Perfect Chemistry

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Perfect Chemistry Page 8

by Jodi Redford

  Gripping the base of his dick, he stroked the glossy head over her lips, coaxing her to open up for him with a lusty moan. He fed her a miserly inch at a time, prolonging her desperate desire to taste him fully. Finally he seated roughly half of his shaft and began slowly fucking her mouth. She greedily sucked at his swelling hardness, the manly, slightly salty essence of him an aphrodisiac to her taste buds.

  Leo’s mouth lifted from her pussy. Before she could entirely process the missing stimulation of his tongue on her clit, he lifted her hips and slid his cock inside her in one smooth, breath-stealing thrust. Suddenly she was grateful for Dev’s thoughtfulness in not burying himself down her throat. For sure she would have choked on him. But damn, not the worst reason for needing the Heimlich.

  Dev’s caressed her cheek. “Still with us, sweetheart?”

  She nodded, and he resumed his glides along the roof of her mouth. He leaned forward, gripping the edge of the table behind her head, his cock tunneling a fraction deeper. She breathed through her nose, a hedonistic wave of pleasure rippling through her system. Her entire world narrowed to the two men immersing her in undiluted rapture. Being the center of their single-minded focus was a high like no other. Every fantasy she’d crafted paled in comparison to the sheer sensuality of this moment. Strung out on bliss, she submitted to Leo’s measured strokes and the insistent pulses of the vibe working away in her ass. The sensations were doing their damnedest to push her off the precipice. She shook and gasped, desperately reaching for the release her body refused to hand over.

  Leo and Devlin both pulled away, and she whimpered in protest, tears leaking from the corners of her eyes. His touch tender, Dev kissed the dampness from her cheeks. “We’re going to give you what you need.” He freed her wrists while Leo unsnapped the cuffs from her ankles.

  They gently helped her to her knees and Dev settled onto his haunches. After getting his condom situated, he guided her onto his cock, banishing the empty ache that Leo’s absence had created. Sighing in blissful relief, she ran her fingers over the smooth curve of his pecs and muscled shoulders, basking in the tactile connection.

  Leo’s heat blanketed her back and he brushed aside her hair, kissing the side of her neck before nipping her earlobe. He wiggled the seated base of the plug in her ass, making her and Dev moan. She reached behind her and gripped Leo’s wrist. “Please. I want you, not the vibe.”

  He scuffed the underside of her jaw with his beard stubble. “I’m considerably larger than the plug.”

  She chuckled. “Believe me, I’m well aware of that fact and definitely not complaining. I trust you not to hurt me, so I’m okay with it.”

  A shallow breath fell from him. “Your trust means everything to me, Sidney. I won’t abuse it.” He left the vibrator in place while he quickly lubed up his shaft. A second later the vibrations ceased and he slipped the device from her and nudged his cockhead against her rosebud. His warning about his size wasn’t merely a boast, but the silky lubricant and the earlier ministrations of the plug did their part to ease his entry. Inch by inch, he slowly filled her up, the additional fullness instigating a slow burn throughout her body. His hands molding to her waist, he waited for her to adjust to the foreign stretch before giving a slight flex of his hips.

  Sensory nerve endings she hadn’t even known existed lit up like a dazzling display of fireworks. Giving into the decadent sensations pulling her under, she threw her head back and bore down on the hard cocks stuffing her to overload, swiveling her hips in a nasty grind that’d make a stripper jealous. Twin harsh breaths wheezed from Leo and Devlin.

  His gaze consuming her, Dev countered her motion, pulling almost completely out of her before sinking deep again. She shivered, the rising peak of her climax looming closer. Leo’s palms slid around her breasts, squeezing firmly. With one demanding tug of her nipples, he sent her flying off the cliff. Blinding color and light exploded in her vision. Shuddery wails scratched her throat, but Leo and Devlin weren’t satisfied until they amped her ecstasy to the absolute max and she screamed their names, her body shaking uncontrollably. His features strained tight, Devlin pumped his cock one last time and held deep inside her as he came with a hoarse shout that was seconds later echoed by Leo. The throb and pulse of their cocks a carnal pleasure like no other, she slumped in a sweaty heap between them.

