Healed (Damaged Souls Book 3)

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Healed (Damaged Souls Book 3) Page 10

by Twyla Turner

  Everyone at the table shifted uncomfortably in their chairs. Rochelle once again patted Lexi’s arm consolingly, all forgiven. Aaron remained tense. Which Lexi could only assume, he was having a change of heart, over his feelings for her. Sloan’s hands were balled into tight fists on the table, anger radiating through him. Victoria sat up straighter and raised her chin proudly. She tried to mask her embarrassment, as her plan to make Lexi look bad, backfired in her face. Instead, she had only accomplished turning Lexi into a martyr.

  “Well, that felt like a scene from The Godfather. Am I gonna find a horse head in my bed?” Victoria said, poking at the open wound.

  “That’s enough!” Sloan slammed his hand down on the table, startling those around him and some nearby tables as well. “Everyone is trying to enjoy their dinner, and your constant need to one-up everyone at the table is getting old really fast, Victoria. And it’s a shame that I have to say this to a grown woman, but if you don’t have anything nice to say, then shut your freakin’ trap.” Sloan growled, putting a new spin on the common phrase that would’ve made Lexi laugh under normal circumstances.

  The table became deathly silent, as they finished the rest of their meal. The staff appeared quietly with new courses and disappeared once more, after replacing their empty plates. Only the clink of silverware on their plates and bowls could be heard at the table.

  Lexi kept her head down, only looking at her plate, but she could feel Sloan’s eyes on her throughout the rest of the meal. She felt like the defenseless prey of a dangerous predator. She couldn’t tell if he was mad at her, or felt sympathy for her. All she knew was that the attraction was stronger than ever. The weight of his stare alone affected her, unlike anything she had felt before.

  Her heart pounded, making her breathing erratic. Goosebumps raised across her flesh, and shivers ran down her spine. Her nipples hardened, and her sex flood with moisture. As if his stare and the mere nearness of him had ignited a fire in her. She could literally feel his breath, hands, and mouth on her. Her body burned with need for him, her mind raged with anger at him for being with Victoria, and her heart broke at what she had lost.

  Sloan watched her, not caring who noticed. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from her. He saw the pulse in her neck jump erratically. He watched as her large breasts pressed against the bust of her dress, which rose and fell rapidly. He saw the gooseflesh rise on her bronzed skin, and he noticed her squirming in her chair.

  Sloan knew he was affecting Lexi as much as she was affecting him, even if she refused to look up at him. He knew her well enough to know that she was turned on, and probably soaking wet. And just knowing it, made it impossible for him to stand up, even if he wanted to. Not wanting to flash the entire table with the full erection pressing against his pants. And he could tell by the set of her lips that she was angry, but so was he. Of all the men, she could’ve chosen to date, and she picked that asshole.

  A little while later, it was announced that dinner was over, to the relief of everyone at their table. Now the bar and dance floor would be open, for the guests to mingle and enjoy the evening. Sloan and Aaron quickly rose from their seats and helped their dates out of their chairs, wanting to put as much distance as possible, between the two women. As they murmured conversationally, all the finely dressed couples in the dining room filed out the open patio doors, to a lovely white tented dance floor. A large band was set up on a stage off to the side of the tent, and the opposite side housed the large open bar.

  Aaron led Lexi straight to the bar, to get much-needed drinks. They both wanted something much stronger than the wine that had been supplied during dinner. He ordered their drinks quickly and handed a fruity martini to Lexi, as they stood on the edge of the dance floor. Lexi watched out of the corner of her eye as Sloan and Victoria received their drinks, and moved to stand on the other side of the dance floor.

  “So that was interesting.” Aaron opened with.

  “More like, unfortunate.” Lexi frowned.

  “So…ah…is that why you don’t like to be touched? Because of your ex?” Aaron broached gently.

  “Among other things.” Lexi evaded, not wanting to get into the discussion of her parents.

  “Why didn’t you tell me what happened?” Aaron asked, irrationally hurt by her secrecy.

  “What was I supposed to say? ‘Oh hey, by the way, a couple of weeks ago I shot and killed my psycho ex-boyfriend.’ That’s not exactly polite conversation.” Lexi said, irritated.

