The Complete Twilight Reign Ebook Collection

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The Complete Twilight Reign Ebook Collection Page 339

by Tom Lloyd

  Aracnan – Deceased Demi-God, first son of Death

  Ardela – Farlan devotee of the Lady, Legana’s companion

  Arek, General Kontor – Menin general, commander of the Fourth Army

  Aryn Bwr – Battle name of the last Elven king, who led their rebellion against the Gods. His true name has been excised from history

  Ashain, Coternin – Narkang mage

  Azaer – A shadow

  Bahl – Deceased Lord of the Farlan; Chosen of Nartis before Lord Isak

  Belarannar – Goddess of the Earth, member of the Upper Circle of the Pantheon, once patron of the Vukotic tribe

  Bessarei, General Saraventole – General of the Narkang Kingsguard

  Beyn, Ignas – Deceased member of the Brotherhood

  Bissen – Mage in the employ of Natai Escral, Duchess of Byora

  Carasay, Sir Cerse – Colonel of the Tirah Palace Guard Legions

  Carel (Carelfolden), Marshal Betyn – Farlan nobleman, mentor, friend and former commander of Lord Isak’s Personal Guard

  Cedei, Herred – Member of the Brotherhood

  Celao, Lord – Litse white-eye, Chosen of Ilit and ruler of the Ismess quarter of the Circle City

  Cerrat, Jeco – Legion Chaplain of the Ghosts, raised directly from novitiacy by the posthumous order of Lord Bahl

  Certinse, Knight-Cardinal Horel – Commander of the Knights of the Temples, younger brother of Suzerain Tildek, Farlan by birth

  Certinse, High Cardinal Varn – Deceased Farlan cleric. Third son of the Tildek Suzerainty, younger brother of Suzerain Tildek, Knight-Cardinal Certinse and Duchess Lomin

  Certinse, Duke Karlat – Deceased Farlan nobleman, former ruler of Lomin, nephew of Suzerain Tildek

  Cetarn, Shile – Deceased mage from Narkang

  Chaist, Duke – Ruler of Embere, Member of the Knights of the Temples

  Coran – Deceased white-eye bodyguard of King Emin Thonal of Narkang

  Cotterin, Suzerain Piranei – Narkang nobleman

  Dacan, Priesan – Vanach Commissar of the Fifth Enlightenment and member of the ruling Sanctum

  Daima – A witch of Llehden

  Daken, General (the Mad Axe) – White-eye from Canar Fell, a General of the Narkang Army and Marshal of Inchets, aligned to the Litania the Trickster, an Aspect of Larat

  Danva, Suzerain Woral – Deceased Farlan nobleman, suzerain-in-regent for his infant nephew

  Danva, Suzerain Wattan – Farlan nobleman, son of Woral Danva

  Darass, Prefect Shor – Vanach Commissar of the Fifth Enlightenment and, Overseer of Toristern Settlement

  Dashain (Dash) – Second-in-command of the Brotherhood

  Dass – Carastar mercenary

  Dassai, Marshal Canerin – Narkang nobleman and colonel of the Green Scarves

  Death – Chief of the Gods and head of the Upper Circle of the Pantheon

  Dechem – Chetse champion from the Eastern Desert

  Dedessen – A minor daemon

  Derager, Gavai – Wife of a Byoran wine merchant, a Farlan agent

  Derager, Lell – Wine merchant from Byora and Farlan agent

  Derenin, Suzerain – Narkang nobleman, lord of Moorview Castle

  Derral, Captain Kinen – Soldier from the Circle City, member of the Knights of the Temples

  Dev, General Chate – Chetse general and Commander of the Ten Thousand

  Doranei, Ashin – A member of the Brotherhood

  Dorom, Colonel – A Menin officer

  Ebarn, Fei – A battle-mage from Narkang

  Echer, High Cardinal – Deceased Farlan cleric and leader of the cardinal branch of the Cult of Nartis

  Ehla – The name Lord Isak is permitted to use for the witch of Llehden

  Eleil, Cardinal Luth – Deceased priest of Ilit from Ismess, member of the Knights of the Temples, former head of the Serian in the Circle City, then deputy of the Devout Congress

  Endine, Tomal – Narkang mage in the employ of King Emin

  Escral, Duchess Natai – Ruler of the Byora quarter of the Circle City

  Escral, Duke Ganas – Deceased husband of Natai Escral

  Etesia – Goddess of Lust, one of the three linked Goddesses – with Triena, Goddess of Romantic Love, and Kantay, Goddess of Longing – who together cover all the aspects of love

