Cowboy Save Me: By Judith Lee (Tiller Brothers Book 1)

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Cowboy Save Me: By Judith Lee (Tiller Brothers Book 1) Page 9

by Lee, Judith

  “Howdy ma’am,”

  She glanced over at Tammy and her smile disappeared.

  “This is Tammy, Cody Tiller’s girlfriend; I’m just returning her to him.”

  The smile was back on. “Nice to meet you Tammy, I’m Georgia Cooper.” She looked back at Dakota.

  “I’m Dakota Tiller. You already ride the barrels?”

  “Yeah, not so good today but the competition was tough.”

  They stood looking at each other. Tammy whispered in his ear, “I’ll just leave you here to get to know Georgia while I go find Cody.”

  He snapped his attention back to Tammy, “Oh no, I got ya.”

  As they started off, Dakota yelled back over his shoulder to Georgia, “Come watch me ride the bulls. Its next up and when I get done, I’ll buy you a beer because my competition is going to be pretty tough today too, and we can commiserate together.”

  “We’ll see,” she yelled back at him as she turned the corner and headed toward the exhibitors parking lot.

  “So that line works, huh? You better not go getting bucked off your bull just to get to have an early beer with her. You have a family tradition to uphold.”

  “Yeah, yeah, smarty pants. She’ll wait for me, even if I keep winning. The bull riders get all the best chicks. Too bad you didn’t meet me first.”

  She punched him in the arm. “Horny cowboy and your adrenaline is not even pumping yet.”

  They bantered back and forth until she got to Cody. He had his buckle and check in one hand and he held out his other hand to her. She slipped her fingers into his big hand and he threaded his fingers through hers. He swept down to give her a quick kiss. He handed the buckle and check to Matt and asked him to hold it for him.

  He pulled her over to the line where the bronc riders were signing autographs. Lots of women crowded into his line but none of them threw themselves at him as he had his left arm wrapped around Tammy’s waist. He signed anything but if they wanted a booby autograph he pulled out a program and signed it and gave it to them.

  A few pouted their sexy red lips at him, and he said, “Sorry, I’m already taken.”

  Tammy was caught up in the excitement and she was smiling from ear to ear.

  “Honey, after I get done here, we’ll go up and meet your parents. I’ll leave you with them and my family, and I’ll go get a quick shower. I’ll be back in time to watch Dakota. He’s one of the last riders, and then we’ll go eat at the VIP tent my sponsors have set up. Hell, we might need to make a quick stop there before we go back to watch Dakota. You must be starved. I know I am, but not necessarily for food.”

  He looked at her with desire. His skin was lightly flushed, and his eyes were wide. If she didn’t know what he had just gone through and the side effect of the adrenaline she would have suspected he was on drugs. His eyes were gleaming and his pupils were enlarged.

  After the signing, he pulled her toward the back stairs. There was a hallway that led to the medical care center and he pulled her into it out of the bright sunlight. He swung her against the wall and devoured her lips. She couldn’t help but rock her hips as he pushed his hard erection into her woman’s core. They both heard a door slam at the end of the hall and he pulled away from her.

  “Soon…this night’s events can’t end soon enough for me.”

  He grabbed her hand and pulled her back outside. After stopping and shaking a few hands at the VIP tent and grabbing a few beers, they headed up the stairs to meet her parents. They said they were going to head back soon and they seemed to like him. Good thing she thought.

  Mr. Anderson shook Cody’s hand and leaned in closer to talk to him.

  “I didn’t want to bring her back with that crazy bastard Marcus still on the run, but she promised me you would protect her. I’m reluctantly handing her over into your care. I do believe you can beat the shit out of Marcus if he gets near her, but you have to worry about Tammy. She is so stubborn and independent sometimes and occasionally doesn’t use a lick of common sense,” he glared at his daughter.

