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O.U.R.S Page 1

by Yalu Taylors


  Original Ultra Research Subjects

  Tessandra Young Series

  Book 2

  Yalu Taylors

  Copyright © 2018 by Yalu Taylors

  All rights reserved. No part of this eBook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without prior written permission from the author. Except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. Items, Names, and persons in this Book are entirely fictional. They bear no resemblance to anyone living or dead.

  This book is a Reverse Harem, One girl, Multiple guys

  I am an Australian author, the book has Australian slang and spelling please keep this in mind when reading. E.g. Colour instead of Colour

  I'd like to dedicate this book to all those who have been through hell and made it out the other side. You are strong, you are loved and you are my inspiration.



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19


  Peter Young aka 711

  I’m pacing, waiting, my mind is agitated, I've been using my powers too often. I wish Doctor Sam would hurry up with that stupid drug she's been trying to make. I can't wait to get rid of these side effects. I know my obsession with Tessandra is wrong but when Doctor Samantha O'Dell offered for me to lead the clean up crew, I jumped at the chance. Anything to get to her. She’s my obsession, my heart, my future.

  I've been pacing the facility parking lot for the last fifteen minutes, waiting for the other two Ultra's to catch up. They're running across the parking lot before my mind catches up with my eyesight. I'm losing touch with reality, I know I am. The side effects from these powers are slowly stripping me of my sanity. What started out as the coolest thing to ever happen to me has become my greatest weakness.

  I jump in the car that O.U.R.S leaders assigned me and start the engine. If I refrain from using my powers for the next two days, I'll get to keep my sanity for a few more months but time is running out for me. Hence my obsession with Tessandra. That girl was supposed to be my saving grace. My light at the end of the tunnel, but no she had to go and get involved with those Jacobs and O'Donnell boys. Runaways should know better than to interfere with Ultra business.

  “Seven-one-one, did you set the GPS to tracking or are we heading to the last known location?” The pansy looking Ultra asks pulling me out of my own head. “Last known, Seven-two-one's tracker went dark yesterday after the incident at Orion facility.” I almost said her name. Stupid mistake, if the bigwigs find out that I've become attached to Tessandra, well let’s just say, torture would be a welcome alternative. I shudder at the thought of what they could do to me.

  “Why is this girl so important to the higher-ups?” I could answer him, tell him that they believe she may be the only living female test subject and her DNA may be the key to getting rid of these side effects or I could tell him that she is the only other born test subject and they want to experiment with her in the breeding program but no. I give the generic response drilled into all Ultra subjects. “That's classified.” I wait a few minutes before adding, “All you need to know is that Seven-two-one is to be brought in alive.” I glance at him out of the corner of my eye to gauge his reaction. Most clean-up missions are to dispose of the escaped Ultra subject. The guy doesn't even blink. “What about seven-zero-one and the rest of the seven-zero's?” Now here's where I get to have my fun. “Same thing we do to all deserters, Kill on sight.”

  Chapter 1


  Five months ago my life was normal, well as normal as someone who's had visions her whole life can get. I went to school, I came home to my happily married parents house. I had an awesome car, a 1968 Shelby GT500, yeah you read that right. A seventeen year old girl with an old school muscle car, talk about a dream come true. But she's not in the best of shape now, neither am I, everything in my life went to hell. A few weeks before my senior year started I found out my best friend moved away. My parents weren't really my parents and my cousin the douche bag Peter wasn't related to me.

  No instead my whole life was a lie or to be more specific, my whole life was an experiment. I was left hating the world. Then I met these really cool guys with super powers. Okay so they aren't super heroes who go around saving the world but they did save my life a time or two. Oh and did I mention we blew up a freak show lab? I had my memory stolen three bloody times. Can you believe that? First time was because Peter wanted me as a breeding partner. As far as I'm aware I'm the only living original female test subject. Second time was because a jerk named Shaun was so obsessed with me he wanted to keep me for himself. Oh and the third time, well I found out the hard way that getting in a car crash and hitting your head really does have consequences.

