Fire & Flesh: A Firefighter Romance Story

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Fire & Flesh: A Firefighter Romance Story Page 85

by Kerri Carr

  “You think so? When you are ready, we will duel it out. But I don’t want your pink if I win.”

  “Oh, yeah? What do you want?” He grabbed her thigh, distracting her.

  She looked over at him and smiled. “I reserve the right to decide when I win.”

  “Typical woman thing. Ok, since I know I’ll win, I’ll play your silly reindeer game.”

  “Big talk, big Scotty.” She continued taunting him. “Can I ask you a question?”

  She sounded serious and Scott nodded. “Of course.”

  “What happened between you and Dillon before we met and got together.” She continued to drive and occasionally looked over at him.

  Scott leaned back in frustration and sulked. “What does it matter? The past is the past, right? We are together now and you are my future.” A part of Scott wanted to just come out and tell her everything. But what if she didn’t really want to know the truth? What if she is not very modern or liberal and the thought of her boyfriend sucking cock too much for her. Then he did not have Dillon and he did not have Melinda.

  “If you are happy with your life, with me and us, your past doesn’t matter. But if you ever need to talk, I will always be here, Scott. I love you for you not for me.” She pulled in to his parent’s drive way and parked.

  Scott leaned over and kissed Melinda on the mouth. “I love you too, Babe. I have my cell phone; I’ll call you when I’m on my way home.”

  “Alrighty then, I’ll just go off and reserve our next drag race.” She teased him.


  Dillon Ward was not above doing any of the hundred chores needed done on his parent’s ranch. Dillon hid himself in the horse stable. He saw his mother had company again. The first son to be born, he knew if he wanted, he could inherit this whole seven-hundred-acre cattle ranch. His momma was at him again to find a wife and make his own heir. “Pfft, as if.” He mumbled to himself.

  It was his fault for coming over to this morning. He recalled the same damn conversation as always. “Dillon, Mrs. So and So has this daughter or granddaughter…” Every time he visits anymore it is like the dating game. He stopped telling his mother when he was going to stop by so he did not have to meet some woman he was not going to date, let alone marry.

  He is pissed at himself for going over to Melinda’s house last night to see Scott. God Damn that man. Why did he have to be so fucking hot? The military did good things to him. He looked even more muscular than the last time they saw each other, which was over two years ago. Dillon took the blame for that unhappy ending.

  Back then he was not ready to come out of the closet. Hell, he still is not. That is what will keep him alone the rest of his life. He cannot have the man he is in love with because he does not want to disappoint his family. Truth is, he did not want to blow his chance to inherit the ranch. Maybe when it is all his and there is no one that cares, he could find someone and not be so afraid.

  He was just getting ready to saddle up for a long ride when he saw a familiar sports car drive up next to his truck. “Holy shit.” He put the saddle on the bench and walked toward his unexpected guest. “Howdy howdy, little lady. What can I do you for today?” He chided himself for sounding like some creepy used car salesman. He was over compensating for his discomfort.

  “Hey Dillon, you got some time to talk?” Melinda sounded serious.

  “I was just going to take a trail ride but we can walk a bit if you’d like?” He opened her car door and helped her out. She did not dress to get on a horse, but he knew where they could walk in private. He had an idea what she wanted to talk about.

  “At least I have my walking shoes on.” She smiled as he led the way.

  He led her behind the cattle yard around to the field. It was about a mile walk. Dillon watched Melinda take in the scenery. He loved watching people appreciate this land. He and Scott spent many nights on this property hiking, riding, screwing each other. It is ironic that he takes Scott’s girlfriend on part of this trail.

  They walked into the woods, along the most central path on the property. “What brings you to the ranch, Melinda? Did you want to see where Scott will be working?”

  She did not speak, but just appeared to be in deep thought. “I want to know what kind of relationship you had with Scott.

  Dillon respected Melinda’s direct question. Not what he expected, but decided to be honest. If Melinda did not like what she learns, she might leave Scott. It is a big gamble, he might blame Dillon. But it also leaves Scott free again. No better time to try to get him back.

