Healed (Damaged Souls Book 3)

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Healed (Damaged Souls Book 3) Page 8

by Twyla Turner

  As they walked towards the bar all the men had raved about, they joked and talked smack to each other. Sloan was transported back to his platoon in Afghanistan, and the camaraderie they’d had with each other. He smiled to himself quietly, happy to have back the bond that only a bunch of rowdy men could bring. And they were in rare form at the moment, because Sloan’s rising success was theirs also, so they too would be a part of the new TV show.

  They were currently ribbing each other about who would really be the star of the show. All of them bragging about how good-looking they each were, and how the ladies were going to love them.

  “Yeah Danny, you’re gonna go viral alright, by spreading your herpes virus to all the homely chicks that you’ll meet online!” Kevin shouted back, at youngest in the group. All the men burst out laughing hysterically.

  “Fuck you, man!” He grumbled back, as some of the guys shoved him, playfully.

  Sloan’s chuckles subsided, as he wiped the tears of laughter from his eyes. He looked up, and the sight that greeted him, killed the jovial moment instantly. He watched in anguish, as Aaron helped Lexi into his sleek red Porsche. Sloan stopped on the sidewalk, frozen in place, and a couple of the guys accidentally ran into him, not expecting him to stop so suddenly. They all stopped, and turned to look at him.

  “Hey Sloan, what’s up?” Kevin asked with concern, because his face looked as if he’d seen a ghost.

  Sloan didn’t answer but kept staring ahead. Kevin turned to see what had captured Sloan’s attention and caught a glimpse of Lexi in the passenger seat of a fancy sports car, as it took off down the road. He turned back to look at Sloan and saw the muscles in his jaw working.

  “Aw, don’t worry about it man. It may not even be what you think.” Kevin tried to comfort him.

  “I doubt that. That’s the same guy that’s been sniffing around her for a while.” Sloan ground out.

  “Well, fuck her then. We’ve got celebrating to do. And with some drinks and hot chicks, you’ll forget about her in an hour. Don’t let that slut ruin your moment,” Danny said, angry on Sloan’s behalf.

  Before Danny knew what was happening, Sloan snatched him up by his collar. Sloan’s face was only inches from his, and the look in his eyes scared Danny shitless. All the men, stepped closer, ready to stop Sloan, if he lost it.

  “Don’t you ever fucking talk about her like that again. Do you understand me?” Sloan growled quietly.

  “Y-Yes sir,” Danny’s voice trembled.

  “You’d be lucky to find a woman as good, and as beautiful as her,” Sloan said, before releasing the scrawny kid. “It’s my fault anyway. I’m the one who let her go,” Sloan said sadly, as he started walking again towards the bar.

  “Let’s just try to forget about it and have a good time,” Kevin suggested, patting Sloan roughly on the back.

  “Yeah,” Sloan sighed but wasn’t so sure that having a good time was going to be possible.


  Aaron pulled his car into Lexi’s driveway. He got out of the car and walked around to the passenger side, to help her out and walked her to her door. Lexi unlocked her front door and turned back to look at him nervously. The goodbye at the front door, always awkward and uncomfortable.

  “I had a great time tonight. And I hope that you’re getting more comfortable around me. I swear I’m a good guy.” Aaron smiled warmly at her.

  “I’m trying. But I’m just coming out of a relationship, so I don’t want to rush into anything.” Lexi confessed.

  “I know. And no man likes to be the rebound guy, but I think I could be good for you.” Aaron coaxed.

  Spoken like a man, who gets whatever he wants. Lexi thought to herself.

  “We’ll see,” Lexi said, for lack of anything better to say.

  “Well anyway, one of the reasons I was hoping that you were also enjoying being with me, is because I have an event coming up in a few weeks. And I’d be honored if you would come with me, as my date.” Aaron broached, cautiously.

  “Um…what is the event?” Lexi asked.

  “It’s a masquerade ball, to raise money for charity,” Aaron explained.

  “What charity?” Lexi asked, still deciding if she was willing to go.