  “Don’t let her tell you she can protect herself. You didn’t see how bad he wounded her, both mentally and physically. He broke almost every bone in her body and she was covered in bruises. To this day, I do not know how she survived. It looked like she had been run over by a truck. She was so frail and barely hung on to life for over a week before she gained consciousness. I’m afraid for her. Take good care of her young man.” He kissed Tammy and they left.

  “My dad’s a little zealous when it comes to protecting me. He’ll never forget how I looked. At least I was unconscious for most of it.”

  “We just want to protect you, darlin’.” She watched him scan the crowd. She looked around the stands too. Marcus wouldn’t know she was here so she wasn’t really worried.

  “I’m gonna go take that shower. I’ll be back before you finish that beer. Please stay here and wait for me.”

  She nodded her head in the affirmative and he kissed her on her nose. He pulled her cowgirl hat down lower over her forehead.

  “Don’t want you sunburned.” And he left.


  He watched her talking with Jenny and Matt as he walked up the steps to sit with them. It felt good having her surrounded by his family. He had just gotten off the phone with his parents. His mom had cried and his dad seemed mighty proud. His voice was stronger than when he had talked to him this morning. Of course he wished he could have been there. He had reassured his dad that he was making the right decision. Hell he was nearing the 30 year mark and the one thing Cody never wanted to do was ride until he’d beaten his body up so much he wouldn’t enjoy returning to the ranch. He was leaving strong and healthy and with no regrets, which sent his mother into tears again. He told them Tammy was back and he was taking her back to Gillette. His mom asked if she was going to be living at the ranch.

  “If I can talk her into it, I’ll bring her back to the ranch, but if she is too stubborn, one of us is going to be guarding her at all times.”

  “Let me know how Dakota does. Fox Sports is covering the rodeo but the broadcast is delayed by an hour.”

  “Will do dad. You take care. I love you both so much.”

  “Love you, too, son. We’re so proud of you.”

  And Cody hung up.

  He sat down next to Tammy. She smiled up at him and leaned in to smell him and run her fingers over the snaps of his clean shirt.

  “Oh I like…you smell nice and these snaps are going to be very interesting to play with later.”

  He playfully pinched her arm. “Easy there woman or we’re leaving right now.”

  “Okay.” She looked up into his eyes with the same desire written all over her face.

  Cody was leaning down to kiss her when he was taped on the shoulder. Fox Sports Network announcer, Gabriella Parker, was holding the mike to him and the camera man was behind her shoulder.

  “Cody, sorry to interrupt, but can I get a quick interview while we’re waiting to start the bull riding event?”

  “Sure Gabriella. This is Tammy Anderson, by the way. Tammy you’re meeting one of the most famous rodeo announcers in the business.”

  They shook hands and she asked the camera man if he was ready. He told her he was checking the white balance and it would just take a sec.

  “So looks like this little Filly has finally taken down the toughest bronc rider in the world.”

  “Something like that.” He put his arm around Tammy’s waist, and slipped his fingers inside the back of her jeans caressing the bare skin above what felt like silk lace panties. He turned to look at Tammy and whispered for her ears only, “I’m excited I get to remove your panties myself.” Tammy blushed.

  “You know Tammy I have seen a lot of cowboys pawing all over the ladies who flock to the rodeos but I have never seen Cody this possessive with anyone before. Take good care of him. The girls are going to miss this cowboy.”

  The camera man indicated he was ready and the red light went
on. Gabriella sat next to Cody so she could be in the close up shot.

  “We’re here tonight with Cody Tiller from Gillette, Wyoming, who has just won the bronc saddle riding contest. I want to congratulate you on your fine ride tonight. You have certainly been on a winning streak, but how does it feel to go out at the very top of your game?”

  “Thank you, Gabriella. That’s always been my goal. Not every cowboy gets to end his rodeo career that way. Most of us end up with a bad injury and we’re forced out before we’re ready to hang up our spurs. I was lucky that this is just how I wanted it to end.”

  “We also heard that your father, Josh Tiller, long time steer roping champion, has been ill and our people at Fox Sports and his fans want to wish him a speedy recovery.”