  Farlan, Prince Kasi – Farlan prince during the Great War, in whose image white-eyes were created and after whom the lesser moon was named

  Farray, Sepesian – Vanach Commissar of the Fourth Enlightenment

  Fate – Deceased Goddess of Luck, also known as the Lady, killed by Aracnan

  Fernal – a Demi-God living in Llehden, son of Nartis and nominated by Isak to be his successor as Lord of the Farlan

  Fershin, Horman – Farlan wagon-driver, father to Lord Isak

  Firnin, Camba – Specialist mage from Narkang

  Firrin – A member of the Brotherhood

  Fordan, Suzerain Leren – Farlan nobleman, died at the Battle of Chir Plains

  Fordan, Suzerain Karad – Farlan nobleman, son of Leren Fordan

  Forrow, Ame – A member of the Brotherhood and Coran’s replacement as King Emin’s bodyguard

  Frost – Nickname of a Menin nobleman

  Fynner, Chaplain – Priest of Nartis from Lomin and chaplain of the Knights of the Temples

  Galasara – Elven poet from before the Great War

  Garalden, Sergeant – Soldier in charge of a squad in King Emin’s Narkang Army.

  Garash, High Priest Kel – Priest of Belarannar from Narkang, member of the Knights of the Temples and head of the Devout Congress

  Gaur, General – Beastman warrior from the Waste, former commander of the Third Army and most trusted aide of the former Menin lord

  Genedel – A dragon

  Gesh – Litse white eye, Chosen of Ilit and Krann to Lord Celao, First Guardian of the Library of Seasons

  Gittin, Colonel – Officer of the Knights of the Temples from Mustet

  Gort, General Jebehl – Deceased general of the Knights of the Temples and member of its ruling council

  Govin, Keyt – Menin mage, adept of Larat and part of Larim’s coterie

  Grast, Deverk – Infamous former Lord of the Menin

  Grisat – Mercenary-turned-penitent of Ushull in the Circle City

  Haysh (The Steel Dancer) – Aspect of Karkarn, one of several Aspects linked to a specific style of fighting taught in training temples prevalent among the Menin

  Hesh, Isalail – Litse boy, son of a carpenter in Byora

  Hirta – Female member of the Brotherhood

  Holtai, Tasseran – Narkang mage and scryer

  Horotain, Priesan – Vanach Commissar of the Fifth Enlightenment and member of the Sanctum

  Horshen, Commissar – Vanach commissar of the Second Enlightenment

  Hulf – Dog belonging to Isak

  Ifarana – Goddess of Life and once member of the Upper Circle of the Pantheon until falling at the Last Battle

  Ileil, Child Soisa – Litse inhabitant of Byora and follower of Ruhen

  Ilit – God of the Wind, patron of the Litse tribe and member of the Upper Circle of the Pantheon

  Ilumene – A former member of the Brotherhood, now disciple of Azaer

  Introl, Tila – Deceased Farlan political advisor to the Lords Isak and Fernal; fiancée of Count Vesna

  Isak – Deceased white-eye, former Lord of the Farlan, Duke of Tirah and Chosen of Nartis

  Istelian, Child – Byoran member of Ruhen’s Children

  Jachen, (Major Jachen Ansayl) – Commander of Lord Isak’s personal guard, former mercenary

  Jackdaw (Prior Corci) – Former monk of Vellern

  Jailer of the Dark – Dragon that fought the Gods during the Age of Myths and lost. Too powerful for them to completely kill, it was chained to the doorway to Death’s throne room on the lower slope of Ghain

  Jeil – Farlan ranger assigned to Lord Isak’s Personal Guard

  Jesters, the – Fou
r brothers, sons of Death, all Demi-Gods and Raylin mercenaries

  Kadin, Major Sessero – Officer of the Knights of the Temples

  Kantay – Goddess of Longing, one of the linked Goddesses – with Etesia, Goddess of Lust and Triena, Goddess of Romantic Love – who together cover all the aspects of love, sometimes referred to as Queen of the Unrequited

  Kao – Berserker Aspect of Karkarn

  Karkarn – God of War, patron of the Menin tribe and member of the Upper Circle of the Pantheon

  Kayel, Sergeant Hener – The alias used by Ilumene in the Circle City

  Kervar, Quartermaster-General Pelay – Farlan Quartermaster-General of the Farlan Army

  Kestis, Commissar – Vanach Commissar of the Third Enlightenment

  Kirl, Horsemistress Lay – Deceased Menin auxiliary, attached to the Cheme Third Legion