  “For children in impoverished areas of Georgia, helping them with food and schooling. It’s a good cause, and a reason for the high society lawyers and judges of Georgia, to get all dressed up. Last year, it was held in Atlanta. This year, it’s in Savannah.” Aaron informed her.

  “I don’t know if I have anything that fancy in my closet.” Lexi evaded.

  “You’ll look beautiful no matter what you wear, but I’ve got you covered, just in case. That is if you say yes.” Aaron said, trying to entice her.

  “Well, I guess I can…for the kids.” Lexi finally conceded.

  “Yes! I promise you’ll have a great time!” Aaron shouted out, excitedly.

  And without much thought, Aaron grabbed Lexi’s face and kissed her soundly on the lips, in his enthusiasm. Lexi’s eyes widened in shock, not expecting the sudden lip lock. Aaron took advantage of her stupor and softened the kiss. Lexi didn’t kiss him back but didn’t move away either. He flicked his tongue against her closed lips, and her paralysis disappeared. Lexi pushed at his shoulders, and Aaron released her reluctantly.

  “I’m sorry, Lexi. I got a little carried away.” Aaron apologized.

  “Yes. You did. Please, don’t let it happen again.” Lexi said, before opening her front door. “Goodnight, Aaron.”

  “Goodnight, Lexi,” Aaron said deflated.

  Lexi closed and locked the door, falling back against it in relief that the night was over. What have I gotten myself into? Lexi sighed and pushed off of the door to head upstairs, ready for bed after her emotionally exhausting day.


  “So everything seems to be on the up and up. They’ll cut you a check after each episode has been shot. You are legally bound to the show, so you have to complete the full season before you can decide whether or not you want to continue starring in it. And they have the authority to cut the show, you or your crew at any time if they so choose.” Victoria explained to Sloan, over dinner at a high-end restaurant.

  “Alright. Everything is fine, except for the part about cutting my crew. I won’t do the show without them. They’re more excited about being on it than I am. I couldn’t do that to them.” Sloan said seriously.

  “Well then, you can always renegotiate. And you can definitely renegotiate after the first season has been aired. If the show is a hit, you can request more money from them. They won’t have much say in it if they want to keep you around because I’m sure other networks will be interested, and just waiting for the opportunity to steal you away.” Victoria advised him.

  “Okay. That sounds good.” Sloan nodded.

  “Perfect. I’ll contact them with your one stipulation, and see if they’re willing to accept, and then we’ll go from there.” Victoria finished, putting away the contract in her briefcase. “Now. On to more pleasant conversation. I’m really happy to have reconnected with you, Sloan. It’s been a long time. And you’re handsome as ever…even after what happened to you.” Victoria smiled seductively, gesturing in the vicinity of his scarred face.

  “Thanks,” Sloan said awkwardly, not really sure where the conversation was headed.

  “Don’t you ever wonder where we’d be if you hadn’t of enlisted? I know you liked to defy your parents, but didn’t you have even the tiniest bit of feelings for me?” Victoria asked, looking up at him from under her lashes.

  Yeah, if I hadn’t of enlisted or had married you like my parents wanted, I would’ve never met Lexi. So, no thanks.

  “Victoria, we were just a couple of bratty kids that were forced on each other. I know we lost our virginity to each other, but honestly that was it for me. You’re a beautiful woman, and a family friend, but I don’t think I could ever have more with you than that.” Sloan said, trying to let her down gently.

  “You always have played hard to get.” Victoria sighed. “Well I know you don’t think of me in that way, but do you think you could at the very least, do me a favor?” She asked, not willing to give up that easily.

  “And what favor would that be?” Sloan asked, with a raised brow.

  “Well I have this charity thing I have to go to, and I really need a date for the evening. I swear it would be just one night.” Victoria batted her lashes at him.

  “When is it?” Sloan asked with a sigh, knowing that he’d do it for her.

  “Two weeks from today. It’s a masquerade ball. So it’s black tie only.” Victoria said, hopeful that he’d accept. “It’s for impoverished kids.” She added, baiting the hook.

  “Alright. I’ll go with you.” Sloan finally gave in.