  “Thank you, ma’am. We’d sure appreciate your prayers. He’s watching tonight and I know he really wanted to be here. I talked with him on the phone a few minutes ago and we are all positive this is just a little set-back for him.”

  “I know your brother Dakota is also heavily favored in the bull riding contest tonight. How do you think he’ll do?”

  “Of course, it all depends on the bull. He drew a tough one, Super Fort Knox, but that’s how you get the big scores. You ride the meanest bulls and you stay on for eight seconds. Sometimes you win and sometimes the bull wins. It’s never the competition with the other riders. If he does his best, and stays on for the count, the scores will take care of themselves. Dakota’s got a good attitude and he won’t go down without a good fight.”

  “Congratulations also to your brother, Cameron, who got third in yesterday’s steer roping contest with his new partner Sam Brown.”

  “Yeah, our family is having a good run here at Cheyenne Frontier Days and we appreciate all the support of the fans that make this one of the best rodeos in the world.”

  “Just one more thing, did I hear you have a little brother, Matt, who is following in your footsteps at the University of Wyoming, and he’s going to be on the Wyoming Rodeo Club?”

  “Yeah, he’s the last one. Looks like we’ll be taking lots of trips to UW and to all the other collegiate sights to see him compete.”

  “Thank you Cody for this interview. It’s nice to see the tradition of rodeo so strong in one family, and again we wish your dad the best.”

  The lights went out, and they shook hands and they left.

  He turned back to Tammy, and she was beaming.

  “You did good. You were so professional.”

  “I’ve had a lot of practice but I’m glad this is my last one. Now I can pay attention to you and we can watch Dakota.” He took her hand in his and kissed her forehead. He was afraid if he started kissing her again, they would have to leave before Dakota was finished.

  Dakota made it into the finals. Jared also made it into the finals and Jenny was grinning. Cody looked at her and shook his head.

  He leaned over to whisper to her, “Remember what we talked about. The calvary is here if you need us.”

  She swatted Cody on the arm. “Back off brother. This has just been such a great day. And I’ve really enjoyed sharing it with Tammy, too.”

  “Thanks for being here for me today. You feel the urge to start barrel racing or anything to carry on the family tradition?” he laughed.

  “Not on your life, my family tradition is just to be here to support you goofballs, and help you run the ranch, which I love doing. She hesitated before she continued, “Maybe now’s not a good time but I want to let you know I’m thinking of renting a condo on the edge of town, not far from the ranch. I think it’s about time I spread my wings a little and lived alone.”

  “Are you sure you are going to be living alone?” he raised his eye brows. “You know the ranch is as much your home as it is mine or your brothers.”

  “When I’m not working at the ranch, I’d like to live in town. My friends are there and it just feels like the grown up thing to do, at least for now.”

  “I’ll support whatever you want to do Jenny and if you need any extra cash above your salary all you have to do is ask. I’ve made a little extra money this last year and I can’t think of a thing I’d rather do with it then to support you if you needed help.”

  Jenny got tears in her eyes, and she looked over to Tammy who had been listening to the brother sister conversation. “Isn’t he the greatest guy in the world? Well unless he starts interfering in my love life.”

  “Ugh, remember I don’t want you to share any of those details with me.”

  Dakota ended up second and Jared got fourth, but when they returned to join the family they all went to the VIP lounge to get some free food and beer. Dakota brought Georgia along and he winked at Tammy as they walked in.

  “Remember the bull riders get all the pretty girls.” Cody just shook his head at his brother and told him he was full of shit.

  When Jared came in, Cody walked over to him. “I’m trusting you with my sister. If she ever says no, you better respect her wishes.” They glared at each other, and Jared put out his hand and Cody hesitated only briefly before he shook his hand. Both of them were trying to out grip each other until Jenny put her hand on top of their joined hands.

  “Enough testosterone tonight boys.”

