Cowboy Save Me: By Judith Lee (Tiller Brothers Book 1)

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Cowboy Save Me: By Judith Lee (Tiller Brothers Book 1) Page 11

by Lee, Judith

  “Is that him, Tammy?” the Sheriff asked.

  Tears were rolling down her eyes and she shook her head yes before she looked at the floor.

  “Cody, let’s go find Jenny and your brothers and make sure they are okay. I would just die if anything happened to them because of me.”

  “None of this is your fault Tammy. I’ll call Dakota and we’ll drop by Jenny’s room…it’s on the fifth floor.”

  The police said they would put a patrol car at the hotel, and post Marcus’s picture to the other officers.

  As they rode the elevator, Cody called Dakota.

  “Hey bro. Marcus is back and he painted ‘slut’ on our hotel room door. They got him doing it on the tape. Just wanted to have you check-in with Cameron and Matt for me. Tammy and I are on our way to Jenny’s room right now.”

  “I’ll be there in a minute.”

  “No, you don’t need to come.”

  “Hell, if I won’t; I’ll be there in a minute.”

  “Alright, good, meet us at Jenny’s room. After we check on her, we’re going to get something to eat and I’d like you to come as long as you’re getting up.”

  The elevator door opened and they walked to room 5205. Dakota came out of his door a few rooms down the hall, just zipping his pants on, with a shirt thrown over one shoulder.

  They knocked. Tammy gripped Cody’s hand tightly. Jared answered the door barefoot, with his jeans pulled up but not buttoned and hanging low on his hips exposing a little of his pubic hair, his chest was bare. Jenny appeared a few seconds later with a sheet wrapped around her naked body.

  Before Cody or Dakota could recover from their shock of Jared answering the door to their sister’s room, Tammy threw her arms around Jenny.

  “Oh, thank heavens, you’re okay. Jared thank God you were with her. Marcus is here and we are so worried. He targeted you before and I just was so afraid…” Tammy started crying again.

  Both brothers glared at Jared, but didn’t say anything. The tension rippled in waves off their bodies.

  “Get dressed, we’re going to get something to eat and we want you with us,” Cody demanded of Jenny.

  “Give us a minute and we’ll be right out,” the door slammed shut.

  Tammy put her arms around Cody and buried her head in his chest.

  “It’ll be okay, darlin’. We won’t let anything happen to you or Jenny.”

  He ran his hand over her hair and looked at Dakota.

  They looked at each other and saw determination in their eyes. There would be another time to beat the shit out of Jared.


  They all ate quietly. They didn’t order as much food ordered as Tammy had originally said she wanted. But it was surprisingly good considering all the stress that surrounded the people at the table.

  Dakota said, “I’ll follow you two home tomorrow and we’ll get Sheriff Roberts up to date on the latest events.”

  “Don’t you have a rodeo to head out to?”

  “Not for a few days. I was going to see if you needed any help with those colts for a few days before I headed out.”

  “Jenny can ride with me to the ranch,” Jared offered.

  Tammy thought Jared didn’t look intimidated by Jenny’s brothers who were burning holes into his hide.

  “Jared, I promised Matt I’d go with him to check out his new room at UW,” Jenny told him.

  Cody shook his head, “I’ll send Cameron to go check out the university with him since Cameron’s got a few days off too. I just wouldn’t feel right sending you to Laramie right now. My guess is that Marcus was stalking Tammy while she was in Laramie and he probably has a hideout there, or in the mountains nearby.”

  “Jenny, you can ride with me,” Dakota said as he glared at Jared.

  She shook her head at both her brothers. “If I’m going home, I’ll ride with Jared. I asked him to come help me pick out a condo, you know, like I talked to you about Cody.”

  “Now’s not the time to be going all independent on me with a lunatic on the run. Let’s catch this bastard and get him put back in jail, before you move out.”

