Chadwick Ranch, Book 1: Winter Holiday Romance

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Chadwick Ranch, Book 1: Winter Holiday Romance Page 17

by Bonnie Marlewski-Probert

  “Mary, are you saying you want me to make love to you?” Adam asked, overwhelmed by what he was hearing.

  She looked down before saying quietly, “Yes.”

  He lifted her chin so they were looking at each other eye-to-eye, “Don’t look down when you say that. I’ve wanted to make love to you since the first time I saw you in high school. I’ve dreamed about making love to you a thousand times and since Christmas, I’ve thought about making love to you at least a dozen times a day. I also have an ache in me that is getting worse with each day. It’s an ache that only being with you can relieve. We want the same thing,” Adam whispered before wrapping her in his arms and slowly pressing his lips against her throat. She moaned with need.

  “I need you,” she whispered.

  “We need to be smart about this,” Adam said, the science geek in him coming out.

  She giggled. “What?”

  “Are you on birth control?”

  “No. Do you have condoms?”

  “No. We can’t make love with Beau in the apartment, just in case he wakes up,” Adam said.

  “You’re right. Can we even make love on the property with your brothers in the main house?”

  “That we can do. We’ll just lock the doors so they can’t just roll in and I’ll make sure I leave before it gets too late so no one suspects that we were doing anything.”

  Mary giggled. “We sound like two teenagers planning our first love-making session.”

  “We are planning our first love-making session. I’ve been with other women, but that was all about sex. This is about making love for the first time for both of us.”

  “What if I asked Beau’s grandparents to invite Beau over for next weekend?”

  “Could you do that? Would Beau be okay with that?”

  “Yes. He loves his grandparents and they love him. They always want him to come for a sleepover,” Mary said.

  “When would he go?”

  “I’ll call them tomorrow. If they are available, they would want him to come over next Friday night and he would come home on Sunday afternoon. You and I could spend Friday night and Saturday night together,” Mary said. She could see the happiness in his eyes.

  “That would be wonderful. I want this to be special and since next week will be close to Valentine’s Day, I want our first time to be a night you won’t forget. Now that I know it’s possible, I don’t know if I’ll be able to stand it, knowing we have to wait an entire week before we can be together.”

  “I feel the same way,” Mary said as she heard Beau’s bedroom door open. She jolted to attention at the sound.

  “Mom, are you coming to tuck me in?” he asked, his voice sounding sleepy.

  “Get back in your bed, I’ll be right there,” she called out to him.

  “I’d better go,” Adam whispered. “Do you want to come with us to the feed store in the morning?”

  She smiled, “No, I understand that is a guy thing, but if you come down for breakfast a few minutes early, I’d love to spend some time with you in the kitchen,” she said.

  “I’ll be there. Good night,” Adam whispered, holding her close, kissing her one final time before quietly exiting out the front door of her apartment.

  That night when Adam was getting ready for bed, he sat with his laptop, adding to his journal:

  Mary invited me to join her and Beau for game night at her new apartment. I was flattered that she wanted to include me in such a private family ritual. It was fun. Beau and I were able to get closer. I’m going to take him with me to the feed store in the morning ― two cowboys doing cowboy stuff.

  The most amazing part of the evening was Mary confessing that she never loved her late husband and that he never loved her either. She confessed that they’d married only because she was pregnant and it was the right thing to do. However, she said that being with me was different and she wants us to make love next weekend in her apartment. I couldn’t believe my ears when she suggested it. Since the first time I saw her in high school, I have dreamed of making love with her but I never thought that would ever happen and now, it looks like it’s going to happen next weekend.

  When I realize that she and her late husband never loved each other and he ended up dying very young in a car accident, I realize that all we have is right now. No guarantees about tomorrow or next month or next year. I can’t believe I wasted all these years without Mary because I didn’t have the guts to go after her. No more. From now on, I’m going after everything that I want in my life.

