Another Man's Woman (Late Night Delight)

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Another Man's Woman (Late Night Delight) Page 4

by Jennifer Willows

  But when Dominic rubbed himself without any hesitation and pure masculine glory, her hands couldn’t stay still. She used two fingers and rocked over her clit. As mesmerized as she was, he was the same, and the mutual ogle seemed deeper than sex. He leaned over her and settled for a near perfect fit between her thighs. All he offered at first was a pussy-tease, just an exploration of the seam splicing her sex. Then he nudged her pussy, his head thick and fat enough that the pressure made her gasp a bit. But he took it away and she impatiently gripped his shoulders. He snarled and gave the inch back to her, but the bastard took it away again. Afterwards she was hopeless and wanted to beg him, but she had too much pride to actually abase herself and say it. Her traitorous body was unwilling to cooperate and she rocked her hips in needy, undulating waves for more. She felt her grip on him tighten and even though her nails were short, she was sure just a bit more pressure would break the skin.

  All that she needed was to get him inside of her and the rest could be tabled for later. Then he must have either broken due to his own shallow strokes or the frustrated fits her hips made changed his mind, as he made a slow steady entry thereafter. Momentarily satisfied, she arched up and met him half way. When he touched bottom, she was stuffed, none of her toys were as thick as he was. But the feeling was out of this world. She had wanted him for so long, even when she kept silent and even when she pushed him away. But then Dominic looked her in the eyes and had the nerve to tell her to be patient, for her to wait and feel him. It damn sure wasn’t fair. Hadn’t she waited long enough? If she felt any more she might not make it, her heart might give way.

  The culmination of five years’ worth of fantasies was nothing in comparison to the reality of being with him. Her need sparked within her acutely and she felt like the last two years were nothing but foreplay leading to this moment. Despite the fact they were conjoined, Dominic was still and did nothing more than look at her. He didn’t parry his cock inside her wet, willing flesh, just invaded her body then lay dormant. But the way he watched her was better than being touched, his gaze wove invisible tendrils inside her brain and possessed her. She had never felt as if she was seen so well, so deeply and especially not at a moment like this.

  Her lips met his, a desperate clash of teeth and tongues. As frenzied as their kiss became, none of the fury was unleashed where she really wanted it. But the nips and sips of mouths made her clench all over, and she milked him with her entire body. Her arms held him, hands gripped him and her pussy latched around his thick cock.

  “I’m not going to give it to you until you come for me.” Dominic tore his mouth from the engagement of hers and with each word puffs of air burst against her lips.

  She knew exactly how she wanted to come, but she couldn’t find her voice to request it aloud. Nicolette looked away from him and down at her right breast. The nipple was a thick peak and jabbed upwards with every breath she took. He smiled and bent his head, but he had to lean away from her slightly to do so. Dominic took one arm and slid it beneath her to prop her into a more conductive angle for his mouth. His mouth inched closer towards her torso and the cap of erect nubbin, the change in proximity forced her breaths shallower. Until she had ceased to inhale altogether, instead she just vacillated between pants and gasps. He licked his lips and opened his mouth wide to take almost half of the B cup inside.

  His oral seduction was perfect, he drew deep with each suckle and his cheeks were hollow from the tight vacuum. She couldn’t keep herself still even with the arm braced at her back as it only aided her errant hips and their sinuous swivel. Her pussy jerked, oscillated and see-sawed around him. Even with all of the temptations she tried to present him with, he dug his heels into the mattress and continued to devour her breast. He released some of the tension, but that was only to allow his teeth to come into play. He grazed sharp incisors over her flesh and she quickened around his cock desperately until he reached the beaded apex and bit down. The bite was firm, but gentle and the anticipated, yet unexpected strength of the sensations sent her into orbit. He hissed and she was sure that her nails had fulfilled their earlier promise and scored his skin.

  True to his word, no sooner than she came did he begin to move and her very cells sang a hallelujah chorus. Dominic was a force of nature and he swept her away easily into him, into them. The only thing that potentially mattered at the moment was how she felt. And to be honest, she had never felt so good. Everything around her was an aphrodisiac. The steamy air against her skin, light zephyrs puffed against her in odd places with each parried stroke their bodies made. His scent was everywhere, so pervasive that she smelled him on her, on him, on them together. The bedding to her back was soft and cradled her for whatever number thrust came next.

  “Is this everything you wanted it to be, Nico?”

  “Yes-ss.” And it was everything she yearned for and sorely deprived of all rolled into one massive catalyst waiting to happen.

  “It’s what I wanted too.” The look in his eyes was proof that he spoke the truth.

  Dominic punched his hips relentlessly, the slippery glide and wet slide of her pussy the only thing that spared her the vehemence of each collision. He seemed like was never going to stop, as if he planned to run a marathon and the path he needed to take was laid between her thighs.

