Home > Other > SAVING HIS PRINCESS (DRAGONS FURY MC Book 1) > Page 16

by M. T. Ossler

  Her nightmares and panic attacks have improved with her meds. She’s spending more time around the clubhouse getting to know my brothers. She cooks with the girls too.

  Gigi has also been seeing a counselor – Nicole - here once a week for an hour working with the horses.

  Gigi’s staying busy with Rosie - Iceman’s ol’ ladies - doing some homeschooling work. Not much because it’s still summer, reading mostly to prepare her for high school. And keep her mind occupied and off social media.

  Bella and I agreed that with everything still unsettled we’re going to keep her home this year. Next year, we’ll enroll her in the local high school for her sophomore year. We’re doing this for her safety and until Bella can legally obtain custody of her too.

  Rosie was a teacher until she got pregnant with their first child and Iceman wanted her home. She home schools their two elementary-age boys, Jack and Johnny and offered to help with Gigi.

  Last weekend I took the girls and Ace to see my mom, for a long weekend. Mom lives in Meadow Woods in Orlando. She has a 2-story house, smaller than what she and dad had when I was growing up. 5 bedrooms and 3.5 baths house, a front and back porch and fenced yard for her dog. Mom has three guest’s rooms and one office.

  She likes when the guys and I come visit her and wants us to all be comfortable when we’re there. It gives us all plenty of room for ourselves.

  Mom and the girls were so excited to see each other and spend some time together. They gave Ace and me a headache, but it was well worth it to see my girls happy.

  The four of them hung out in the kitchen most of the time cooking and baking for us.

  I don’t think I’ve ever seen mom’s kitchen so cluttered with a ton of food and even happier women. Watching them laugh and sing with the music we had playing reminded me of when we were kids.

  We would always spend the holidays together at Bella’s house. The women were always in Aunt Amelia’s kitchen, with the radio on.

  I loved watching them dance around the kitchen and singing into their wooden spoons.

  The guys and I always razzed the girls to get a rise out of them. They were all good sports about it and gave it as good as they got it.

  The look that Bella had on her face when she was younger would lite up a room. The same was true that weekend in mom’s kitchen. She looked so young and vibrant again. Watching Gigi reminded me of Bella at that age.

  Seeing them singing together was the highlight of my weekend. My girls have voices of angels, and I wish I could have frozen time for them.

  My dark heart felt lighter for the first time in years seeing Bella and the girls so happy.

  Gigi stuck close to mom all weekend taking comfort in a mother figure. I could tell how much it meant to both of them and how much Gigi’s missing her momma. She needed that connection and mom gave her what she needed. Gigi even went as far as staying in mom’s room at night.

  At night the four of us would hang out after mom and Gigi went to bed, dancing around the house.

  Bella made me promise her we would make time to dance together as much as possible, just like our parents used to do. My girl loves to dance, but most of all, she loves the comfort of being in my arms as I twirl her around. I can’t fault her for that because I love it too.

  Mom commented on how happy I am these days and mentioned how great Bella and I are together.

  She always knew a piece of my soul was missing all these years. Now that I finally have Bella back in my life, my soul is full.

  Mom heard the difference in me the second she said Bella’s name that day and knew things would workout for the best. she was right as always.

  All in all, it was a great weekend away.

  “Hey, Beautiful, it time to get up,” I say as I glide my knuckles softly up and down her cheek to wake her.

  She groans, and I roll her over on her back kissing her cheek turning her groans into a moan. My cocks hard instantly and jumps from her sweet sounds.

  She finally wakes, and we dress. Bella choices one of her new sundress in light blue to wear today.

  Then head down to the bar for the day’s festivities.

  We enter the bar around 11, it’s jam packed with guys from different chapters. About 50 men are milling around inside, and I’m positive there are double that amount outside where I head, so Bella doesn’t feel trapped.

  Also, I know Ace, and the guys are out back with the girl’s, he texted me ten minutes ago.

