Home > Other > SAVING HIS PRINCESS (DRAGONS FURY MC Book 1) > Page 19

by M. T. Ossler

  Mom knows everything that’s happened lately.

  She also knows how I’ve felt about Bella all these years. I never confirmed my feeling to her until recently, but mom being mom always know how we felt for each other. She said she saw the connection in my eyes the day Bella was born, and I held her in my arms in the hospital. I was only five years old at the time.

  With Bella, she saw it on Christmas morning when she was five years old. She was opening the gift, I gave her, which I picked out and bought myself. It was a matching Belle gown, tiara, wand, shoes and the box was signed by Belle and addressed to Bella.

  I knew she was her favorite princess back then, and I wanted to make her smile. I always loved making her smile, still do.

  She loved wearing that dress and dancing around her parent’s ballroom, swooshing around the dance floor. The Beauty and the Beast song playing throughout the room as she swirled around.

  I would stand in the shadows and watch her and how happy she was acting like she was dancing with her very own Beast. Once in a while, she’d beg Val or me to dance with her too.

  Kind of funny if you think about it, now she really does have her very own Beast.

  Mom had said, “A mother’s intuition never falls.” I guess we can say she was right.

  Mom told me a long time ago when soul mates meet they connect like magnets. They stay connected with their other half whether they’re together or not. If the times not right when they first meet, then they will find their way back to each other when the time comes. It’s a connection that draws them together for life and can’t be broken.

  “Honey, I’m so happy you two are finally getting your happy ever after,” mom says.

  “Bella surely deserves this after everything. I just wish dad and her family were here to share this with you two.”

  We talk for a few more minutes about family. Then she takes her seat in the front row next to Gator, Sam, and Shadow.

  Ace walks up to me to let me know my girl is ready. Then he takes his place between Blaze and me.

  It’s time for my girl to walk down the aisle to me.

  I hope Bella likes the song I choose for her to walk down to. Most importantly, I hope she loves the song I select as our wedding song to have our first dance as husband and wife.

  Another request from Jules, I was to pick out these songs for Bella.

  When she walks into the room, I stop breathing for a second. She looks stunning in her dazzling white dress and tiara.

  Her hair is flowing down her back in soft curls.

  She’s a natural beauty and doesn’t need much. She defiantly fits the Princess profile. Her dress, tiara, my diamond ring on her finger, her new diamond bracelet on her wrist, and her diamond heart pendant around her neck, she looks like an authentic Italian Princess.

  My heart is racing a hundred miles a minute in anticipation. I finally get the girl forever, and she’ll be my wife after all these years.

  Chapter 16


  Waking up to Ace banging on our door with trouble is not the way I like to wake or start my morning with Gio. Granted, I was in my favorite place, his arms, but I would rather have stayed that way for a little while longer before starting our day.

  So now I’m rushing to get dressed to go downstairs with Gio to see my sister and the horses.

  Gio loves me in his shirts, and I have a surprise. I love that I can get him all worked up, but I would never leave our room with just his shirt on.

  It’s definitely fun toying with him, though. When he talks about punishing me for doing things like this, it makes my body react funny to his words. I like hearing him be possessive of me, but I’m still not sure how I would handle it.

  After he fixes the shirt around my waist, we head out. We find Tiny and go our separate ways with one last kiss.

  I stand at the entrance of the barn watching Gigi for a couple of minutes. She’s with her favorite horse Midnight Dream. Dusty’s at the other end of the barn watching her too. He never even noticed when I entered, only concentrating on her. She’s completely in her element, in her own little world. I love watching her with Midnight Dream, he lights her up while keeping her mind off of the things that are going on in our lives. She looks happy, young, carefree and innocent just the way I intend on keeping her.

  Soon she’ll be living with Gio, and I and life will change again for her. I hate to upset her life again, maybe instead of us move away from the clubhouse and the guys we can take one of the apartment here. I don’t disrupt her life and new routine. I’ll have to talk to Gio about this when I see him later.