  Sated, drained, and happier than she could recall ever being, she snuggled into their heat and grinned up at Devlin. “I really should trespass more often.”


  Sidney’s cellphone chirped from the confines of her purse just as she was logging off of her computer for the day. She fished the device out and glanced at the display. Crisis Emergency. Meet me down by the elevators in five.

  She quickly texted Jane back but got no reply. Concern setting in, she hurried to Leo’s office. As always, the sight of him proved a momentary distraction, especially considering the naughtiness they’d been up to earlier that morning in the lab. Shoving aside the provocative memories, she cleared her throat. “Is it all right if I leave a few minutes early today?” She hardly ever asked for any special privileges, so she didn’t feel too bad with the short notice request.

  “Sure.” Concern etched Leo’s features. “Is everything okay?”

  “I don’t know. One of my friends sent me a cryptic message without really explaining the situation.” Aw damn. Should she have said that? Maybe now he’d be suspicious that she was really blowing off work for some dumb reason like a shoe sale at the mall. Not that shoes were ever a dumb reason for anything. But still, maybe it would have been wiser to take a cue from Jane and be sufficiently vague with the details.

  “Hopefully it’s nothing major. If you need to take tomorrow off just give me or Dev a ring on our cells.”

  She exhaled in relief. “You guys are absolutely the best bosses ever. And I’m not only saying that because you’ve given me a shitload of orgasms lately.”

  Leo’s teeth flashed dazzling white with his smile. “Well, we’ve been pretty damn lucky on our end too.” His gaze suddenly turned smoky. “With that said, if your friend’s situation doesn’t require anything more from you after say seven p.m., and you’re in the mood for company...”

  She shivered at the hidden promise in his proposal. “I’ll definitely keep that in mind.” After awarding him her best coquettish smile, she pivoted and made tracks for the exit, stopping to grab her purse on the way. This time she took extra care to ensure she hadn’t forgotten her wallet and phone.

  The elevator ride down to the lobby proved to be an anxious one. By the time the doors pinged open she’d conjured a whole host of horrible calamities for Jane’s text, so the instant she spotted Jane consoling a weepy Marissa over by the ladies restroom, her concern kicked into overdrive. Her heart knocking, she rushed to join her friends. “What’s wrong?”

  Marissa sniffled. “He’s gay.”

  It took a moment for Sidney to catch on. “Your McHottie?”


  The adrenaline speeding Sidney’s pulse slowly receded. “Oh, honey, I’m so sorry.” She tucked her arms around Marissa and cuddled her tight. Yeah, it wasn’t the end of the world, per se, but it probably felt like it to Marissa. Finding out that the guy you’ve been covertly stalking for the last six months liked dick? Total Sucksville.

  “I told her she’s missing the big lesson in all of this.”

  Sidney glanced at Jane. “What? Not falling for a guy without first uncovering his sexual preferences by dropping casual references to Sex in the City to see if he takes the bite?”

  “No, although that’s a given. I was referring to digging a little deeper to find out if he’s bi.”

  Sidney tossed up her arm. “What the hell does that matter?”

  “Hello. Potential threesome.” Jane huffed a heavy sigh. “The utter lack of foresight here makes me weep for womankind.”

  Marissa snuffled louder, and Sidney glared at Jane. “You suck balls when it comes to di
shing out comforting advice.”

  Her expression properly chagrined, Jane spooned Marissa’s other end. “Don’t listen to me. Besides, he’s probably a secret cross dresser too. Every night it’d be constant battles over who gets to wear the teddy. Who needs that kind of drama?”

  Marissa’s blubbery laugh morphed into a series of hiccups. Once she got them under control, she hugged Jane and Sidney. “I love you guys.”

  “Honey, it’s completely mutual,” Sidney replied with a reciprocal squeeze around Marissa’s waist. Jane echoed the sentiment, and soon they were indulging in a three-way hug fest. Right on cue, the elevator across the way unloaded its passengers, the businessmen from the cafeteria amongst the throng. Several of the men banged into each other as they rubbernecked Sidney, Jane, and Marissa.