  The longer I’m here on the ranch, the more I find myself thinking my father’s wisdom in putting the codicil in his will may well have been the best idea ever known to man. I can already see that Carter is changing who he is and I don’t think he’s going to go back to New York after the six months are up. As much as Buck complains about having us here, I can see that he likes having us around and even Billy is starting to show signs of growing up. The fact that he painted everyone gifts for Christmas indicates that his long-dead love of the arts is being reignited and that will hopefully lead him to something important in his life other than getting drunk and sleeping with loose women.

  If Dad could see all of us now, I think he would be pleased.

  Chapter 23, Brandy is Coming

  Friday, February First

  That Monday morning at breakfast, Carter broke the news to Buck. “I want to call a Chadwick meeting.”

  “What’s up?” Adam asked as Billy filled his plate with bacon and eggs. Buck looked on with concern, as Chadwick meetings rarely brought with them any good news.

  “What’s wrong?” Buck asked, acting as if whatever Carter had to say, he wasn’t going to like it one bit.

  “Katherine suggested that I call the Chamber of Commerce to find someone locally who could load all of the invoices and billings in that mess of an office upstairs into the computer. I did, and after two weeks of phone interviews, I’ve hired someone,” Carter said tenuously.

  “Great, I’m glad you sorted that out so why do I think there’s a problem?” Adam asked.

  “No problem, I just wanted you to know I found someone and she’s coming over today to get started.”

  “Were you looking for a gold rodeo buckle or something?” Buck said impatiently.

  “Now we’re talking. Is she hot?” Billy asked.

  “By most standards, she would be considered hot and we already know her,” Carter said just as Mary entered the dining room from the kitchen with a fresh carafe of coffee.

  “Who is she?” Adam asked.

  “Brandy Nolan,” Carter said cautiously, knowing that Buck was likely to blow a gasket when he heard her name.

  “Are you out of your mind? You hired the town whore to do our bookkeeping?” Buck demanded.

  Mary slammed the carafe down on the table in front of Buck, startling all four men into silence, “Buck Chadwick, don’t you dare call Brandy the town whore. She’s the finest woman I know and if you took the time to get to know her yourself instead of listening to idle gossip from the idiots you call your friends, you would never say such things about her. You’d better treat her with respect or you’ll answer to me,” Mary said in a threatening tone before turning to head back into the kitchen.

  “Buck, I don’t know what your problem is with Brandy, but if we want to talk about who the town whore is, he’s seated at the other end of this table,” Carter said. Everyone turned to look at Billy.

  “What? I’m not the town whore, I just like getting laid,” he laughed.

  “What’s the difference between being a whore and just liking to get laid?” Adam asked with a grin.

  “The cost of dinner and drinks,” Billy replied quickly. It was clear he had considered the question in the past and came to the conclusion that as long as he bought the women dinner and drinks, he wasn’t the town whore.

  “Damn!” Buck said. “If you have to have her in the house, keep her away from me,” he demanded.

  “Sorry, brother
, but you’re going to have to work with her, because in addition to loading the old invoices and payments, she’s going to be loading the day-to-day paperwork as well. That means you’re going to have to provide that paperwork to her, since all the feed bills and other invoices go through you before they get paid,” Carter insisted plainly.

  “You’d better be nice to her or Mary is going to kick your ass, or worse, she’ll poison your food,” Adam laughed.

  “Buck, get over yourself and give the woman a chance. This is business and it needs to be handled, so suck it up, cowboy, and do what you have to do,” Carter insisted, returning to his breakfast. All four men went quiet again as Mary re-entered the room with biscuits and gravy.

  “Oh Mary, you’re a life saver, send that over here, please,” Carter insisted, loving her biscuits and gravy more than anyone.

  “Here you are,” she smiled, setting down the platter in front of Carter’s plate. On her way back around the table, she gently slapped Buck upside the back of his head.

  “Hey, what was that for?” Buck demanded.

