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Broken Love

Page 4

by Lucy Harvey

  Picking up the pink personalized iPod I shuddered as I scrolled through the playlist. Whoever this belonged to obviously had no taste or knowledge in music and relied on current chart hits.

  Girls Aloud? No they were not even current.

  Jason Derulo? Definitely not.

  As I proceeded to judge every artist and track listed on this diabolical play list I lifted my head to ease the strain in my neck from facing down.


  Stood before me was an Angel. Literally an Angel. Her long blonde hair was tamed into neat curls just beside her head trailing down past her perfectly defined collar bone leading my eyes down to her enhanced cleavage. I licked the sweat from my lips, she was affecting me and my cock twitched in agreeance.

  This girl looked so pure and innocent, her face was familiar but I knew I had never seen her before. There was something uplifting and calming about her smile. There was a light shining perpendicularly behind her creating the illusion of a personified angel. From just one glance I knew she was beautiful.

  What draw me in further was the fact this sweet pure girl was dressed in a salacious red dress barely covering her soft skin. I could tell by how the lights shone off every aspect of her body she was soft. I wondered how that soft skin would feel beneath me surrendering to my touch and beckoning at every one of my sadistic commands.

  My cock twitched again. This time it was not going back down.

  This was the biggest effect a girl seemed to have on me in, well, since I could remember. When I was met by eager girls I saw their potential of making me come. Looking at this angel all I could think about was touching her. Tasting her. Fucking her. Most of all owning her.

  Pure. Innocent. Beautiful. I could make her beg for things more twisted than sin, the effect I could have over her delicate body had my erection turning to steel.

  As I redirected my attention back to the music I came across a track to fit the occasion perfectly and unlike the other songs it wasn’t unbearable it was actually enchanting. ‘The XX – Angels’.

  This song would be hers.

  I tried to reposition my slowly deflating erection and followed her gaze to see what had her full attention. By just an estimate I would have guessed she was witnessing something bewitching by how she so fondly gazed at the scene before her. She was just staring at Tristan and his latest willing victim Peyton.

  Before I could question the fact that Tristan had returned from his lay and was still googly eyed over this girl I began to question her fascination.

  Did she know Peyton?

  Did she know Tristan?

  More importantly did she like Tristan? Wait, why would I even care? Fuck I needed to talk to her. But by her staring so wonderingly at the coupling I knew she was a romance kind of girl, I shouldn’t even risk getting mixed up with someone like her. More importantly I should keep her away from someone like me.

  My phone book held an uncountable amount of sub-missive’s waiting to be dominated with no need for anything more. Oh and Odette with her hoover mouth. I did not want any of those. I did not want to just use one of them for their skills. I just wanted this girl in every single way I was capable of.

  I could not possibly risk talking to her and getting hooked. I knew the reason I was essentially drawn to her and that revelation itself was enough to keep me away. If I was to talk to her, touch her or feel her against me there would be no turning back.

  I had to get out of here before I compromised all I had.

  The party had been growing strong for the last four hours. Everyone was either placing bets on the reason for the young engagement (the majority going with pregnancy) or getting mind-numbingly drunk.

  I was surprised by how care free and young all these wealthy bachelors were behaving, from their appearance alone money radiated from them. These were possibly a collection of the most beautiful men I had ever laid eyes on but after being introduced to the majority of them I was beginning to grow bored of creating small talk as they decided to introduce themselves to me. It was time to slip off into a deserted corner and start pouring an endless supply of wine into my system.

  As I scanned the room for my friends I spotted Peyton in an intense conversation with Dixons best man. It was somewhat amusing how the wedding was practically planned yet they were still to reveal the news to their parents – in true Harley style the fuss would be prolonged by deciding to announce the engagement through four different parties.

  I carried on gulping at the pair and studied their embrace as Peyton pulled the best man – whose name was Tristan if I remember correctly – into a deep kiss. PDA? Peyton willingly participating in PDA? This was a first. Normally the exchange would escalate no further than a quick ‘wham bam thank you mam’ then back to the party to dance the rest of the night away as the love sick victim hopelessly followed her around.

  I was a lovesick romantic.

  Harley was a happily ever after princess.

  But Peyton, she never seemed to understand our obsession with falling in love believing there was no such thing. Interesting how the same event can impact people in such a diverse way and shape their lives so differently.

  I was brought out of my perverted stare by an enticing aroma. It was not a usual cologne scent I recognized but more a mixture of cinnamon, Jack Daniels and some masculine body wash. My eyes instinctively searched for where the scent was coming from and my body began to hunt for the mysterious smelling culprit making me lose my concentration on where I was going.

  “Jesus, you could watch where you are going, how about you lay off the wine.”

  His rude outburst should have raised the warning signs then but I was completely besotted by the beauty that stood before me. His short blazed dark hair was perfectly structured into a popular style complementing his tanned complexion and strong jawline. He towered over me even in my sky scraper heels, I took in every inch of his well sculptured torso that his shirt failed in hiding. Tattoos peeked out of his collar and cuffs, there was nothing more captivating than a sex god decorated in such art.

