Cast in Blood (Morgan Blackstone Vampires Book 1)

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Cast in Blood (Morgan Blackstone Vampires Book 1) Page 26

by Michelle Rabe

  “That was unexpected,” he muttered, taking her hand in his. She smiled and nodded, before he turned her hand over and set his teeth into her wrist. Why the wrist? Morgan thought and gritted her teeth. Tendons shifted and ground against one another, in ways they weren’t meant to. This is my least favorite place to be bitten. I hated it in the days before I became a vampire when Julian fed at my wrist, and nothing’s changed, despite the fact that it’s Nicholas. I want to fight, but that would just tease the possessive side we’re trying to tame. Though it took no more than a few minutes, it seemed like hours before Nicholas released her, and slid his tongue over the punctures, sealing the wound. When he didn’t speak or move for a few moments, Morgan slipped her arms around his waist, and felt him take several deep breaths.

  “How do you feel?” she asked, feathering light kisses near his ear.

  “It’s better, still there, but I can control it.” He nuzzled her neck, and Morgan sensed that he was testing his control. “Yes, definitely easier,” he purred, sending her pulse rate through the roof. She forgot how to breathe for a moment. Nicholas chuckled, knowing what he was doing and enjoying every second of it.

  “Then perhaps a firearms lesson?” she asked though every fiber of her being screamed in protest. Even the logical part of her, the one that had come up with the harebrained idea, flip–flopped.

  “As you wish, my Lady,” he answered, as his hands wandered down Morgan’s body, feather light temptations that made her knees weak.

  The lesson was different from the others. Nicholas was right beside Morgan the whole time, his hands correcting some flaw in stance, grip, or just resting on the rise of her hips. She knew that deep down, he needed to reassure himself.

  “Better?” she asked, examining the tight groupings on the paper target. There were three clusters, one at center mass, the second where the heart would be, and the last at the throat.

  “Much improved,” Nicholas whispered, kissing her neck as she leaned into him, taking comfort from his presence. “Why don’t you go have that bath you’re thinking about? I’ll get the brew and bring it to you.”

  “Thank you, I think I will. I do have one question though.”

  “What’s that?”

  “How’s that possessive streak?” Morgan thought she knew, but was still new at reading his emotions through the blood bond, and wanted to be sure.

  “Better, but I think you knew that.”

  “I prefer to check in, until I get better at reading you.”

  “Nothing to worry about tonight,” he mused. Nicholas turned her toward the house and gave a gentle push. “Now, inside with you wench. We’ll talk more when you’ve had the brew.” Morgan glanced over her shoulder, and saw him standing at the back of the car, the trunk open. “Don’t think I didn’t notice. You’re pushing yourself.” His eyes met hers, over the trunk, and he nodded toward the house.

  Morgan turned and walked into the cabin. If whatever he has in mind is like the past several days, sleep is way overrated.

  Nicholas watched her walk away, with a heavy heart. The blood bond was strong enough that he could find her anywhere. It required a few moment’s concentration, but once he sensed her presence, it was like a compass pointing north, which meant they needed to leave in the morning.

  I want more time. Yeah, maybe that makes me a selfish bastard, but damn it, after so many centuries of stolen moments and hiding how we feel around others, we deserve more time alone, like this. Growling in frustration and anger, he locked the gun inside its case in the trunk, and slammed the lid closed. The moment he entered the cabin Nicholas heard running water, and smiled. If there’s one thing I can always count on, it’s that Morgan will never pass up a chance at a hot bath. Good, let her relax. It will give her time to wrap her mind around everything that’s been happening. That was what this time was supposed to be about. He walked over to the stereo, turned it on, and flipped through her iPod until he found a playlist called ‘Nicholas’s. Laughing, he started the music, letting the eclectic mix they both enjoyed, fill the cabin. While the brew was warming, he called to check in with Marcus in Los Angeles, and Adain in Ireland.

  Morgan lounged in the large claw foot tub with her eyes closed, and let the heat soak into her, when Nicholas stepped through the door. She glanced up at him as he handed her a glass of the brew, he’d changed into a satin robe. “Join me?” she offered, emerald eyes dancing with pleasure and mischief.