  “Eek! Thanks, Sloan! You don’t know how much this means to me!” Victoria squealed, drawing the eyes of some of the restaurant patrons.

  “Did you just squeak, like when we were kids?” Sloan looked at her, in disbelief.

  “Sorry. It still happens when I get excited. Old habits die hard.” She said sweetly.

  “Apparently,” Sloan mumbled. And there’s my pound of flesh. What have I just gotten myself into?

  Chapter 8


  Lexi spent the next couple of weeks finishing up the paintings for Aaron and spending some time with him as friends. She enjoyed being around him as a distraction, but nothing more. Though she knew, all she had to do was say the word, and he’d be on her like white on rice. She knew it wasn’t fair to him, but she needed all the help she could get to get her mind off of Sloan.

  Also, his continuous underhanded comments about her straightening her hair and wanting her to wear more sophisticated clothing when they went out, wasn’t exactly endearing himself to her either. She could tell that he was slowly trying to prime her for his world. He wanted to envelop her in a world of high-end dinner parties, corporate events where she was to be seen, not heard and afternoon tea with the other wives of rich and important men. I’d rather stick needles in my eyeballs than do any of that! He’s already got me going to this charity ball, but that’s where I’m drawing the line.

  It was the day before the masquerade ball, and Lexi was in the master bedroom of his sprawling home, finishing up the last painting for him. It was the hardest piece for her to do. The painting was the one he wanted in the master suite. He had requested something striking and sensual. And the only paintings she had done like that in the past, were paintings of Sloan or them together as a couple. So as she worked on the painting, all she could do was ache for Sloan, which would then piss her off because she couldn’t help but picture him with the blonde bitch. And that wasn’t the frame of mind she needed to be in, to do a seductive painting.

  She exhaled in frustration and stood back to get a better look at what she’d done so far. Aaron’s bedroom was very masculine, in tones of gray and black. So she had chosen to go with bright colors to liven up the room. She chose a deep rich blue, with splashes of red. The painting was an abstract of a couple in the throes of passion. Their limbs entangled in such a way that you couldn’t tell where one started, and the other began. She just needed to add a few more touches, and she’d be done.

  “Hey, gorgeous! How’s it coming along?” Aaron spoke from the doorway, and Lexi jumped slightly at the sound of his voice. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.”

  “Oh, it’s okay. No, everything is going alright. I think I’m almost done.” Lexi said, moving to the side, as he came up to look at the painting.

  “You really are amazing. You know that, right?” Aaron complimented and turned to face her.

  “I guess I do alright.” Lexi tried to joke, past the nerves running through her.

  She was becoming exceedingly aware that they were alone in his bedroom, with his bed only a few feet away. He stood closer to her than she would’ve liked, and she could sense deep down in her bones that he wanted to make a move. And her mind, heart and body were at war.

  Aaron really did seem to be a nice guy, him trying to change her notwithstanding. But he made her laugh, and he was devilishly attractive. So her mind said, Screw it! Just do him, and then maybe you’ll get over Sloan. Hell, maybe he’s better than Sloan. Her heart said, There will never be a man that touches you, the way Sloan does. Mind, body, and soul. And her body told her, Sloan, Aaron. Aaron, Sloan. Who cares?! We need to get laid!

  “The painting really is fantastic, Lexi. And I’m not just saying that. The color is bold and stands out in here. And the image is sexy but classy. You out did yourself.” Aaron praised her.

  “Thanks, Aaron. I’ve enjoyed doing this collection for you. And I can’t believe I’ll be done, after putting the finishing touches on this piece.” Lexi said honestly.

  “So I guess the charity ball will be our celebration, to end our business arrangement,” Aaron mentioned.

  “Yeah, I guess so.”

  “I hope that you’ll still be willing to spend some time with me, even though you’ll be done painting for me.” Aaron coaxed, as he stepped closer to her. He raised his hand and stroked a finger down the side of her face. “And maybe our relationship can move from business to…” Aaron let the last word hang in the air, unfinished. Though Lexi knew, he meant ‘pleasure’.

  “Aaron.” Her voice shook, as she said his name in warning, or maybe it was an invitation.