  “Well, it would’ve been better than me finding out at a charity event, in front of a table full of my colleagues,” Aaron argued.

  “You know what? Let’s not talk about it anymore. Let’s try to salvage what’s left of the evening.” Lexi suggested.

  “Fine,” Aaron grumbled. “Would you like to dance?” He sighed.


  They slammed down the rest of their drinks, Aaron placed the empty glasses on a nearby table and guided Lexi out onto the dance floor. The lead singer of the band smoothly sang Fly Me to the Moon, and the masked guests and colorful dresses of the women, swayed enchantingly to the soothing music. Lexi wished that she was in a better frame of mind to enjoy it.

  As the song came to an end, a finger tapped on Aaron’s shoulder.

  “May I cut in?” Sloan asked politely, but his tone suggested no arguments.

  “Sure,” Aaron said, looking somewhat relieved by the reprieve.

  Lexi gulped down a huge breath and turned her head to the side, not ready to look Sloan in the eye just yet. She felt his arm wrap gently around her waist, and his other hand clasp hers. Her heart stuttered painfully at the feeling of being in his arms again. And she nearly rolled her eyes, when the first strains of When a Man Loves a Woman, came from the band, and the singer belted out the first line. Oh, come on!!! Is this some kind of sick joke?! Lexi thought, uncharitably.

  “You look stunning, tonight,” Sloan said, deeply and sincerely. “Though I do prefer your hair natural.” He commented as he raised his hand to touch the curls lying on her shoulder.

  “Thank you.” Lexi gritted out, moving her neck stiffly so that the hair slipped from his fingers.

  “So of all the men in Savannah, why did you have to start dating him?” Sloan asked, barely concealing his ire.

  “Are you fucking kidding me?!” Lexi loudly whispered, taken aback. “Of all the women in Savannah, and you had to start seeing her!” Lexi shot back, angrily.

  “I’m only here in return for her reading through my TV contract, and because I saw you on a date with him a few weeks ago,” Sloan informed her.

  “Well, he hired me to do a collection of paintings for him. And I only accepted going on a harmless date with him, because I saw you walking arm in arm with her down the sidewalk.” Lexi defended.

  “Yeah, I’m sure he paid you for more than artwork.” Sloan sneered.

  Without much thought for anything but hurting him, Lexi slapped Sloan hard across the face. She didn’t even realized she did it until his face snapped to the side, and a red handprint instantly marked his face. She turned and quickly fled the dance floor, clutching her throbbing hand as she went.

  Lexi had no idea where she was going, she only knew that she needed to get away from him before she clawed his face off. She ran through the first door she found, into what looked like an old parlor room that had been used to receive visitors back in the eighteen-hundreds. But she wasn’t in the room for more than a second when she heard the door slam behind her.

  Lexi whipped around, startled to see Sloan breathing heavily behind her. She realized that he must have immediately followed her off of the dance floor. His eyes were like icy crystals, shooting daggers at her through his mask.

  “What do you want? Because I can’t even stand to look at you right now.” Lexi hissed at him.

  “I could care less, what you want right now. Just answer me one question. Did you fuck him?” Sloan stalked towards her.

  “That’s none of your
business.” Lexi hedged, not wanting to admit that she hadn’t, wanting to hurt him as much as he’d hurt her. She backed up slowly, as he advanced.

  “I’ll ask again. Did you fuck him?” Sloan growled, getting closer.

  Lexi tried backing away further but hit a wall. He trapped her, placing both hands on either side of her head.

  “Fuck you!” She screamed, in his face. “Why do you even fucking care? You broke up with me, remember? So maybe I should ask if you fucked her?”

  “No, I didn’t.” He admitted without hesitation, surprising Lexi. “Because I still love you,” Sloan said, dangerously low. “So…one more time. Did. You. Fuck. Him?” Sloan bent down, getting nose to nose with her.

  “N-No.” She faltered, and he caught the tremble in her voice.

  “What did he do then? It’s obvious that you let him touch you.” Sloan said, in disgust.

  “Back off, Sloan!” Lexi yelled in his face, her heart pounding rapidly.