  Hunter, Braydon, Zack and Zayne are wonderful guys, my best friends and did I mention we are dating. We've been officially dating for four months now and things are going well, I'm still unsure how this will work with four of them and only one of me but we'll figure it out. Well that is if we can all survive living together in this damn campervan.

  “Whose idea was it to travel around in a fucking campervan?” I snarl as my pen tears the page again. I push my pen and notebook aside. Stupid story wasn’t working too well anyway. I've had enough, we've been driving around in this fucking bumpy, tin can for three days now. Braydon told us that we'd be better off staying on the move because it would make it harder for J.O.Y to find us. It's Braydon's fault, I'm blaming Braydon. “Braydon's.” I laugh, I can't help it. My mood turns from ready to kill someone to hysterical laughter in the time it takes for Zack and Zayne to say his name. All four boys just sit there staring, their food half way to their mouths. This only makes me laugh harder.

  Braydon's the first to recover his composure. “What is so funny?” His forehead is crinkled in confusion. I stop laughing only to hiccup and this causes the laughter to bubble up again. I stutter out between laughs that everything is funny yet not funny at the same time. Braydon frowns then shakes his head. “That time of the month maybe?” My laughter stops dead. Unfortunately, he's hit a sore subject for me. I don't joke about that. It makes me extremely moody. Although I have been having a lot of trouble controlling my moods lately, maybe I'm due. I check my phone app and see I still have two weeks. Maybe the mood swings are a side effect. I shake my thoughts off and ask. “What are we doing? We can't just keep driving around without a destination in mind.”

  Braydon nods his head before picking his fork back up. “We are going to Greenswood to see Uncle Frank's brother. He knows about us and Uncle told us to find Lance if we were ever in trouble.” He continues eating so I assume the conversation is over, but Zack continues it.

  “Pretty sure blowing up a Scientific research laboratory counts as trouble. Lance is really strange but if you just follow our lead, you'll be fine.” He leaves it at that and I'm not in the mood for riddles, so I just finish eating in silence. My pen and notebook forgotten.

  The next day is a repeat, we start driving again at dawn. Stop for lunch, at a small café where the boys eat more food than I could stomach in a week then keep going until dark. I'm bored out of my brain so I ask the boys to tell me more about our powers. I study Braydon's body lang
uage as he tells me about the first time he ever used his powers. He’s so cute the way he gestures with his hands and speaks passionately about everything.

  “I was only nine when my powers started coming out. Hunter and I were being brats to the twins one day and I’m ashamed to say, I hit Zack in the face with a stick.” I look at Zack, his dark blue eyes twinkling with mischief and dark blonde hair flopping into his eyes as he points to a small scar on his chin. “To be fair, Zayne and I did put their hands in a bowl of warm water while they were asleep.” Zayne and Zack start laughing making their dimples show. My cheeks are starting to hurt from trying not to join them.

  I look back at Braydon and see amusement in his bright green eyes as he looks at each of the twins fondly. “Anyway. I hit Zack with a stick and he ended up tripping over while trying to get the stick from me. He hit his chin on the edge of a cement planter and there was blood everywhere. I started to freak out and grabbed his chin thinking he was going to bleed to death.” Hunter interrupts. “He was a worrywart even as a kid, everything was life or death to him.” Braydon gives Hunter a look that says to shut up and continues. “While I tried to stop the bleeding with my bare hands, I started to feel something trying to go through me and into Zack. At first I felt scared but as I watched the wound heal, I began to feel like I had found a part of myself that was missing.” I agree with him, when I healed Hunter, it felt amazing to know that I could help someone I care about. I just wish I could get the hang of using my powers. I sit down behind Hunter, squishing myself between him and the chair back. My leg stick out on either side of him as I brush his long purple-black hair. He rubs small circles along my thigh making goosebumps spring up in their wake.