  I walk over to them quietly. “Mornin’, baby girl.” Midnight Dream nudges my hand with his nose to get my attention. “Mornin’, boy,” I say as he enjoys the attention he’s getting making Gigi giggles. That is the loveliest sound coming from my baby sister.

  Gigi and I talk while she brushes him. She wants me if we can ask Gio if he will take us shopping and the salon next week. We just did both last week, but being cooped up here even with luxuries, girls need to get out and have shopping excursion often. I tell her I’ll talk to him about taking us. In the meantime, sister time is what we need. We hang out with the horse for a while. Then decide to take a walk to the pond, but Tiny stops us from exiting the barn.

  “Girls, I have to take Bella inside for a few minutes,” he says, and we give him a questioning look. He doesn’t say anymore, and I don’t ask. If I needed to know more, he would tell me. I hug my sister goodbye for now and follow him in. Dusty and Gigi decide to follow us and stop in the kitchen. Tiny takes me to the back of the clubhouse where the guys have their meetings. The room Gio told me I’m not allowed. Why would he bring me here?

  “Tiny, what are we doing here? I’m not allowed in there.” I ask him confessed and nervous. “Ace told me to bring you here. It’ll be okay,” he says as I follow him over to the door. He knocks on the door then opens it without waiting for a response. He places his hand on my shoulder and ushers me into the room. All the guys in the room go silent and stare at me making me extremely uncomfortable. Gio jumps up comes straight to me looking concerned and as confused as I am.

  Gio looks over at Tiny for answers he doesn’t have. Then he looks me up and down causing my body to shiver from his look. I’m unsure of what’s going on, and it scares me. Gio takes me out of my misery by taking my hand in his reassuring me and comforting me.

  Gio takes my hand leading me to his seat and places me on his lap. Everything’s happening so fast. I find out about my brothers and can’t wait to tell Gigi and Jules. Gigi is going to be ecstatic about this news.

  Ace yells for everyone to get out, he and Gator stay in the room, but head over to the far corner.

  Gio asks Ace to go to our room to grab him a couple of things never taking his eyes off me. He’s watching me intensely like I may run at any second. My body is lighting up from the inside, and I want more of his touch.

  Both men leave us alone, and I can’t take my eyes off Gio. The look in his eyes tells me he has the weight of the world on his shoulders.

  In a matter of minutes, so many things have taken place. Gio and I have come to an understanding about him and us. We don’t choose who we love; love chooses us. Love has selected Gio and me to be together finally, and we can finally spend the rest of our lives together.

  Life doesn’t always go as planned, we can attest to that. But be it fate or God’s will or what have you, we came back to each other. I don’t know the reason or even care because we have each other back, and I’m never going to let him leave me. My heart and soul would never be able to survive losing him again.

  I finally have my kutte, like Gio’s and we are official in the eyes of his club. Could this day get any better? Maybe, I’m getting ahead of myself. I want to see the good in everything not the bad and I know there’s more bad stuff to come.

  Gio’s words about the bastard and I begin to feel a panic attack. I w
ill not survive at his hands again. Either he will kill me, or I will kill myself, and I can’t allow either of those things to happen. I have Gigi to take care of, and she needs me now more than ever. I also won’t let him take Gio away from me either. Never again will I let that bastard have control over me.

  Thankfully, Gio and I are on the same page where he is concerned.

  Hearing Gio claim me has his and tell me how much he loves me fills my heart and makes my body feel excitement to my core. He makes me feel stronger with him by my side everyday. I’m beginning to feel like my old self, more and more as time goes on.

  Gio just asked me to marry him, I can’t believe this is actually happening. I can’t believe by the end of this evening I’m going to be a wife, Mrs. Giovanni Sebastiano Valentino and I’m going to have a husband.

  I can’t take my eyes off Gio, seeing the love he has for me shining in his eyes. I can also see he wants this and he’s just scared that he might be pushing me into something I’m not ready for. Well, he’s not pushing me, I’ve wanted this since I was a little girl.