  “We were lovers for almost three years.” He said simply.

  Melinda stopped at a clearing and sat on a large boulder. “Why did you break up?”

  “I didn’t want to come out of the proverbial closet and Scott hated being so secretive. He tried to get me to protest my undying love for him to the world but I didn’t want the world to be in my, our business.”

  “So, he might still be with you now, if you were more open with your sexuality? Are you still in love with Scott?” Melinda kept her directness.

  “I wasn’t sure; it’s been so long since I’ve seen Scott. I knew you two were together and he was happy. I know he wants a family and children. How odd that he is so adamant about that when he could not have had that if we stayed together like he wanted years ago. Seeing him again, all those feelings of love and attraction surfaced. I still love him.” He sat next to Melinda on the stone and crossed his long legs. “I miss feeling him beside me, miss feeling him inside me.” Dillon stopped there.

  “I know Scott still has feelings for you, Dillon. I do not know what that means, if anything. But I love him enough to know if he’s not fulfilled with me we will not be happy. Yes, we want the same thing, family and children. But at what price. He will not talk about your relationship. Maybe he will in the future. But until then I wonder what will happen with him working with you every day.” She pulled her legs up on the boulder, facing Dillon.

  “I admit I tried pushing his buttons by offering him a job. Not trying to be a home wrecker, just trying to see where his heart was. War changes a man and with Scott, I think he realizes this is his chance to be normal. You are a beautiful woman, Melinda. Even though I don’t prefer women, you are a perfect pick for him.”


  Melinda blushed, already she was forming a plan to bring these two men together again. She was not insecure over their prior relationship. She understood Dillon and his motivations. Her eyes took in the whole man sitting next to her. He was tall, slender and very fit. Sure, life on a cattle ranch would do that to man.

  She could see why Scott stayed with Dillon for as long as he did. “Thank you for your honesty and truth. I have a request.” She waited for Dillon to look at her before she continued. “I invite you over for dinner next week for Scott’s birthday.” She blew out a deep breath, hoping Dillon saw the bigger request between the lines.

  Dillon laughed, slapping his lap and nodded to Melinda. “Sure, I will bring myself as his birthday gift?” He smirked at her.

  Melinda nodded. “Yes, but don’t mention this to Scott next week while you work together. I want you to be his surprise.” She stood up and faced Dillon. “But know that I will be there, this will be a group event, not a nostalgic fuck.”

  Dillon became serious and nodded. “You are something else Melinda Kemp. But if it’s ok with you, I might do my best to tempt him, to make him more open to your plan,” he suggested.

  “Great idea.” Her phone buzzed. “Scott is heading back to the house. I appreciate you, Dillon. I had a feeling when I saw you two together last night something was still strong between you.” She chose not to mention him jerking off calling out his name. That she kept to herself. She had some pride. And the remedy of that pride is to bring in her competition. If Scott ended up needing to be with Dillon, at least she gave them all an even chance.

  Dillon walked Melinda to her car, opening the door. She spontaneously hugged him then get into her car.
“I’ll call you this week with the details.”

  “Yes, Ma’am.” He tipped his hat at her as she pulled out.

  Melinda could not believe she came up with such a crazy idea. She admitted the idea of Scott and Dillon having a sexual encounter turned her on. She was not jealous; she wanted Scott to be happy. And if that means bringing Dillon into their bed, so be it.


  Thursday morning Scott showered and dressed in his most faded work clothes. It surprised him to learn he still fit into these old jeans, they were a little snug. He will give Dillon a good tease.

  Melinda walked into the bedroom. “Hey birthday man, you ready for breakfast?”

  “I’m ready. My parents asked about our plans for my birthday.” He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her toward him.

  Melinda took in a quick breath. “I have a special dinner planned. But if you want to stop by their place after work, you can visit with them for a bit.”

  Scott’s hands cupped Melinda’s ass as he pulled her against him, leaning in to kiss her full on her lips. “Sounds like a plan. Let me know if I need to pick up anything on my way home tonight.”

