Fire & Flesh: A Firefighter Romance Story

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Fire & Flesh: A Firefighter Romance Story Page 101

by Kerri Carr

  When Olivia realized that no one was looking at her anymore, she slowly sat back down. But she needed to get out of there and fast. She didn’t feel safe being around the angry, jealous women even if they were in a public place. She feared that Janet would make a scene that could end up getting both of them fired.

  There was no telling how far a scorned woman would go to exact her revenge.

  “Thanks for eating with me today,” Olivia said, as she prepared to leave the table.

  “Where are you going?” Janet asked. “I’m not done with you yet.”

  But Olivia was done. She wouldn’t endure one more minute of this treatment. Carter was the only person that she would submit to. She wouldn’t allow her co-workers to push her around. If she had been chosen by Carter to be his number one girl, then there was no reason to tolerate any disrespect around the office. If Carter told her that she had no choice but to put up with the jealously and contempt of her colleagues, she might have viewed things different. She might have accepted the disrespect without complaining. But Carter had made no such demands of her. He had only specified that he expected her to submit to his will. He hadn’t said anything about other people in the office.

  “I’m sorry but I have to get back up to the office,” Olivia said. “I’m really sorry.”

  As she got up from the table, she felt Janet’s hand gripping her wrists. Her skin was still sore and bruised from the handcuffs that Carter had put on her. Janet’s tight grip made her grimace. But she did her best not to show any pain.

  “You better watch yourself,” Janet said. “It might not be me, but someone will come along and take your place. You just wait and see.”

  Olivia didn’t respond. Instead she pulled herself free from Janet’s tight grip and walked out of the cafeteria.


  She was relieved when she stepped into the elevator. Her entire body tingled with excitement. She had been chosen. All the other women in the office would have died to be in her privileged position.

  When she walked back through the office doors, she felt a new sense of power. She was beginning to understand how things worked in this firm. She didn’t worry about whether or not another woman would come along and replace her as Carter’s preferred submissive. She figured that Janet had probably done something to upset or disappoint their domineering boss. She was determined to never let that happen to her. She would do whatever she had to. She would do whatever he asked.

  For the next couple of hours, Olivia did her best to concentrate on the stack of briefs that she had to complete. It wasn’t easy because her mind and her eyes kept drifting. Every few minutes she would lift her head and stare towards Carter’s office. She knew that he was in there because she had caught him staring at her through the blinds.

  His intense eyes set her body on fire with lust and fear. She was anxious to feel his strong hands all over her body. But she was afraid of how far he would continue to push her past her limits.

  All she wanted was to please him.

  As the end of the workday approached, Olivia worried that Carter would not call her into his office. This immediately made her insecure. Had she done something wrong? Had he already become bored with her?

  The thought that he was already losing interest was too much for Olivia too handle. She suddenly became very anxious. This wasn’t the way that things were supposed to go. He should have already summoned her to his office. She should have been bending over his desk while he yanked on her hair and slammed his cock into her.

  When the clock struck five, most of the employees began leaving the office. The door to Carter’s office was still closed. Out of the corner of her eyes, Olivia could see Janet gathering her things. Both women seemed to be moving very slowly and watching each other. Something was bound to happen between them. The animosity and the tension were too thick.

  It was Janet who made the first move, slowly approaching Olivia’s cubicle. Olivia could feel her colleague’s jealous energy. She looked quickly towards Carter’s office. What would happen if Janet attacked her? Would Carter come rushing to her defense? There was no way to know. She would have to be brave and get through this alone. That seemed to be her only option.

  Janet stared down at her for a few moments without saying anything.

  But this time Olivia didn’t look down or away, she stared directly into Janet’s fiery jade black eyes. She was refusing to submit or back down.

  “Don’t worry,” Janet said threateningly, “Your day is coming.”

  Olivia kept her eyes locked on Janet’s. She was waiting anxiously for her to say something else. But Janet must have sensed that the young, paralegal had a lot more backbone than she had expected. She lowered her eyes and stomped away from Olivia’s cubicle and out the office doors.

  Olivia was shaking. She had never been threatened by a co-worker before. She was proud of herself for not backing down but she wasn’t sure how much more abuse she would be able to tolerate before she reached her breaking point and lashed back at her colleague’s. There was only so much mistreatment that she would be able to endure.

  Just when she had given up all hope of being called in to Carter’s office again that day, she heard his door opening. Waves of excitement rolled through her body. This is what she had been waiting for all afternoon. The moment was finally here.

  “Olivia!” Carter yelled. She had never been so happy to hear her name called. She quickly straightened up the papers on her desk and hurried to her boss’ office. What could he have in store for her? She couldn’t wait to find out.

  But when she walked into Carter’s office, she had the distinct impression that something was wrong. He seemed agitated and a bit upset. All of her excitement drained away and all her fears and insecurities came rushing back.

  Carter was standing up and staring out his large window that looked down on the entire city. He sighed deeply and turned toward Olivia. She was anxious to hear what he had to say, so anxious that she nearly leaped out of her seat.

