A Kiss With Death

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A Kiss With Death Page 8

by Frances Hoelsema

  Laura proceeded to write a few things on the whiteboard for the class to copy. Pointing to her text, she said, “Remember these points. They’ll get you far on the test next week. And as always, I’m more than willing to spend time tutoring you, if you think you need it. Any questions?”

  She looked at her students in the room. No one raised a hand. “Good. Now before you leave, please turn in your homework assignments.”

  The bell chimed, and everyone started packing their things up.

  “Have a good weekend, everyone!”

  A few people responded, but most were in a hurry to leave.

  Laura took a seat at her desk. Student after student stopped by to drop off their homework. She saw the stack pile higher and higher. She was going to be busy, if she wanted these done by Monday.

  “Hey, Ms. Keaton.”

  Laura looked up. It was Cassie, one of her favorite students. One of the few who actually enjoyed the class and took it seriously. Others only saw it as a means to complete their degrees. Cassie wanted to be here.

  “Oh, hi, Cassie.” She smiled at her.

  “I was just wondering if we’re still on for tonight?”

  She nodded her head. “Yes, absolutely.”

  “Great. Thanks!” Cassie’s thin lips curled upward as she dropped off her homework and headed out.

  Again, Laura looked at the stack in front of her. Now was as good a time as any to start correcting them. She grabbed a handful and looked at the top one. She hadn’t gotten very far when she noticed someone still sitting at their desk. And not just anyone. Parker.

  He sat back in his seat, relaxed. In his right hand he held a pencil that he tapped rhythmically on his desk. His eyes were transfixed on her.

  What on earth does he want now?

  She lowered her head to pretend she was going to start grading papers. She didn’t want to give him the illusion that she cared. But she did have to get him out of there. There was no reason for him to stay. Though irritated, she did her best to sound pleasant. “What can I do for you, Parker?” She drew a few pen marks on the paper before her to add to her charade.

  “What can you do for me? Now that’s a good question.”

  She rolled her eyes.

  The sounds of his shuffling feet grew closer and closer. Laura looked up at him and plastered on a fake smile. “And do you have a good answer?”

  “Well, you see, I need your help.” Parker leaned on her desk with his fists as support. His smile was suggestive.

  Again, trying to feign busyness, she looked at her stack of homework. “You mean, you’d like some tutoring?”

  “If you want to call it that.”

  Putting her pen down, she looked at him sternly. “Parker, I’m not going to play games with you. What’s going on?”

  “Ms. Keaton, you know I need to pass this class, and, well, I’m not exactly doing a great job of that, now am I?”

  “And whose fault would that be?”

  Parker raised his hands from her desk in surrender. “I know. I know. I’m to blame. But that’s why I’m asking for you to help.”

  Really? Is he being serious? Finally!

  Laura got up from her desk and came alongside him. “That’s great. I’d be more than willing to help you prepare for this test. And after that, we can prep you for the exam. I think with the right tools you can do well enough to pass.”

  There was a twinkle in his eye as he smiled. Laura saw him look her body over. It was short and discreet, but she saw, nonetheless.

  “Did I tell you that you look nice today, Ms. Keaton?”

  Not wanting to spur him on, she politely thanked him and asked if that would be all.

  He didn’t hear her question. He instead said, “I like when you wear skirts. You have some nice legs.”

  She started to scold him with her finger. Poking into his chest, she snapped, “Parker! You have to drop that act. To get anywhere in this class, you need to start focusing on your work, not on trying to get in my pants!” Laura could feel her blood boiling.

  Parker closed the gap that had been between the two of them. He put his hand gently onto her face and caressed her cheek. Sweetly, he said, “It’s so hard to do that, though, when I’ve got a hot teacher like you.”

  In a heartbeat, she yanked his arm away from her and hurried to the other side of her desk, trying to look distracted. She hoped no one had seen them.

  “Do I need to drop you from the class?” she asked adamantly.