  “Of course,” he answered, dropping the robe as she shifted position, making room for him. Nicholas stepped into the hot water and settled into the tub, drawing her to sit in front of him, wrapping his arms around her, content.

  “What are you hiding?” she asked, after several minutes of silence.

  “I checked in with Marcus and Adain again today. According to Marcus, Christophe reported that Alexander showed himself at The Dracul last night. Danny sent two of his people to follow the bastard, but they were a little too cautious, and lost him.”

  “And what does Adain say?” she asked, unable to keep the wariness from her voice.

  “Azreal’s in the wind, not at the Compound or any of his known residences. Apparently, since Lucian returned to the Council’s compound, he’s been in such a foul temper that even my Sire is reluctant to cross him.”

  “We need to leave, don’t we?” she asked, finishing the brew and setting the glass aside.

  “Yes. I’ll see you to Los Angeles, stay a day or two to make sure that you’re settled, and then leave for the compound. Marcus will return to New Orleans a day or so later. You will be left, looking vulnerable.” Nicholas sighed, hoping the frustration and impotent anger he felt wasn’t obvious to her. “I think the bond is strong enough that we don’t have to do another blood exchange, however, if you want we can do one in Los Angeles, before I have to leave.”

  “I don’t know. Burn that bridge when we get there?”

  “As you wish,” Nicholas sighed. “Can we not talk about all this? Just for today? I know we have to face everything come evening, but for today, can we just pretend that the sky isn’t falling?”

  “I thought you’d never ask,” she laughed, and leaned against his chest as she steered the conversation toward mundane matters.

  Yeah, selfish bastard that I am, I want more of this. I want all of the stupid, trivial things that make a relationship a terrifying, wonderful thing, Nicholas thought, as Morgan filled him in on a conversation she’d had with Charles.

  21 – HOLLYWOOD – OCTOBER 14, 2009

  THE NEXT EVENING, Nicholas eased the car into the garage of Morgan’s Colonial style mansion, nestled in the hills above Hollywood; the sun had dipped below the hills, leaving the sky painted in deepening hues of red, purple and orange. The house was a recent acquisition, chosen because it was close to the Sunset Strip, where The Dracul was located, but far enough away that it had a nice parcel of land with it. As she stepped out of the car, Morgan caught sight of four others in the drive, Christophe’s 1965 Mustang, Danny’s Wrangler, Charles’s BMW, and a rental she assumed belonged to Marcus. Nicholas stepped out of the car, and walked to the front before he stopped. Smiling, Morgan walked to where Nicholas waited and took his hand.

  “There’s still time to back out. You can remain here, safe with the boyos, while the Old Man and I hunt,” he offered, giving her one last chance to change her mind. Morgan sighed a small part of her wanting to give in, to take the easier way.

  “There isn’t time for Julian, and maybe not Elizabeth. We might be able to learn something we can use to our advantage against Lucian. The less he suspects, the more likely he is to let something slip. Let’s not waste any more time. I remember something my husband mentioned about stealing a few hours together, before sunrise,” she muttered, slid her arm around his waist.

  “That he did. Let’s get this over with.” He chuckled, and steered them through the house, letting go of her long enough to open and step through the door from the garage. They walked through the short ha
llway into the kitchen and stopped before the granite–topped island. The animated discussion they walked in on stopped, and four pairs of eyes turned to watch them. Before Morgan could react, Danny was on his feet and had caught her in a bear hug.

  “I am so sorry.”

  “It’s not your fault Danny,” she assured him, slipping out of his arms. After that, Morgan was passed around the room, getting hugged, in spite of the fact that she’d seen everyone, except the werewolf, a few days before. Charles was the last; he held her away from him, regarding her with a critical eye. “What?” she whispered. Charles laughed and pulled her into a real hug, but not before Morgan saw him catch Nicholas’s eye for a moment. She understood the momentary hesitation. He was always careful around Nicholas.

  “You look better than you did in New Orleans, cher. Mountain air seems to agree with you.”

