Seduced by the Bachelor

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Seduced by the Bachelor Page 12

by Pamela Yaye

  Listening intently as Markos spoke, her respect and admiration for him grew—so did her desire. Men who cared about others, who had a heart for women and children, were damn sexy in her book, and it was obvious the divorce attorney had a big heart. Speaking with feeling, and emotion, he confessed he was nothing without his family and would do anything to help them. Drawn to him, she moved in closer. It was a fight to keep her hands to herself, but she remembered they were in LA, not in Tampa at the Oasis Spa and Resort, and gripped the handle of the stroller to prevent herself from touching him.

  “Money doesn’t solve problems, it creates new ones, and contrary to what you think, my life isn’t perfect,” he said in a solemn tone. “I know what it’s like to watch someone you love suffer. It’s a sad, hopeless feeling, and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.”

  “It sounds like you’ve experienced some hard times.”

  He resumed walking, and Tatiyana did, too, but his words consumed her thoughts.

  “Three years ago, my five-year-old nephew died in a pool accident at Emilio’s estate.”

  “Oh, my goodness, how tragic. I am so sorry for your loss.” Her gaze strayed to the stroller, zeroing in on Allie, and love filled her heart. “I don’t know what I’d do if anything ever happened to Allie. She’s a very special child.”

  “Lucca was, too.” His expression was grim, and his tone was somber. “Francesca and Emilio were inconsolable after Lucca’s death, hell, my entire family was, but we supported each other, and we’re a stronger, tighter unit because of it. Nothing can ever tear us apart.”

  “You have a terrific family,” she said, remembering all the fun she’d had with the loud, spirited group in Tampa. “It’s just me and Jantel, and growing up I always wished I had a big, boisterous family. Still do.”

  He smiled, but his sadness was evident.

  “Would you like to have a child of your own?”

  They stopped at the intersection, and Tatiyana grabbed her water bottle from the cup holder. “One thing at a time, Markos. First, I have to find a husband.”

  His grin was deadly sexy. “Look no further.”

  “As if! You’re married to your career and anti-relationships.”

  Sipping her drink, Tatiyana eyed him over her bottle, noting his wrinkled brow.

  “Damn. What is it? Dump on Markos day?”

  “I’m sorry. That was a bit harsh, wasn’t it?”

  “Very.” Sniffing, he hung his head and dabbed at his eyes. “I’m going to need intense therapy for the rest of my life.”

  Tatiyana burst out laughing. It felt good to laugh with him, to joke around like in Tampa. They’d had fun in Cigar City, plenty of romantic moments and spirited discussions, and Tatiyana thought he was a great guy. Markos was a perfect gentleman, someone she enjoyed being with, and she hoped they could be friends.

  Liar! shrieked her inner voice. You don’t want him to be your friend. You want him to be your man. Just admit it!

  She thought of making love with Markos again, and heat flooded her body, her nipples hardening under her sundress. Her skin was tingling, but she kept her hands to herself and maintained her composure despite the needs of her flesh. It was a struggle, but she wasn’t going to cross the line.

  Arriving at the plaza, Markos rested a hand on her lower back. His touch, though innocent, caused her body to sweat. He made her nervous, gave her butterflies and goose bumps, and Tatiyana noticed she wasn’t the only one at the plaza making eyes at him. Females winked and waved, trying desperately to catch his attention, but Markos ignored them.

  “Are you hungry? I’m starving.” Taking off his sunglasses, he gestured to a popular burger joint. “Let’s head inside and grab a bite to eat.”

  “I made ribs for dinner, and I’m still full.”

  “You made my favorite meal and didn’t invite me over?”

  Tatiyana knew she shouldn’t tease Markos again, especially in light of her earlier joke, but she couldn’t resist poking fun at the most eligible bachelor in the city. “My bad,” she said, wearing an innocent expression on her face. “I thought you were out with the surgeon, and I didn’t want to disturb you. Next time I promise.”

  “She’s not my girlfriend. I don’t have one.”

  “I know. According to the celebrity blogs, you have several.”

  “Didn’t your mother ever tell you not to believe everything you read?”