  “Do I need to drop you from the class?” she repeated.

  Parker’s shoulders slumped. “No. Sorry.” He raised his arms in surrender. “I’ll try to behave from now on.”

  Laura straightened herself out. “Good. Now go and study. We’ll figure something out about getting the help you need.”

  “Yes, Ms. Keaton,” he saluted. An impish grin covered his face before he turned to leave.

  She exhaled, not fully realizing she had been holding her breath in. How could she have let that happen? If she were caught, her career could be over! Goodbye to becoming the next dean!

  Taking a seat, she put her head into her hands. She could feel a panic attack coming on and so tried her best to calm down. Meanwhile, she whispered prayers that no one had seen.

  * * *

  But Cassie did see.

  Cassie Seaver was in her third year at Capstone University; very close to graduating with a major in forensics. There was just something about solving a puzzle that she found enticing. When her aunt had suggested she check into the programs offered at Capstone, sheer excitement didn’t begin to explain that this was where she had to go. Thankfully, with her grades and determination, getting accepted was never a problem.

  Science was a huge thing for her. It didn’t always come easy, but it was always fascinating. And never had she had a teacher like Ms. Keaton. Of course, she was a little biased having had a personal relationship with her prior to the start of class. But the way she presented the material was intriguing. She explained things in a way that made complete sense. Offering tutoring services was a bonus. How she had lucked out was beyond her. But she was glad she did.

  There were only a few weeks left of class. Knowing all that was left was a test and the final exam was a double-edged sword. On one hand, she was one more class closer to getting her degree and using her skills and knowledge out in the real world. However, that also meant she wouldn’t be in Ms. Keaton’s class anymore.

  Walking out of the room today, after Ms. Keaton had agreed to still meet up with her, she felt on top of the world. But how quickly things changed.

  When she had gotten to her car, a cool breeze pierced her skin, reminding her that she had left her sweater back up in the classroom. So, she put her things inside and made her way back into the school. As she approached, she could hear Ms. Keaton talking with someone. A male.

  One quick step into the doorway told her more than enough. Parker and Ms. Keaton were close. Closer than a teacher should be with her student. And his hand was on her.

  She couldn’t believe it! Her favorite teacher and the man she had the hugest crush on. The man Ms. Keaton knew she liked. Her eyes began to water. If she didn’t get out of there fast, there was no doubt someone would catch her crying. Over what? Something so stupid.

  She felt stupid.

  With her head lowered, she ran out of the building. Forget that cute, expensive sweater of hers that she had gotten for her birthday. Forget Parker and his ruggedly handsome looks and tantalizing charms. Forget Ms. Keaton and her supposedly friendly and helpful demeanor.

  Someone noticed Cassie and asked if she was okay. But she didn’t answer. She just wiped a tear and kept walking along. She could not get to her vehicle fast enough.

  Safe in her silver, old, beater car, she placed her head in her hands and cried. Ms. Keaton knew she had feelings for Parker. How could she stab her in the back like that? And why did Parker have to be such a player?

e slammed her fist into the steering wheel. “Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!”

  How could she be so stupid?

  Her tantrum over, she buckled herself in and started the ignition. Squealing out of the parking lot, she fumbled for her phone that was inside her bag. It was time to dial the only one she knew would understand.

  * * *

  Marissa lay in bed, snuggled up to her boyfriend, one arm stretched over his chest. Garrett lightly tickled the exposed arm, causing goose bumps to form.

  She sweetly moaned. “I wish we could stay like this forever.” She nuzzled into him, smelling his woodsy cologne.

  His low voice mumbled. “I’ve still got fifteen minutes.”

  With a peck to her head, she smiled. She felt like the luckiest girl alive.

  The pleasant atmosphere was crudely ruined when Marissa’s phone started to ring an annoying rap song.

  “What is that?” Garrett remarked.

  “Oh, it’s my phone.” She started to reach over him to grab it from the nightstand.

  Garrett had other ideas. He attacked her armpits, causing her to fall backwards, shrieking with laughter.