  “Thank you,” she answered and pulled away from him. “So what’s been done to my house and club?” Morgan hopped onto an empty barstool, as Nicholas moved around the kitchen, preparing the brew.

  “Your part is deceptively simple. Just go about your daily business, as though nothing has or might change,” Marcus answered, leaning forward, resting his chin on his hands.

  “Nicholas and Marcus are leaving tomorrow night. Charles and I will be nearby, at our own homes,” Christophe picked up, his violet eyes serious.

  Morgan’s heart ached, tight in her chest. This shouldn’t be happening. Christophe should be wooing all the lovelies at the club, not hunting Alexander again.

  “We’ve increased the security presence at the club, as well as adding high definition cameras, so that every inch of it’s covered. We’ve contracted with a company owned by Lycanthropes to monitor the cameras, ‘round the clock. I also added ten people to the security team. That will allow even more of my personnel to circulate throughout the club, while freeing either James or I to stay with you,” Danny explained.

  “Doesn’t that defeat the whole ‘trying to make me look like I’m bait for a mad man plan’?” Morgan asked, and almost wished she hadn’t. Nicholas came close to slamming the glass of brew on the island in front of her. She winced, as some of the liquid splashed out of the glass, onto the counter. He turned and took one step toward the stove, meaning to clean up, before she caught his hand, pulling him to her side.

  “Somewhat,” Charles answered. “However, it was decided that if we made you look completely unprotected, it would seem strange, so we compromised.”

  “Alexander may be a mad man, sweetheart, but Lucian and this doctor, aren’t stupid,” Nicholas interjected, settling his arm around her waist, as she sipped the brew.

  “I know, what about security here at the house?”

  “High definition security cameras and we added panic buttons to alert the same company watching the club, in every room,” Charles answered, showing her a small inconspicuous button that had been added near the stove.

  “A couple teams of their people are renting a house a few doors down, and they’ve set up a remote observation station there. If anything happens, and you need to use the panic buttons, they can be here in minutes. They’ll also call Nicholas; Charles and me,” Christophe explained.

  “Is there anything else?” Morgan asked, wanting to get this over.

  “We just need to show you the other panic buttons. Everything else James will cover at the club later tonight,” Danny said, offering her his hand. Morgan finished the brew and set the glass aside. She stood and glanced at Nicholas, not sure what he wanted to do. She could feel him through the blood bond, but his defenses were in place, and she couldn’t get a good read on his emotions.

  “Go on, love, I want to have a word with Marcus. I’ll catch up with you in a little bit,” Nicholas whispered, before he kissed her neck and stepped away.

  A little over an hour later, Nicholas found her outside, sitting on a stone bench in the English country style garden. Morgan loved the peace she found in nature, but plants under her care died, in spite of her best efforts. So, she hired grounds keepers and enjoyed the fruits of their labors. Nicholas didn’t speak when he sat beside her, but draped his arm around her shoulder. Smiling, she leaned into him, taking solace in his quiet strength, and tucked her legs up on the bench.

  “How do you feel about the preparations?” he asked, while rubbing her arm.

  “I think they’re good, and I’m as ready as I’ll ever be. Promise me something Nicholas?”

  “What’s that?” he asked, his hand moving up to run his fingers through her hair.

  “Be careful. Lucian is no fool, and I’m worried about you.”

  “I willingly leave you behind, with a mad vampire, and an insane doctor stalking you, but you’re worried about me returning to the place I’ve called my home for the better part of the past nine centuries.” He laughed soft and low, but it was threaded with a touch of fear.

  “A home where my Grandsire resides and you can only be sure of two allies, whereas I’m surrounded by what feels like a small army,” Morgan countered, with a slight smirk curling her lips.

  “This is in my nature and blood to do, love. However, I promise I won’t take any unnecessary risks,” Nicholas promised, placing his fingers under her chin. Morgan closed her eyes, and enjoyed the pleasant thrill that ran through her at his touch.

