Galactic Satori Chronicles: Book 1 - Earth

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Galactic Satori Chronicles: Book 1 - Earth Page 27

by Nick Braker

  No point in being tired in the morning. I’ll let them go then and inform the team afterward. I doubt questioning them will help and even the surveillance tapes won’t reveal what happened to trigger him. Still...

  Maybe Brandon and Weston’s switch will get triggered and he would have another team to help in this fight. Tom’s paranoid side considered it was more likely that they were designed to embed themselves within organizations like WSO and destroy them from within. How many more of these young kids were there?

  Seph paced the floor of the room they had locked her inside. Tom had explained the situation and asked both of them to remain separated from everyone else, including each other, until the morning. Tom had escorted both of them to level 15, stopping to put Greg in the first room left of the elevator and putting her in this room which was four rooms down the hall and on the right. She had made eye contact with Greg as Tom closed the door. She signaled one to him without Tom seeing. With his augmented mind, he would know what her plan was, possibly even in great detail.

  She stopped pacing. It was time to leave. This compartment was identical to hers, having a living area, kitchenette and bedroom. It was comfortable enough but this one had an outside locking mechanism. She was told over and over that she was not a prisoner but that didn’t convince her in the slightest.

  What you say, Tom, and what you do...

  “Well, he is not going to hold me here,” she told herself.

  There was no clock in the room but she knew it was now five minutes to one o’clock and it was time to get moving. Seph broke into the door panel housing the electronic sensors and locking mechanisms, using a butter knife from the kitchenette. Once the panel was off, she swapped several wires that shorted the circuit’s chip set and placed the wires back into position. The panel’s circuit was active again but now without the messy security protocols in place. She smiled.

  I love my job.

  The door sensed her presence and opened. She walked out into the hallway without looking, figuring if anyone were there they would have seen the door open anyway. If someone did see her, she planned to walk right up to them and the next thing they would feel would be the nasty headache they would have the next morning. Luck was with her and Tom didn’t have any guards posted.

  Creeping quietly across the carpeted floor, she reached Greg’s holding cell. The door opened with a simple push of a button.

  After all, it is designed to stay locked from the inside, not the out.

  She walked in to find Greg sitting on the couch, waiting for her.

  “I hope I didn’t keep you long,” she said, beaming a smile at him.

  He didn’t say anything at first and instead just stared into her eyes.

  “You know I’d wait a lifetime, if needed,” he said.

  “Cheesy, but I like it.”

  They both laughed.

  “I saved a spot for you on my new couch. Care to join me?” Greg said.

  Seph hesitated only an instant, walking slowly across the room toward him.

  “It would be my pleasure, sir.”

  She grabbed some sofa pillows from the far left of the couch and moved them close to Greg, sitting between him and the pillows.

  “You know what I don’t miss about my old self?” he asked her.

  “I can think of several things, but do tell.”

  “I no longer tense up when I’m around you. You sat down next to me and, while several thoughts went through my mind, the one that stood out was how glad I am that you did,” he said.

  Now, how is it that Greg is calm and I am so nervous? Irony.

  Seph’s hands fidgeted. She considered what she wanted to say in response to that but instead chose to help him through his new abilities.

  “You will get used to the multiple thoughts over time. If it helps, let each thought come to you and assess each one individually. As you get better at it, you will work through them instantly. Do not be tempted to skip over any thought or push them to the side. It is normal for everyone to consider all the possibilities they are capable of thinking but now that your mind is working faster, you will get flooded with many more choices and possibilities. It is up to you to consciously choose the right one.”

  “Mind if I take your advice right now?” he asked.

  Greg’s voice was quiet and his breathing rate was faster than normal. His pulse pounded hard in his carotid artery. He didn’t seem nervous which meant there was another reason behind it. She tried to smile back but it didn’t come off well. Hundreds of thoughts went through Seph’s mind and she concluded that, out of all of them, Greg was going to kiss her. She liked Greg the moment she first saw him. It was a fate-filled day when she walked out of the other sorority and saw Greg. Jules was supposed to be the one to go but, at the last minute, Jules had decided to pick up the kegs instead. Jules had told her to ask Darla to take the fake sign down. Darla had reluctantly agreed and that is when she walked outside, seeing Greg for the first time.

  There was a connection with him she had never felt with anyone before. When he showed up at her sorority later, she knew they would be good friends at minimum and lovers at best. She hated the circumstances that had brought them together but she could not shake her feelings she had for him. Her face flushed and her heart raced. Since Greg’s mind worked like hers, he had already processed that information and that the two of them were about to have their first kiss.

  Greg leaned in and their lips hovered inches from each other. He stopped before they touched and looked into her eyes. She wanted to smile back at him but all she could do was stare into those gorgeous brown eyes. She felt wonderfully helpless and her legs trembled. She couldn’t think straight.

  Where are all my choices? Options? My mind is blank. This has never happened before. Nothing. I cannot focus. My heart is pounding and my hands are sweaty. It is so hot in here but there is no way the temperature could have risen this quickly. Is there something wrong with me?