  Kitar – Goddess of Harvest and Fertility, member of the Upper Circle of the Pantheon

  Kosotern, Captain – Member of the Knights of the Temples from Mustet

  Koteer – Demi-God and eldest brother of the Jesters, a son of Death

  Lahk, General – Farlan white-eye, commander of the forces in Tirah and a marshal of the Tirah-Tebran border district

  Larassa – Deceased Farlan caravan driver, mother of Isak Stormcaller

  Larat – God of Magic & Manipulation, member of the Upper Circle of the Pantheon

  Larim, Lord Shotein – Menin white eye mage, Lord of the Hidden Tower and Chosen of Larat Legana– Farlan Mortal-Aspect of the Lady, formerly a devotee and former agent of Chief Steward LesarlLehm, Suzerain Preter – Farlan nobleman

  Lesarl, Chief Steward Fordan – Principal advisor to the Lord of the Farlan Leshi – Farlan Ascetite soldier, attached to Lord Isak’s Personal GuardLitania (the Trickster) – Aspect of Larat

  Lomin, Duchess Feya – Deceased Farlan noblewoman, wife of Koren Lomin, mother to Duke Karlat Certinse, sister to Cardinal Certinse, Knight-Cardinal Certinse and Suzerain Tildek

  Lomin, Duke Koren – Deceased Farlan nobleman and former ruler of Lomin

  Lomin, Duke Belir Ankremer – Farlan nobleman and ruler of Lomin, bastard of the previous duke

  Lopir, General – Narkang general

  Luerce – Byoran, first among Ruhen’s Children

  Macove, Count Perel – Farlan nobleman and member of the Brethren of the Sacred Teachings

  Malich, Cheliss – Deceased mage from Embere who led the expedition to Castle Keriabral, father of Cordein Malich and tutor to Morghien

  Malich, Cordein – Deceased necromancer from Embere

  Maram Boatman – The mysterious entity that patrols the River Maram between Ghain and the home of daemons, Ghenna

  Marn (ab Codor ab Veir) – A Harlequin

  Mekir, Count Terman – Farlan nobleman from Lomin

  Menax, Sergeant – Menin sergeant commanding Amber’s guards

  Mihn (ab Netren ab Felith) – Failed Harlequin, now Lord Isak’s bodyguard and dubbed ‘The Grave Thief’ by the witch of Llehden

  Morghien – A drifter of Embere descent, known as the man of many spirits

  Nai – Former acolyte to the deceased necromancer Isherin Purn

  Nartis – God of the Night, Storms and Hunters. Patron of the Farlan tribe and member of the Upper Circle of the Pantheon

  Nostil, Prince Velere – Aryn Bwr’s heir, first owner of the Skull of Ruling, assassinated during the Great War

  Nyphal – Goddess of Travellers

  Osir, High Priest Beras – High Priest of Death and member of the Ruling Council of the Knights of the Temples

  Ozhern – Undead mercenary, leader of the Legion of the Damned

  Peness – Mage from the Byora quarter of the Circle City

  Perforren, Captain Halier – Farlan officer of the Knights of the Temples, aide to the Knight-Cardinal

  Pettir, Swordmaster Korpel – Farlan soldier who succeeded Swordmaster Kerin as Commander of the Swordmasters and Knight-Defender of Tirah

  Purn, Isherin – Deceased Menin necromancer, once apprenticed to Cordein Malich

  Rojak – Deceased minstrel originally from Embere who died in Scree only to reappear in Venn’s shadow, first among Azaer’s disciples

  Ruhen – The name taken by Azaer as a mortal

  Saranay – Agent of Ilumene’s and servant of Azaer

  Saroc, Suzerain Fir – Farlan nobleman and member of the Brethren of the Sacred Teachings

  Saroc, Scion Intonay – Farlan nobleman, teenage heir of Suzerain Saroc

  Sebe (Sebetin) – Deceased member of the Brotherhood, also the name Isak uses when in Vanach

  Sechach, High Priest Usech – High Priest of Tsatach and member of the Ruling Council of the Knights of the Temples

  Seliasei – Minor Aspect of Vasle that now inhabits Morghien

  Shanas – Young devotee of the Lady from south of Aroth

  Shanatin, Witchfinder Otei – Member of the Knights of the Temples from Akell and servant of Azaer

  Shinir – Farlan Ascetite agent attached to Lord Isak’s Personal Guard

  Shotir – God of Healing and Forgiveness.

