The Scheme

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The Scheme Page 10

by Mia Kayla

  Her laughter was contagious, which had me grinning like a crazy person. Still, I kept going. “My love for you is like diarrhea. I just can’t keep it in.”

  “Stop,” she wheezed, slapping the bar. “Aren’t you the comedian?” Her laughter was a full-hearted sound, rippling through the room.

  I chuckled along with her. “Are you a library book? Because I’d like to check you out.”

  She pinched my arm playfully and brought her hand up to stifle her giggles. “Please, I can’t take anymore,” she cracked up, but then her body stiffened. Her hand flew to my forearm as her eyes widened. “Shit, he’s looking our way.”

  When I peered over her head, the group of girls had disappeared and Stiff had indeed zoned in on Kendy.

  “Stop staring,” she squealed. “Quick, lean into me; say something in my ear.”

  I did as I was told, though her proximity was unnerving. Being this close to her, I had a sudden urge to lick the sensitive spot right below her ear. “What do you want me to say?”

  Her eyes flickered to him then back to mine.

  God, she was so close I just wanted to run my tongue along the seam of her ear. She smelled like peaches, and I wanted to see if she tasted like them, too.

  She blinked twice as her demeanor turned serious, and I would’ve never guessed what was going to come out of her mouth next.

  “Kiss me,” she demanded frantically. “Full on. Right now.”



  My statement must’ve baffled him, because he got this dazed and confused look in his eye. “Kiss me, just do it.” My eyes moved slowly in Dr. Klein’s direction, just subtle enough so I knew he was still staring at me, but where he didn’t know I was staring back. “It’s part of the game.”

  Brian angled in but pulled back, hesitating.

  “Come on. Give it to me, your best kiss ever.”

  And then he cupped the side of my face, grazing my cheek gently with his thumb. I shouldn’t have felt anything, but I felt everything. His light hold sent a tingling sensation from my cheek, down my neck, making my nipples pebble.

  He licked his lips as our eyes caught. The lust in his gaze was intense and, as he leaned into me, I found myself closing my eyes and letting him capture my lips with his.

  When we touched, I jolted from the electricity that coursed between us. I hadn’t expected that. At. All.

  His kiss was soft and sweet, but urgent, and I melted into his hold. My God, was he a good kisser. He sucked on my bottom lip, and alternated between teasing my top and then back to the bottom. After a few seconds, he flicked his tongue for me to open, and I let him in. I felt myself become wet with desire as his tongue slicked against mine. My breathing hitched, and my heartbeat continued to beat hard in my chest, until I felt the thud in my ears.

  When I’d told him to kiss me full on, I hadn’t expected his kiss to be like this—all-consuming, overwhelming my whole body.

  Then, abruptly, he pulled back, leaving me bereft and cold. My eyes locked on his, and my rapid pulse drummed against my wrist as though it was playing “Little Drummer Boy” on super speed. He left me breathless, but I could tell he was, too.

  “Good enough?” he said with a small smile.

  I couldn’t do anything but nod. I was like an animal in heat, wanting his lips on me again.

  Then I blinked, snapping back to the present, and glanced back at Dr. Klein. Well, damn. I had his full attention now. “Perfect,” I replied, but I was feeling oddly torn, as my body was still preoccupied with that kiss.

  I’d kissed a lot of men in my life, but I’d have to rate Brian’s the best kiss ever. If he ever entered some sort of kissing contest, he’d win the trophy by a landslide.

  When I finally caught my breath, I flipped around and noticed I’d lost Dr. Klein’s attention. A new group of girls was now congregating in front of him.


  My stomach dropped to my toes as my disappointment from earlier turned into pure annoyance. He was one tough guy to decipher. I couldn’t figure him out at all. The nurses at work said he was always saying he was looking for serious material, yet he came to this bar and flirted with everyone wearing a skirt. Well, everyone except me.


  He was a walking contradiction.

  I huffed, crossing my arms over my chest.

  But the psychic had predicted he was it for me. And she’d been right about everything else so far, so I had to believe her. If I wanted any semblance of a normal life, her prediction had to come true.

