Koivu (Demons After Dark Book Three)

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Koivu (Demons After Dark Book Three) Page 15

by Laurie Olerich

  “The house is right there.” Derick pointed to a property on the left side of the road.

  A narrow driveway cut through the yard and led to a sprawling white house that was barely visible through the falling snow. A big, brown barn sat off to the side along with two smaller rickety outbuildings. Instead of a garage, a drooping green metal carport was connected to the side of the house. A rusty red pickup truck huddled inside. There was a shiny black Land Rover parked in front of the house. It looked so out of place that he pulled into the driveway and blocked it in. Just in case.

  The snow stopped falling as they shrugged into their jackets and then trudged up the front steps. He rapped his knuckles on the door and waited, bouncing on his toes to get some blood flowing. No one answered. He strained his ears, but it was quiet; maybe too quiet. Derick shot him a wary look and unsnapped his holster. He knocked again, pounding the door with his fist, yelling, “Alyx! You here? It’s Koivu and Derick. Open up!”

  There was still no answer, but the sound of a door slamming shattered the stillness like a gun shot. They shared a quick look and split up to check the house. Derick circled around to the back. Koivu burst through the unlocked front door, gun drawn and raised. They were too late! Someone had trashed the place. It was a disaster zone. Just inside the front entrance, a wooden bookcase was overturned; its books and papers scattered across the walkway. A small living room opened up to the right. A faded plaid sectional took up most of the space. The nearest end table had been shoved out of position, its brass lamp on the floor, the bulb smashed. He automatically scanned the rest of the space before quickly clearing the remaining first floor rooms. No one was there. Damn it! He forced his brain to settle so he could think. Clearly there was a struggle. Where was Alyx? Had he run? Where was the owner of the Land Rover?

  Rushing through the backdoor, Derick met him in the kitchen. “Hey! You need to see this. There’s blood out here; footprints, too. Two sets. They end in the yard. The snow’s filled in the trail.”

  Derick was right. Blood drops were scattered across the covered wooden porch. Some of them were smeared by someone walking through them. A bloody handprint was wrapped around the doorframe. They turned their faces towards the barn. A shiver that had nothing to do with snow crawled between Koivu’s shoulder blades. “Is it too late to call the Primani for backup?” he muttered as he tightened his grip on his gun. “Let’s check it out. You take the right side. I’ve got the left.”

  They’d only taken a few steps when the sound of a scream drifted in the wind. They froze and listened hard. The scream came again, louder this time, and it was definitely coming from inside the barn. “Move!” Koivu hissed before breaking into a sprint. They stopped just outside of a pair of wooden doors. He held up a hand, mouthing, “Wait,” and very carefully cracked the door to peek inside. The skin on the back of his hand tingled and began to burn. The Trinity tat was subtly outlined in a deep red flame. At the same time, a pulse of dark energy surrounded him, drawing him forward. Alyx.

  Thanks to the thick clouds and lack of windows, the barn swarmed with heavy shadows, making it difficult to make out anything more than shapes. He waited a few seconds for his eyes to adjust. The rank stench of death and decay was horrifyingly familiar. His stomach knotted with sudden understanding. He and Derick locked eyes and nodded in sync. They were hopelessly outgunned.

  Alyx lay sprawled in a heap on the floor. Blood streamed from his broken nose, but he didn’t lift a hand to stem the flow. His head lolled onto his shoulder, flopping awkwardly when the demon manhandled his arms and legs until he was arranged in a spread-eagled position. His left wrist had been sliced open, his blood flowing freely onto the dirt. Squatting beside him, the demon withdrew a long ceremonial athame and used it to draw a precise circle around Alyx’s naked body. He stood up to study his work, made a couple of changes to the lines, then said calmly, “Keep screaming, Alyx. No one can hear you.”

  Alyx tried to struggle, his feet kicking wildly, ruining the drawn circle. He pled hoarsely, “Hakin, we grew up together! You know me!”