  As I sit here listening to his words, I’m reminded of better days. To be specific, a very particular day many years ago. With a special memory of my father and me.

  Jules and I had just finished playing dress-up in my mom’s closet. We had to be about eight or nine at the time.

  I loved wearing mom’s beautiful white sparkly gown, it reminded me of a wedding dress. I would wear my silver princess tiara that daddy got for me when I was a baby. I paired it with mom’s high heels and prance around their sitting room.

  I was pretending that I was getting ready to walk down the aisle at St. Patrick’s Cathedral with daddy to Gio.

  Jules would dress up in a baby blue sparkly gown of moms and plays her part as my maid of honor splendidly.

  Daddy would always tell me that one day I was going to make a beautiful bride and that day would bittersweet for him.

  He would love it because I would be marrying the man of my dreams. Seeing me happy as he walked me down the aisle to him would fill him with happiness.

  He would hate it because he would be losing his Princess to another man and that was going to be hard for him. He wouldn’t be the main man in my life anymore. The only man I would depend on to protect me and love me.

  Daddy knew how I felt about Gio since I was a little girl. He was aware that Gio was the one for me and would have accepted his claim on me if he wanted me.

  He was well aware that when I played in mom’s closet, I was dreaming of Gio.

  I was daddy’s little girl, even after Gigi was born. Daddy would make special time for just him and me. Once a month he would take me out for special dinners.

  He loved all of us so very much in all different ways.

  He and I continued this tradition until the end. My last dinner with him was the week before he...

  I wish my daddy were here today for this special day for me, for us.

  Gio will never understand my thinking, but I am ready to start our forever together. It doesn’t matter if it is today, tomorrow, next month or even next year. I’m never leaving him, ever. Being tied to him in marriage in Gods eyes is what I’ve dreamt of for years.

  I knew the second Jules said his name in my hospital room if he came back in my life I would never let him leave me again. I was willing to fight for him, for us this time. So, getting married today doesn’t scare me one bit, if anything it thrills me that he wants this for us. My dreams are finally coming true.

  Albeit, something bad had to happen to bring us back together, but this is the best possible outcome. I have to believe for my sanity that this was God’s plan all along.

  Gio needs me to be the strong woman that I know I can be. I am going to be Gio’s strong woman stand beside him, forever.

  The guys congratulate us, and then they fill me in on the plan for the rest of the day. Ace informs me that Jules has something special for me in her apartment.

  I insisted on holding off the ceremony till five this evening instead of three this afternoon. I’m going to need time to do my hair, makeup and to raid Jules’ closet for a dress.

  I also need some time for girl talk with my girls.

  We find Tiny in the bar and Gio gives me a kiss one last time as his girlfriend before I meet the girls.

  When I arrive at the girl’s apartment, Jules and Gigi attack me to see my ring and my kutte. Apparently, Jules was privy to today’s events and filled in Gigi.

  Jules immediately ushers me to the kitchen chair. There is a woman here to do our hair and makeup. Thankfully we had our nails done last week, and they still look good.

  As I contemplate how I want my hair, Jules walks into the bedroom and comes out holding a white dress bag. When she opens it, I can’t stop the emotional downpour of tears that fall out of my eyes. Why have I been crying so much lately? I don’t think I’ve ever cried this much in my entire life. I need to be stronger and hold myself together better.

  The dress isn’t my dream dress, but it’s pretty close and perfect. She found me a princess tiara like the one my daddy gave me when I was younger to match.

  I opt to wear my hair down in loose curls. I want to look like a Princess today since I already feel like one. My makeup will be light and natural being that I don’t usually wear makeup, only for special occasions.

  Candace, the hair stylist is fantastic, she’s around my age, and she lives in the area. She started doing hair out of high school and loves it. I like her personality; she fits Jules and me perfectly. Ces would love her too if he were here. I miss my Ces and wish he was here to share this day with me. He’s always been my main man, and I have been his main girl. Now he’s going to have to share me. I hope Gio, and he can get along and share me. I need them both in my life in different ways.