  “No, but she did tell me to stay away from handsome attorneys with roving eyes.”

  Markos lowered his face to hers, and Tatiyana willed him to kiss her.

  “I haven’t met Ms. Right yet, but when I do, I’ll have no problem committing to her.”

  For some reason, his words hurt. Tatiyana wanted to be that woman, the one Markos committed to, but she knew it would never be. She’d deceived him about who she was, blown her only chance with him, and he didn’t trust her.

  “I could use a coffee,” he said, stopping in front of a quaint café and reading the menu on the chalkboard. “Why don’t you grab us a table, while I go inside and get us a snack?”

  Tatiyana found seats on the patio, under an oversize umbrella, and checked on Allie. Her eyes were closed, but she was wiggling around in her stroller, murmuring in her sleep. She’d have a drink with Markos, then go home. She was working at California Family Care in the morning, and if she wanted to wow her new employer, she needed a good night’s sleep. It was a temporary placement, only expected to last three weeks, but she wanted to make Daphne proud.

  “Your niece is a good sleeper.” Markos appeared, holding a tray filled with drinks, sandwiches and desserts, and set it on the round, glass table. “Matteo never slept. Every time I went to visit Dante, he was screaming down the house.”

  “How is Matteo doing?” she asked, helping herself to one of the drinks. “Did his team win its big soccer game on Monday?”

  Markos raised an eyebrow. “You remembered?”

  “Of course I did! You talked about your nephew nonstop when we were in Tampa.”

  “He’s great. I saw him yesterday. He loves swimming, so I took him to the water park.”

  As they ate, Markos educated her about the exciting new projects happening in the neighborhood and the robust real-estate market. Captivated by the sound of his voice, Tatiyana found herself hanging on to every word that came out of his mouth. He was a great conversationalist, oozing with charm and charisma, and she enjoyed his stories.

  “How’s your mini cream pie?” Markos asked, dusting bread crumbs off his designer shirt. In less than five minutes, he’d devoured two BLT sandwiches and a plate of chocolate chip cookies, but he was still eying her dessert. “It looks delicious. Is it any good?”

  “Oh, my goodness. You have no idea. My mouth is rejoicing right now.” Tatiyana took another bite of her dessert and moaned in appreciation. The strawberries were plump, the cake moist and the ice-cream cold and refreshing. It was the perfect snack for a hot, summer day, and Tatiyana loved everything about the sweet, decadent treat. “Markos, I owe you one—”

  Allie whimpered, seizing her attention and Tatiyana dropped her fork on her plate.

  “Allow me. Finish your dessert, and I’ll keep Allie company until you’re done.”

  “Sure. Knock yourself out.”

  Markos grabbed a wet nap off the table, cleaned his hands and tossed it on his empty plate. Reaching inside the stroller, he unbuckled Allie’s safety belt and picked her up. “You’re as light as a cloud!” he joked. “Hello, Allie. I’m Markos. It’s nice to meet you.”

  He spoke in a low, soothing voice and held Allie comfortably in his arms. If Tatiyana’s eyes weren’t open, she’d swear she was dreaming. Talk about a dramatic turn of events. An hour ago, we were arguing, and now he’s holding my niece! Tatiyana knew she was beaming, wearing a wide-eyed express
ion on her face, but she couldn’t stop smiling at Markos. “You’re a natural.”

  “I know,” he said, winking good-naturedly. “Just call me the Baby Whisperer.”

  They laughed together, and Tatiyana hoped it was a sign of things to come.

  His cell chimed, and Markos glanced down at his iPhone.

  “I’ll take Allie.” Tatiyana took her niece from his arms and kissed the tip of her nose. Opening the pink baby bag, she retrieved Allie’s bottle and put it into her mouth. “Good girl.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding me!” Scowling, his fingers moving rapidly across the screen, he mumbled under his breath in Italian. “Sorry, it’s work, and if I don’t respond immediately to this text, my client will throw a hissy fit.”

  “Clients can be difficult sometimes, can’t they?” she joked, batting her eyelashes.