  He waited and her heart pounded harder. His left hand came up to touch her cheek softly and when it did, her breath caught. She wanted the moment to last and he knew it. Her first real kiss and the man who was about to do it was making the most of it for her. It was like he knew exactly what she wanted from him. He leaned closer and his top lip ever so slightly touched hers. She could feel his warm breath on her lips and her passion grew. His lips pressed into hers and he held her there. She closed her eyes and the world around her faded away. All she could feel was him, his embrace, his strength. He kissed her even more passionately for a moment but then pulled back enough to let her catch her breath. She pulled Greg closer to her. She was vaguely aware that deep within her mind she was operating on an instinctual level, a level she never would have allowed to control her but now she embraced it completely. Greg gently pushed her back onto the couch, still kissing her. She wouldn’t have let him stop even if he wanted to. She hugged him tighter, closer. Her body glistened from the heat between them. Greg moved his lips to her neck and her body trembled more when they touched her.

  “Greg,” she whispered, her eyes filled with desire.

  He lifted her off the couch with ease, carrying her to the bedroom and laying her down. The sheets on the bed were already pulled back. He laid down next to her and this time she smiled at him before he started kissing her again. Several thoughts pushed their way into her consciousness, fighting to be heard through the fog and mental emptiness she had never experienced before.

  This is it girl. Your first time. Are you sure you want to do this? Yes! No. Yes, I do. Are you really ready?

  She could hear Zara gloating, even now. Once she found out, Zara would tease her. She started to respond to her own question when Greg pulled back and stared into her eyes. He laid there, next to her, watching. He waited.

  He can see I’m scared.

  “Greg, I--” she started but he put his finger over her lips.

  He knows.

  “Good night, Seph.”

  He started
to get up but she held his arms.

  “Stay with me, Greg. Please?”

  “It would be my pleasure, ma’am,” he responded, softly.

  He laid back down next to her, putting his arms around her. She snuggled closer to him and they fell asleep in each other’s arms.

  Tom pressed the control button outside the security room Greg occupied. The locking mechanism disengaged and he walked in. It was empty and the compartment quiet, which meant Greg was probably still sleeping. That concerned him. If he was indeed changed now, like the girls, he would be sleeping less and certainly awake by now. Tom’s brow furrowed and he released the strap on this gun. His hand stayed there. Greg should be awake. It was too quiet so Greg was either setting a trap for him or had already escaped.

  Damn, I hope he’s just sleeping. I really do.

  Tom knew Greg would be prepared for nearly anything. He would have to rely on his training and his weapon. He pulled it out, keeping it low and pointed at the floor. It was obvious no one was in the living area so he moved to the closed doorway of the bedroom. He quietly turned the knob but then pushed the door open hard. It swung open quickly, hitting the wall. Greg and Seph both jerked awake, sitting up and staring at him. He suppressed his reflex to bring the gun up.

  “Shit,” he exclaimed.

  It was all he could say as he stood there looking at them. They were still clothed but that did little to assuage his fear that the two of them were now romantically involved.

  “Busted,” Greg said.

  Greg removed his arms from around Seph and rolled out of bed.

  “Really though, Tom, does it matter?” Greg asked.

  “Both of you. Follow me and make it fast,” he ordered.

  Tom turned and left the compartment. He started pacing but stopped when he realized he still had his gun out. He put it back in its holster.

  “Shit,” he exclaimed even louder.

  Those two immature kids broke so many rules and regulations. I’ve got to play this right.

  He should lock them up for real.

  Hell, I’d normally boot them out of the program but I can’t because they both know too much. They are too valuable.

  His thoughts were interrupted when the door slid open and Seph and then Greg walked out.

  “Let’s go,” he ordered.

  He led them through the hallways to another conference room. He stood at the doorway and slammed it behind him after they had entered. His face felt hot. Both of them took a seat next to each other at the table but Tom stood behind the chair at the foot of the conference table near the door. He faced them squarely, glaring. He leaned on it.

  “Thank god no one saw you two together last night,” he said. “This is the part where I threaten the kick both of you out or at minimum remand you to the brig. Right?”

  Neither of them responded, they knew he wasn’t asking. Tom knew his voice was much louder than normal and his face certainly showed his anger.

  “But, obviously, WSO is not going to let go of either one of you and you both know that. You abuse it and even now you sit together, close to each other, flaunting it in my face. Obedience and chain of command are what keeps this organization functioning. I’d ask you what the hell were you thinking but I already know you will do what you want anyway and this conversation will only end with the both of you continuing to do as you feel. Damn it. You two have got to stop right now. The relationship is over.”

  Both Greg and Seph shifted in their seats with Seph crossing her arms in defiance.

  “The world needs both of you. Greg, after your test results came back, there is no way in hell we’re going to let you go. Seph, you’ve demonstrated your considerable intellect for months now. You personally are the reason we have made such remarkable breakthroughs in technology but--” he cursed, “Damn it, you have to set the example, not be the exceptions!”

  Greg nodded to her.

  “Tom,” she said, getting up to face him. “Please find a way to make this work. I am not going to turn off my feelings for Greg and I know he feels the same.”