  Nicolette didn’t know when she came, in fact, she was unsure if she stopped the first time. She couldn’t hear. The world around her sounded like white noise, the buzzing of a dead air TV station. But that was only until she heard him speak, then she realized the sibilant sounds were hers.

  “I want to be the only man you make those beautiful noises with.” She was confused for a moment at what he meant.

  “Isn’t that beautiful music?” Why did she sound so hoarse? Her voice rasped with the crunch of fall leaves and she swallowed tightly against the dry lump her tongue formed in her mouth.

  “Yeah, Nicolette it is.” Her name rolled from his lips beautifully, and even those simple syllables spurred her closer to culmination.

  “Ahhh… Please Dominic!”

  “Please what, Nico? This?” He leaned down and lowered his mouth to her chest.

  Nicolette assumed she knew what was to come next, but she had no idea what he was after until he fastened his lips over her sternum and rhythmically sucked the taut flesh over her heart. She could feel the heat rising under the skin and knew what he had just done. She looked down at the hot abrasion and gasped at the size of the red mark he’d left there. His eyes twinkled, the pupils were dilated and the iris a halo of steel. His hands wandered and roved as they pleased, caressed her anywhere her body asked the digits to roam. She felt worshipped with her body a shrine to delectation.

  “Your heart is beating so fast, it matches mine. See?” He took her hand from her limpet clasp over his shoulders and held her splayed fingers to the left side of his chest. His heartbeat thundered and she could feel the storm brewing between them, every millimeter of their flesh was joined wetly and where he touched her sparked electrically like lightning.

  “Feels so good. I can’t wait until I can have this without any barriers between us.” He whispered next to her ear and the rush of his breath there sent her into the umpteenth round of shudders.

  Dominic reared away from her and took one wobbly leg from around his waist to prop on his shoulder. He licked his thumb and she felt him rub the slickened digit against the very place their bodies merged together before he pressed on a spot just below her pussy mouth. The pressure added something more to the slap of hips, and then he went further when he ringed her back entrance. The digit was slick with her orgasms and steadily sank within her rectal muscles. The pressure was intense, burned at first and her first groan was one of insult, but the rest were of undeniable pleasure. She could feel the thick thumb extraordinarily well and he rotated it, expanded her for more serious play later.

  The burn of his digit was sublime and left her wishing for more of him, another finger, his cock, something, anything. S
he was twisted inside from the melee of sensations, each barraging her from a different direction until she didn’t know what up or down was. It was as if he gave her more than she could take, then confused her when he took the catalyst away and left her barren to decipher what he’d just done. His mouth was everywhere, and by the time her senses grasped the sensation, or even processed the stimuli, he was elsewhere and the pleasure bloomed hotly out of control again. Nicolette bucked and jerked, shuddered and screamed. She begged and cajoled, pouted, because even though he was aroused, he was in control of himself and her without any problem what so ever. Why was she the only one driven mad?

  Say My Name

  He never knew the word please could be said with so many different tones. Nicolette had a tone for begging, one for frustration, one of need, one of rapture. She used them all and then some, there was the pitch her voice took when she was a split second from coming and he used the sound to let him know when to stop his triple assault against her flesh. His cock stabbed and jabbed thickly inside her sticky snatch, his thumb ringed her anus, as his lips tasted every freckle he could see. His intent was to confuse her, but he only succeeded in discombobulating himself. He felt like he had ADD or ADHD as he couldn’t stop his laves over her skin. There was a group of odd freckles splattered under her arm, and when she lifted her hand to touch his face, he saw them. His mouth was there before he even consciously chose to sample the spots. But when Dominic looked up he saw a single mole, just below her ear and then he had to taste the skin there too. Her body was filled with delights and he was too greedy to stop from enjoying each and every one as he found it.

  Dominic wanted to let go so bad, but he couldn’t, he wouldn’t yet. He had dreamed of this moment for so long, he refused to stop possessing her until the pain went away. He never thought that he could want a woman so badly that nothing else would suffice until he had her. His heart burned and he knew the pain in his chest came from unrequited lust and the barely tapped need that he gorged on. He wanted to give her all he had. Not only that, he wanted to show her everything that she had missed out on in the last five years and then some. His main goal was to fill himself with every vestige of her, to ride her until the sun set, then ride her until it rose again.

  Nicolette was his.

  A single thought had never gratified him the way that one statement could. This was their first time together, but definitely not the last. That reminder rendered him able to give in finally and truly enjoy her. There was no longer a good reason to hold back and she clenched around him, which made him forget what he really wanted anyway. Did he want to come? Hell yes. Did he want this to last forever? Yes he did, just as Dominic knew that even if he never found nirvana, he wanted to be the one who caged her in euphoria. His wants mingled with his needs in a way that he couldn’t describe, the two of them culminated perfectly together in a way that was absurdly potent. She was a delight he had to savor and for these moments he understood what it felt to be enslaved. He was a slave to not only her, but his body as well. Even as his needs and hers pressured him, he was free to revel in her and the terms of his captivity didn’t matter.