  Markos raised his cell in the air. “It’s a wealthy oil tycoon, and when he doesn’t get his way, he can be really mean and vindictive.”

  Her eyes zeroed in on his face. Consumed with desire, she felt the overwhelming urge to touch him, yearned to reunite with his lips, but since Tatiyana knew nothing good could come from them hooking up again, she stared down at her niece. “When will you contact the mayor? How soon do you think we can meet?”

  “Not until the end of September. Mayor Glover’s out of town on business.”

  “But that’s four weeks away. That’s crazy! How can he run the city if he isn’t here?”

  “There’s a lot more to being mayor than just attending council meetings and passing bylaws. To make progress, Mayor Glover travels extensively, promoting the city. Los Angeles is a great place to do business, and a vital part of the mayor’s role is creating positive relationships with world leaders, executives, investors and successful businessmen around the globe.”

  “And you’re sure he’s overseas until the end of September?”

  “Don’t believe me? Google him.”

  His tone gave her pause. Tatiyana heard the edge in Markos’s voice, knew he was annoyed with her, but decided not to argue with him. “What’s the mayor doing in Asia?”

  “He’s attending the Asian Business Summit in Tokyo this week, then heading to London for the International Leadership conference. Mayor Glover’s the keynote speaker, and if I didn’t have to be in court every day this week, I’d attend the event.”

  Tatiyana didn’t believe him, sensed he was playing her. She thought of taking out her cell phone to check his story, but decided to hold off. Later, after she put Allie to bed, she’d do her research, and if it turned out Markos was lying about the mayor’s whereabouts, she’d know he was a fraud and convince Jantel to go to the media with her story.

  You’re a fine one to judge! You lied to him, secretly taped one of your conversations and planned to blackmail him with the recording, remember, Miss Perfect?

  “I guess we have no choice but to wait.” Tatiyana felt defeated, as if she’d taken two steps forward, then ten steps back. “This meeting is long overdue, so contact me as soon as the mayor’s back in town. I’ll be waiting for your call.”

  “I will. Don’t worry. You have my word.”

  “Thanks, Markos. I really appreciate it. You have no idea how much this means to me.”

  “So, we’re cool?” he said smoothly, leaning forward in his chair. “You still think I’m the sexiest attorney in LA, right?”

  A smile tickled her lips. “Yeah, we’re cool.”

  “Good, because I need a favor. My secretary is out sick with pneumonia, and I want you to fill in for her until she returns to work on the thirtieth.”

  Tatiyana laughed. “I can’t work for you. We’d probably kill each other my first day.”

  “Please?” he begged, clasping his hands together. “The temp agency sent someone over on Friday, but the guy was so lazy I sent him home after lunch. His grammar was atrocious, he couldn’t spell to save his life, and he smelled like an ashtray.”

  Though she’d never admit it to him, Tatiyana loved the idea of working at his law firm. It would look great on her résumé, could open a lot of doors for her in the business world, and best of all she could help Jantel pay for Allie’s upcoming surgery.

  And you’d be working side-by-side with Markos every day.

  It was a challenge, harder than climbing Mount Kilimanjaro in stilettos, but she tore her gaze away from his face and wrangled her thoughts back in. “I wish I could, but I can’t. I work full-time at my friend’s staffing agency, and if I bail on her, she’ll never forgive me.”

  “I admire your loyalty.”

  What was that about? Was he making fun of her? Tatiyana couldn’t tell. She opened her mouth to question him, but his cell phone rang, and he promptly answered it. Tatiyana burped Allie, then put her back in her stroller. As she changed her niece’s diaper, she listened closely to Markos’s telephone conversation. His voice grew deeper, huskier, and Tatiyana suspected he was talking to a woman. Why else would he sound so dreamy?

  “You can’t call off the divorce.” Drumming his fingers on the table, he released a deep breath. “I’m on my way. Stay put, and whatever you do, don’t make any hasty decisions.”

  Ending his call, he swiped his wallet off the table and put back on his sunglasses.

  “Is everything okay?”

  “No, but it will be,” he said with a confident smile. “I have to run. My client needs me.”

  “Do you always go running when your clients call?”