  Maybe I needed to give this more time.

  Dr. Klein stood with his entourage of guy friends and headed out of the bar with the group of girls. I didn’t know if they had known those girls from before, waited for them, or had just met them. Either way, they strolled out together before I could even bat an eye.

  I peered up at Brian, who had ‘I told you so’ written all over his face. I spun around, not wanting to hear him gloat about how stupid I was.

  “I hate him,” I muttered, but there was no bite in my voice.

  I stared at the door where Dr. Klein and his friends had just left, huffing in frustration at another wasted outfit and ruined Saturday night.

  I just didn’t get it. Evangeline had said it as clear as day that I would get over my past relationship and the guy who gave me the moon was the one I was meant to be with. We’d end up happy. Together.

  I should’ve asked her how to win the man of my dreams and how long it would take. I wished she had an eight-hundred number that I could put on speed dial. I hated how this was her last unresolved prediction about my life. It made me feel unsettled, unfinished somehow.

  “Hey,” Brian said. “Are you religious?”

  I glared at him, already in a foul mood. “What?”

  He angled closer, a glint of humor in his eyes. “Because I think you’re the answer to all my prayers.” He wiggled his eyebrows at me, trying to get me to laugh, which worked.

  I decided I could let this whole failed night depress me, or I could start anew tomorrow. And my happiness was worth fighting for, even if it had just walked out the door with another woman.

  I shook my head to break me from my sour mood. Tomorrow would be another day, and tonight was not to be wasted. “Let’s get out of this joint and have some fun. I’ve got my dancing outfit on.” I shimmied and gave Brian a hopeful smile.

  Brian flipped up his collar. “Dancing? Do you know how crazy awesome a dancer I am? I’ll have you pulling me into the alley after one song.”

  His goofy face had me cracking up again. The man definitely made me laugh. That was a quality worth marrying. For someone else, of course.

  The bartender placed my gin and tonic on the table.

  “After this drink,” I said, tipping back the glass to chug it. I felt the burn at the back of my throat and welcomed it. Maybe it would dull the rejection. “I plan to get butt-ass wasted tonight and shake my tail feathers.”

  At that, we clinked our beverages, my glass to his beer bottle. I probably wouldn’t remember what happened tomorrow morning anyway. Maybe that was a good thing.



  We ended up in the Meatpacking District at Enclave Night Club. The line stretched out the door and down the block, but Kendy used her ever-charming voice and hot body to get us in, totally bypassing the line.

  She knew how to work it. She oozed sex appeal, but it was subtle, not annoying. One look from the tattooed bouncer had him practically drooling at her feet. She had a way with words, I was coming to find out.

  We rushed straight to the bar, me leading her through the crowd to a spot where we could both fit against the masses. An hour later, we had downed multiple drinks. I’d lost count of the exact number. She kept ordering, and I kept buying. We laughed, chugging back and repeating. I didn’t mind, as long as I kept seeing that smile on her face and her mind far away from Stiff.

  I tossed out my one-liner jokes, her laughter f
ueling me to keep them coming. I didn’t even know where I was coming up with half of this shit, but it was working, and that was all that mattered.

  After a couple of hours, her eyes were glossed over. “I’m going to get my dance on,” she said¸ downing her drink and moving through the crowd.

  She ended up on the raised box by the DJ, dancing next to another woman. Without a doubt, Kendy outdid this woman in looks, stature, and with her moves. I watched a group of guys congregate below her, their tongues practically hanging out of their mouths as the strobe lights hit her face and showcased her alluring body. My jaw tensed as an overpowering jealousy surged through me.

  Her eyes fell shut as she swayed and moved to the music. The men were like moths to a flame, and slowly, she had her own fan club of dudes vying for her attention.

  The music was bumping, and I leaned against the bar. The black skirt she was wearing clung to her body like saran wrap, inching up her thighs with each bounce.