  “Just bring yourself and your appetite.” She winked and guided him toward the kitchen.

  Scott easily fell in to the rhythm of the ranch. Working with Dillon was comfortable if not taunting. It felt as if Dillon was trying to tease him. Not that anyone would notice. He was subtle with a scratch there or a stretch here. Finally, the long shift ended and no one even wished him a happy birthday. No matter, he knew what he had waiting for him tonight.

  “See you tomorrow, Dillon.” Scott waved as he entered his truck.

  “Yup.” Was all he said.

  He headed to his parents before his big night with Melinda. He put on the radio, looking for a fast and fun song, to reflect his excitement. He settled on an old Bad Company song, appropriately enough “Ready for Love.”

  He pulled into his parent’s driveway and headed for the door.

  “Happy Birthday, my baby boy!” His mother kissed his cheek and let him enter.

  “Thanks, Ma.” He smiled and pulled out a box from his pocket. “I’m gonna propose to Melinda this weekend.” He opened the box, displaying the ring he picked out. I’m looking for a female opinion.”

  “Oh, Scott! Leave it to you to buy a gift for someone else on your birthday.”

  He laughed. “I know but I think she’s the one and if we want to start a family, this seems like the most logical step.”

  “Well, your father and I both love Melinda.” She pulled out a larger box and handed it to him. “It’s just a little something from us. You don’t have to open it now. You go. Have a great Birthday. Let us know what she says.”

  “I love you both.” Scott kissed his mother cheek and headed home.


  Melinda was nervous. Now that the night is finally here, she could not believe what she was instigating. Scott is on his way home. She called Dillon. “How long until you get here?” She asked, excitement in her voice.

  “I’ll be there in thirty minutes.”

  “Perfect. I’m going to be occupying him. Dillon, I need you to take the lead and join us like it was a typical occurrence. No hesitations, no modesty, just do what feels right and don’t worry about me or my feelings…”

  “Ok, ok, Mel. I understand. You want Scott to have the best of both worlds.” He got quiet for a moment. “Melinda, I don’t know whether to thank you or curse you.”

  “I guess that all depends on how much you get off now doesn’t it?” She asked and hung up the phone. She knew what she had to do. Seduce her man.

  She put on her short red mini dress, thigh high stockings and matching red heels. Scott came home to see Melinda sitting on the sofa in a sultry position. “Hey, handsome, go shower and meet me here.”

  Scott swallowed hard and shut the door. He quickly headed to the shower to wash off his day.

  Ten minutes later he was in his silky boxers, flaunting his tight abdominal muscles.

  Her come hither look brought him to the sofa where she waited for him. He sat beside her not moving just staring at her. “You look amazing.”

  Melinda smiled, unsure where to start. She needed to have him thoroughly distracted when Dillon arrives. She put her hand around his neck and guided him on top of her on the sofa. They shared a passionate kiss. For Melinda, this was like the first time. Knowing Scott’s ex was going to be joining them excited her more than she imagined it would.

  Scott smiled at her, sliding her panties off with one quick action. Melinda grabbed each of her nipples and moaned. “I want to feel you inside me again, Baby.” She whispered, wrapping her legs around him.

  Her hand reached into his boxers and squeezed him hard on. “Mmm, just how I like you, hard and ready.” She slid down his boxers as he stood to remove them fully.

  He leaned down, nipping at her nipples, caressing her body as he brought his body on top of hers. “I love you, Melinda.” He entered her fully in one long movement.

  “Ohh, Scott. That feels so good.” She felt his whole cock moving inside her and closed her eyes. He was deliberate in his motions. Each stroke, long and even, not rushing.

  She had them turned away from the front door so Scott in his excitement did not hear Dillon come in. Melinda smiled at him and winked. She leaned up to kiss him. “Happy Birthday, Scott.” Was all she said when Dillon, now undressed came up behind Scott and rubbed his hands on his ass.

  “Happy Birthday, Scott,” Dillon whispered.