  The twins joke around about some of the things they used to get into when they were younger. Braydon gets up and puts on some music as I braid Hunter’s hair. I’m just finishing the braid when Braydon comes up next to us and tugs on it. Hunter tells me to be gentle and Braydon does it again. Hunter turns on me and starts tickling me, before I know it I’m lying on the floor in fits of laughter. When I can’t take it anymore, Braydon gives me a hand up and tells us all it’s time for bed. Hunter and Braydon share the double bed in the back with me while Zack and Zayne sleep on the bunks up the front.

  Being cooped up in this van with four guys for days on end is driving me insane yet at the same time it has helped me get to know my guys so much more. Hunter’s always right attitude drove me nuts at first but once I realised he does it to hide the fact that he feels insecure it endeared me to him more. Braydon’s bossy attitude made me feel like one of his minions rather than an equal until I realised that he can’t stand not having a plan. Zack and Zayne both have their individual quirks, Zack acts like a party hard, fun kind of guy but it’s only because he wants everyone around him to be happy, even when he isn’t. Zayne on the other hand is more reserved and is crazy about things being put away. I swear though if I hear “A place for everything and everything in it’s place.” One more time I’ll lose my shit.

  The other strange thing I have found out about the guys is that they all like to share. Everything. From body wash to food. Without warning they will each randomly kiss me or hug me and not once have I seen a hint of jealousy in any of them. It’s bizarre yet makes me wonder if maybe they would be willing to share me as well. I really don’t think I would be able to choose between them, they all have different things about them that I’m falling in love with.

  The next day as we are going through another small town, when the van starts to make a funny noise. Hunter pulls it over to the side of the road and turns the engine off. I jump out after him and follow him. Zack and Zayne join us with sour looks on their faces. “What’s up with you two?” Zack mumbles under his breath too low for me to hear.

  “He said he lost a hundred bucks to Braydon, again.” Zayne’s smile is so big his dimple is showing.

  “Why are you so happy then?” I ask curiously.

  “Because he beat me and ended up with all of our money.” Braydon hops out of the van and comes to stand beside me. “But that’s okay, I’ll beat them in tomorrow’s game.”

  I lean into him and whisper. “How are you going to do that?”

  “I don’t know but maybe we could find a way together.” He winks and kisses my cheek. I watch his tight ass as he walks over to where Hunter is. We all stand on the side of the road goofing around as Hunter and Braydon tinker with the engine. I get bored watching them, as they continue to talk about what could be wrong. “I miss my car. At least I knew what I was doing with the Shelby. I’ve got no clue when it comes to this beast.” I grumble as the twins and I go back inside.

  “You know we could go to the fair Babe.” Zack says just as I sit down at the table. I stand back up from the table, excited to have something to do. The twins run back outside and start talking animatedly to Hunter and Braydon, I watch them lost in my own thoughts. The four of them really are something to see when they are all together. Don’t get me wrong they are all handsome in their own right but in a group they could make even the most unobservant woman turn her head. Zack and Zayne are a bright golden contrast to Hunters dark good looks. Braydon breaks all the norms when it comes to his almond coloured hair and bright emerald eyes. He definitely adds an mythical quality to the group.

  “Come on Tessie, we’ll walk into town and go to the fair. Hunter’s going to stay here and wait for the mobile mechanic. He’ll meet us at the fair when the van’s going again.” Braydon grabs my hand and pulls me over to where the twins are waiting. We start off our walk with energy to spare but by the time we get to the edge of the town I notice the guys starting to slow down. Okay so maybe I am too.

  Deciding to have a bit of fun, I tell them the last one to the town centre has to pay for all of our tickets. It only takes us about five minutes but after sitting on my ass in a campervan for days on end, it feel like hours have passed by the time we get to the edge of the town.