  Jane snorted. “Pretty soon we’re going to have to start charging those dudes for the show.”

  Sidney dug into her bag for her phone and checked the time. A quarter to five. Almost two hours to kill before she’d be able to see Leo and Devlin. “Let’s go check out that new sushi joint. I’ll buy the first round of California rolls.”

  “You still owe us drinks for the other night too,” Jane pointed out sagely.

  “Fine, I’ll also get the first round of sake.”

  Satisfied they’d weaseled enough out of her, Jane and Marissa crooked their arms through Sidney’s and the three of them headed for the skywalk that connected their building to the neighboring Sterling Complex. The Blue Fin was packed, but the hostess found them a spot near the massive panoramic window overlooking Bay Street Park and hurried one of the frazzled waitresses over to take their order. Feeling immensely sorry for the girl, Sidney made a mental note to be extra generous with the tip.

  Their drinks and sushi platter arrived faster than any of them expected, considering the logjam of orders the kitchen must be under. Once Marissa and Jane chose their first piece of sushi, Sidney snatched a slice of the Nori roll. She nibbled at it delicately before taking a sip of her sake. It took a moment for her to notice the weird silence that’d fallen over her dining companions. She frowned. “What? Is there rice stuck in my teeth?”

  “You’re not attacking your food.” A hint of wonder shrouded Marissa’s tone.

  “More than that, you didn’t even touch that dick-shaped thing,” Jane accused, pointing to the tempura asparagus.


  Jane’s eyes narrowed. She stared at Sidney for a long moment, her gaze more invasive than an X-ray machine. Finally she dropped her fork onto her plate and folded her arms on the edge of the table. “You got laid.”

  “What?” Sidney followed her lame incredulous reply with the thinnest laugh in history.

  Marissa gasped, her eyes going wide behind her tortoise frame lenses. “Oh my God, you did.”

  “You two are crazy.”

  “Are we?” Jane cocked an eyebrow.

  Sidney’s shoulders slumped. She had zero chance of outwitting the Spock Inquisition. “Okay. Fine. I got laid. Let’s not make a big deal out of it, all right?”

  “Not a chance, sistah. Marissa and I have been waiting forever for you to drop the chastity panties. We deserve some juicy details, damn it.” Jane thumped the table with her fist, making the utensils rattle.

  “Am I allowed no privacy?”

  “Nope. Now spill.”

  Sidney fidgeted with the napkin near her dish. She’d never been particularly shy when discussing her sex life. Maybe she wasn’t as forthcoming about every damn orgasm she had like Jane was, but it didn’t mean she was deliberately keeping her friends in the dark.

  Then again, she’d been having outrageously hot and wild sex with her bosses for the last four days, and hadn’t breathed a word of it to Marissa and Jane. They’d probably see that as some pretty secretive behavior.

  Jane drummed her fingers impatiently. “Are you going to tell us about the lucky guy, or continue making an origami hedgehog out of that napkin?”

  Sidney pitched the mangled cloth onto her plate. “What I’m about to tell you doesn’t leave this booth. Capiche?”

  Jane and Marissa leaned forward in perfect unison and nodded.

  Sidney shifted her head and scanned her surroundings. She had no idea what possessed her to do that. Not like the National Enquirer team was sitting at the next table, eager to pounce on the latest gossip. She took a deep breath and expelled her admission in a rush of words. “It’s Leo and Devlin.”

  Another weighty silence blanketed the table, and Sidney anxiously chewed her thumbnail. “This is the part where you’re both supposed to give me a high five or something equally supportive.”

  “Are you fucking nuts?”

  She glared at Jane. “You’re the one who told me I should show up naked at work.”

  “Holy shit, you didn’t actually do that, did you?” Marissa whispered, scandalized.

  “Of course not. The point I’m trying to make is that she was initially on board with me jumping in the sack with my bosses.”

  “And you listened to me?” Jane tossed up her hands. “I keep telling you not to do that. Holy crap balls. I cannot be held responsible for my bad advice.”

