Cast in Blood (Morgan Blackstone Vampires Book 1)

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Cast in Blood (Morgan Blackstone Vampires Book 1) Page 30

by Michelle Rabe

  “What happened?” he asked, without preamble.

  “Julian was here. I tried to reason with him, but it was pointless,” Morgan sighed. Through their shared blood, Morgan felt some of the fear and anger in Nicholas leech away. “He’s too far gone. He came at me, and James stepped in.”

  “Yet Julian is not here.”

  “I shot at him, missed the heart and throat, but did hit his back.” Morgan ran a hand through her hair and sighed. “Did you have better luck?”

  “Yes and no. The doctor is dead, but there was no sign of Elizabeth.”

  “So we’re at a dead end?”


  “What’s next?”

  Nicholas shook his head. “I have to make a report to the Council.”

  “And what will you say?”

  “I’ll describe what’s happened.” He shook his head and sighed. “As much as I hate to, I’ll have to omit Lucian’s involvement, since we have no proof whatsoever.”

  Morgan nodded, “When do you need to make your report?”

  “If I take more than two weeks, Magnus will start asking questions. With everything that’s going on, the last thing I want is my Sire asking questions.”

  “And once you’ve given your report?”

  “Nothing’s resolved, so I don’t want to leave you alone.”

  “Can you find a way, where Magnus won’t object to you returning to Los Angeles?”

  “I’m sure I can think of something,” Nicholas mused, with a sparkle in his eye. Morgan waited for a few moments, thinking that he might fill her in on what he was thinking.

  “You’re plotting something,” Morgan said, with a frown, not sure she was going to like what the intense, focused look in his eyes foreshadowed.

  “I intend to make it crystal clear to your Grandsire that you are under my protection,” he answered, with steel in his voice.

  “This has really bothered you hasn’t it?”

  “I thought I’d lost you,” he whispered, folding her into his arms.

  “I’m sorry love.”

  “Just try not to let it happen again,” Nicholas chuckled and kissed her hair.

  “Come on, there’s nothing else to do here. I can leave this paperwork for the boys. Let’s go home.” She pulled Nicholas out of the room and walked over to the railing at the edge of the balcony. Much as she had months before, Morgan hopped over the railing, hearing Nicholas laugh as she reveled in the feeling of falling.

  “You’re just a little insane, you know that?” Nicholas yelled, leaning over the railing.

  “But you still love me?” she asked, feeling her lips curve into a coquettish smile.

  “Of course.” Nicholas laughed, and dropped from the balcony, landing with a soft thump beside her. Laughing, Morgan slid her arm around him. He chuckled, and draped his arm around her shoulders, steering them out of the club. “Do you want to talk more about what happened with Julian?” Nicholas asked once; they were in the car. She thought about it for a few moments as he pulled into traffic.

  “No. Not yet.”

  “Any time you’re ready love, I’m here.” Nicholas reached over and took her hand in his. She smiled and watched him, as they drove out of the city, up into the hills.


  A LITTLE OVER a month later, Nicholas walked through the house, glad to be away from the Council’s compound in Ireland. The visit had gone according to plan, but something wasn’t right. Some dynamic within the power base of their kind had shifted, but Nicholas couldn’t put his finger on it. I don’t like that. If I can’t name an enemy or threat, it only makes them more powerful, and perhaps reckless. He sighed and checked his watch. It’s a little after five. I have about an hour and a half before she’ll be ready, if she’s on time. Nicholas laughed. If there’s one thing my wife does with reliability, it’s to not be punctual for a night at the opera.

  His wanderings took him out to the garden, to the spot where he’d ended Alexander’s pitiful excuse for an existence. Marcus had cleaned up the blood and the corpse, but what amazed Nicholas was that despite having walls of flame beside and over them, the high walls and grass had been untouched. That little detail had intrigued his Sire. Magnus had wanted to know all about Morgan’s abilities. If that were just idle curiosity, I’ll eat my oldest pair of shoes. As the setting sun painted the Los Angeles sky in shades of reds oranges and purples, Nicholas turned and walked into the house.