  I slow my speed, trying to conserve some energy for the final sprint but the guys all have the same idea. Braydon bumps Zayne’s shoulders and Zayne stumbles, slowing him down. Zack tries to trip Braydon and he ends up tripping himself over. He lands hard on his knees and I start laughing. I immediately feel bad and slow down even more to check on him but he gets up and sprints passed me. Growling under my breath I pick my pace back up. Zayne comes sprinting up behind me and I grunt as he wolf whistles.

  Zack and Braydon run ahead gaining ground. I look up into the distance and see the sign that points out the direction of the fair. It’s pointing to a large park in the town centre, it’s off the main road but connects to a side street. I slow down and tell Zayne my plan. He agrees and we turn off at the next street. We run to the end and luck is on our side. We sprint to the entrance and stand there huffing and puffing as the ticket vendors watch us curiously.

  Zack and Braydon come running down the connecting street and both of them come to a dead stop, staring at us with confused looks on their handsome faces. I laugh as they realise they are still racing each other and watch on as they sprint towards us. Braydon pushes out in front but Zack pushes himself harder. He draws up close to Braydon and Braydon starts pumping his arms to get a bit more speed. They are neck and neck as they cover the last few metres. Zack stretches his arm out and grabs me, his speed making us both fall. He twists at the last second so I land safely on top of him.

  “Zack. Don’t do that again, you could have hurt her.” Braydon scolds as he stands over us. He holds his hand out and helps me to my feet. I give Braydon a hug as we get our tickets. The guy standing at the ticket stand gives me a funny look as I grab Zack and Zayne’s hands and walk through the gate. I don’t care what any of these people think, it’s not like we’ll be seeing them again once we are back on the road.

  Zack drags us to the first ride he sees. “Let’s go on the Gravitron.” I laugh as he uses an excited little kid voice. I shake my head and tell him that I’ll sit this one out. My stomach never was sui
ted to rides. Zack and Braydon go on the Gravitron while Zayne and I play a balloon popping game. Zayne throws the three darts and pops a balloon every time. Me on the other hand, I only hit one balloon. The worker tells us that we can combine our score and get a bigger prize if we play again.

  Zayne looks over at the ride the guys are on and sees that they are still on the ride. “We’ll go one more time. “He throws the next darts and misses one. He swears under his breath. The guy hands him a cute little blue teddy bear with a bright red heart attached to its paws. It’s so cute and soft, I hug it close as we walk back across to the ride the others are just getting off.

  “Look what Zayne won for me.” I brag as they make their way passed the line of people. Zack snatches the bear and runs off. Zayne hot on his heels. Braydon looks at me and shrugs his shoulders. “Guess it’s just you and me for a little while. I spy the haunted house and sprint across. “Come on, lets see if we can scare the guy at the end.”

  The ride is really slow and I yawn as another fake skeleton pops out, the hinges of it’s mechanical parts creaking. After a few minutes of slow moving, I spy the first of the guys in costume. “To our left up ahead.” Whisper to Braydon. He nods and winks at me. We wait until the guy is close enough then Braydon shouts. “Oogedy boogedy.” I’m practically pissing myself laughing as the guy shakes his fist at us as the ride moves on.

  The twins are waiting for us at the exit and I start telling them about Braydon shouting out ‘Oogedy boogedy’. By the time I’m finished everyone except Braydon is laughing their heads off. We go on the giant swings, the Ferris wheel and a couple of other rides before Hunter finally arrives. Braydon and I are just about to get in one of the bumper cars when Hunter taps him on the shoulder. “May I?” I laugh as they trade off.

  “I missed you T.” I lean my head against his shoulder and whisper that I missed him too. As I say the words I realise just how true they are. A bumper car hits us on the left, ruining the moment. Hunter turns at the last second so we don’t run into the wall and we chase Zack, who rammed us, around for the rest of the ten minute time slot. After the bumper cars, Zack talked me into trying the bubble soccer game and Braydon and I played the clowns.


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