  “But I don’t think it was. These last few days with them has been amazing and—”

  “Last few days?” Jane’s outraged expression would have been comical if it weren’t directed at Sidney. “You’ve been boffing your bosses for days, and are just now getting around to mentioning it?”

  Sidney hung her head. “I’m sorry. I didn’t think it’d be a big deal.”

  Neither Jane nor Marissa looked the slightest bit placated by her apology. Sidney gusted a weary exhale. “I know I should have told you sooner. I guess a part of me was worried what you’d think.”

  “Well, I’ll tell you right now what I think.” Jane’s finger stabbed the air like an angry exclamation mark. “You’re making a huge mistake. Don’t get me wrong, Leo and Dev are nice guys, but they’re nothing but a fantasy. One that you’ve been struggling to overcome for the last eighteen months, no less. And here you’ve just added a whole shitload of trouble for yourself by sleeping with them.”

  “It’s not like that. They even signed a contract stating that my job wasn’t at risk or anything.”

  Marissa frowned. “A contract? That’s rather formal.”

  Sidney hastily explained the situation with the Xtacy program and her role in it. Jane groaned. “My God, it’s even more fucked up than I first thought.” She raked her fingers through her platinum locks before pinning Sidney with a hard stare. “Why would you set yourself up for a fall this way?”

  “I’m not.”

  “Bullshit. You’re having fantasy sex with the men you can’t stop fantasizing about. Think about that for a minute, and then explain how in the hell you expect to ever come back to reality?”

  Jane’s assessment of the situation was a brisk slap across the face. Unfortunately, it was also a nearly identical echo to the stern warning that Sidney kept giving herself. It was easy enough to sweep her own misgivings under the rug. Not so much when someone else waved them in front of her. “I know what I’m doing, and what I’m getting myself into. I have no intention of letting myself get hurt.” She winced at the desperation in her voice.

  Jane’s expression softened. “Sid, as your friend, I’m begging you to get out of this. Before you do get hurt. Because I guarantee you, it will happen.”

  A fist-sized ball of misery descended on Sidney’s heart. She tore her gaze from Jane’s and peered glumly out the window. “You said I shouldn’t listen to your advice.”

  “Except on this.”

  Her doubts heavier than ever, Sidney picked at her napkin, her stomach churning at the thought of walking away from this chance in a lifetime with her bosses. But this was only an experiment to Leo and Devlin. Once they collected their data, they’d move on, leaving her holding the remnants of a fantasy. One that she might never heal and recover from.

  A damnable mistiness s
tinging her eyes, she stared at the plate of uneaten sushi, the tempura asparagus mocking her—as fattening, phallic-shaped foods are wont to do. Sighing in defeat, she grabbed the closest of her enemies and popped it into her mouth.


  Devlin locked the lab doors the exact same moment his cellphone vibrated in his pocket, announcing an incoming text. He dug the device free and scanned the message.

  I’m wet and ready for you.

  The phone pinged again.

  This is Sidney. Probably should have mentioned that first.

  Chuckling, he keyed in his reply. Wet, huh? Been playing Slip’ N Slide without us? Bad girl.

  I need to be punished.

  His face was beginning to hurt from the amount of grinning he was doing. But, damn, sexting with Sidney was hella fun. Yes, you do. Gonna make that pussy squirt, and then ride your Slip’N Slide all fucking night.


  He frowned. What?

  Sorry, fingers slipped. Doing this one-handed.

  His dick throbbed behind his fly at the implications of what she might be doing with the other hand. Coming right now.

  Me too.

  That little cocktease. Shoving his phone back in his pocket, he booked it to Leo’s office. “I just got messaged by Sid. She says we can stop by.”

  Leo logged off his computer and they both headed out to his car. They compared notes on the latest batches of test results on the way over to Sidney’s condo. The way it stood, they’d definitely have enough data within a week or so to tweak the Xtacy ratios and impress the hell out of the Scentual bigwigs next month. It was a huge burden off of his and Leo’s shoulders. And they owed it all to Sidney. They couldn’t have done this without her.

  He glanced at Leo. “You know there’s no damn way we’re going to be able to give her up after all of this is wrapped and in the bag.”


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