  Markos chuckled. “Every good attorney does.”

  “Then in that case you better get going.”

  “I will after I walk you home,” he said, putting several bills on the table.

  Standing, Markos came around the table and pulled out her chair.

  “But I’m not ready to leave yet. I need to grab some groceries.”

  “Tatiyana, I’m really pressed for time.”

  “Go ahead. I’ll be fine. I don’t live far from here.”

  Markos checked his watch, then glanced around the plaza. “You’re sure you’ll be okay? It’s getting dark, and I don’t feel comfortable leaving you and Allie here.”

  “Don’t be silly. I grew up in this neighborhood. I’m perfectly safe.” To reassure him, she smiled and patted his cheek softly. Touching him felt good, better than she remembered, and her body longed for more. “Thanks for dessert. I loved it.”

  “Let’s have dinner tomorrow night. I know how much you love Chinese food, so we’ll eat at Shanghai Palace. The food is exceptional, and the service is second to none.”

  “I don’t think it’s a good idea we see each other.”

  Lines wrinkled his forehead. “Why not? We had a great time together in Tampa, we have lots of things in common and you spent the last three hours talking my ear off.”

  “Things could get complicated. Furthermore, I need to support Jantel.”

  “What does your sister have to do with us?”

  It was a good question, and since Tatiyana didn’t have an answer, she kept quiet.

  “I better go. Take good care of yourself and baby Allie.”

  Leaning over, he kissed her cheek. Her eyes fluttered closed, sealing her in the moment. His cologne washed over her, and Tatiyana shivered involuntarily. She couldn’t speak, had no words, couldn’t think of anything to say. His words rang in her ears, exciting her. Suddenly, she had a change of heart. Eager to accept his dinner offer, she parted her lips and opened her eyes. But it was too late. Markos was gone.

  Chapter 14

  “You want me to do what?” Tatiyana shouted, shock reverberating through her body. Gripping the steering wheel of her Jeep, she took a deep breath to calm her rattled nerves. Her head was spinning, but she focused her gaze on the road, carefully driving along the congested, tree-lined st
reet. Daphne can’t be serious! She’s joking, right?

  “Our company slogan is, Matching Outstanding Employees with Successful Businesses, and you and LA Family Law are a perfect match,” Daphne explained.

  Needing to think, Tatiyana turned off the radio. Five minutes earlier, she’d been in good spirits, singing along with the Britney Spears song playing on the radio, but now she wanted to rip out her earpiece, chuck it out the window and reverse over it for good measure. On the drive to the medical center, she’d been surprised to receive a call from Daphne, and knew from the sound of her friend’s voice that she was over the moon. Little did Tatiyana know that Markos was the reason why. “I can’t work at LA Family Law,” she argued. “They’re expecting me at California Family Care in twenty minutes, and I don’t want to let them down.”

  “No worries. I’ll call the clinic, explain the situation to Dr. Voth and send Kyung-Soon in your place. See? Problem solved.”

  “No! Don’t! I like working at the clinic.” Staring out the windshield, Tatiyana thought for a moment, racking her brain for a solution. A thick layer of smog obscured the sky, the air was humid and a pungent scent drifted through the car windows. “Why can’t you send Kyung-Soon to the firm? Why are you insisting that I go?”

  “Because Markos Morretti called this morning and personally requested you,” she explained. “And what the client wants, the client gets. Understood?”

  “Not this time. I can’t work for him.”

  “You can, and you will. Markos thinks you’d be an asset to his firm, and so do I. Furthermore, he agreed to pay double the daily rate for your services, and promised to send more business my way in the near future. I’m not going to refuse him, and neither will you.”

  “Daphne, you don’t understand. I know him. We’ve butted heads a few times.”

  You’ve done a lot more than just butt heads quipped her inner voice. You sexed him in Tampa, and you’re dying to do it again.

  “This is a win-win situation for everyone, especially you. A thousand-dollar bonus is nothing to laugh at,” she pointed out. “You could use the money to pay bills, or do something nice for your mom. You’re always talking about how great Lena is with Allie, so treat her to a spa day.”


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