  “That’s for talking bad about a really wonderful woman. I’m putting you on notice Buck Chadwick. If you aren’t nice to her, it’ll be me that you’ll deal with,” Mary said in no uncertain terms before disappearing back into the kitchen.

  “How in the world do you manage that woman?” Buck asked Adam.

  “She’s a grown-ass woman and you don’t manage grown-ass women. You respect them or you spend your life regretting your mistake after you lose them,” Adam replied.

  Chapter 24, Valentine’s Day

  Thursday, February Fourteenth

  The following week, Carter headed into San Antonio for a meeting with Katherine and to celebrate Valentine’s Day with her. He’d had roses sent to her office that morning. Carter brought along an overnight bag and had booked a room at a hotel in town, as he was looking forward to having sex with Katherine.

  When the large arrangement of red roses arrived in her office she was speechless. “Ms. Martin, these are for you,” Suzie said, entering her office with the large vase filled with gorgeous red, long-stemmed roses, baby’s breath and greenery.

  “Oh my, is there a card?”

  “Yes,” Suzie said, handing the small envelope to Katherine. As she opened it, the card read, I’m coming for you my Valentine, C.

  Katherine placed the large vase on the corner of her desk. “Thanks Suzie, they’re from a client,” Katherine said, trying to downplay just how aroused she was.

  “That’s some client!” Suzie smiled before returning to her desk. Katherine touched one of the roses, enjoying their rich scent before trying to get back to work.

  Thirty minutes later, Suzie was in Katherine’s office taking dictation when her phone beeped, indicating a new text message, This TX cowboy is coming 4U 2DAY and I’m bringing a rope. I hope UR ready… There’s NWO now, Carter texted to Katherine’s phone before he left the ranch to start the long drive to San Antonio. (In English: This Texas cowboy is coming for you today and I’m bringing a rope. I hope your ready … there’s no way out now)

  When she read it, she could feel her body heating up instantly, her thighs pressing against each other, filled with an ache that she was certain he could relieve. Suzie asked, “Are you okay? You look like you’ve just seen a ghost.”

  “Yes, I’m fine. I just got a surprising text from someone. Will you excuse me for a few minutes?” As soon as Suzie left the room, Katherine sent the following text, BGWM, what R U plnin on doin 2 me? (In English: Be gentle with me. What are you planning on doing to me?)

  She waited breathlessly for his reply, I’m goin 2 tie U dwn & plSUR U untl U can’t tAk NEmor. I’ve got aL night… duz dat swNd gud 2 you? (In English: I’m going to tie you down and pleasure you until you can’t take anymore. I’ve got all night … Does that sound good to you?)

  It was a minute before Katherine responded, too nervous to say she was getting wet just reading his text, I can’t W8. DIS cowgirl iz eager 2 Lern som rope tricks frm d mstr, she texted back quickly. (In English: I can’t wait. This cowgirl is eager to learn some rope tricks from a master)

  R U in2 subs & doms? Carter was surprised and turned on by her text. (In English: Are you into subs and doms?)

  Wot? (In English: what?)

  Master…hmmm… Freudian slip?

  OMG?? (In English: Oh my God??)

  We cn discuS n detAL aftR dessert, he texted back. (In English: We can discuss in detail after dessert)

  wot R we havN 4 dessert? (In English: What are we having for dessert?)

  U cn hav NEthing U wnt bt I’m havN U. (In English: You can have anything you want but I’m having you) By now, Katherine was desperate to touch herself but her assistant’s desk was right outside her office door. She calculated that it would take Carter at least an hour and a half to arrive and she wondered if she could hold out that long.

  driV safe, bt driV fst… L8r, (In English: drive safe, but drive fast) was the final text she sent before leaning back in her office chair to catch her breath. She could feel a thin bead of sweat rolling down her back under her suit coat and she knew her face was flushed.