  He closed his eyes, and listened to the distant sounds of the city, before turning his attention to his wife’s heartbeat. Then he smiled and made his way through the house to the bathroom just off the master suite.

  Morgan was in front of the mirror, working her hair into an elaborate up–do that was held in place by jeweled pins. The gems sparkled against her raven hair, catching the light in their crystalline and blood red facets. Nicholas smiled and drank in the sight of her. After everything that had happened, a small part of him had dreaded being parted, even for a short time. While he was in Ireland planning, this evening had been his way of keeping in touch with her, and it was a great distraction. The month he’d been stuck at the Council’s compound had felt like a year, and he was glad to be back at home. Home is wherever she is; Nicholas thought, a slight smile curling his lips.

  “You haven’t been away that long, love. I still look the same.” Nicholas looked up, to see Morgan watching him in the mirror, her green eyes twinkling.

  “That’s all the more reason to take a few moments and enjoy the view.” He tilted his head and raised one eyebrow, enjoying the way the silk bathrobe clung to Morgan’s curves. I’m sure that robe is mine, but when it looks that good on her, who am I to complain?

  “How was the Council?” She ignored his teasing, but the slight flush that colored her cheeks was proof that Nicholas had hit his mark.

  “Long, dull and boring,” he lied, before catching a glimpse of her dark expression in the mirror. “Okay, it was a royal pain in my ass.”

  “How did Magnus take the news about us?”

  “Better than I had expected, considering we’d hidden it for so long,” Nicholas lied. No need for her to know that my Sire’s known since about six months after our marriage. “Now, Lucian, that was another matter.”

  “My Grandsire was pissed?”

  “To put it mildly. I think he was torn between calling for my head and demanding that we divorce.”

  “Neither is happening,” she answered, smoothing color over one eyelid with a practiced hand.

  “Thankfully, my Sire and about three quarters of the Council agreed with you, my love.”

  “Do you remember who sided with Lucian?”

  “Of course. We’ll do what we can to keep an eye on them. It’s the best we can do, for now. Unfortunately, I doubt Lucian is going to give up easily. At best we’ve bought ourselves some time.”

  “We always knew that,” she replied, with a tired sigh.

  “I just wish I knew how much.” Nicholas shook his head and leaned against the door jamb.

  “I’m sure we have enough for one night at the opera, unless you want to call it off,” she said, eyes sparkling with mischief.

  “You’re not getting out of this that easily, minx.”

  “Somehow I didn’t think I would,” she said.

  “So, did you get together with Lilly while I was gone?” Nicholas asked, hoping to change the subject to something a little safer.

  “I went to the condo. We had an interesting chat.” She turned her eyes away from his in the mirror, paying particular attention to the way her mascara was going on.

  “Morgan. That’s a cheap answer, and you know it.”

  “True. However, it is fact, love.” She stopped doing her makeup, with a sigh. Meeting Nicholas’s gaze in the mirror, she continued, “I don’t know if I’ll ever be comfortable with her.”

  “What do you want me to do?”

  “Nothing. Do I feel all warm and fuzzy toward her?
” Morgan shrugged. “No. Will I ever?” She thought for a moment and shook her head. “I can’t say. But I can accept her in our lives for a time.”

  “You’re sure about that?”“I’m sure. Now go get dressed. Unless I’m getting out of going to the opera because you don’t feel like putting on your tux.” Morgan laughed a hopeful gleam in her eyes.

  “Let’s see, a night out at the opera.” Nicholas paused. “One I haven’t seen before, by a new composer with my beautiful wife.” He pursed his lips and nodded, “I think I can get dressed up for that.”

  “Or we could stay in.” Morgan purred, moving to stand in front of him. Nicholas smiled and laid a gentle kiss on her deep red lips.

  “We have all day and most of the night to stay in, my dear.” With a roguish wink, Nicholas strolled out of the bathroom and into the walk–in closet that they shared. Morgan lost sight of him but could hear movement among the hangers and drawers on the side that held his clothes.