  Marissa tried again, but he came at her more strongly. “Stop,” she laughed.

  “Okay. Fine.” He laid back, breaking her free from his tickling. But he didn’t go down without a fight. He playfully ruffled her dark hair, making it hard for her to see.

  She found the phone anyway and answered. “Hey, Cassie! What’s up?”

  Garrett mouthed the words, “Who’s Cassie?”

  She covered the mouthpiece of her phone and quietly answered. “My niece.”

  He slowly nodded once in understanding.

  “Wait, wait, wait. What’s going on?” Marissa sat up a bit straighter. She must have looked concerned for Garrett’s face was full of questioning. “I’m so sorry to hear that.”

  “What’s wrong?” he silently asked, to which she put up a finger to have him wait.

  “No, Laura would never do that. She’s happy with her boyfriend. I’m sure there’s some kind of mistake.”

  Again, Garrett questioned what was wrong.

  “Hang on, Cassie.” She put the phone down and whispered, “She walked in on a guy she likes putting the moves on her favorite teacher, who happens to be Laura. She’s devastated.”

  Garrett raised an eyebrow in disgust. “Really? That’s it?”


  “Tell her to grow up then. This stuff happens so she needs to get used to it. Tell her to move on.”

  “Shh!” she ordered. His voice had gotten louder with every word. In a way, Marissa understood his annoyance, but this was her niece. She hated for her niece to feel this way. After all, she knew what it was like to want someone who didn’t want her back. “She just needs to vent. That’s all. So, relax!”

  He put his hands up in surrender, sighing. “Well, I’m going to go.” He brushed her lips quickly with his own. “See you later?”

  Marissa nodded. She watched him slip on some boxers and a pair of dark jeans. He looked for his shirt for a second. Marissa pointed to it, and he quickly threw it on. Grabbing the rest of his things, he left. That wasn’t exactly how she had planned for him to leave.

  Bringing the phone back to her ear, she said, “Sorry about that, Cassie. I’m back.”

  For minutes, she listened to her niece ramble on and on about her feelings. Occasionally she’d offer a piece of advice or word of encouragement. She for sure didn’t want her best friend, Laura, getting blamed so she made sure to express her innocence repeatedly.

  When it appeared she was listening and calming down, Marissa asked, “You going to be okay?”

  All was good now. Marissa was glad she could help. “You’re welcome. You can call anytime.” She then hung up. She stared at her phone for a minute and then threw her back against the bed and hit the pillow.

  The first thought that hit her was that she was going to have to talk with Laura tomorrow at Zumba class about being more careful.



  lever, she thought. She would have laughed if it were something another teacher brought up. But there was something about it being on a piece of homework from a student in her class that made it not so funny. Whatsoever.

  With her red ink pen, Laura marked ‘Nice Try’ in big letters over the smart-aleck response. Clearly this would count against him. And from the looks of it, a lot of things were counting against him on this piece of homework.

  Laura’s stomach began to gurgle. Looking at the clock, it was time to eat. But first, she wanted to get a workout in at the school’s fitness room and pool. One of the perks of being a professor at Capstone University was free use of both facilities, and Laura made sure to take advantage of that as often as she could.

  To pacify her hunger pains, she packed up the rest of the homework that she would grade at home. She cleaned up the room a little. Noticing Cassie’s sweater, she picked it up and brought it with her for when they met later. Laura turned the lights off and closed the door to her classroom. She then headed for the cafeteria to find a snack from the vending machine.

  It was quiet. Friday evenings usually were. Everyone was quick to get home, or at least get away from the school. The cafeteria reflected that. No one was there but a lone janitor finishing wiping a table.

  At the vending machine, Laura browsed the options. She wanted something that would be somewhat healthy. Nothing that would drag her down. A protein bar was the best she could find. Not something she would typically choose, as they all tasted like chalk, but it would suffice.