  Approximately an hour and twenty minutes later, Katherine’s phone beeped with a new text which read, I’m n d parking lot & I’m comin 4 U now, b ready. (In English: I’m in the parking lot and I’m coming for you now, be ready)

  When Carter entered the office just a moment later, the sight of him walking toward her assistant’s desk made her moist.

  “Mr. Chadwick is here for your eleven o’clock appointment,” Katherine’s assistant said, buzzing her in her office.

  “Thank you, send him in.” Katherine tried to gather herself together so she didn’t look so sex-crazed when he walked in the door. She stood next to her desk as he entered.

  “Good morning Mr. Chadwick, I appreciate you driving all this way for our meeting.” She extended her hand to him. He could feel her palm was damp. It made him smile. While Suzie was behind Carter and couldn’t see his face, it was clear their handshake told him everything he needed to know about what state Katherine was in.

  “It was the least I could do, Ms. Martin. Shall I close the door so we can get down to business?” he asked, setting his briefcase on a nearby chair as he approached her.

  “Yes, please. Would you like something to drink before we get started?”

  “I think we could both use a cold drink of water as the kind of work we’re going to be doing can build a big thirst.” By now, he was standing next to Katherine, both facing her office door where Suzie was still standing.

  “Suzie, can you bring us two chilled bottles of water, please?”

  “Yes ma’am’.”

  When Suzie appeared at the office door a few moments later with the bottles of cold water, she handed them to Katherine and turned to leave, “Would you hold my calls and close the door on your way out? It’s almost lunchtime, so why don’t you go now and direct the calls to the service while we work.”

  “Are you sure you don’t mind me going early?”

  “No, we’re going to be deep into things in here, so you might as well go now.”

  “Okay, thanks!” Suzie said gratefully as she left the office and she closed the door behind her.

  Carter leaned close to Katherine, whispering in her ear, “Am I to understand that there are just two of you in this office all day long and Suzie is leaving, which means you and I are alone? For how long?”

  Katherine’s voice cracked from nervous excitement. “It’s just you and me for the next hour.” As she spoke in a whisper, she could feel his hand slipping up her back, under her suit coat and coming to rest on the clasp of her bra through her cream-colored silk blouse.

  “Tell me to stop if this isn’t what you want,” he leaned in, brushing his lips against her ear.

  She gasped, “Stop … for just a moment,” Carter was surprised that she said stop but he honored her wishes even though he wanted her so badly that he ache
d. “I need to make sure Suzie is gone and I’m going to lock my office door. I don’t want anyone accidentally walking in on us.”

  After opening her office door just to confirm Suzie was actually gone, she locked it before turning around to find Carter standing right behind her. He pressed her against the solid door, pushing her hands up over her head, sealing his lips firmly against hers, his kisses melting her into a puddle of need and desire. Her moans were turning him on so much that he couldn’t wait ― he had to have her, and he had to have her now. Without a moment’s hesitation, he gathered her long-legged, high-heeled, petite body in his arms and carried her over to the sofa in her large office. As their kisses became like ravenous animals, they were undressing each other as quickly as possible. She could feel her bra released from behind, freeing her large breasts into his waiting, hungry mouth.

  “Oh God,” she whimpered with a level of gluttony she’d never experienced before. “I want you so much Carter, I can’t stand it.”

  “What I really want I can’t have right now, but I’ll have it tonight.”

  “What do you want?” she breathed out in a whisper, quickly losing her ability to reason as he relentlessly moved his hands and mouth to touch and taste every inch of her body while removing her clothing, one piece at a time.

  “I want to tie you up and make love to you until you’re screaming for me to let you orgasm again and again.”

  “Oh my God, I think I want that too,” she pleaded as they were both savagely kissing, tasting and touching each other.

  Katherine was wearing a black pencil skirt that fit snuggly around her curvy hips. Carter pushed it up to her waist, revealing her thigh-high black stockings and matching garter belt. “Damn, you’re so hot,” he insisted, his fingers slipping between her thighs only to discover she was wet for him already.


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