Dear Maggie

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Dear Maggie Page 27

by Brenda Novak

  Maggie turned to face him and ran her fingers through his hair. “Should we go to Utah and see your family for Thanksgiving? We’ll have the baby by then.”

  “Will your mother mind if we don’t come to Iowa?”

  “We could go there for Christmas. She and Aunt Rita aren’t growing any younger. And now that we’re getting along better, I’d actually enjoy spending the holidays together.”

  “You think Darla and Reese will take care of Rambo while we’re gone?”

  “With three cats?”

  “What about Mrs. Gruber?”

  “She’ll do anything for Zach. We’ll have him ask her.”

  “Daddy, I’m hungry,” Zach called from the living room. He’d gotten in bed with them an hour or so earlier, and fallen asleep on Nick’s arm. But Rambo had woken him a few minutes ago, wanting to be let out. Now boy and dog were together, watching cartoons in the living room.

  “I’ll be right back,” Nick told Maggie, slipping out of bed to take care of Zach.

  She stopped him with a hand on his arm. “I love you, Nick,” she said. “I was wrong about your f.p. factor.”

  “F.p. factor?”

  “Fatherhood potential. I didn’t know it when we were dating, but yours is off the charts.”

  He smiled. “I didn’t know it, either,” he said. “I only knew what I know now.”

  “What’s that?” she asked.

  “That I can’t live without you.”

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-4023-4


  Copyright © 2001 by Brenda Novak.

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