  Then my eyes met his.

  They were a beautiful emerald green being stolen away by his dilated pupils, I was in trouble. Instead of focusing on the wine that had coated my dress and his betraying shirt I courageously stuck out my hand in attempt to be acquainted with him. I needed to be acquainted with him.

  I had spent my life reading about an electric charge connecting two souls from one unexpected touch. As he grasped my delicate hand his eyes strayed from our joining to mine. Instantly I recognized the hunger and interest painted on his face as I could feel it implanted deep inside me too which I was sure he could detect. The electricity between us from just one measly touch was profound. Again – I was in trouble.

  “Umm, hi I’m lily, I am so sorry about the wine, unfortunately that’s just my clumsiness, and I have only just finished my first glass.” Why did I sound like I was introducing myself to the local AA meeting? The attempt to fool him into thinking his touch had no effect over me failed epically.

  “Roman, it’s nice to meet you Lily.” He stopped as though studying me further. “Forgive my outburst I’m just not too comfortable being assaulted by a beautiful girl.” Holy shit – his lingo was as smooth as his abs, I am most definitely doomed for. I let out what can only be described as a pig squeal as I tried to brush off his compliment. Instead of growing disgusted with my embarrassing outburst his stern gaze began to soften.

  “So which side are you bride or groom?” I asked trying to forget the show I was making of myself.

  “I’m actually Dixons older brother, you?” He was leaning forward getting closer, any closer and I was about to pass out.

  “Oh Harley never mention him having a brother, I’m one of Harleys closest friends, we grew up together.” With that revelation I could see the light bulb spark in his eyes as he most probably realized where he recognized me from. I was in all the newspaper and magazine articles right by Harley’s side, another victim.

  “That was wise of her she probably doesn’t want you getting mixed up with someone like me.” His voice was low and captivating.


  “And how would you describe someone like you?” I enquired, I could play games too.

  “It wasn’t a pick up line Lily, I’m not subconsciously trying to draw you in, I am simply warning you, for both our sakes.”

  “Jeeh we just met I’m not trying to ask your hand in marriage I was simply being friendly, my lord you’re a jerk.” I snapped.

  “Roman not lord.” His smirk aggravated me.

  “Excuse me?” To avoid eye contact I began to try and smooth down my dress with tissue in a poor attempt to dry out the wine.

  “You said ‘my lord’ but out of the bedroom you call me Roman.” His smirk grew even smugger with every passing second.


  He was now smiling. That smile. I could not stop staring at that smile. I needed a sharp exit before I embarrassed myself further.

  With that I turned on my heel trying to make a quick escape from the kitchen. Who was this guy? As I began to leave I felt that electric pull once more as Roman grabbed my arm forceful enough to lock me in his embrace. I trailed my eyes from the chest my face was now buried in up to meet his gaze. Trying not to get lost in his stare I closed my eyes. Before I had chance to protest or even question his actions he crashed his lips into mine and I was only too eager to reciprocate the endearment by deepening the kiss.


  This kiss. It was sure to leave me breathless and derailed after just one taste of his succulent lips.

  Romans tongue barged its way into my mouth violently claiming me, if it was not for his strong arms cradling me then my legs would have defied me and I would have disintegrated into a pool on the floor along with my emotions. As I reached my arms around his neck he tugged back leaving me breathless and hungry for more of him. Tilting my chin to look him in his eyes he interrupted my salacious thoughts by gently kissing the corner of my wide open mouth.

  “I’ll call you.” His stern tone had returned.

  “I thought you warned me to stay away from you?” I began to question desperate to lock lips with him once more.

  “It’s too late for that now. You shouldn’t have done that.” His barriers were now back in place.

  “Luckily for me you don’t even have my number because there is no way on god’s earth I’m actually going to continue talking to someone that regrets kissing me.” I warned trying to mask my embarrassment with anger.

  With that a smug grin once again spread across his face. He was killing me. Our encounter could not have been any longer than ten minutes and he had already transformed from smug to dominant to jerk more times than I could keep track of.

  “Oh I doubt that Lily, like I said, I will call you and you will answer.” Now he was laughing, another side to add to the mix currently mind fucking me.

  “Why are you laughing Roman?” I crossed my arms trying to steady my beating heart and dropped my head to hide my blushing face.

  “I find it incredibly amusing that the song playing when you decided to pour wine over me was called angels.” Romans right arm reached round to rub the back of his neck, he seemed nervous. Something told me he was not comfortable with small talk. “Then I see you and you look like some fallen angel and then in nearly everything you have said you have managed to use the lord’s name in vain.” Roman shook his head then smoothed his gentle hand along my cheek. “Until next time Angel.”

  Just like that he was gone.

  My hands gripped the modish island centered in the middle of the kitchen as I desperately clawed at the marble sideboard trying to regain my composure. Who the hell was that guy? He thought I looked like an angel. I immediately stopped myself from swooning – he was no good for me. ‘No Lily he was a jerk, you cannot feel like that’ I repeated to tell myself. I scanned the room for a familiar face but neither of my girls were to be found and there was not even a glimpse of the forbidden stranger.

