Last Nizam (9781742626109)
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This book would not have been possible without the financial and organisational backing of Asialink at the University of Melbourne, the Australia Council for the Arts and the Australia–India Council. I would particularly like to thank Amanda Lawrence and Nikki Anderson of Asialink for their patience, Ivor Indyk for believing in the project, and the always efficient Asha Lele Das at the Australian High Commission in New Delhi. Susan Farrow at Travbiz in Sydney showed unflinching forbearance in arranging and constantly updating a complicated travel schedule.
Tom Gilliatt, my editor at Pan Macmillan, was an excellent guide and mentor for my first foray in the publishing world, and Brianne Tunnicliffe was a meticulous editor. My agent at Curtis Brown, Fiona Inglis, and her assistant, Pippa Masson, were incredibly supportive. Bem le Hunte and her husband Jan were wonderful for sharing ideas and offering advice. I would also like to thank my Editor-in-Chief at The Australian, Chris Mitchell, for seeing the wisdom in allowing me to have time off.
I am indebted in more ways than I can ever describe to my wife Niki, who coaxed me into writing this book and then paid the price by having to juggle children, schools and her own projects while I immersed myself in travel, research and writing. Her support never faltered and her enthusiasm after reading the manuscript gave me the strength to finish the task. This book is in many ways also hers. Finally I would like to thank my parents, George and Alexandra, for their encouragement, and my children, Adele, Alexander, Jonathon and Nicolas, for putting up with a sometimes moody and often exhausted father.
Abdulhamid II 117, 135
Abid, Albert 96, 98
Ahmed, Sir Sultan 189
Ahmed, Zahir 195, 241, 242, 248, 272
AIDS 283–4, 310, 313
Alam, Mir 47, 49, 50, 57, 78
Ali, Haider 35–9, 50
Ali, Mansoor 221
Ali, Mir Laik 160, 176–8, 189, 191, 192, 195, 196, 198
Ali, Shaukat 139, 145, 150
Alladin, Bilkees 224
Allen, Ron 264
Amat-uz-Zehra 111, 112
Ansari, Habeeb 289
Archduke Ferdinand 102
Arkide, Ayesha 318 Asaf Jahi dynasty 14, 19, 32, 33, 95, 122, 133, 204
abolition of princely privileges 245–6
battle for succession 23–31
Eighth Nizam see Jah, Mukarram
European intervention 24–9
Faqir’s blessing/curse 229
Fifth Nizam see ud-Daula, Afzal
financial problems 60–79, 86–7, 102, 104, 286–92
First Nizam see ul-Mulk, Nizam
Fourth Nizam see ud-Daula, Nasir
Indian Independence, effect 205–8, 218
personal wealth 122, 161, 206, 237–8, 288–91, 298–305
Second Nizam see Khan, Nizam Ali
Seventh Nizam see Khan, Osman Ali
Sixth Nizam see Khan, Mahboob Ali
sovereignty of Nizam 15
Third Nizam see Jah, Sikander
Asafiya Kothi 183
Aurangzeb, Emperor 1, 3–12, 22, 27, 251, 267, 289
Havelock House 263, 276–8, 281–3, 308, 313–5, 320, 321
Jah’s first visit 251–2
Majeed mine 264, 308, 312
Murchison House Station 250–78, 283, 289, 298, 312–3, 315, 318, 320, 322, 326–7, 333
Babur, Emperor 2
Bakar, Abu (First Caliph) 3, 154, 258
Balasubramanian, Rajapalan 290
Banque Indosuez 289–90, 309, 314
Barr, David 104, 105
Barton, William 128–31, 142, 144
Bay, Hussein Nakib 150
Beare, Mara 318, 319
Beg, Hamid 202, 203, 215
Begum, Bakshi 44