  Cody was watching Tammy while he talked to Jenny and he was getting worried. Tammy looked lost. He could tell she was pulling back, going into her protective shell again. He could see her mind working and he remembered what her father had said about how stubborn she was and that she wanted to fight Marcus by herself. As soon as they got back to the room, he was going to tell her that she was moving out to the ranch. Period…no questions asked. He wasn’t going to be worrying about what could happen to her if she lived alone. However, he wisely decided to hold his discussion until they were alone.

  After they finished eating, Jenny turned to Cody and Dakota. She had that ‘I’m going to kick your ass’ look on her face.

  “Jared and I are going back to my room. He is perfectly capable of protecting me, and he will take me home in the morning. If you have a problem with that, I don’t give a damn.”

  She reached for Jared’s hand, and pulled him toward the door. He tipped his hat to her brothers.

  “Kind of growing up on us, isn’t she?” Dakota said. “Better let her sow her oats and hopefully she will wise up about that jackass and then we’re going to have to do some serious ass whipping. And look he didn’t even leave any money for the meal.”

  Both brothers chuckled. They tipped their coffee cups to each other.

  Cody turned to focus on Tammy. She was looking out the window with a far-away look in her eyes. He missed the woman she had been with him just a few hours ago. The life had gone out of her eyes and they were dull. He felt like he was losing her already. He wasn’t going to lose her without a fight.

  Tammy turned to Cody and said, “I want to go home. Can we leave right now? You know I won’t be able to sleep in this hotel...and I’m scared.” Her eyes looked haunted.

  “We can go now, darlin’…that okay with you Dakota?”

  They agreed to get their clothes and meet in the parking lot in about fifteen minutes.

  An hour into the drive, Tammy slept with her head against the window. Cody had covered her up with a wool blanket he always kept in the truck. He had a hard time concentrating on the road and he couldn’t quit looking at her. She looked little, frail, and so defeated even in sleep. Cody wanted to stop the truck and gather her in his arms and hold her, keep her warm. It was going to be a long night.

  At about fifteen minutes from Gillette, Cody reached over and rubbed Tammy’s shoulder. She slowly opened her eyes and sat up quickly looking around. She looked frightened. God, he hated to see her in pain.

  “I’m sorry, I forgot where I was. I’m okay. Are we almost home?”

  He reached over and held her hand and caressed her fingers. “Yes. We’ll head right to the ranch, and in the morning we can go over to your condo and get what you will need.” It wasn’t a question, but a declaration. He wasn’t letting her out of his sight.

  She had that stubborn look in her eyes, and she was shaking her head before she even started speaking. “I am not going to put your family in the headlights of my ex-husband.”

  “Tammy, do you really think Marcus would go up against me?”

  “But Cody…what if he has a gun?”

  “I have a gun, and I know how to use it but I don’t think Marcus would have been able to get a gun. From what you and your father have told me he’s just a bully who likes to use his fists on women, on my woman…” Cody gave her an unwavering look, “and if he were any kind of a man he would have already approached me. You’re his target. He only knows you as helpless woman who he thinks he can control with his fists and his threats. He doesn’t know that you’ve turned into a warrior who isn’t going to take shit from him anymore. But Tammy he is still dangerous.”

  Her eyes closed. “I have trained hard but I admit to you I teeter between being scared to death and being just damn angry. He doesn’t follow rules, Cody, and he’s sneaky. He wouldn’t come to you man to man. He�
�s a coward, I know that, but he could take out anyone…you, Jenny, your brothers without a feeling of remorse.”

  “You expect me to let you be the sacrificial lamb and leave you alone for bait? If what you tell me is true, he’ll break in the window some night when you’re sleeping and I might not be there to protect you.”

  Even the thought sent a chill deep inside. “I can’t protect you and Jenny, if we are separated. We have a better chance united and together.”

  She knew he was right but if she just broke it off from Cody right now and Marcus didn’t see her with Cody any more he would quit targeting Cody’s family. The thought of never being with Cody again broke her heart. He had showed her what it was like to be cherished. But she could live with that memory if no one in his family was injured because of her.