  “Goddammit, Lexi!” Sloan bellowed and slammed his fist against the wall next to her head. “Did you let him touch you?! It’s a simple answer.”

  Lexi flinched, but surprisingly wasn’t afraid that he’d hurt her. Now she was more afraid that she was about to hurt him, after his admission that he hadn’t slept with Victoria and still loved her. But her anger started to rise, as he forced her to admit what she didn’t want to say.

  “YES! Yes, dammit!” She cried out, and his head jerked back as if she had slapped him again. “It was just a kiss, and harmless touch. But I didn’t want it. He wasn’t you!”

  Tears filled his eyes, making them sparkle like pale blue diamonds. Sloan laid his forehead against hers for a moment. He then placed the palm of his hand against her mouth and swiped hard, smearing the lipstick from her lips, onto her cheek. As if he was trying to wipe away the memory of Aaron’s kiss. He grasped the hair at the back of her neck and pulled her head back roughly. His mouth descended on hers, claiming her lips. His tongue drove into her mouth violently, and she kissed him back just as hard. Just as desperate.

  Lexi felt wetness on her cheeks and realized he was crying, his shoulders shaking with emotion. He released her lips on a gasp, and he looked down at her, his cheeks and long black lashes were wet with tears. The look on his face was heartbreaking.

  “Did he touch you here?” He asked, torturing himself as he placed both hands over her covered breasts.

  Tears filled her eyes, and large drops fell, as she nodded her head ‘yes’. Sloan clenched his jaw tightly and grabbed the sheer strap of her dress. His large, strong hand, pulled just once and ripped the strap in two. He tugged at the top of her dress and corset until he freed her luscious breasts. He lowered his head and kissed down her jaw to her neck. He reached her heaving chest, and his firm lips latched on to a sensitive puckered nipple.

  “Sloan!” Lexi cried out his name.

  He used his lips, tongue and teeth to torture her hardened buds, again trying to erase Aaron from her flesh. His satiny soft hair tickled her flushed skin, just like she knew it would. And after lavishing delicious attention on her sensitive nipples, he rose up once more. The look in his eyes, this time, was trepidation, but she knew he would ask anyway.

  “Did he touch you here?” Sloan asked tightly, as his hand stroked down her stomach to cup her aching sex, through her dress. He squeezed his eyes shut, unable to look at her. Afraid of her answer, but needing to know anyway.

  “K-Kind of.” Lexi’s voice trembled, with fear and excitement. “B-But only outside of my p-pants,” Lexi admitted, quietly.

  Sloan’s gut clenched with jealousy, but glad it wasn’t as bad as he had thought. He swallowed hard and grabbed her wrists, and lifted them above her head. He pinned them against the wall with one big hand, as his other hand reached into the split of her dress, in search of her panties. Getting a good grip on the lacey material, he ripped them from her body and tossed them to the floor. His sorrow-filled eyes held her gaze, as he brought his hand back and touched her where she ached for him the most.

  Lexi’s jaw slackened as she gasped at the feel of his work-roughened fingers, against her wet entrance. And Sloan’s jaw tightened, at long last feeling what he had craved the last couple of months, every night in his bed when the world was quiet. He slid his finger back and forth, over her dripping slit, and she whimpered in response.

  “This belongs to me. I own it. No one else.” Sloan said, against her parted lips.

  “Yes.” She said breathlessly, not even pretending to deny it.

  “I know what makes you tick. I know how to make you come. No one else.” Sloan growled, as he flicked her clit with his index finger, and she bucked against his hand.

  “Ah! Yes!” Lexi cried.

  “Say it,” Sloan commanded.

  “I’m yours. Please, Sloan!” Lexi begged.

  Sloan undid his pants with one hand, and finally released her wrists from above her head. He grasped her behind her knees and lifted her off of the floor. He slammed her back against the wall, as he slammed his cock into her awaiting passage. He crushed his lips to hers, as she screamed into his demanding mouth. She slid her fingers into his hair and pulled tightly, holding on for dear life as he stroked into her.