  The demon, Hakin, laughed quietly, the sound cold and unnerving, just before he crouched down and casually broke Alyx’s legs at the knees. Alyx’s shrieks echoed from the rafters. “Keep fighting and I will simply break your spine to keep you from moving while I complete the ritual.” He corrected the circle’s lines and admitted, “I know all of you, my friend. After all, the origin families were linked by Lucifer himself. My blood is linked to yours, as yours is to mine, but I no longer serve Lucifer and my orders are clear. The earth must be cleansed of the human filth. The earth must be drenched in pure blood before the leader can step forth.” He shrugged one shoulder. “Sacrifices must be made for any worthy cause. I’m doing my part to bring forth the glorious Day of Reckoning. On that day, the true leader will reign over Hell and enslave all of humanity. Lucifer and his brethren will be dead.”

  Alyx had gone very still. Pain was etched in merciless lines on his face. Was he unconscious? Koivu hoped so. His stomach churned with sympathetic nausea and raw, demonic fury. He may not have his demon powers, but he wasn’t simply going to let Alyx die. He heard Derick growl beside him. He risked moving his hand to restrain Derick from charging in. “Remember Plan B,” he barely breathed. Derick nodded. Hiding in the shadows, Koivu willed Alyx to see him, to feel him somehow, and miracle of miracles, it worked. Alyx cracked open his eyes and rested them on Koivu. Koivu raised a finger to his lips to keep him quiet.

  Hakin sat back on his booted heels, cocked his head, and considered Alyx with a critical eye. He seemed completely engrossed in his thoughts so Koivu elbowed Derick and gestured towards the shadowy wall. Derick slipped inside the barn, hugging the wood, moving like a ghost. Koivu kept his eyes glued to Hakin and Alyx while he waited for Derick to get in position.

  Hakin muttered under his breath before patting Alyx on the cheek and saying, “Don’t move. I need to get a fire started for the second half of the ritual. After I drain your blood, I’ll remove your cock, balls, and your hand. They must be burned as a final offering to the earth. Don’t worry, old friend, you won’t feel a thing.” He stepped away from Alyx to assemble a small altar. When he bent down to retrieve items from a backpack, Koivu gave Derick the signal.

  “Hakin!” Koivu roared and threw open the barn doors. He was counting on the sudden illumination to blind the demon so Derick could move in. He hadn’t counted on the demon’s preternatural vision being so sharp

  Derick lowered his head and charged the demon. Hakin raised his forearm and knocked Derick into the wall. The useless gun bounced across the floor. He crumpled to his knees yelling, “Plan B!”

  Koivu ran forward, stopping out of Hakin’s reach, raising his weapon, and emptying the magazine. Each slug hit Hakin in the chest, the force twisting his body around, but not putting him down. By this time, Derick was upright again. He and Koivu locked eyes. They were completely unprepared to take on an enforcer demon. They were horribly outmatched. Human guns wouldn’t kill Hakin. They needed weapons crafted in Hell—or Heaven.

  It might be time for Plan B.

  Bleeding heavily but not weakened enough for them to take out, Hakin dropped into a protective crouch in front of Alyx. He shed his human facade and Koivu braced against the wave of demonic energy that washed over him. Hakin was massive—twice Koivu’s size in height and bulk. His elite origins showed in the pale gold and black scale pattern and the curved wings that unfurled from his back. Koivu and Derick backed up and came together to fight side by side. They locked gazes again and Koivu swallowed hard. It was definitely time for Plan B.

  Koivu moistened his lips and tried to stall Hakin. “You don’t need to kill Alyx. He’s not a traitor and neither are we. We were set up by Carrick.”

  Hakin regarded them with a fanatical glint in his eyes. “Of course you were set up. You morons are the key to the whole plan.”

  The horror was wearing off and a little lightbulb of understanding was begin
ning to glimmer. “Sonofabitch!”

  Hakin’s arrogant tone was replaced by one of sincere belief. “One pure blood demon from each of the origin bloodlines has to be sacrificed on a precise timetable. It’s not like the leader could ask for volunteers. You twelve were carefully selected years ago. It’s your destiny.”

  Derick snarled, “That’s fucking bullshit and you know it! How convenient that there just happened to be a descendent from each family on the nightshift—”

  Hakin began to chuckle again; the disturbing sound sent shivers down Koivu’s spine. His claws began to click together. “You’re not as stupid as I thought. Each demon on the nightshift crew comes from a specific bloodline. It took years to orchestrate this. Congratulations. You’re about to become martyrs. It’s a tremendous honor.” He vanished and reappeared behind Derick.

