lengths of smooth, tanned legs. Her legs were made even longer by the pair of Louboutin sandals on her feet and she completed the ensemble with a small rose tucked into her curls behind her ear.

  A glance at her wristwatch told her she had fifteen minutes before she had to meet Andre at the restaurant.

  It was at least a fifteen minute drive to Masa, she thought. With a shrug, she picked up her purse and walked downstairs to her car scrolling through her Facebook page as she went. Without warning, the screen filled with an image of Darren and Deb entwined in a passionate embrace their happy faces laughing up at her; it was the display picture on Deb’s page. Naked pain slashed through her as she stared down at the two familiar faces. They were obviously in a relationship! Darren had never come after her because he was lip-smacking, tongue-lolling happy with Deb. It had never been an affair after-all, it was a full-blown relationship!

  Her hands trembled as she struggled to push the key into the lock and tears clogged her throat; she determinedly swallowed hard! The keys dropped to the floor and she stooped to pick them up. This time she managed to shove the key into the lock and twisted it in the lock, heaving a sigh as the door opened.

  Sherina dove into the car, her entire body trembling as the impact of what she had just learned coursed through her. With shaking hands, she reached for her Blackberry and stared at the picture again. This time, she noticed the tagline; they were getting married!

  Sherina shut her eyes in disbelief; surely the fates couldn’t be that cruel. She opened her eyes again and looked at the tag; sure enough it was still there. Deb and Darren were getting married tomorrow!

  A small whimper of pain escaped her lips as she deleted her Facebook account with shaky fingers and then folded in on herself in the driver’s seat of her car, rocking to and fro in her seat. Tears leaked out of the corner of her eye and she angrily dashed it away as she started her car; she wasn’t going to turn into a cry-baby just because a pair of cheating bastards who totally deserved each other were tying the knot. She hoped they cheated on each other until death did them part!

  She swung into traffic with a wild swerve forgetting to look either way in her angst. Blaring horns warned her too late and she automatically stepped hard onto the accelerator skidding straight across the street and into the next lane. She swerved to avoid a street lamp and then swerved to avoid another oncoming car with blaring horns of its own before finally came to a stop when she brushed up against a tree by the side of the road.

  Dizziness crawled at the edge of her vision and Sherina groaned, clutching her head as a pounding headache threatened to split her head in two. She leaned her head against her steering wheel and waited for the dizziness to pass. A voice sounded urgently outside the driver’s window and as though in a daze, she unlocked the door.

  “Are you alright?” the man asked urgently, his hands gently reaching for her shoulders. One long, slim, masculine finger pressed gently but firmly against her neck, feeling for a pulse and Sherina stifled a chagrined smile. She had almost killed the man and here he was, fighting to save her.

  She turned her head sideways on the steering to peer up at him through the heavy curtain of her hair extensions, then she had to gasp when she saw who it was; David Knight!

  “Are you alright? Sherina is it?”

  “Yes Dr.”

  “David. Don’t try to walk or sit up; I will call for an ambulance.”

  “No!” she said with more force than necessary and saw him give her a weird look. “I mean, no” she said less forcefully and with less heat.

  “Why not?”

  “Because, I’m fine,” she pointed out with strained patience as she stepped slowly out of the car. Her eyes caught and held his and she froze in surprise as yet another ripple of the now increasingly familiar shot through her. Why did this only happen whenever she was around him, she wondered.

  “Are you sure? Nothing feels broken?” he asked, watching her as though she were an egg about to splinter into a million pieces.

  “I’m fine Dr.�

  “David,” he reminded her, his dark eyes gleaming down at her.

  “David,” Sherina repeated dutifully, her thoughts whirling.

  “I think you might be in shock. You need to get checked out,” he said quietly.

  “My car?”

  “Already called a towing van,” David said quietly as he guided her towards his own car.

  Sherina smiled weakly at him, all thoughts of Andre slipping from her mind as she lost herself in a pair of arresting, silver-black eyes.


  Sherina leaned back against the backrest of her seat trying to shut out the horrors of the past few minutes as David sped to the hospital. Her heart thumped excitedly in her chest and she knew it was not from shock or any such thing. Being this close to David was playing cruel tricks on her mind.