  “I meant to ask, but have you been in touch with Annabelle and Caitlynn, about Eric?” he asked, without needing to raise his voice.

  “I have,” Morgan said.

  “And what did they have to say?”

  “They are both impressed with Eric. Seems that even in the short time Marcus was gone, the kid made great progress.”

  “And what about Marcus? How is the Old Man holding up?”

  “He’s doing better than I thought he would. Definitely not what I’d call a present Sire, but he brought Eric in on the search of the trailer.”

  “He’s supposed to be doing more than just bringing the kid along on the investigation,” Nicholas complained, as Morgan stepped into the closet.

  “I know but you know he’s got issues after what happened with Georgia.” She walked over to her dresser and took out a pair of black stockings.

  “Are you saying to give him time? I’m not sure we have the luxury of time, love.” He pulled his shirt on and started fastening the buttons.

  “I don’t know what else to do. Short of relocating to New Orleans, until he’s able to be away from his native soil for longer than just a few hours, before it starts to drain him.”

  “You and I both know that’s not the best solution.” Nicholas shook his head and sat on the chair at Morgan’s vanity.

  “I never said it was the best. It’s what we’ve got.” She propped her foot on the edge of the bed and smoothed one stocking over her leg, fastening it to the garter belt before repeating the process with the other leg.

  “What about Joshua?” Nicholas started fastening his cufflinks. “Was he able to get in touch with Richard about those walls?”

  “Yeah. Apparently Richard was intrigued, but not worried. He said that in the beginning things like that may happen, so until I can control it, I should try to avoid conflict.”

  “That would explain why Jackson reported you were spending less time at The Dracul a few weeks into my visit with the Council.”

  “You have your Enforcers watching me?” She stepped into her shoes, tossing a defiant look over her shoulder at him.

  “Not just you love.” Nicholas held up his hands as if in surrender. “Jackson included the information as part of his monthly reporting. He thought it was strange that you seemed to have walked away from The Dracul and all the work you’ve put into the place.”

  “Vampire–run business. Council and Enforcers watch it,” she muttered under her breath. “Why wasn’t it reported when I went missing?”

  “From what Michael told me, Lucian had been asking questions about Enforcer reporting protocol just before you disappeared.” He watched, as she dropped the silk robe and slipped into her black velvet evening gown.

  “What was my Grandsire asking Michael about?”

  She walked over to him and lifted her hair, presenting her back to Nicholas. He smiled, and let his fingers linger on the exposed flesh near her spine, as he slid her zipper into place.

  “He wanted to know more about what’s reported at vampire–run businesses, and how often reports are made,” Nicholas answered.

  “He was making sure the timing was right.” Morgan frowned.

  “Yes, he was.”

  “How soon after the last report was I taken?” Morgan walked over to her vanity and started putting on her earrings.

  “The night Jackson made it.” Nicholas fastened his watch on his wrist.

  “Do you suspect he had anything to do with what happened?” Morgan fastened a ruby and diamond choker at the back of her throat.

  “Jackson?” Nicholas shook his head and chuckled. “No, I think he’s got a little crush on you, but no, he didn’t help Lucian.”

  “Lucian counted on the time he thought he had between the reports and my disappearance.”

  “The way I figure, he was trying to buy as much time as possible before officially reporting your absence. I know that Charles and Christophe would have said something to me in time, but it’s possible that I might not have known until the next report,” Nicholas explained, as he walked over to Morgan.

  “Which was just a week or so ago,” Morgan whispered, as a shudder ran through her.

  “Don’t dwell on that,” he admonished, and kissed the curve of her neck where it met the shoulder. “We’ve got a system now.”

  “Why didn’t we do it sooner?”

  “Because you’re a big girl and can take care of yourself,” Nicholas said, as he handed Morgan his bow tie, and tilted his head back to give her more room to work. She made quick work of the tie, finishing with a gentle kiss.

  “Some job I did a few months ago.” She rolled her eyes and shook her head.