  I tipped back my beer and ordered another. When I turned around, a guy had made his way behind her, forcing the other woman down from the small box. They were grinding to the music as their bodies meshed together. I watched the strobe lights flicker across her face. The glow made her look like she was the star of a show. My jaw locked when she molded her ass against the man behind her. He seemed to enjoy it. Who wouldn’t?

  But when his hands made their way around her ass and to her inner thigh, I slammed my beer bottle on the counter. Screw this.

  Suddenly, Kendy froze and her eyes popped open in shock. She shifted toward him, looking like she was spitting words at him as I barreled through the crowd. I could read her face as the strobe lights flashed on her angry features.

  When she hopped off the box, he jumped behind her and grabbed her wrist. She jerked her hand away, and I was a foot away and about to step in between them when I saw something I’d never seen before.

  I widened my eyes when Kendy reached down, grabbed him by the balls, and twisted.

  His face registered pain.

  “Bitch!” he yelped.

  “Pinky dick!” she yelled back. “I can’t even cop a feel down there.”

  Just before he took a step toward her, I blocked his path. “Get the fuck away from her, asshole.”

  I gestured for him to leave, but he stood there for a moment, looking indecisive. I fisted my hands at my sides, ready for action if he decided to try to take me down. No way in hell was there going to be a repeat of the stitches incident.

  His eyes met mine, sizing me up. A second later, he must’ve thought better of it, because he cast her a glare and turned to walk away.


  I shook my head and glanced back at her. “Get a good feel there?” I was trying to make light of the situation, but I hated to think what would’ve happened had I not been here.

  I doubted Kendy’s reaction would’ve been any different.

  “Yeah, fucker thought he could touch what wasn’t his. I was going to rip his dick off and feed it to him.” Her angry eyes narrowed and flickered toward the guy who was now making his way to a new target.

  I didn’t want to lecture her, but the words flew out anyway. “I know you can take care of yourself, but don’t be too brave when you’re alone.” Maybe it was the big brother in me, or maybe it was the adrenaline spike. I couldn’t tell. All I knew was I didn’t want anything to happen to her.

  She shrugged one shoulder, unbothered. “Okay.” And then a small smile appeared as she grabbed my hand. “Let’s dance.” She moved us through the mass of bodies on the dance floor. “I’m not letting that guy or Dr. Hot Pants ruin my night. I’m still determined to have a good time.”

  When she found us a perfect spot, she placed her hands on my shoulders and crushed her breasts against my chest. The room was already warm, but our sexual magnetism turned up the heat level to scorching hot.

  My hands slowly fell to her waist as her hips moved and dipped to the music. When the beat changed, she turned around and ground her ass against me. I followed her lead, our bodies in sync, and instantly I hardened. God, this girl was going to be the death of me.

  I pulled her flush against me, and she turned back around and wrapped her hands around my neck. Her skirt hitched up a tad as my hands drifted to her stomach, inching to the bareness of her back, kneading her silky skin.

  This woman was intoxicating, and I was powerless to resist her.

  When she lifted her head as an invitation to kiss her, I did, different than before, with more urgency as my mouth covered hers hungrily.

  She gripped my hair as our bodies meshed together. She tasted like peaches. Sweet, succulent peaches. I tilted her head to go deeper, sliding my tongue against hers, and she moaned into my mouth as her breaths deepened.

  She was riding me on the dance floor, her core against my dick, which throbbed and begged to break free. I couldn’t think clearly. I wanted to take her somewhere secluded to satisfy my need. Doing this girl would be a complication, but hell, I wanted her bad.



  Oh, God.

  His kiss was overwhelming, addicting, and making my body tingle. From the goose bumps on my neck, to the shivers up my spine and the wetness in my panties. It had been a seven-month dry spell, and I needed water to quench this thirst, if only for a night.

  Brian wasn’t just a warm body; he was flipping hotter than the devil himself.

  Somewhere, a little tiny voice reminded me why we were here—to get the doctor jealous—but my brain was mush. His lips against mine and his hands roaming over my body were making me lose focus. Any semblance of an earlier plan vanished in my drunken state. My body turned liquid beneath his hold. My raging hormones rushed to the surface as I molded against him.