  “I’m not giving up my work Cody. I’ve given him too much of my life already and I’ve fought so hard to have the courage to stand on my own two feet.”

  She undid her seat beat and slid over to his side and laid her head against shoulder. She didn’t know what to do.

  “Honey, you’re too tired to make a decision tonight. And when you’re ready to go back to work I’ll drive you to work every day and pick you up. Your boss knows what is happening and he’ll watch out for you while you are there. You have to learn to trust me. I care about you.”

  She looked up into Cody’s eyes. “Okay” she said in a little voice. “For now… but if I see you or your family put in danger because of me, I will move back to my condo.”

  “That’s all I ask. Give me a chance to protect you. What we have started between us is worth fighting for and I know you want to be strong, just choose to be strong with me by your side.”

  He kissed her forehead before he turned into the dirt road. “Put your seat belt back on, I don’t want you to bounce out of the car.” Cody looked in the rear view mirror and Dakota was following close behind him.

  At the ranch, he went around to the passenger door, and opened the door. He reached in and picked her up in his arms.

  “Cody, I can walk,” she laughed. “You’ve got to quit carrying me around.”

  “Are you insulting my manhood again, because lifting you is like lifting a feather and I like to carry you Tammy.”

  She giggled. Cody liked that he could see a little sparkle in her eyes again.

  Dakota got out of the truck and they walked into the ranch house together.

  “Night, Dakota…Thanks for following us,” Cody yelled back at his brother.

  Without even asking Tammy, he took her to his bedroom. She wasn’t going to be sleeping anywhere but with him… and when his mom and dad got home, they’d move into the motor home that was stored in the back barn. He knew this relationship with Tammy was in its infancy stage. But it felt so damn right. He didn’t want to let her go. With any luck Marcus would get caught and put back in jail, he hoped sooner rather than later. All he knew at this moment was that he had the strongest urge to protect her and the only way to protect her was to keep her close.


  She ran her fingers through his hair and pulled his head down so she could kiss him.

  “What am I going to do with you? You are kind of bossy, you know. Something happens to me when I am in your arms and you don’t play fair, Cody.”

  He kissed her again and this time he pulled her close in his arms running his hands up and down her back.

  “You like me bossy,” he growled in her ear and bit her ear lobe, “…and cowboys know how to play dirty.” His fingers trailed across her breasts. “…and we always get what we want.”

  The kiss turned intense. Cody removed their clothes and laid her in his bed. Thought vanished. The need to quench the thirst building in her pussy was paramount. She didn’t even care that Dakota was just a room away, so when she started screaming, Cody simply sealed his mouth over hers to swallow her moans.

  They came together quickly with very little foreplay, the need was so great. He stroked her slowly while his hands roamed over her body. His lips stopped long enough to taste her breasts, and she ran her hand down his back and threaded his hair with her fingers. He pushed deeper and changed the angle; she could feel him gliding over her clit. He came before she did, but he used his fingers to help her catch up with him. He rested his head on her forehead with his eyes closed. They were sweaty and sated.

  “I can’t get enough of you. You are so beautiful.”

  He tucked her close to his body and pulled the quilt over their shoulder and kissed her behind her ear. She made a purring noise, rubbed her back into his chest, and pulled his arms tighter around her.

  As he drifted off to sleep she rubbed her fingers across his forearms. She craved touching him. It gave her such strength. Even his words gave her courage. She didn’t want to live alone, to be bait. Just remembering how much pain Marcus could force on her, made her start shaking. He was the devil and he could probably get her anywhere, even at work. But she wouldn’t give up. If she succumbed to fear he would win and she might as well lie down and die.

  Cody was tired. He had gotten very little sleep last night and he was lightly snoring. She rolled to her side and nestled her head in his shoulder, “Cody, I want you so much, but I won’t risk your life in exchange for my life.”

  She kissed his chest before she closed her eyes.