  “That’s all I ask.” Nicholas stroked her chin with his thumb, tracing her parted lips, before he kissed her. Morgan felt controlled passion, as his mouth moved against hers. A soft, pleasurable moan slid from her throat, as she returned the kiss with equal fervor. She was breathless, smiling and feeling a little fuzzy, when Nicholas pulled away several minutes later, with a low satisfied chuckle.

  “Then you have my word. I will be wary. Now, shall we get our exercises out of the way, so that we can spend a few hours in much more sensual pursuits?” his voice dropped to a lower register that made Morgan think sinful thoughts.

  Hell, he could read the phone book in that voice and send me into a haze of desire. “I’d much rather skip the workout,” Morgan countered, while nipping her way along the side of his neck toward his shoulder.

  “Then perhaps make it more interesting? Shall we spar, and the winner gets first bite?” he proposed, a mischievous glint sparkled in his eyes.

  “I like the sound of that.” Morgan was shivering with anticipation, as his fingers traced light patterns on her neck and shoulder.

  “Wait right here,” Nicholas chuckled, and before she could respond he was gone. Morgan closed her eyes and let her mind drift to the myriad of things that could go wrong.

  I know his concerns for my safety aren’t unreasonable. It would be so simple to tell him that I will hide, to let him and Marcus hunt for Alexander. Every time I get close to saying that, I see Julian’s face. Silver eyes, filled with compassion and shrewd intelligence that’s been there since the first time I met him, Morgan thought, her mind shifting back over centuries to the night she’d been reborn. It would have been simple for Julian to leave. We all knew there was no hope, but he stayed close and found me in the aftermath. A hair’s breadth from death and he brought me back from the abyss. How can I not risk myself, when there’s a chance I can pull him back?

  “God Morgan, you’re getting downright maudlin in your old age.” She scolded herself, with a laugh. “Thinking about what might happen isn’t going to help. It’s just going to make things worse.”

  “Still talking to yourself?” Alexander asked, from high atop one of the garden walls. Morgan dropped her head into her hands and laughed, a high–pitched peal of despair and shock. After a few seconds, she stood, and turned to find him perched on the wall, like a pale gargoyle, stringy blonde hair hanging in front of one eye. His cold, ice blue eyes, burned with hatred.

  “I know you’re insane, but showing up like this, it’s just stupid.” She laughed because the alternative was crying, which was unacceptable. She stood, trying to gauge the distance between Alexander and the door to the house. He dropped
from the wall, landing light like a cat, and drew a long dagger from a sheath on his back. “You’ve been watching the house.”

  “Yes. I know it’s just you and Nicholai. All your other hangers–on have left.” He took a step toward her, watching through narrowed eyes.

  Studying the lay of the land, Morgan took a step back and a little to the right. If I can keep him talking, I might be able to get into a position where I can make a run for the house. Yeah, I’ve got my dagger, but I really do not want to dance with this devil.

  “You’re not going to kill me. That would piss the doctor off,” she said, shifting her weight just a little. Morgan watched anger and frustration flicker over Alexander’s features.

  “You know nothing!” he spat and lunged toward her. She whirled to her left, avoiding his blade, which put her further from the house.

  How interesting. That pissed him off. I wonder if I can use that to my advantage? “Don’t I?” Morgan asked, shifting her weight, watching Alexander mimic her action. Getting past him wasn’t going to be a simple matter. “You serve willingly, and yet, he goes farther with his unwilling subjects,” she said, trying to keep his attention on her, long enough for Nicholas to return. She thought about trying to reach out to him through the blood bond, but discarded the idea almost as soon as she had it. The few seconds she needed to concentrate might prove fatal. Alexander stepped forward, and she backed away, knowing that soon she’d have to make a move, because the wall of the garden was near. A wry smile crossed her features, and Morgan rolled the dice, “Admit it, you want to put that human in his place.”

  Alexander uttered an inarticulate growl, and lunged, closing the distance between them faster than she could move. Morgan spun out of his path, but he still caught her with his blade, pain blossoming in a long line down her right forearm. She dropped to a crouch, making herself a smaller target, pulling her injured arm close, protecting it.


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