Begum, Rahat 107
Bella Vista palace 151, 155, 211
Benichou, Lucien 144
Bentinck, Lord 66
Berar 5, 69, 73, 76, 77, 81, 84, 88, 91, 106, 124–5, 127, 132, 138, 164
Bhonsle 39
Birgin, Esra 223–4, 230, 236, 237, 240, 247, 259, 268, 272, 275, 276, 331, 332, 334
Birkenhead, Lord 124, 199
Blood, Cess 259, 327
Bonaparte, Napoleon 46, 48, 49
Bond, Alan 270, 271, 277, 308
Boularas, Jamila 314–5
Briggs, Henry George 4, 9, 21, 65
British 10, 24–39
invasion of Hyderabad 36–7
Paramountcy principle 72, 82, 84, 110,126, 179
Raj 84, 155
Residency at Hyderabad 53–4, 63, 83
sovereignty in India 125–6
support for during WWI 118, 121
takeover of Oudh 80
treaties with Nizam 34, 36–8, 40, 43–8, 50–1, 57, 76–8, 84, 125
war for control of Hyderabad 24–32
Brown, Mark 282–5
Burke, Brian 270
Burton, Capt Richard 74
Caliphate 136, 149
abolition of 137–9
Mukarram Jah as successor 138, 154, 334
Cambridge University 215–6
Campbell-Johnson, Alan 192, 193
Chamber of Princes 126–7
Chaney, John 284–5
Chaudhuri, Major Gen J.N. 198, 204
Chavan, Y.B. 239, 244, 323
Chelmsford, Lord 121
Chinese border war 1962 226–7
Chiraan palace 223, 278, 325, 326, 333
Chowlera, Jayant 295, 302–4
Chowmahalla palace 95, 207, 234–5, 249, 290, 299, 310, 318, 324–5, 330–2
Churchill, Winston 184, 195, 197, 201
Clerk, Capt Claude 89, 93
Clive, Robert 27, 32
Collins, Col John 62, 63
Communist Party 193, 194
Compton, Herbert 44
Congress Party 165, 179 180, 245
Cooper, Elizabeth 108
Corfield, Sir Conrad 124, 146, 188
Cornwallis, Lord 40–3
Cotton, Sidney 190–3, 196, 197
Cripps, Stafford 178
Crofton, R.M. 166, 167
Crozier, Jean 257, 289
Curzon, Lord 105, 106, 124, 125
Dalai Lama 226
Dalhousie, Lord 68, 72, 73, 75, 76, 78
Dalrymple, Lt Col James 49
Das, Ghahshyam 294, 295
Das, S.R. 170
Davidson, Capt Cuthbert 77, 79, 81, 82, 83, 86
Dayal, Raja Deen 99, 164, 221
de Boigne, Benoit 26, 44
de Bussy, Charles 28, 31, 32
de St Lubin, Chevalier 38
de Thevenot, Jean 296
Deccan 5–20, 37, 78, 82, 251, 295
conquest of 5–10
culture 103
diamond mines 5, 15, 295–8
division of 15–16
exiles from Delhi to 19
Nizam as Viceroy of 14, 23, 31
Meerut rebellion 81
ransack of 18
Asaf Jahi jewels 122, 161, 206, 237–8, 298–305, 332
cutting business in Bombay 243
Deccan mines 5, 15, 295–8
Great Mughal diamond 2
Imperial (Jacob) diamond 97–9, 209, 294, 299, 304
Koh-i-Noor 2, 19, 74
Nizam diamond 74
pawning by Nizam 74–6
Vithaldas 293–4
Dighton, Henry 74–6
Dolmabahce palace 136, 137
Doon School 169–75
Dowding, J.F. 93
Dupleix, Joseph 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31
Durand, Mortimer 112
Durrushehvar, Princess 77, 140, 145, 147–57, 159, 164, 166–73, 181, 185, 199–203, 208, 215, 223, 227, 231, 241, 247, 275, 330
East India Company 24, 27, 31, 33–40, 43, 51, 55, 61, 78
Eden Gardens 115
Egerton, Brian 112, 113
El Edroos, General 190, 191
Elgin, Lord 112r />
Ellenborough, Lord 69
Falaknuma palace 99–100, 107, 206, 207, 277, 290, 298, 299, 320, 325, 330, 331
Falconer, Peter 257, 258
Farrukhsiyar, Emperor 12, 13
Fauzia, Fatima 290, 301
First Nizam see Nizam ul-Mulk (First Nizam)
Fitzpatrick, Denis 97, 98
Foot, Arthur 171–4
Forbes, Peter 281–4
Fraser, Capt James 68–72, 74–6, 79
Fraser, Stuart 118
French in India 24–32, 39
disbanding of forces 48–9
Pune 42, 45
war for control of Hyderabad 24–32