  She pointed her finger at him, her tone changing considerably.

  “Yes, we will continue to do whatever we damn well please and you are going to take it, cover it up, ignore it, or whatever you have to do to get past it. It is not personal nor directed toward you. What is it that is worth saving if we give up the very thing that makes us alive? You want to save the Earth? So do we but we are not going to stop living because of some damn government regulation. We might as well give up now if we cannot have a life worth fighting for.”

  Seph’s face turned red. She had lost control.

  “You can kiss my ass!” she screamed. “Greg and I are together as long as we wish it to be!”

  Seph didn’t pause, stepping toward him, getting in his face. It was quite evident she was livid. Tom kept his poker face on.

  “You cannot threaten us. You said it yourself that you are not going to let us go. We will work our asses off for you, WSO and every human being on this planet that needs us but you will not involve yourself in our relationship again. I am quite certain I have made myself clear. Get over it.”

  Seph looked back at Greg who stood and the two of them started to walk out. Seph stopped in front of the door which Greg had now opened for her.

  “Do I need to break the security on the elevators or are you going to let us off this floor so we can get back to work?” she demanded.

  “I’ll release you,” he said, feigning reluctance.

  Seph could barely maintain her civility with him. Her temper was extreme. If he had pushed back, Seph would have escalated it. She was still fuming as she turned and walked out.

  “The pants are much prettier on her than on me,” he smiled, looking back at Tom.

  After the two of them were out of earshot, Tom shut the door. He couldn’t contain himself any further. He started laughing.

  “I love my job,” he said, smiling at the fact his plan had gone off better than expected.

  It was the next morning when Asher decided it was time to speak with Greg. He had wanted to talk with him yesterday but Greg was nowhere to be found. He had given up and instead tracked down Tom who told him that Greg was going through a battery of tests. For the next thirty minutes Tom and Asher brought each other up to speed on everything they had witnessed in Greg’s change.

  The conversation was revealing on several levels. On one level, he learned Greg was now like the girls, enhanced in many ways. Something had changed in him. The changes though seemed to make Greg better, not worse. Greg had joined the dark side. At least, that is the way Asher saw it.

  On another level, he learned Tom was intentionally holding something back. After subtly pressing him in different ways, he eventually got enough information to form a picture that Tom planned to manipulate both Greg and Seph into deciding to focus more on their job with the understanding they could continue to see each other in exchange. Smart, but he wondered if it would really work on those two. Seemed like a stretch since, as they had said before, Einstein looked like a first grader compared to either of them.

  Tom told him Greg would be done testing late that night and that he’d likely be able to meet up with him in the morning.

  So here he was, standing outside Greg’s compartment, early in the morning, waiting for him to come out. Greg would be on time, so he had less than a minute to prepare. He realized he was pacing and stopped, leaning on the wall opposite Greg’s door. On cue, the door opened and Greg stood aside to let Seph walk out first.

  “What the hell?” Asher said, feigning surprise.

  Seph turned and planted a long, passionate kiss on Greg’s lips. He returned the embrace and the kiss.

  “I will see you later,” she said, and then winked at him.

  “Oh, hello, Asher,” she continued as she walked by him, pretending she hadn’t seen him.

  “Hello, Seph. You look in great spirits. I wonder what could have caused that. No, seriously. I
have no idea,” he said, teasing her.

  “Right,” Greg said, giving Asher a fake laugh. “Dense as ever. Time to go, Ash. It is 7:55 and 32 seconds. We have 4 minutes 28 seconds to reach our destination. Factoring in the position of the elevator as a random variable, distance from here to it, then from it to our class, including the possibility that we may run into one or both of our friends along the way, and adding in a safety net of one minute as a precaution that the class clock is running fast--’

  Asher walked away, ignoring him.

  “You’ll get the picture instantly,” Asher said.

  Greg laughed as he ran to catch up to him.

  “Hey, I haven’t lost my sense of humor,” Greg said, “but this is the part where you say... Lost? Never had. Right?”

  Asher kept walking.

  “Great, now you can just have a conversation with yourself since you already know what I’m going to say.”

  “Well,” Greg said, speaking slowly. “It doesn’t work like that but I can predict you under the right circumstances.”

  He’s trying to have a little fun with me, at my expense.

  “Seriously though,” Greg continued. “Hold up. I have something to talk with you about now.”

  Asher stopped, searching his eyes.


  “My hands are fidgeting like Seph’s,” he said, looking down at them.

  “So?” Asher asked.

  “Sorry. That is not what I wanted to talk about. I just can’t turn off the thoughts.”

  Greg’s hands moved as if he were washing them in the sink.

  “Why are you so nervous? Have you consummated the relationship yet?” Asher asked.

  “You’re trying to lighten the mood with levity. No, I haven’t but again that is not what I want to discuss.”

  Asher shifted his weight onto the other foot.

  “Then just spit it out. We’re going to be late and I’m trying to set an example here.”

  “Okay, walk with me then and I’ll get this out before we reach class. I have enough time to make the statement, giving you no time to respond or discuss,” Greg said.


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