  On her way out, her eyes connected with that of the janitor’s. She waved quickly and smiled. He smiled in return, bringing his cart to the nearest trash can.

  Laura stepped outside to put her school stuff in the car as she ate the bar. Just like the inside, the outdoors was relatively quiet. There were a few vehicles parked here and there, mostly other teachers from what she could tell. She remembered the days when she could hardly wait to get away from school on a Friday. She, too, at one point would act like school was the plague and hightail it out of there as soon as the last bell rang. Now it didn’t matter so much. She’d rather stay at school grading papers than take them home.

  Grabbing her duffle bag, she went back into the building and walked down the hall to the other end. She hoped the gym and pool would be all to herself like most of the other areas were. It made her more comfortable knowing she’d have privacy, and usually on Fridays at this hour she got her wish.

  She found a locker toward the back wall and started slipping out of her skirt. Rummaging through her bag, she found her black shorts that had a pink stripe down the sides. There was also a tiny slit at the bottom of the stripes. These were her favorite shorts to work out in. They were comfortable and allowed for easy movement. Also, it matched her sports bra that she packed today. After strapping her phone to her upper left arm, she looked through her bag for a small sweat towel and water bottle. Out the door she headed, first filling her bottle, and then entering the workout room. She had her eyes set on one of the treadmills, all of which were unused. The whole place was vacant. She got her wish.

  Finding the TV remote, Laura flipped the TV on to a news channel. She wanted to catch the weather and some of the latest headlines. Rumor had it there was going to be a piece on her boyfriend’s company.

  Laura got on the treadmill closest to the wall. She started on a two and gradually worked her way up to a six. She was in the mood for a good run. She continued to run at this pace for over two miles. Through some of the traffic reports. Passed the weather for the upcoming week. Beyond the segment that discussed some of the latest in entertainment.

  The news of her boyfriend’s company finally came on. She slowed the speed down so she could hear what the broadcaster had to say, even though Connor already told her more than the general public knew. That didn’t keep her from smiling. She was proud of him and the hard work he was putting into the company
. She knew the merger was going to be great for the economy here in Crimson Shores.

  As soon as a commercial came on, Laura called it quits. She wiped a bit of sweat off her forehead with her towel and took a long drink of water, refreshing her muscles and quenching her thirst. She had a keen sense someone was watching her, but no one was there. She hadn’t seen anyone come or go the entire time. Shaking the feeling off, she did a few stretches. Then she checked her phone. She had recently downloaded this new workout app that offered unique insight into exercise sessions. She was curious if it worked or not. Satisfied with what she saw, she put it away. Now it was time for the pool.

  Back in the locker room, she slipped out of her workout clothes and got out her bathing suit. This suit was a far cry from the one she wore with Connor in the hot tub almost two weeks ago. That amazing night flashed through her mind as she put one leg after another into the black one piece. Even though it had a zipper up the front that didn’t close all the way, it was still something way more conservative than the little pink number she wore for her boyfriend.

  To her delight, the pool was just as lonely as the gym. Laura walked all the way to the deep end and dived right in. The temperature pierced her at first, but it didn’t take long for her to get used to it. Free styling her way from end to end helped. Doing this workout felt good. She needed to exercise these muscles at the end of a school week, especially when she didn’t do much of anything any of the other days.

  This was also a good way to clear her head. For the most part, it was empty. Hearing about her boyfriend certainly helped. But there was one nagging thing left behind. It was like cobwebs still present in a room that had been moved out of and swept clean.

  Parker Manscotti.

  Laura wished she could get him out of her head. But it was a little hard to do that when he pulled the stunt he did earlier today. What probably bugged her most about him was that he reminded her of someone she once knew. Someone else who thought they were God’s gift to women. Someone else who truly believed they could have whoever they wanted, whenever they wanted. One who violated her rights. Who ruined her. Who made her spend countless hours on therapy, and who knows how much money on prescription pills. All for what? To feel semi-normal again? To be able to dare get close enough to another man?


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