  “Olivia, do you have any plans for this weekend?”

  She shook her head no. She had always hated working on the weekends but she would be glad to come into the office if it meant that she would have the opportunity to spend time alone with Carter.

  “That’s good,” Carter said. “Because I’m going to need you to work this weekend.”

  “Anything you want,” Sir Carter. “I can come into the office on both Saturday and Sunday.”

  Carter smiled. He clearly seemed satisfied with her answer.

  “Excellent, but I don’t want you to come into the office,” he said staring at her suggestively.

  Olivia was confused. What was he asking of her? So many questions swirled in her mind but she knew that it would be best to keep her mouth shut and let him continue.

  “I want you to come with me to my summer home in Connecticut. You will be pampered and treated with the utmost care by my staff but you will remain my submissive. Is that clear?”

  “Yes, Sir Carter. That sounds wonderful.”

  And there’s one more thing…Carter paused and fixed his eyes on her. She could feel her entire body trembling with anticipation. “I’ve finally made a decision about which woman in the office that I would like to have my firstborn.”

  Olivia swallowed hard. Was he really about to say the words that she’d waited to hear for so long, the words that she wouldn’t dare repeat to herself because it just seemed too far-fetched. Had he really chosen her out of all the other women? That would almost be too much for her to handle.

  Carter sat down on his desk directly in front of Olivia. He leaned towards her and took her chin in his hand. He kissed her tenderly on the lips and then brushed a tangle of hair out of her face. It was an exhilarating kiss that set her body on fire with desire. She hungered for more of them. And she wanted them all over her body.


  Months Later…

  Olivia looked down at her belly, rubbed the prominent bulge and

  She still couldn’t believe that she was carrying this powerful man’s seed. She’d never felt so honored. She’d never felt so proud and confident and sure of herself. She loved walking around the office with that beautiful baby bump. The other women could only smile and look away, wondering what they'd done wrong, wondering how she'd become the chosen submissive. But Olivia didn't care about those other women.

  The only thing that mattered was that Sam’s baby was inside of her and they were going to build a life together, a life beyond anything she could have imagined.

  Over the next several months, Carter continued to invite Olivia into his office for his dangerous games of submission and domination. Each session was more intense than the previous one. Whenever Olivia informed Carter of the harsh treatment that she was receiving from her colleagues, he stepped in and quickly fired them. Janet, the woman who had been Carter’s chosen submissive before Olivia arrived, was one of the first to be fired.

  His willingness to defend and protect her, made Olivia feel that she had finally found the love that she had always been searching for. And after two years of working at the firm, she was more thankful than ever to have finally found a dominant man capable of turning her into willing submissive. It was delicious feeling—one that she wanted to hold onto forever.


  Another bonus story is on the next page.

  Bonus Story 32 of 44

  Seduced by the Countryside

  Dana had always wanted to live in the country and when Lee finally agreed to swap their city apartment with its heavy traffic and clogged pavements for a small cottage and some land, she was overjoyed. Of course, being located on the other side of the country meant that they hadn’t seen it in person but the photos online, although a little out of focus, were beautiful. It was her dream come true and Lee would get to write the novel that he’d tinkered with on and off for the last few years.

  They had swapped their public transport passes for an old jeep which had driven them and their meager possessions all the way up the bumpy lane and through the gate to their new property. Dana had wanted to arrive before dark, but their journey had taken longer than expected and now the stars were shining in the sky but the ground was in pitch darkness.

  The only light in the area came from the headlights of the jeep and, when they finally came to a stop outside the small house, they were surprised to find that it wasn’t quite as well-kept as the photos had suggested.

  “I don’t believe it,” Lee said hopping from the jeep onto the gravel drive. “I think the pictures we saw were a little out of date.”

  “Are you sure this is our house?” Dana asked holding the map in front of the light.

  “The name was on the gate, honey. This is Stonegate Corner,” he replied running his hands through his sandy blond hair.

  Dana was tired but not defeated. She grabbed the keys and opened the front door before her husband could remember that this had been her idea. When she flicked the light switch, the hallway was illuminated. The interior was in far better shape than the exterior which was perfect because she wanted to bring in her stuff, have a glass of wine to toast their new home and then fall into bed.

  The previous owner had left a little note apologizing for the state of the place with a bottle of local wine and a packet of chocolate chip cookies. She opened both that night.


  The next morning began with a slight hangover and bright glorious sunshine that filed through the windows and straight onto the pillows. Dana reached over for her husband but he wasn’t there. She found coffee brewed in the kitchen and her husband setting up shop in his new office. He’d obviously been eager to start work because the laptop was open and he was staring at a blank page with a steaming cup of coffee in his hands.

  “Sorry, I had trouble sleeping,” he said.

  “Not to worry,” she replied stooping to kiss his temple.

  After breakfast, she took a tour of the outside and the house wasn’t in bad repair so much as the plants had overgrown. It wouldn’t take her long to get them back under control. The house would need painting, but it wasn’t as bad as she’d first feared. The driveway was full of long weeds and they would need to go, but what worried her was the amount of fencing that she would need to take care of, not to mention the state of the pre-existing chicken coop.