  Tears of happiness ran down Lexi’s face to her lips, both of them tasting her joy, as his tongue flicked against hers. Sloan relinquished her lips, wrapped her up tightly in his arms and buried his face in her neck.

  “I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry, I didn’t fight harder.” Sloan sobbed, into her shoulder, as he continued to pump into her welcoming heat.

  Lexi threw her head back, her eyes closed and her lips parted, as gasps of pleasure escaped her lips, after every powerful thrust.

  “It’s okay. You’re here now.” Lexi panted out.

  Sloan felt the first ripples of Lexi’s inner walls. The sign that her climax was imminent. Walking over to a chaise lounge, Sloan sat down with Lexi straddling his lap. He let her control the pace, as he watched her. Watched as sharp breaths passed her lips, as her eyes rolled back and the butterfly wing on her mask trembled, as she rocked her hips into him. Not one flashback barged its way into his thoughts or clouded his vision. His mental exercises, thankfully working. All he saw was the beautiful woman before him, riding him like a warrior princess.

  “Alexis, look at me,” Sloan grunted, past the pleasure pulsing through him. She opened her beautiful, vulnerable eyes to look at him, and he thrust up hard as he spoke once more. “I love you.”

  Lexi’s eyes widened, and the breath swooshed from her lungs, as a powerful orgasm exploded through her, at the same time he said the cherished words. And tears, once again filled her eyes, as she collapsed on his chest and he continued to stroke into her.

  “I love you, too. I never stopped.” She wept onto is tuxedo jacket, and she felt his manhood jerk and pulsate, as he spilled his cum deep inside her and he groaned into her ear.

  “Seriously, Sloan?!” A screech sounded from the doorway.

  Lexi pressed her naked breasts against Sloan’s chest and thanked the heavens her long dress covered their intimate parts. She glanced back quickly, to see Victoria and Aaron standing in the doorway. Victoria was fuming with jealousy, and Aaron didn’t look as upset as he probably would have been before he learned Lexi was a badass survivor of abuse. She assumed he had finally realized that she was just too much baggage for him to deal with.

  “Sorry, Tori. You might want to find yourself another date.” Sloan smirked at her, his face smeared with Lexi’s makeup and lipstick, and he could care less. “I think Aaron’s free now.”

  “You know what, Sloan? You’re an asshole.” Victoria screeched, and then turned on her heel, storming out.

  Aaron sighed and slid his hands into his tuxedo pants pockets. He looked at them enviously, as he realized that Lexi was right where she needed to be. And he hoped he’d find someone to be that passionate over, in the near future.

  “Don’t worry about her. She’s just mad beca
use you both beat her at her own game. If you hadn’t of broken up, she was going to try to setup this very scenario. She wanted you to walk in on her and Sloan, in a compromising position so that you’d break up with him.” Aaron shrugged. “Anyway, I see now that you both are good for each other. Sorry if I made that harder for you.” He apologized and turned to leave the room, to give them privacy.

  “Thank you, Aaron. And I’m so sorry if I ruined your night.” Lexi said over her shoulder, still partially covering herself with Sloan’s chest.

  He nodded his head and then shut the door behind him.

  Sloan looked at Lexi with happy shining eyes. Tears slipped down her face and she chuckled, embarrassed that she was so emotional. He grabbed her face and crushed his lips to hers, wanting nothing more than to pull her inside himself, to keep her there forever. And wrapped up in the joy of being back together again, they both laughed happily against each other’s lips.

  Chapter 10

  Lost Without You

  Lexi stood shyly behind Sloan while he unlocked the door to his apartment. When they left the ball, they had figured it wasn’t a good idea to try and find their dates for a ride home. Sloan had suggested they walk since it was such a beautiful night, and he only lived a few blocks from the mansion. So after they both cleaned themselves up a bit in the bathroom, Lexi had kicked off her heels, and Sloan carried them, as they strolled down the sidewalk to his place.

  Though now she was extremely nervous. It had been months since they’d really been alone together. And their last moments together, hadn’t been the greatest. So Lexi took a deep breath and stepped inside after he opened the door. Tank trotted over to greet her, and he wagged his tail rapidly, letting her know that he had missed her too.


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