  Scott stopped for a moment, staring at Melinda. She continued thrusting her hips into him, not allowing him to think too much. “Don’t stop, Scott.” She did not want him to freak out and run out of the room. “Just let us share you. We both want this.”

  He continued his motions, slower but he did not stop. He did look confused but, but between Melinda’s soothing words and Dillon rubbing his body. He nodded and closed his eyes.


  Scott was shocked. He felt the warm, soft body of Melinda below him, then the once familiar, calloused hands of Dillon, rubbing his ass and back. Melinda somehow knew what he needed. He opened his heart to the moment and just felt.

  Her body was so responsive. He did not want to come too quickly. Dillon teased Scott’s anus, pouring some lubrication down and gently stretching his sphincter muscles.

  Oh my God. I never thought I would feel this again. He hoped Dillon would top him. What a perfect scenario. Him fucking Melinda, while Dillon fucks him. Scott was more than ready. He looked at Mel, she really loved him. He continued thrusting inside her, his one leg on the floor for stability.

  He withdrew fully then penetrated her deep. A few more times and she was panting. Dillon’s fingers were stretching him, reaching his prostate.

  Scott thought he would come right then, but focused on pleasuring Melinda. “I love you.” He said to her as he leaned in to kiss her again.

  Dillon stood, the tip of his cock edging into Scott’s lubricated anus. “Oh my God, yes, Dillon, fuck me.” He said as he continued staring at Melinda.

  He was afraid to break eye contact with her and this all be a dream. “I have never felt so open, Melinda.” Dillon penetrated his cock another two inches inside him. Matching the rhythms of Scott and Melinda.

  Soon the three were in sync with Scott being the pivot of action. Dillon continued rubbing Scott’s back, holding onto his waist as the three came close to climax.

  “Scott, don’t stop, I’m so close!” Melinda cried out.

  “Oh, my God, this is so perfect.” Scott closed his eyes again trying to hold back his orgasm. He knew from experience, Dillon could hold out forever if he wanted to. And now remembering how talented his cock really was. Dillon was hitting his spot as Scott was hitting Melinda’s.

  “I’m gonna lose it,” he cried out. In on massive movement, a wave of orgasm flowed through the three of them.

  “Yes, Scott, I’m coming.” Melinda cried in time wit
h Scott who was only able to grunt his orgasm as Dillon pushed him deeper into Melinda.

  Dillon was the last to climax as he thrust a few more times, finishing the wave of orgasm between them.

  Dillon gently backed out and sat back on the sofa behind the couple.

  Scott gently withdrew from Melinda, giving her a final kiss before sitting up. He turned to Dillon, making the decision to straddle Dillon’s lap.

  He began kissing Dillon fully on the mouth. He held his chin and rubbed his hands on Dillon’s chest. “Jesus, Dillon, you are a beast.” He smiled, and looked over at Melinda.

  She was smiling and just sitting facing them. He felt her love and her compassion. He saw she was happy with his happiness. She somehow knew Dillon also made him happy.

  “Thank you both.” He smiled at Dillon and Melinda. “This has been the best birthday, ever.”

  Dillon grabbed his head and began kissing him with a force. Scott was not sure what will happen in the future; if Dillon would agree to this again. But he knew this night, was special. He had the two people he loved most in the world naked on the sofa with him right now and that is all that mattered.

  The one thing he learned while in the Marines is there is no guarantee of a tomorrow. He would live this moment in his mind forever.

  Dillon’s kisses both excited him and grounded him. He reached for Melinda’s hand and she came over toward them.

  Scott turned his head and kissed Melinda. She would be his wife. She would be the mother of his children. But where does Dillon fit-in in his life?

  He knew this was a constant fear.

  Maybe if Melinda agreed, they could keep their relationship open to Dillon. Scott knew Dillon wanted to keep in the closet. Maybe he could be with them without the rest of the world knowing.

  Scott looked between the two of them and smiled. Right now, he knew what he really wanted to do. “Let’s take this into the bedroom and maybe take it slower this time?”

  Melinda smiled, nodding. Dillon shrugged, but Scott saw the happiness in his eyes and knew his heart.


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