  She doesn’t need to tell me I can sense it, my girl’s nervous as hell and putting on an act to cover it up.

  She tends to do that a lot, growing up Mafia you learn at a young age never to should your real emotions, it can be taken as a weakness. she sure knows how to hide hers well sometimes she even fouls me.

  I spot Blaze first by the apartments then I catch sight of the girls, Ace, Gator, and Dusty.

  As we approach Gigi comes over for a hug and Gator beams at me. “You’re up at one, bro, I got five grand on you, so do me proud,” Gator says as Maddox come strolling over to us laughing his ass off.

  “I hope you’re ready, Bull – Daytona’s SAA - is out for blood and Hawk – New Smyrna’s VP - wants a piece of your ass later.”

  “I’d watcher you’re back alright, man, Bull wants payback for Memorial Day, you humiliated the shit out of that bastard,” Maddox says through his laughter.

  I feel Bella tense up under my hand and Gigi and Jules with curious faces.

  Shit, not how I wanted to handle this. Maddox stops laughing realization hits him as he takes in Bella’s anxious face.

  “Shit, man, I got fucking caught up in the excitement,” Maddox says to me then looks back at Bella. Her nails are now digging into my hand.

  “You must be Beast’s ol’lady, I’m Maddox, Prez of our Daytona chapter,” he says with a chin lift.

  “Yup, Maddox, this is Bella, and these ladies over here are her sister, Gigi and our friend, Jules,” I grunt annoyed at his arrogance.

  Bella straightens up next to me, and Gigi giggle as Maddox turns to nod at them.

  He appraises Jules, and I catch Ace growls at him. He doesn’t like Maddox checking her out one iota because he’s into her, but he’s too stubborn to step up.

  He takes a step closer to her and gives Maddox a look to back off, she’s his.

  Maddox turns back to me and says, “Check you later,” before striding off.

  “Gio, what’s going on, what’s everyone talking about?” Bella asks in a mere whisper. I turn to her and see the confusion all over her face as everyone observes us closely.

  I should have told her sooner, I don’t know why I waited.

  Okay, I’m an ass, I’m still learning how to navigate in these muddy waters. I’ve never been in a relationship or had to answer to anyone, besides Gator, but never on personal shit.

  “We set up fights when all the clubs get together, and I always fight. The winnings benefit the club.

  “It’s no big deal, I do it all the time, and now you get to see your man in action and route for me,” I say with a wink to lighten’ the mood, and she nods.

  She afraid to see me fight, but she’ll do as I ask and stay calm for her sister.

  “No, need to worry about the Beast, sweetheart. I’d worry about the other guys. Beast lives up to his name in the ring, you’ll see,” Blaze says then redirects us seeing how uncomfortable Bella is hearing this. “Let’s eat, I’m starving.”

  We head to the food table make our dishes then have a seat at one of the picnic tables. The girls are quiet as we eat, but the guys keep the conversation going. Fight talk mostly and catching up with some of the other men.

  As things are starting to wind down, Maddox finds us. “You’re up, man,” he yells to me from across the yard. I take Bella’s hand and go to the ring behind the garage where all the guys are waiting for me.

  I take off my kutte, grab my phone and wallet from my back pocked unhook the c
hain from my belt before handing them off to my girl.

  I bend to her ear and say, “Stay by Ace and Blaze. I’ll be fine, enjoy the show and route for your man. I love you.” I grace her lips intending just a quick kiss, but I can’t help myself it turns passionate, and all the guys start whistling around us.

  Before she can respond, I leave her and jump into the ring to face off with a pissed off Bull.

  It’s time to let the Beast out to play.

  I plant my feet in place and raise my hands, left in front of right, in my fighting stance and wait for Snake to call start.

  There are no rules here, we fight until the last man is standing, literally.

  You get your opponent down and out to win.

  My last fight with Bull took less than two minutes for me to knock his ass down and out. I’m anticipation no more than five minutes today, only because he’s rearing for this fight as payback.