  Derick ducked just in time to avoid being stabbed in the neck. He threw himself forward, rolling out of the way. Koivu dove for the discarded athame, yelling, “What happened to Plan B?”

  Derick scrambled back to his feet, shouting, “I called him!”

  The three of them wound up rolling around the floor with Koivu desperately trying to get his hands on the blade. Slick with blood and sweat, the damn blade slipped from his grasp, sliding out of reach. Hakin clambered after it as they struggled for possession. Koivu had it but dropped it when Hakin sank his fangs into his arm. As Koivu howled in agony, Hakin grabbed his head, bent it back—


  The ringing command reached into Koivu’s chest, filled his heart, tore at his soul. All three of them heard it, felt it, obeyed it. A dark figure strode forward from the shadows. Standing a head taller than the demon, the faceless figure was terrifying with its overwhelming inhuman energy. As it came into the light, its features swiftly settled into those of the most powerful archangel. His black hair flowed behind him as he moved with silent footsteps. The very air burned with hellfire. Koivu had never been more thankful.

  Hakin stiffened in surprise before pushing himself to his feet and lowering his eyes. “My liege,” he murmured respectfully.

  Koivu and Derick were so relieved they threw themselves to their knees, gasping, “Lucifer!”

  “Get off your knees,” Lucifer ordered. “We don’t have much time.”

  On the other side of Koivu, Hakin’s demonic energy began to cycle up. He felt the tremor that would build until Hakin shimmered out. Lucifer’s expression didn’t change, but he whipped his eyes back to Hakin and the demon froze in partial shimmer. The air around him vibrated with an angry hum, but he didn’t vanish. He was grounded and truly at Lucifer’s mercy. The awesome force of the great archangel’s power was amazing to see. He didn’t need to use his hands or mutter incantations to use magic. His will was his weapon. Koivu stared at the unfolding scene with his heart in his throat. What would Lucifer do with them?

  Lucifer moved towards Hakin with a barely leashed fury that freaked Koivu out. He’d been in Lucifer’s company before, but had never seen him in such a rage. There was absolutely no limit to what he could do. Koivu shrunk back out of the line of fire, pulling Derick with him and hoping they’d made the right decision when they prayed to this particular archangel instead of Raphael.

  Lucifer loomed over Hakin and condemned him with wrathful eyes. “You are a traitor, Hakin. Your bloodline will end with you. There will be no descendants to carry on the Akanni name. You will serve me until I have no more use for you.”

  Immobilized as he was, Hakin could only stare, but terror contorted his elegant features into an ugly demonic mask. Beads of sweat ran down his face. He pissed himself.

  Lucifer sniffed the air; his hard mouth twisted into a foreboding smile that made Koivu’s bladder twitch. He studied the demon for a moment before turning to Derick with a slight nod of approval. “You were right to call me. This traitor will be an invaluable source of intelligence that will help me end this senseless rebellion.” To Hakin, he said, “I will deal with you privately.”

  Hakin vanished.

  Brushing his hands together, Lucifer demanded briskly, “Aside from rescue from imminent death, what do you need from me? I have to get back to Hell before anyone senses my presence up here. My brothers get pissy about personal visits topside. You have five minutes.”

  Derick asked, “Would you heal Alyx? Please?”

  Koivu said, “Take me home with you.”

  “Done and no can do. You’re safer up here,” Lucifer replied as he knelt in the dirt and laid his hand on Alyx’s forehead. A brilliant flash burst from his palm and raced across Alyx’s body. Alyx let out a piercing, anguished howl. Before Koivu could blink, Alyx’s broken bones were straightened, the gashes were sealed, and his chest expanded with a deep, healthy breath.

  Alyx’s eyelids fluttered briefly before staying open. He scrambled backwards when he saw who was crouching beside him. “Lucifer! I didn’t do anything! I swear! I’m innocent!”

  “Shut up and give me your hand.” Lucifer reached out and caught Alyx’s hand. He turned it back and forth, studying the Trinity tat and frowning more darkly as the seconds passed. He called Koivu and Derick over and had them stack their hands on top of Alyx’s before explaining, “You three have proven your loyalty to me, so I’m going to do something for you. Raphael will have a stroke if he finds out, so it has to be our little secret. Understand?”