  “Please.” The word once again spilled from her lips as if unbidden.

  “I sure plan to gratify every need you have Nicolette.”

  “Come with me, Dominic. Please.” The last request was easy to comply with. It was holding himself back that was the hard part.

  He fisted her hair, used his grip and lips to silence her. If she sweetly asked for his cum one more time, he was sure to lose the little control he held. But when Nicolette began to shake beneath him and groan her pleasure into their kiss he was a goner. Her nails scored his biceps and with no sanity left he let her take him away. He was sure when he felt the vehemence of his ejaculation that the condom burst, but when he slowly pulled away from his lover to check, she stopped him with pouty lips and a throaty whimper.

  He would just check later, after he held her for a little while. But a short moment of indulging in post-sexual bliss turned into an hour as he rolled onto his back and used his speckled goddess as a blanket. It was overly warm in his room, but she would find less comfort in the massive wet spot to the right than planted atop him. He refused to stop touching her flesh and she fell asleep while he dried her skin with his bare hands. Her forearm was an uncomfortable pillow that he used gratefully. He would have slept on an altar of rocks, so long as she shared the space with him.

  Dominic woke sweated through and satiated. He felt heavy as if he couldn’t sit upright if he wanted to and he didn’t understand why he was so lethargic. It wasn’t until he opened his eyes and saw his speckled goddess sleeping on top of him that a plethora of flashbacks assaulted his mind. The montage of images was of things he wanted to do with her and dreamt of at night. Things he needed her to do with him only and rubbed off to when he was awake, and lastly things he had done with her already this very day. The latter of his musings were enough to hoist his cock from the half-turgid state he awakened with to a full erection already inside her sodden warmth. He couldn’t stop himself from rocking his hips, even though he was hot and bothered. The motions were meant to be gentle, but between their mingled clammy skin and the stifling bedding to his back, he bucked a bit harder than planned. But even that felt good and she moaned for him, the only sound to come from either of them for the last hour.

  “Good afternoon. You happy to see me?” She asked even though her eyes were closed and he wasn’t surprised that she was awake. The room was stifling at best and at worst, a sauna worthy of Mount Vesuvius. He felt baked in his own skin, almost like a potato, but the very last thing he wanted to do was disengage from their embrace and lose the delicious feel of her skin-to-skin. He wanted to touch her again, taste her some more and discover the new territory he missed out on with his years of impatient waiting.

  “I’m always happy to see you, Nicolette, especially now.”

  “Well, that makes no sense. You used to have the worst attitude when we talked.”

  “Yeah, I can see why you would think that. But it wasn’t you. It was how I felt about you. Every time I saw you, or heard your voice, I felt cheated.”

  “Why, Dominic?”

  “Say my name again.” She never called him by his first name.

  The Definition of Fucking Insane

  “Dominic?” What was wrong with him?

  “Do you realize that as long as you have known me that you have never called me by my name? Not once. It’s always been Maxwell this, and Maxwell that. Half of the fantasies that I’ve had about you featured you saying my name. They weren’t even about sex. I just wanted to hear you speak to me like a real person instead of a scrub beneath your notice.” Dominic appeared disturbed, as if he didn’t even realize he felt that way. Or that he knew his feelings well, but had no intention of sharing that much when he spoke to her. Either way, it was a revelation to her. She knew Dominic wanted her before, but she never imagined he suffered the unrequited burn that he described to her.

  Wow. Still waters do run deep, Nicolette thought. “I’ve always thought of you as a real person.”

  “Really? Nicolette, you saw me as a threat. Morris knew I was a threat, he knew I saw him for what he was. I saw how he treated you and also saw how you let him do it. Do know what insanity means?” The question took her aback.

  “Usually it means padded walls and lots of pills.” She meant the jibe as a joke, but his expression showed he wasn’t in the mood for games.

  “Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result. It’s me watching you, lusting for you, needing you for years and not doing or saying anything. It’s me, knowing that you should be mine and having to see you with him, know that you’re fucking him. And he wasn’t even man enough to deserve any of it, any of you. Not your body, or your heart. How long has it been, Nico? Two years? Do you know how many women I’ve slept with since then?”

  “Uhh… No. I have no idea. And I think I’d rather not know.” />
  “Exactly. That’s how I felt, after every meeting with you. I made up reasons to call, just so I could hear your voice. Then when we finished talking I felt worse. As if I had my fix of narcotic and remorse set in when I was sober again. I knew that you made love with your husband, and I hated him for it. There were days I hated you for it. You don’t want to know who I slept with, so you don’t have to feel jealous about it. But you didn’t have to worry. There hasn’t been a woman since you told me about the separation.” Nicolette felt her heart drop, she told him the day Morris walked out of their house and that was nearly two and a half years ago. Why would he wait for her so long?

  “Dominic, why would you choose to go without? You didn’t have to. I saw your ex, she was beautiful.”


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