  He’ll never get the drop on me, but he can try. I’ve never gone down, and I’m not gonna start now.

  Snake announces us then starts us off.

  Bull and I circle the ring a couple of times bouncing on our feet dancing around to find my best shot. I don’t play cat and mouse long, I lunge at him throwin’ my right fist landing hard on his left temple.

  Chapter 13


  I’m standing here grabbing onto the girl's hands and watching Gio fight another man has my heart in my throat. I’m praying he doesn’t get hurt, I don’t think I could bear it if he does.

  There’s no referee for this fight. Not like the boxing and MMA fights I've seen through the years with my father and my brothers at Madison Square Garden or other places. I was never allowed to go with them to the illegal fights, they said it wasn’t safe, so I’ve never seen a fight this intense.

  I watch Gio get into his fighters stands then they play cat and mouse.

  Gio’s face shows he’s done playing and lunges at Bull socking in the left temple and slitting his eye. Blood drops down the side of his face.

  Bull shakes it off and charges at Gio. He ducks and Bull misses him by a hair. Gio takes the opportunity to elbow him in the back with his left.

  “He’s got this, sweetheart. Just keep watching your man,” Ace says in my ear from behind Jules. I squeeze my sister and Jules’ hand even tighter.

  Bull gets in a couple of good punches to Gio’s jaw splitting his lip. He lands a couple hits to his ribs, causing me to lose my breath a second and cringe.

  Gio looks like it doesn’t even phase him, probably from the adrenaline pumping through his body.

  He goes right back at Bull, striking him on the side of his throat causing him to drop to the ground on his knees.

  Gio’s on him instantly, sending him flat on his back on the mat and straddling him. Then he delivers blow after blow to his face as Bull tries to block them.

  This goes on for a minute or so. Blood is all over Gio’s hands, and Bulls face. Gio’s dripping with sweat and blood on his lip. He’s glistening in the sun light.

  The whole time everyone hooting and hollering for the man they want to win.

  Bull came back at Gio, even with Gio on top of him throwing punches. He spits in Gio’s face then throw a few punches at his chest.

  The look on Gio’s face while fighting is a look I’ve never seen on him before. He’s defiantly a Beast in the ring. The way he attacks his opponent and goes in for the kill every time is awesome.

  I’m actually liking watching him fight, and I can’t wait to see more of him like this.

  “Finish him,” I scream with pride for my man. I think he hears me because I see him nod slightly then puts the drop on Bull finishing him.

  Watching Gio fight is such an adrenaline rush and a turn on. My nipples have turned into rocks under my bra and shirt, from that first punch. And my panties... Damn, I’ve never been this wet, or aroused for a man, at all. I may need to change them when this is over.

  Gio stands as Snakes gallops over to him to call him the winner.

  Then I see it, Bull’s hand go up and grip Gio’s calf pulling him back.

  “Oh, shit,” Blaze says from behind my sister next to me and my heart stops.

  “No,” is all I can scream out.

  Gio stumbles back then quickly catches his balance and rights himself before falling. He kicks Bull in the side with his steel toed boot a couple of times before hops back on top of him and delivers a few more blows to his face.

  Gio stands up again leaving a total knocked out Bull on the mat. Two big men come up behind him to collect the blood passed out man on the ground.

  Snake finally announces Gio as the winner, and I can wait to be close to Gio any longer. I let go of the girl's hands and run straight towards the ropes.

  Shadow sees me and quickly draws them down in time for me to jump over.

  Then Gio spots me and opens his arms for me as I lunge into his chest and crush my lips to his.

  “That was so freakin’ awesome,” I say against his lips. He laughs before taking me to another dimension drawing me in and deepening our kiss. I barely feel him lifts me and carries me to the garage.

  We enter the garage, and he breaks the kiss, but not before I feel how hard he is in his pants. He’s horny from the adrenaline rush of fighting and my touch.