French Riveria 133–4
Galahari, Abdul Wahab 301
Gandhi, Indira 226, 239, 245, 248
Gandhi, Mahatma 139, 165
George, Lloyd 135
Ghazi-ud-Din 31
Gir, Chandrakant 224, 248
Gir, Lalitha 224
Giri, V.V. 246
Glancy, Reginald 116, 157, 159
Golconda 1–3, 6–8, 70, 207, 251
Goldberg, Yosse 274, 276
Gough, Hugh 141
Government of India Act 1937 164
Grant Duff, James 26, 31
Great Mughal diamond 2
Green, Jeremy 265, 266, 267
Gregson, Bob 321, 322
Habsburg Freeman SA 288, 289
Hamilton, Lord 106, 129
Hardinge, Lord 70
Harris, Maj Gen Arthur 49, 50
Harrow 200–3, 205, 209–10
Hassan, King Abdul 6, 8
Hastings, Lord Warren 38–40, 61–4
Havelock House 263, 276–8, 281–3, 308, 313–5, 320, 321
Hawke, Bob 270
Haziq & Mohi 176
Hebros (Australia) Pty Ltd 257, 274, 287
Himayatsagar 3
Hinch, Derryn 285
Hobday, George 215, 216, 249, 252, 257
Holland, John 39
Holmes a Court, Robert 308
Howell, Richard 286, 287, 313, 315, 326
Husain, Yusuf 13
Hussain, Sayeed 289
Hydari, Akbar 147, 163, 166
Hyderabad 2, 3, 7, 20, 90–4, 119–20, 126
battle for control of 24–9
British invasion 36–7
communal harmony 103, 119
Constituent Assembly 198, 204
Constitution 104, 124, 165, 198
culture 102–3
dynastic succession 23
effect of independence on 203–4, 218
Executive Council 124
golden era 102, 108
Helen’s visit 278–80
Indian invasion 195–9
refusal to join Indian Union 184–99
Residency 53–4, 63, 83
satyagrahas 165
Standstill Agreement 189–90, 195
urban planning 119–20
Hyderabad Contingent 67–71, 76, 77, 81, 82, 106
Imam, Ali 124, 125, 138
Imam, Hassan 125
Imperial diamond affair 97–9
Indian Independence 183–4, 188
abolition of princely privileges 245–6
accession of Hyderabad 184–99
Indian National Congress 164–5
Irwin, Lord 130, 145
Ismael, Khaji 3
Ismail, Sir Mirza 180–1
Jacob, Alexander 96–8
jagirs 16
Jah, Aristu 43, 45–8, 57
Jah, Azam (Mukarram’s father) 115, 140–5, 148, 150, 151–9, 163–4, 181, 193, 208, 211–5, 227, 240, 241–2, 300
Jah, Azam (Mukarram’s son) 276, 280, 281, 285, 311, 331
Jah, Azmat 223, 276, 305, 319, 331
Jah, Basalat 31
Jah, Feridun 46 Jah, Khursheed 88
Jah, Moazzam 115, 140–5, 150, 151, 154, 159, 208, 216, 289, 301
Jah, Muffakham 167, 171, 181, 182, 200, 208, 242, 299, 302
Jah, Mukarram (Eighth Nizam) 1, 33, 65, 99, 200–
childhood 153–6
children 223, 276, 281, 285, 311, 331, 332
custody battle for sons 285, 311
divorces 276, 283, 315
education 166–75, 180–3, 200–3, 215–9, 231
estate inherited by 240–4, 299, 305, 317, 332
financial problems 99, 100, 244, 272, 286–92, 306–28
inauguration 234–7
litigation involving 99, 115, 240, 285, 287, 290, 301–5, 310–1, 319
London 200–19
marriages 223, 276, 309, 314, 318
Nehru’s opinion of 225–6
next Caliph 138, 334
next Nizam 154, 212
reluctance to be Nizam 230–1, 247
security fears 247–8, 268
Western Australia 250–85
Jah, Salabat 31–2
Jah, Salabat (half-brother of the Seventh Nizam) 107, 117
Jah, Shekhyar 223, 276, 305, 319, 331
Jah, Sikander (Third Nizam) 46, 56–65
Jah, Umar 276, 285, 311, 331
Javeri, Hashim Ali 243, 244, 252, 255, 257, 307
Javeri, Sadruddin 243–4, 258, 272, 276, 306–24, 326–7
Javeri, Scheherazade 258, 307, 317, 322
Jayakar, Pupul 302
jewels see diamonds
jihad 82–3, 135
Jinnah, Muhammad Ali 184, 196
Jones, R.V. 197
Junagadh 184
Jung, Ali Yavar 188
Jung, Bahadur Yar 177