  Jared dropped Cody’s hand and laced his fingers through Jenny’s hand and smiled at her.

  Cody rolled his eyes, and turned to look for Tammy who was still talking with one of his sponsors. This was the one that wanted him to use his name on some new spurs they were promoting. Probably trying to talk Tammy into getting him to agree to the venture.

  He reached for her hand and thanked everyone for a wonderful retirement party before he whisked her away toward the parking lot.

  Chapter Ten

  She was nervous as they walked to the truck. His arm was wrapped over her shoulder, her arm around his waist. He kept slipping his fingers down between her open jacket and gently caressing the top of her breasts just above her halter top. He didn’t look at her, just walked with unquestionable purpose. She peaked at him as they strolled quietly to the truck.

  He was such a good looking cowboy. He had broad shoulders and a muscular chest, his body narrowed at his waist and his low cut jeans hugged powerful hips and a tight butt. She thought he could be a cowboy model in a Wrangler commercial. Her heart had already started pounding and she was positive he could hear her heart beat.

  Was this what she wanted? Now was the time to stop if she had any doubts. She looked at him again and he looked at her and grinned, reassuring her. He seemed to know when she needed comfort or encouragement.

  No, I want this man with all my heart and she couldn’t wait. Her skin was already on fire from his touch.

  At the truck, he opened the passenger side door for her and flipped down the step. She raised her boot and stepped up. He stilled her hips with his hands and slowly turned her around. He threw his cowboy hat and hers in the back seat of the truck. Her mouth was now level with his and he took immediate advantage.

  His lips sealed on hers and she felt his tongue demand entrance. He bit her bottom lip and she opened her mouth and he surged in. This kiss wasn’t gentle; it was savage and all empowering. She whimpered and ran her fingers through his hair. He seemed emboldened by her submission. He cupped the back of her neck with one hand, kissing her senseless. His other hand quickly unbuttoned her jeans. He twisted his body so he could slide his fingers into the front of her jeans and down to her woman’s core. God, she was already so wet for him.

  The large door and his body blocked any onlookers from his actions.

  “Darlin’ I don’t think I can wait to get to the hotel. I want you hard and fast right now. This has been the longest day of my life,” he growled in a low husky voice as he moved to nibble her neck. Her fingers moved from his hair to the side of his face and to his neck as she caressed him.

  “I’m going to come if you don’t stop. I don’t want our first time to be in a truck.”

  He pulled back, breathing
hard and removed his hand from her clit. He brought his fingers to his nose and smelled, and then he put his fingers in his mouth and sucked.

  “You taste and smell so good, like sweet cream.” He didn’t make any move to release her as he looked into her eyes. His eyes were enormous and full of such raw hunger that she quit breathing and just stared at him. The powerful connection between them stunned them both.

  “Breath baby, I need you with me. Tell me you want me as much as I want you.”

  She shook her head yes.

  “Say it Tammy, I need to hear you say you to want me as much as I want you. I won’t hurt you, I promise.”

  A tear formed and slid down her cheek. His request was so urgent, she felt humbled by his need for her.

  “Yes, I want you, and I trust you. I know you won’t hurt me,” she purred in a low rasping voice.

  He softly kissed her tear away.

  Cody lifted her into the seat and put her seat belt on her, kissed her forehead and walked around to the side of the truck.

  “You want to go for a beer, or go dancing, or…”

  “Take me to your hotel.”

  “I’ve made progress since the last time I asked you this and you told me to walk you to your car.”

  “I also remember you threw in the dancing along the way, and some line about sunshine and fresh as…”

  “Alright smart mouth, but the truth is you are like a breath of fresh air and sunshine and it’s what attracted me to you. You aren’t phony and you don’t even know how very beautiful you are and let’s not even start to talk about those freckles that give me a hard on.”

  He reached over and grabbed her hand threading his fingers through hers.

  “Thank you for seeing more in me than I see in myself. You’ve given me confidence and courage I never thought I would find again.”


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