  He smiled grimly at their agreement and said, “Close your eyes. This is going to hurt like a bitch.”

  Chapter 11: After Midnight

  Micki was restless. She tossed and turned but couldn’t get comfortable. The bed hadn’t changed, but it felt bigger, cavernous . . . empty. The sheets were chilly; her toes were cold. She rubbed her feet together to warm them and burrowed beneath the blankets.

  An hour later, she stared at the window, watching rain turn to sleet that pinged the glass. She forced her eyes closed, but his face intruded again. She couldn’t escape his eyes. They were haunting her sleep, her dreams, and if she was to be honest, her days, too. Damn the man! He was supposed to scratch an itch, but she underestimated him. Instead of scratching her itch, he set it on fire and poured fuel on it. Her nipples perked up at the thought and immediately stiffened into needy little buds. She slipped her hand beneath her sleep shirt and cupped her breast. Not to be outdone by her needy nipples, her clit twitched and sent a tingle of arousal to her core. Yeah, yeah, she was horny. She really wanted Koivu’s mouth and tongue getting her off, but he was out of town. She was on her own.

  After the disastrous breakup with Jake, she’d sworn off men for a while. Too bruised to risk getting hurt again, she’d turned down dates and offers of one night stands, but that didn’t mean she was any less horny. She loved sex in all its forms. From the time she was old enough to orgasm, she’d reveled in the pleasures of her body. Once she’d discovered the joys of the male anatomy, she’d become a sexplorer in every sense of the word. In a nutshell? She was open to discovering pleasure in creative ways. Being alone was no longer satisfying.

  For the past three years, she’d taken care of herself with a little help from her imagination. When she touched her skin, it was always Jake’s fingers she felt. When she used a toy, it was always Jake’s cock sliding home. Just another sign of her addiction to the man, she let his image fuel her fantasies. When she came, it was always Jake’s eyes staring back at her. Even his memory got her off. Great! This little trip into the past was a bad idea. Now she was even more hot and needy. Time for a little self-love.

  She turned on the light and started her music playlist. Might as well do it right. She lit a couple of candles and padded into the kitchen for a glass of wine. Back in the bedroom, she peeled off her panties, sipped some wine, retrieved her favorite toy, and crawled under the covers. Settling into the soft pillows, she closed her eyes and let her thighs fall open. As her fingers trailed their way over her mons, she freed her imaginat
ion to conjure a hot, naked man to take her all the way.

  Pale blond hair drifted into her fantasy followed by a pair of smoldering green eyes and sensuous lips that sucked their way across her throat and down to her right nipple. A rush of glorious heat raced across her skin. Behind her eyes, Koivu’s lean face took shape, his strong neck muscles filling in as her imagination gained some steam. In another second, she clearly visualized his bulging shoulders and biceps as he held himself over her.

  “Fucking man!” She bolted upright sending pillows flying. It was no use. The fantasy had cheapened her horniness. She wanted his fingers stroking her clit then pushing inside, twisting and pumping her to orgasm. She wanted his mouth sucking her nipples; his breath in her ear; his damn cock buried to its root making her sob with a whole body orgasm. “Damn it!” She threw the blanket off and gulped the rest of her wine. He’d wormed his way under her skin with his unexpected kindness, his damn mesmerizing eyes, clever hands, and supremely talented cock. There was no denying it even if she tried to keep their relationship casual. She was feeling more than casual about him. Damn.

  Her cellphone vibrated next to her vibrator. Speak of the devil! She snatched it up and answered softly, “Hey, you.”

  “I didn’t wake you up, did I?” His gravelly voice heated her blood like a kiss. He sounded tired. He sounded like sex.

  She scowled at her trusty vibrator and gave it the finger. Not tonight, BOB, not tonight. “No, I’m awake. I can’t sleep.”

  “Now, that’s a shame, baby. I could help you relax.”

  Her nipples jumped up and waved. Knowing perfectly well that it turned him on, she kept her voice soft and smoky. “What do you have in mind? Do I need to get dressed?”

  She heard his lips smack together before he purred into the phone, “Still feel like being wild?”

  Something dark in his voice sent her pulse thudding and her belly cramping with sudden desire. “How soon can you get here?”


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