  Either way, he took it as a green light. One hand wrapped around the nape of her neck and the other snaked around her lower back, as he pulled her in close. His mouth descended on hers, his soft full lips pressing urgently against her mouth. His tongue stroked her bottom lip, and she hesitantly opened up for him. As if her consent ignited a flame, Aaron lost it.

  He attacked her mouth, devouring her lips. His tongue drove into her mouth roughly. His thick erection slid up and down her tummy through his pants, as his hips pumped against her. And his mouth quickly left hers and made a path down her neck. He pulled down the straps of her bra and tank top, releasing her large heavy breasts. And his warm mouth, latched onto a hard nipple.

  I can’t. I can’t do this! Where Lexi should’ve felt silky dark hair tickling her skin, she felt none. Where she should’ve felt calloused work-roughened hands, she felt soft perfectly manicure ones. Where she should’ve felt passion raging through every inch of her being, she only felt a raging panic.

  “Aaron, stop! I can’t do this.” Lexi cried out, as she pushed at his broad shoulders.

  But he was too wrapped up in the moment, to even realize that she wasn’t as hot for him as he was for her. One hand moved from her breast to her ass, and he pulled her tighter against him. The other hand slid between them, and he stroked two fingers over her pants and panties. On her most intimate place, at the apex of her legs.

  Panic built up inside her, and Lexi shoved harder at his shoulders. “Aaron, I said stop!”

  “Come on, baby. You know you’ve wanted this just as much as I have. Stop trying to fight it.” He said around her nipple and latched back on when he was done.

  Having no other recourse, Lexi raised her hand high above her head. With all of her might, she brought it back down, slamming it against Aaron’s neck and carotid artery. Stunned, he fell back and released her. He held onto his neck, as he groaned and rolled around on the floor, waiting for the pain to stop. Lexi had no intentions of waiting around for his pain to subside.

  Covering her naked breasts with one arm, she grabbed her purse and fled out of the room, down the stairs and out the front door. She ran to her car, hopped in and started the engine, threw the car in drive and sped from his house as quickly as she could. She heard her phone go off in her purse, and she knew it had to be Aaron, but she ignored it. The last thing she wanted to do was talk to him.

  When she finally got home, she immediately turned off her phone, not wanting to hear the continual ringing. She ran upstairs to her bathroom, stripped out of her clothes, and stepped into the shower. She scrubbed
her body until her skin hurt. Trying to remove the memory of Aaron’s lips, tongue and hands from her body. Tears of futility dripped down her face, to blend in with the spray of the shower. When will this need for him end?


  Late Saturday morning, Lexi sat at her kitchen table with a mug of coffee in her hand, after her shower, trying to decide whether to call Aaron or not. Wondering if she should cancel the hair appointment she had made to get her hair straightened for the night. She wasn’t sure if she still wanted to go to the ball, and she had no idea if Aaron even wanted her there after she gave him the smack down, the previous day.

  She wasn’t really mad at Aaron because she knew what happened the day before was mainly her fault. Her indecision clouded her judgment, and she let her mind and body speak for her when her heart was king. It didn’t matter what the other two wanted, her heart ruled over her. And in the end, her heart had decided. It chose Sloan, whether he wanted her or not. So until her heart decided it was time to let him go, she continued to hold out some modicum of hope that things would work out.

  A gentle knock at her door pulled her from her sad reverie. She walked to the door and peeked out the side window. Aaron was on the other side, with his arms full. Lexi straightened up and took a deep calming breath before opening the door. When she opened the door and he lowered the box in his arms so that she could see his face, Lexi burst out into hysterical laughter.

  Aaron had a neck brace wrapped around his neck, as a joke. He chuckled deeply as he watched Lexi double over, holding her stomach.

  “Go ahead. Laugh it up. But that shit, really did hurt.” Aaron laughed, reluctantly.

  “I’m so sorry, Aaron. I guess I freaked out a little.” Lexi reigned in her giggles and looked up at him, contrite.

  “Don’t apologize. You told me to stop, and I didn’t. I should’ve had more control. But I kinda get carried away, when it comes to you.” Aaron said bashfully.


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