  My desire for him to take me against this wall is so strong. I’m so turned on and want him, this would be such a hot new memory to have.

  But I know he would never have sex with me in here with his brothers milling around outside the building.

  He brought us in here so he can calm himself down and get his head straight.

  A few minutes later we join everyone in the yard. We spend the rest of the afternoon socializing, and I meet his brothers from the other clubs.

  He goes another round in the ring with Hawk, from the other club. They go back and forth throwing punches. They have a decent fight, putting on a good show for the next five minutes.

  Then Gio gets in the unlimited shot taking him out. He knocks him out cold laying him out flat on the mat.

  And again he makes me feel the same desires running through me. We end up back in the garage with his raging hard on. I know he needs a release, I can see it plain as day.

  “Gio, let me help you with that,” I say pointing at his crotch. I figure I can at least jack him off.

  “No, I’ll be fine. Just need a minute,” he grunts shaking his head, looking up at the roof and steadying his breathing.

  “Why don’t you leave me with the guys and takes a few minutes alone in our room,” I suggest to give him what he needs.

  “I’m not leaving you,” he says pointing to his not so noticeable manhood now. “He can wait to have my hand later,” he grunts.

  After a few minutes, we join everyone.

  We have dinner and then around nine head over to the lake to watch the firework show the prospects have set up.

  Standing here watching the fireworks are bittersweet. It reminds me of our 4th’s back home and how much I miss my family. I guess you could say I’m a bit homesick, for my family, not my home.

  Home is where the heart is, and mine is definitely with Gio, but a part will always be with them.

  Gio wraps his arms around my waist in a precious hold while we watch the romantic view. He kisses me under my ear sending shivers through my body the whispers in my ear, “Ti amo.”

  I turn to meet his eyes with a magnetic smile. “Ti amo, amore mio.” Then I kiss him passionately under the stars and fireworks.

  I know my man says he doesn’t do romance, but every once in a while he does something without realizing it. The little things mean more to me than anything.

  This right here, me in his arms and him telling me he loves me under the stars and fireworks is a sign of romance to me, and he has no clue.

  This makes me feel normal and whole again, and my heart doesn’t hurt. His arms, his love, this spectacula
r view, and our friends and family is what I ever aspired to have, and now I do forever.

  Even Gigi is lighting up with a little sparkle in her amber eyes enjoying the day.

  These are the best days, seeing her this happy and forgetting the pain for just a little bit.

  Chapter 14


  Laying here in bed watching Bella sleep half on top of me and in my arms is the highlight of my mornings and nights. Her beautiful heart-shaped face looks so at peace and relaxed. These are rare moments for me to see on her face these days. I treasure every single one of them and her every day.

  I can’t believe it’s been over a week since our 4th of July party here. Bella did great that day with all our company and since then.

  She was also really good with me fighting, better than I could have ever imagined. I could tell how nervous she was at first, then how turned on she got watching me. I wanted her wickedly afterward and her offering to jack me off almost did me in. Almost. I squashed that image of her hand on my cock hastily. She may have been turned on, and I may have been horny as fuck, but I would never have done anything with her. Not in the garage with my brothers, Jules and her sister milling around just outside. That had me calm my shit down immediately.

  In the middle of my thoughts, someone starts banging on my door. I almost jump out of bed wide the fuck awake with my heart pounding in my chest. Bella stirs on top of me but stays put as I hold her tighter to my chest. She blinks her eyes waking up slowly as she stares at me.

  “This better be fuckin’ good, motherfucker,” I growl loudly to whoever is at my door. My door swings wide open and slams against the wall causing Bella to squeal and making me chuckle. I look up from her and see Ace entering my room shutting the door behind him. He and Blaze are my only brothers that have a key to my room and I theirs.

  If looks could kill, his would kill me right now. He has murder shining in his eyes. That’s not good.

  What the fuck is going on now?

  “We got trouble, man. Church is in ten minutes,” Ace says in a rush.


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