  At the hospital, she leaned against him as he half-walked half-dragged her to his office and the eerie silence of the place was disconcerting. There were a few out-patients and a few nurses and doctors milling around but no one paid them any attention.

  “I hate hospitals,” she observed, looking around.

  “I know,” he said shortly as he flung the door open.

  “You do? How?”

  “I saw the way you scrutinized every surface before you so much as sat down.”

  Sherina grinned, in what felt like the first time all evening and then her breath caught in her throat as David’s dark gaze scanned her smiling face, traced her dimples, and then settled with unmistakable intent on her soft, pouty lips.

  Subconsciously, Sherina pressed back against her seat; she regretted the action immediately when she saw David’s dark eyes follow the tiny movement. The man missed nothing, Sherina thought, licking her lips nervously.

  David made a guttural sound which was part groan, part laughter as he followed the tiny flick of her tongue across her lips with his eyes. “Are you trying to drive me out of my mind?”

  Sherina’s eyes widened, all innocent as she replied, “I don’t know what you mean.”

  David chuckled ruefully as he came around to her chair. “I can’t believe I was worried about you. I should have been worried about me!” he declared as he checked her for a concussion or injuries.

  He curled his fingers around her wrist, surprised and oddly pleased when her pulse leapt beneath his touch.

  Was it her imagination or had his gaze lingered lustily on the cleavage revealed by the plunging neckline of her sheath gown?

  “Why? Are you hurt?” Sherina asked, now ignoring her thoughts.

  He shook his dark head, his gaze drifting down to her lips once more; very briefly yes, but she had to clench her thighs in reaction. Whoa! The man was pure dynamite.

  The man was the most unruffled human she had ever met. Why, she had almost had a stroke from shock alone after the accident and he was cool as a cucumber. Even now, after dodging a head-on, saving her ass, and driving over to the hospital, he was clean and put-together. His shirt was crisp, his tie was tidy, his hair was rigidly arranged, his nails so neat they made her feel like chomping on hers, and his goatee made him look perfect!

  Something about his appearance perversely made her to want to rattle him; shake his cool. Making a sudden impulsive decision, Sherina got to her feet; maybe it was time to get Dr. Perfect all mused up and dirty. Besides, she needed to get Darren out of her mind; for tonight at least.

  She smiled up at him from beneath her lashes and was pleased to see him swallow; hard. Maybe she did affect him after all, she thought with a secret smile playing around her lips.

  “So you checked me out? Am I alright or not?” Sherina asked, tilting her head to the side as she regarded him.

  “You seem perfectly fine. You were just a bit shaken up is all,” David said through parched throat.

  Sherina grinned at him, “In that case, I’m no longer a patient!”

  With that, she grabbed his lapels and pulled his lips down to hers, sighing inwardly in satisfaction as his warm lips melded with hers. His mouth slanted over hers eagerly giving and taking at the same time as pure pleasure slithered down her spine. A warm glow started in her belly, flowed outwards to her breasts and pooled downwards at the juncture of her thighs.

  David’s hands grabbed her ass, hauling her flush against his body as he groaned into her mouth, “That is one hell of a dress! I have been going quietly out of my mind all night!”

  Sherina giggled, her breath coming in short gasps against his mouth. His tongue stroked hers in a wild, erotic dance, and Sherina clung to him, not trusting her legs to support her weight.

  David let his lips trail a scorching blazing path from her lips to her cheek before moving down her throat to the swell of her breasts. Her breasts were even softer than he had dreamed possible; so soft that he could feel them through the fabric of her red gown.

  David told himself he was probably going to regret this but he couldn’t help himself, no matter the consequences. He leaned back and locked his gaze with hers as he asked, “Are you sure?”

  Sherina stared up at him; three little words that had just raised him in her estimation to the best guy she had ever met. Silly nostalgic tears clogged her throat but she forced it down and nodded her certainty.

  “Good,” he breathed, hauling her closer and reaching for the zipper of the dress at her back. “I have been in a serious sweat since I saw you in this gown!”

  Sherina giggled, pleased with the compliment. She liked thinking she could somehow rattle the unflappable, perfect Dr. Knight and make him be “in a serious sweat”.