  She had some deliveries due to arrive later that morning from the hardware store and her rescued hens would be there in the afternoon. She had been over-eager and Lee had pointed that out, but as usual, she had insisted because she couldn’t help it. Dana didn’t know how to wait and she had more optimism than anyone on the planet.

  She began making a list and tried to prioritize the jobs. Her first priority would be the hen house or her girls would end up bunking in the house with her and Lee and she thought that would probably be grounds for divorce.

  “Hi, it’s seen better days, right?”

  She spun around and came face to chest with a tall broad man who stood grinning at her from his lofty height. She hadn’t been expecting the neighbors to introduce themselves quite so soon, but as he came without a vehicle, he must have been local. He was still giving her a wide grin and she couldn’t help but smile back. Some men were so pretty they were dangerous.

  “I’m Frankie. I live at the end of the lane,” he said holding out one of his huge hands for her to shake.

  “Hi, I’m Dana,” she said taking his warm hand in hers.

  “It looks bad but it won’t take long to fix up,” he said nodding his head towards the pile of rotting wood that bore barely any resemblance to a chicken coop.

  “I have some supplies coming this morning, but the hens are arriving after lunch so I’m going to have to be inventive,” she said laughing.

  “Don’t worry, I’ll help you,” he replied.

  Without waiting for an invitation, he picked up the toolkit she’d dumped on the porch and made his way to the hen house. She figured he must have seen how it used to look because he knew where each part went and within half an hour it was taking shape. When she saw a dust cloud at the end of the drive, she excused herself and ran to the van that was loaded full of the supplies she would need, or at least the ones she had anticipated.

  When she turned back around Frankie was nowhere in sight and she felt a slight touch of disappointment. He’d been good company and knew his stuff when it came to patching, but if she was being honest with herself she had enjoyed his handsome face. She looked at her watch and wondered if he’d gone home for lunch, but when she stepped into the kitchen, she could hear his deep voice coming from Lee’s office.


  Lee had felt the urge to write before he’d even opened his eyes. Granted, the story that was bubbling to come out was not the story he’d been promising for the last couple of years. The new idea felt fresh and alive and so did he. The sun was shining, the country air smelled good and the natural sounds that bathed the farm were filled with life. He’d made some coffee and fired up the laptop.

  When a large shadow had blocked the light that streamed through his open door, Lee had looked up. The man that leaned on the door frame was farm-built and wore that contented look that honest labor and plenty of sunshine gives a man. He was smiling and raised his hand in a little wave. Lee waved back and found that the smile was infectious.

  “Hi, your deliveries are here,” he said.

  “Oh right, are you the driver?” Lee asked.

  “No, I’m your neighbor. I’ve been helping Dana with the hen house. The woman that used to live here had a lot of hens at one point but she relocated them when she started getting sick and now it needs a little fixing,” the man replied. “So, you’re a writer?”

  “I’m trying to be,” Lee said. “Want some coffee?”

  Lee could see Dana checking through the deliveries from the kitchen window. She was glowing. She had pink healthy cheeks and a light sheen of sweat on her brow. Country life suited her. She had the d
elivery driver going through the order with her and he thought that right then and there, she had the power to make the poor guy lift every item to its proper place by hand and with a smile on his face.

  “Your wife looks happy,” the man said looking over his shoulder.

  “She does. This has been her dream for years. My name is Lee, what’s yours?”

  “Frankie,” he replied.

  “Well Frankie, welcome to the new owners of Stonegate Corner,” Lee said raising his cup to chink against Frankie’s.

  “May your time here be fruitful and happy,” Frankie replied grinning.


  When Lee stopped for a break that afternoon, he sat on the porch with a glass of store bought lemonade and watched Dana and Frankie secure the fencing. He wondered briefly if he should be worried about Frankie spending time with his wife. The man was beyond handsome and had muscles that made the men at the gym back in the city look like girls. Dana looked happy working beside him and she lifted her face to smile at the things he said. He didn’t feel jealous, he felt something else. The feeling was like he’d won the lottery and now he never needed to worry anymore. He was happy.

  The truck with the hens arrived bringing a cloud of dust up the driveway. He jumped up to help. The farm was Dana’s baby: he didn’t know much about animals and he’d certainly never been close to a live chicken before. When he was handed a crate with several chickens in it, he was surprised to see their little faces looked alert and interested. They had an intelligence in their eyes that he hadn’t anticipated.

  “They’re adorable,” Dana said with moisture glistening in her eyes.

  “I can foresee chicken being off the menu in this house,” he muttered and Frankie laughed.

  When the driver had left, Lee had stayed to watch as Dana uncaged the hens. Frankie came to stand with him and they watched as the hens slowly began to peck the grass. Dana sat on the grass once all the hens were freed and let them come up to her. She giggled as they pecked the laces on her boots and when one particularly brave hen sat on her lap, she snuggled it like a baby.


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