  Chapter Thirteen

  He kissed her on the cheeks and she opened her eyes. “Shh…go back to sleep darlin’, I’ve just got a few chores to do and then we’ll have breakfast.”

  “What time is it?” She reached up to run her fingers over his face feeling his morning whiskers. “Mmm you look sexy in the morning. Do cowboys always have to get up so early?” she yawned.

  “You’re the one who looks sexy with your hair all over my pillow, and your breasts peaking at me under the sheets. And yes cowboys get up early but I’m going to have the hardest time remembering to do my morning chores with you in my bed.”

  His open mouth grazed the corner of her mouth, and his tongue flicked out to taste her lips and her tongue. The kiss, meant to be a quick taste, turned almost instantly to a full out flame. “See what I mean? I’m already hard.”

  He pulled back and took a deep breath. She ran her fingers over his crotch, “Yep, feels pretty hard to me. Let me pull your jeans down cowboy, and I’ll see if I can fix that for you.”

  “No, gotta’ go darlin’. Dakota’s already been up an hour.” But he didn’t rise up when Tammy reached over and unbuttoned and unzipped his pants.


  She leaned over and ran her tongue over the tip of his cock that was sticking out above his waistband. Her fingers pulled the fabric away, and she settled over him with her mouth sucking greedily and her fingers caressing up and down, softly at first. He started making sexy noises, and she increased the pressure.

  “Oh baby…so good.” He grabbed her hair and he rocked his body up to meet the sucking motion of her mouth. When he came, he threw his head back and roared.

  It took him a few minutes to catch his breath. She laid back down and had a contented grin on her lips.

  “Have fun with your chores…I’ll just go back to sleep for a little while.” She rolled away from him on her side and pulled the quilt up to her chin.

  He pulled her head back and kissed her…hard. She moaned.

  An hour later they left the bedroom together laughing and holding hands. Dakota met them in the kitchen and just raised his eyebrows.

  Luckily he didn’t comment and brought them both a cup of coffee. They smiled like kids caught necking out behind the barn.

  The phone rang. While still looking at Tammy who couldn’t hide her blush, Cody grabbed the phone.

  When he heard his mom on the phone crying, he jerked his head toward Dakota and sat heavily down in the nearest chair.

  “Mom, what’s the matter?”

  By the time Jenny had arrived, Cameron and Matt were already on their way back home. He had called them
first. Cody had not wanted to tell Jenny on the phone. He watched her kiss Jared before she jumped out of the truck and headed toward the house. As soon as she opened the door and saw the look on her brothers’ faces, her smile disappeared.

  “What Cody? What’s happened?” She looked at Tammy who was sitting in the corner with tears running down her cheek.

  “We lost him Jenny. Dad passed away early this morning.”

  “No, that can’t be, I was just with them and he looked so much better. He was so excited to get to watch the rodeo last night.” She started to collapse and both Dakota and Cody were there to catch her. They hugged each other as she cried.

  Cody looked over at Tammy who had her hands covering her eyes. She was sobbing.

  Later that day the family was gathered and they were ready to go get their mom. Then they would all escort the hearse back to Gillette where Josh would be prepared for burial at the local funeral home.

  Tammy had stayed close to Cody all morning, holding his hand, quietly giving him comfort and strength…holding him when his grief was too strong.

  Just before they loaded in the car, Tammy pulled him aside. “I’ll be here when you get back. I won’t go into town I promise but I want to stay here. Your friends will start bringing food and I’ll be here to greet them.”

  “No I want you with me,” but his voice held no authority or conviction.

  “Shh, sweet, Cody,” She hugged him. “You need to be strong for your family. This isn’t my time to be with you. But I’ll be here when you come home. Go get your mother and your father. The ranch hands will keep me safe.”

  He wiped a tear from his eye and looked away for a few minutes. He got out his phone and called Pete, the ranch foreman. “Pete, we’re heading out to get mom and…dad,” he cleared his throat. “Can you get a couple of men to come watch Tammy at the house while I’m gone? We’ll be back first thing in the morning.”


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