  Soldier, the – One of the five Aspects of Death known as the Reapers

  Sorolis, Priesan Estess – Vanach Commissar of the Fifth Enlightenment, Anointed First of the Sanctum and effective ruler of Vanach

  Sourl, Cardinal – Ruler of the Akell quarter of the Circle City and member of Ruling Council the Knights of the Temples

  Scion Kohrad – Deceased Menin white-eye, son of the former lord

  Duke – Menin white-eye, former Lord of the Menin

  Marsay – stillborn younger sister of Major Amber

  Tachan, Captain Choes – Member of the Knights of the Temples originally from Lochet

  Tebran, Suzerain Kehed – Deceased Farlan nobleman

  Tebran, Scion Pannar – Farlan nobleman, son of Kehed Tebran

  Thonal, King Emin – King of Narkang and the Three Cities

  Thonal, Gennay – Deceased elder sister of King Emin

  Thonal, Queen Oterness – Queen of Narkang and the Three Cities

  Thonal, Prince Sebetin – Son of King Emin and Queen Oterness

  Tillen, Captain – Officer of the Knights of the Temples

  Timonas, Sergeant – Witchfinder of the Knights of the Temples from Akell

  Tiniq – Farlan ranger and General Lahk’s twin brother, member of Lord Isak’s personal guard

  Torl, Suzerain Karn – Farlan nobleman and member of the Brethren of the Sacred Teachings

  Tremal, Harlo – Member of the Brotherhood

  Triena – Goddess of Romantic Love and Fidelity, one of the three linked Goddesses – with Etesia, Goddess of Lust and Kantay, Goddess of Longing – who together cover all the aspects of love

  Tsatach – God of Fire and the Sun, patron of the Chetse tribe and member of the Upper Circle of the Pantheon

  Vasle – God of Rivers and Inland Seas

  Veil, Arin – Member of the Brotherhood

  Vener, General Telith – Member of the Knights of the Temples and ruler of Raland

  Venn (ab Teier ab Pirc) – Former Harlequin, now disciple of Azaer

  Verliq, Arasay – Celebrated mage and academic, killed by the last Menin lord

  Vesna, Evanelial – Farlan soldier and Mortal-Aspect of Karkarn called the Iron General, once Count of Anvee

  Vrerr, Duke Sarole – Ruler of Tor Milist

  Vres, Heser – Village headman in Tarafain

  Vrest – God of the Beasts and member of the Upper Circle of the Pantheon, formerly an Aspect of Veren before Veren’s death

  Vrill, Duke Anote – Menin white-eye general

  Vukotic, Princess Araia – Second of the Vukotic children, cursed with vampirism after the Last Battle

  Vukotic, Price Feneyaz – Third of the Vukotic children, cursed with vampirism after the Last Battle

  Vukotic, Prince Koezh – Ruler of the Vukotic tribe, cursed with vampirism after the Last Battle

, King Manayaz – Former ruler of the Vukotic tribe and ally of Aryn Bwr who died during the Great War

  Vukotic, Prince Vorizh – Fourth of the Vukotic children, cursed with vampirism after the Last Battle and subsequently driven insane

  Vukotic, Princess Zhia – Youngest of the Vukotic family, cursed with vampirism after the Last Battle

  Wentersorn, Edelay – Mercenary battle-mage from Akell

  Wither Queen, the – One of the five Aspects of Death known as the Reapers

  Xeliath – Deceased Yeetatchen white-eye intended to be Isak’s queen, who had the Skull of Dreams fused to her hand

  Yokar, Commissar – Vanach Commissar of the First Enlightenment



  Copyright © Tom Lloyd 2014

  The Stormcaller Copyright © Tom Lloyd-Williams 2006

  The Twilight Herald Copyright © Tom Lloyd-Williams 2007

  The Grave Thief Copyright © Tom Lloyd-Williams 2008

  The Ragged Man Copyright © Tom Lloyd-Williams 2010

  The Dusk Watchman Copyright © Tom Lloyd-Williams 2012

  The God Tattoo Copyright © Tom Lloyd-Williams 2013

  All rights reserved.

  The right of Tom Lloyd-Williams to be identified as the author of

  this work has been asserted byhim in accordance with the

  copyright, designs and patents act 1988.

  This eBook first published in Great Britain in 2014 by Gollancz.

  The Orion Publishing Group Ltd

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  An Hachette UK Company

  A CIP catalogue record for this book

  is available from British Library.

  eISBN : 978 1 473 20673 1

  All characters and events in this publication are fictitious and any resemblance to real persons,living or dead, is purely coincidental.

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