Jung, Firuz 7, 8, 289
Jung, Habeeb 115, 143, 173, 211, 234, 237
Jung, Moin Nawaz 291
Jung, Mujeeb Yar 329, 330
Jung, Muzzafar 26, 27, 28, 29, 30
Jung, Nasir 21, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30
Jung, Nawab Shahab 109
Jung, Nizamat 167
Jung, Salar 78, 79, 81, 83, 85–94, 99, 112, 239
Jung, Sarwar 112
Kalbarrie 263–4, 286–7, 309, 314
Kant, Krishan 318
Karaka, D.F. 113, 117, 235, 295, 299
Kashmir 126, 184, 204
Kehoe, Wiseman 149
Kelly, Rod 276, 277, 281
Kemal, Mustafa 134, 135, 136, 139
Kennaway, John 40
Kennedy, Jackie 280
Keyes, Terence 144–8, 150, 151, 154
Khair-un-Nissa 47, 48, 54, 58
Khalidi, Omar 300
Khan, Aga 114, 163, 243
Khan, Aminuddin 220, 331
Khan, Asadullah 243, 272, 307, 308, 323
Khan, Ayoob 321–2
Khan, Emir Najaf 39
Khan, Himmat 28, 30
Khan, Kamal 109
Khan, Khafi 6, 14
Khan, Mahboob Ali (Sixth Nizam) 87–107, 111, 112, 125, 247, 248, 298, 330
co-regents 88
death 107
drinking and drugs 102, 105, 106
education 89, 92–3
extravagance 99–100
golden era under 102–4
hunting expeditions 101
Imperial diamond affair 96–9
snubbing Prince of Wales 89–91
zenana 92, 100–1, 105, 107, 111
Khan, Mir Ayoob Ali 225, 246, 286, 316, 333
Khan, Mubariz 13
Khan, Nizam Ali (Second Nizam) 31–56
attack on Marathas at Pune 42–5
death 51
Mysore war 34–6, 41, 50
relations with British 33–9, 43, 46–7, 54–6
treaties with British 40, 50–1, 125
Khan, Osman Ali (Seventh Nizam) 15, 77, 98, 100, 106–32, 138–235, 289–91, 294, 330
Agreement with Indian Government 205
Caliph, office of 139
death 228, 232
education 112–3
funeral 228–9
khanazads 219–22, 228, 233, 243
miserliness 122–3
Mukarram Jah as successor 138, 154, 212, 231
nazars 128, 130–2, 298
personal estate 122, 143, 161, 205–8, 231–2, 237, 289, 291, 299
reforms 115–6
silver jubilee 161–4
trusts set up by 208–9, 241, 249, 299–300, 332
urban planning 119–20
wives and children 114–5, 208, 233
zenana 114
Khan, Rashid Ali 219, 272, 273
khanazads 219–22, 228, 233, 243
Khilafat Movement 139
Khusrau, Amir 296
Khwaja Abid 3, 4, 7, 8
King Faisal of Iraq 139, 146, 147, 202, 247
King Farouk of Egypt 197
King Faud of Egypt 146, 147
King George V 161, 162
King George VI 198
King Hussein of Jordan 202, 217
King Kothi palace 109, 113, 116, 120, 151, 153, 206, 207, 210, 220, 221, 231, 298
Kirkpatrick, James 33, 46–51, 53–6, 58
Kirkpatrick, William 43, 44, 46
Kitto, Grantham 327
Knox, Stuart 141
Koh-i-Noor diamond 2, 19, 74
Kumari, Bhuvenesh 310–12
Lal, Chandu 57–61, 63–9, 74, 94
Lawrence, Stringer 27
Linlithgow, Lord 124, 178
Lothian, Sir Arthur 169, 171–5
Low, Col John 70–1, 76, 77
Luschwitz, Henry 180
Lushington, Sir James 71
Luther, Narendra 211
Lyford, Maurice 326, 327
Lytton, Lord 92
McClintock, Bill 255
McClintock, Ted 256, 259, 262, 263
Mackenzie, Duncan 156–60, 162
McLeod, Steve 282
Madrassa Aliya 167, 169, 272
Maidan, Fateh 163
Majeed mine 264, 308, 312
Majlis Ittehad-ul-Muslimeen (MIM) 177, 178
Malcolm, Sir John 49, 53, 66
Malet, Charles 44
Mann, Charles 73
Manucci 6, 10
Marathas 5, 13, 34–8, 40–6, 78
Martyn, J.A.K. 174
Mason, Philip 180–3, 200, 201
Mathews, Herbert L. 179
Mayo, Lord 88, 92
Meade, Richard 92, 93
Mecca pilgrimage 278
Meerut mutiny 80–3
Meherunissa, Begum 155, 224, 280
Mehmed VI 134, 135
Mejid Efendi, Abdul 136–40, 145–7, 149, 154