  David unzipped the gown the rest of the way, his smoldering, bold, knowing gaze roving over her face as he did so. He bunched the gown at her waist and groaned as her perfect, big breasts with their extremely large, thrusting nipples filled his view. With a groan, he bent over them like a starving man and took one large nipple in his greedy mouth.

  Sherina’s breath hissed through her teeth in reaction. Her back arched of its own volition, offering her breast up to his mouth. David moaned with pleasure as he tasted her. Her nipples were very hard, in stark contrast with her soft breasts. David suckled the right breast and then the left, alternately biting her nipples softly as he suckled her for all he was worth. His penis was so engorged it threatened to burst right through his pants as he suckled her.

  Sherina moaned and pushed against his chest, desperately. “Now! I want to feel you now,” she panted.

  Her body was on fire with need for him and she couldn’t stand anymore delay. She needed him inside her now.

  David grunted his assent. His right hand unzipped his pants in one fluid, swift motion even as his left shoved her sheath gown up to her waist effectively bunching it like a belt around her waist.

  Sherina leaned against the exam table, spreading her legs wide and David’s control broke as his gaze fastened onto her crotch covered only by a scrap of lacy panties.

  His hand roughly shoved the panties to one side, baring her pink vagina and its incredibly soft lips to his view. She was clean-shaven with a vagina so smooth it almost looked like it was woven of pure silk. Her folds glistened wetly showing him more than words that she was good and ready; that she wanted him too. He positioned his penis between her legs and lovingly stroked it slowly, up and down her entrance, wrenching an agonized moan from her.

  “Don’t make me wait. Please!” she breathed, spreading her legs as wide as they would go.

  That was all the encouragement he needed; he shoved the fat head of his penis past her tight entrance, and straight into her warm, willing, wet passage. Sweat glistened on his forehead and he wiped it off with the back of one hand, adjusting a little before he started pumping his hips, thrusting into her over and over and over again.

  Suddenly, he stopped and pulled out of her with one almost-violent motion. Her vagina clenched in on itself as disappointment surged through her.

  Her eyes met his, wide and confused and filled with lust, “David?”

  He reached u
p to unbutton his shirt. Sherina watched him helplessly, her eyes fastened on what his hands were unveiling. He had a hard, heavily muscled, corded chest with straining biceps and flat, washboard abs that tapered into a slim narrow waist.

  “I want to fuck you hard,” he said, his face looking dangerous. “I want to fuck you so hard you won’t be able to sit straight for days. It’s all I have been able to think about since I saw you for the first time.”

  Sherina smiled, uncertain how to respond to that.

  David reached up and squeezed her breast hard again. Then with a mighty groan, he flipped her over onto her stomach leaving her legs to support her on the floor. He entered her from behind, his huge penis filling her so completely it was a wonder she could even breathe.

  “Like it?” he asked, undulating against her as he thrust his huge penis in and out of her at an infuriatingly slower pace.

  “Yes, yes, yes,” she groaned mindlessly, twisting her hips this way and that to get more of him. He wasn’t entering her completely and she suspected he was being considerate given his size. She could take him, she thought feverishly, she could take all of him.

  “Oh David, yes!” Sherina moaned anew. “I want it faster! Faster! Deeper! Please!”

  He groaned and shoved the full hard length of his penis into her. Sherina gasped, the breath gushing out of her in one satisfied gasp.

  Then without warning, he pulled out of her and knelt behind her. Before she could guess his intentions, he was licking her vagina from behind, his tongue flicking wetly over her clitoris and folds. The sensation was so incredibly hot, taboo, and unexpected that she immediately convulsed, squirting juices onto his face and waiting mouth.

  Satisfied that she had cum, he placed one broad palm onto the middle of her back, inexorably forcing her chest onto the examination table and raising her ass higher towards him. Maintaining the hand on her back, his hips began to pump, moving his big, fat penis in and out of her tight, wet vagina. As David pounded into her from behind, her ass and breasts jiggled invitingly with every thrust and soon, David was hammering away at her pussy and alternately slapping her ass or kneading her large breasts. He increased the tempo taking her moans as encouragement; going faster and faster until the room began to spin.


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