  The rest of the night cascaded into a blur of intense drinking games and scandalous dancing and it felt good. It felt free. I reveled in the ability to act like an average nonchalant twenty two year old. I spent the majority of the night wing-girling for shadow and I mostly enjoyed catching up with Harley’s younger sister - she had become like a sister to us all.

  Shadow (Ava) carried the most guilt from that day, she believed if she had never ran into the woods she would have never pulled us into our downfall. What she did not realize or chose not too was that if she had not led us there that day then justice would have never been served. Every chance we got we reminded her she was not to blame and if it was not for her there could have been an even more extensive inventory of victims.

  Ava resembled that of a Latina princess and held an unwanted spell over the male population. They would literally drawl over her. It puzzled me why I never saw her settle for anyone, she followed my naive bookworm form yet never committed to anyone even though she craved it. She had an uncharted reputation of selling herself short with insignificant flings but that all made sense when she came out last year.

  As much as I tried to throw myself into the party thoughts of Roman occupied my mind all night long. The fact he text me ordering me to tell him when I arrived home safely had me picking out our children’s names. The curiosity of where he managed to get my number from was short lived as I learned of just how much of a big deal he was in the business world. He a global success. As a self-diagnosed empath I was able to read people easily but he held the ability to not give anything away leaving me to create a summary of him by myself.

  I awoke the next morning feeling undeservingly fresh. The girls arrived at mine each armed with an endless supply of caffeine, fizz and junk food to get ourselves through the day. They each looked horrific and I had no shame in pointing it out.

  Once unloading the food into my kitchen we created a fort in my living area - transforming the oak floor into a large bed. To know I would spend the remainder of the day lodged here in a food coma was somewhat welcoming.

  Each one of us were blessed by the fortune of our successful parents and when moving to this part of town we each managed to secure a modern two bed house situated along the same street. It was about time luck was on our side.

  The houses were a beautiful crisp white with low windows framed by navy woodwork. We were so excited about moving into our own places we dedicated a whole week to decorating them and buying furniture. At the time it seemed like a fun idea but now our houses were identical replicas of each other, taste was one of the many things we shared.

  The vibration of my phone brought me back to the present and I inwardly smiled at the message appearing before me.

  Roman – Hope you’re not feeling to bad this morning Angel.

  The endearment thrilled me.

  “Great, so one of my girls gets engaged and now the others grinning at her phone like a Cheshire cat. Who’s got to you Lily?” Peyton probed as she shoved a fizzy cola bottle into her smart mouth.

  Most of the times when Peyton was forward I found it humoring, however when she so abruptly forced her way into my head the feeling changed. Double standards I know.

  “I am not grinning like a Cheshire cat, it is just someone I met last night making sure I’m okay if you must know.” My tone betrayed me only heightening their interest.

  “Who was that? That only person I saw you with was shadow and last time I checked you didn’t bat for that team?” Peyton had placed down her own phone and now her focus was solely on me.

  “If you must know his name is Roman.” I admitted.

  “Oh. My. God. You met Roman. Total sex god right?” Harley intercepted.

  “Harley you cannot say that about your fiancé’s brother and seeing as we are on that subject why didn’t you decide to tell us about him?” I quizzed.

  I found it strange how we had all had gone to school with Dixon and practicall
y knew his bowel movements from the amount Harley shared with us yet a detail like this was somehow forgotten.

  “Well in all the time I have known Dixon I have barely seen Roman and I’ve spent like ninety percent of my life with the guy. I mean I am his fiancé.” She took great pleasure in emphasizing that word. “With that and his play boy reputation I figured there was no point in piquing your interests.” She calmly said then returned to her Heat magazine.

  “And so the story has a twist. Play boy hunk captivates interest of former mind game specialist.” Peyton was once again intruding.

  “Guys, I think you are making a bigger deal out of this than necessary we are just friends, newly acquainted friends that have already had the most amazing kiss ever but that was it, plus he is kind of a huge jerk.” I admitted, I kept my gaze down too shy to catch their reactions.

  Evidently I didn’t need to be looking at them to observe their reaction as they both flew at me squealing with excitement casting endless threats to torture every detail out of me. I spilled the details of my unusual encounter with the man unwittingly imprinted in my brain. They were just as shocked as I and after learning about the filthy rich womanizer I decided it was best to not read anything into our kiss.

  Not that it stopped me.

  After our well rested day lounging around forcing Peyton to sit through our endless spree of a mixture of romantic comedies and tragedies Harley had left to meet Dixon and to my surprise Peyton had left to prepare for her date with Tristan. Not that we were allowed to label it as a date. I busied my jealousy by starting the clean-up procedure hiding all evidence of our carb overload then my phone buzzed.

  Roman – I just realized I didn’t even get your second name.

  He didn’t need to ask my second name, from what I had recently learned he was powerful enough to have it or could easily ask his brother, he was fishing for ways to talk to me. Hold up Lily – not that route.


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