  His arousal pressed against my stomach, which only fueled the hungry fiend inside me. I needed release. Bad.

  All I heard was the beat of the music, saw the flash of the strobe lights, and felt the heat of his lips, his tongue moving against mine. I reached down and rubbed against his jeans. He was at full attention, ready for me, and, God, was I ready for him.

  I didn’t care there was a massive amount of people in the club, watching me give this guy a hand job. Shoot, they all probably wanted one, too. Besides, the place was dark. I doubted anyone knew what we were doing.

  “Damn, you’re sexy,” he said huskily.

  His words raised the heat inside me. I didn’t think that was remotely possible. My body was already on fire.

  I wanted him to touch me, too. As if reading my mind, his hand trailed slowly from my waist to my hip to my bare outer thighs, pulling at the fabric. My ass cheeks were almost hanging out. It was the cutest but hottest thing, like he didn’t want me exposed for everyone to see, though I didn’t care.

  He pulled my skirt down and gripped my ass through my clothes, pulling me flush against his length. My breath hitched and my pulse went haywire.

  He ground himself against me, and I could tell he was well endowed, even with his pants on. I pulled back, bit my lip, and locked eyes with his as my breathing turned shallow. It was game over, because this man was going to feel the ‘Power of the P’ tonight.

  “Let’s get out of here.” I dragged him through the crowd and into the fresh outdoors. My insides tingled with anticipation as my thighs rubbed together, ready for him to take me.

  The horns of the cabs blared in the background, but I still knew nothing but his hand in mine.

  My lips parted as he pulled me to the corner and raised his hand. “My place.” His voice was strong with urgency as he hugged me close. I rubbed my aching breasts against his chest, needing the friction. No other words were spoken as he hailed us a cab.

  We jumped in the back seat and, as soon as he sat down, I straddled him, rubbing against his length as my skirt inched up my thighs, making my panties even wetter.

  After he recited his address to the cab driver, my lips connected with the pulsing hollow of his throat and then trail
ed to outline his ear with my tongue.

  I fisted his hair as our lips collided, my tongue tasting, flicking, and exploring the recesses of his mouth. My breathing was labored as I dry humped him in the back of the car, making out like we were teenagers at a drive-in.

  The cabbie didn’t even try to stop us. This was probably common in Manhattan at two a.m.

  I tugged at his hair, pulled his head back, and saw pure lust in his eyes. “F-T-F-ing,” I said breathlessly, riding him as though we were at the rodeo.

  He tried to kiss me, but I pulled him back, tugging harder at the ends of his hair. I needed him to agree. I didn’t need complications. Not when he wasn’t part of my ultimate plan.

  I couldn’t afford to hurt him, so we could only do this if he knew this was purely physical. “No complications. Friends that fuck. That’s it. We’re F-T-F-ing.”

  I stilled, hoping he’d give me the answer I needed to hear. If he didn’t, I thought my insides would blow. The bunny vibrator I had at home would not be able to fill me the way I knew only he could.

  “Yes,” he breathed, making my whole body sing. Then I smiled at him and crashed my lips against his. I’d just given him a deal every man wanted.



  I would’ve said yes to anything. If she’d asked me if I was an alien from outer-fucking-space, it wouldn’t have mattered. The answer would’ve been yes. I wanted this woman bad. My body had never screamed for release louder, especially as she rode me in the back of this cab.

  I need to get home. Quick.

  I threw the driver a bill. It could’ve been a fifty for all I knew.

  Kendy’s legs were wrapped around me as I carried her, holding her by the ass up two flights of stairs.


  “In my pocket,” I said, moving my lips to her neck. Damn, she tasted so good. I’d bet my next paycheck she tasted like heaven everywhere else, too.

  She giggled as she reached into my pocket. I sucked and flicked my tongue against her neck, tasting the salt on her skin as I kneaded her ass with my hands. Her scent was intoxicating, and it didn’t help the major hard-on I was rocking.


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