  He caught her hand in his, not letting her walk away. “Azreal counted on the shock value of Alexander’s appearance. Or Lucian did. We don’t know who let him out. All we know is that his crypt was opened; he was brought out, and then it was sealed again.” Nicholas sighed and slipped on his overcoat. “Michael and I checked it out. The casket was still in there, and the wall had been built back up over the crypt door. On the outside, it looked as if no one had opened it for centuries.”

  “What are we missing?” Morgan bit her lower lip and frowned.

  “I don’t know.” He helped her into her coat before grabbing his keys. “I don’t suppose I could convince you relocate to Ireland for a while.”

  “You know I can’t do that. If I leave Los Angeles, it’s to go to New Orleans,” she sighed. “With Marcus’s issues, the kid may need a mentor, unless we want to risk his breaking with the Dynasty.”

  “You’re planning to mentor him, even with the sorcery thing?” Together they walked through the kitchen and into the garage.

  “Can this wait until tomorrow night?” she asked, when he opened the passenger door for her.

  “I don’t see why not.” Nicholas helped her into the car.

  “Good, because I don’t want to spend your first night back just talking shop,” she said.

  “I plan to do much more than talk shop, love. Much, much, more.” He kissed the back of her hand, before he closed the door and walked around to the driver’s side.

  The sea of humans flowed around him, a writhing, undulating mass of so–called fashionable nouveau riche bodies that parted when they came within a few feet of where Lucian stood, watching. He smiled; it took so little effort to maintain the aura that made them avoid coming close to him. He knew that the humans would feel a subtle shift in temperature, a nauseating scent would roll over them, and if they got too close they’d be overcome by a feeling of menace, as if something evil haunted their steps. Lucian smiled, as a silver sedan pulled up to the valet, this was what he was waiting for, whom he needed to see. Now that the initial shock of Nicholai’s little announcement had worn off, he needed to figure out how to best leverage the information. At the curb, a valet opened the passenger door, and Morgan stepped out of the car. She stood on the sidewalk, waiting for Nicholai, her eyes scanning the area. They swept the crowd, pausing where he stood. She frowned,
eyes narrowing, but Nicholai stepped up beside her and whispered something. Morgan shook her head; her gaze not moving, but not seeing Lucian either. A moment later, Nicholai looked his way. Lucian stood his ground. In all his centuries of study, he had never used sorcery on other vampires before. His cheeks were beginning to ache, with the effort of keeping a neutral smile on his face. It felt like an eternity, waiting, as Nicholai offered Morgan his arm. Lucian let out a breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding, when Morgan shook her head, said something to Nicholai, and the pair of them started walking toward the theater.

  Two hours later, Lucian sat in a private box across from the one Morgan and Nicholai occupied. He had missed the entire first act; his attention focused on the couple across from him. He moved the opera glasses from his eyes, set them on the railing and leaned back in his seat.

  Nicholai watched the spectacle on stage.

  Morgan watched Nicholai.

  Lucian watched them both.

  “Who would have thought that Nicholai would be the key?” He watched, as the pair drew apart, and though they were only talking, their body language was that of lovers. He turned to look at the human woman seated on his right. “How have I missed it?” Lucian asked. A single tear slipped down the woman’s cheek. “All these centuries, I believed that they were nothing more than close friends. She married Nicholai," his hand stopped near the woman’s knee, “clearly it is not merely a marriage of convenience. Yes, I believe I can work with this.”

  As the lights flickered, marking an end to the intermission, Lucian stood and turned his back to the stage.

  With Nicholai in the game, this is going to require careful planning and timing. Beside him the woman whimpered, but Lucian’s will held her in place, compelling her silence. Bloodless corpses occupied three of the six seats in the private box. The deaths had not been necessary. He could have clouded the human’s minds, and made it so that they didn’t remember him. That was the old way. The way The Council had wanted things done. The time for a change was drawing near. He held out his hand to the woman in the seat next to his. She sat with the corpse of her husband leaning against her. “Come. I have learned all I can from this little endeavor.” Lucian could feel her fighting the compulsion. She’d come close to breaking it several times during the evening.


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