Garran was a Wreaker, a wellspring of vengeance, and the screams of the dying ruptured what little hold he had left over his doubts. He had been a tool, a weapon. Had the vision even showed true? The Rahamen valued truth above all else, but he suspected their truth had been warped by the hatred of the He’Rahamen. He tried to scream his outrage at the betrayal, but ice froze its way through the air and took his voice. It claimed him as it had claimed all the others, and it was only then that he remembered the words of his mother:
“Mother, how does one know the difference between right and wrong?” Garran had asked. He had been a child, no older than six; it would be but a few short months before the Rahamen would come for him.
She answered with a sadness he had not understood...not until now, much too late. “If you question whether a thing is wrong or not, it likely is.”
Copyright © 2010 David G. Blake
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David G. Blake lives in Pennsylvania with his girlfriend and their chocolate lab. When he isn’t writing, reading, taking his girlfriend and/or lab for a walk, he can generally be found at a poker table. His work is forthcoming in Daily Science Fiction and recently appeared in Bards and Sages Quarterly.
Read more Beneath Ceaseless Skies
“Fantasy Gate,” by Wolfgang Wachelhofer
Wolfgang Wachelhofer is an Austrian graphic artist and web designer who has a deep passion for surreal art. Most of his inspiration comes from the rich and colorful cultures of Brazil, where he lived for four years. He has done a lot of work for various clients for which he has earned a high reputation for his uniqueness. View more of his art in his online galleries.
Beneath Ceaseless Skies
ISSN: 1946-1046
Published by Firkin Press,
a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Literary Organization
Copyright © 2010 Firkin Press
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