  When Candace finishes my hair, Jules insists we hold off on my makeup since it won’t take long. She wants to talk to me while Gigi gets her hair done. We retreat to her bedroom leaving Candace and Gigi in the kitchen.

  “Bella, come sit down with me. We need to talk,” she says as we both sit on the bed. “I know this has to be a lot to take in. If it weren't for that manipulating asshole, you wouldn’t be doing this today. You’d be able to wait and have the day you dreamed of having. Like when we were little playing dress-up with your mom's closet,” she pauses a before continuing. “How are you feeling about all this happening so fast?” She gives me an apprehensive look. I get it, she loves me and wants me happy. I love her for all she’s done for me and how protective she is of me. She knows how I feel about Gio and what I dreamt for us.

  “Jules, I’m fine. Really! I know this is all going faster than it should, but I want this. I have dreamt of this day and never thought it would be a reality. You of all people know that we’ve talked about this many times. Whether it happens today or next year really doesn’t matter. I have always been his in my heart. I’m beyond happy to make it official today.”

  Jules grills me a little more to feel me out on today’s events. Then she pops the big question, the same one that has been on my mind for a few weeks. I haven’t talked about it with her, not even my therapist. I mentioned it to Sam, but only general questions.

  “Are you ready to bring your relationship to the next level? You know, to be intimate with him?” She is nervous about this for me, I can see it in her eyes. She doesn’t think I’m ready. Hell, I don’t know if I’m ready, but I won’t know until I try. Gio would never force me, and he’ll take things at my pace. I feel safe, and love and the volcano that’s heating up inside me wants to erupt soon. My panties become soaked around him when he holds me or kisses me. It’s a burning, scorching feeling inside I’ve never experienced before.

  “To be completely honest… I’m not sure, but I want to try. He makes me feel things I’ve never felt before. Things I never thought I would, you know after…” Taking a deep breath and clearing my mind. “His touch makes my body spark and tingl
e all over. His look sends good shivers through my body from head to toe. When I’m in his arms, I feel warm, safe, loved and at peace.”

  I look down at my ring as goose bumps form on my body.

  “I know he’s experienced and I don’t want to disappoint him.” I pause again and take another deep breath.

  “I know he would never hurt me and make it special. I want him to touch me the way my body craves his touch. Mostly, I want his touch to wash away the bad memory and form new ones that only his touch can elicit.

  “I want him to make love to me and make my body desire only his.” Jules is looking at me like I’ve lost my mind. Maybe I have. Gio does mess with my brain and my body. The feelings I’m having around him are all entirely new to me.

  “You’ll know when it’s right. If you trust him, allow yourself to open up to him and feel things with him. Let him make new memories with you, make new memories together.” Now, she’s smiling at me like a Cheshire cat, and I have a feeling this conversation is not just about Gio and me. She’s lusting after Ace.

  We talk for a while about sex. Reminiscing about the times Ces would tease us about not gettin’ any. Then Gigi comes in, and Jules leaves us to get her makeup done. It's time for a sister to sister, heart to heart talk.

  “Baby girl, are you good with all this?” I ask afraid as she sits on the bed next to me. She smiles at me lighting up her eyes. Jules filled her in earlier on our brothers, and she’s in a perfect place.

  “I’m good with things. I love Gio, and I get another brother. I do have one question,” she asks shyly as she lowers her eyes to the bed. “Bella, where am I going to live when this is all over?” I see a tear run down her little face and I take her in my arms. “Baby girl, I want you to stay here with Gio and me. If you want to? I don’t want to lose you, but I will respect your decision. If you want to go back home with the guys you can. I’ll miss you like crazy every second of every day, but I’ll understand,” I say hold her tight to me. I don’t want her to leave me, I just need her to be happy.


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