Talosian Chronicles 1: Olympus

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Talosian Chronicles 1: Olympus Page 22

by Ben Winston

  “Directly across the hall from the master suite is the nursery. It is currently set up as an identical suite as yours, only instead of an oversize bed, I had the drones replicate six baby dens. Their sanitary is also different in that it has an altered layout with baby care in mind. The nursery doesn’t have a dressing room, that area is currently a utility area, but can easily be altered into a play area.

  “What's a 'Baby Den'?” Cindy asked.

  It is comparable in function to what you would call a crib with the exception that there are several other emergency features built into it. There is also a small medical diagnostic unit built in to monitor the health of the child,” Oly explained. “It was the standard used for newborns and the very young while aboard ship.” Seeing that he had answered her question, Oly moved on with his explinations.

  “Farther down the hall are two guest rooms, with king sized beds, and small, personal, sanitaries with showers. At the end of the hall is the domestic drone storage area.

  “Being the Commander, It is assumed you will entertain from time to time. There is one final sanitary past the dining area where the back door to your old house used to be. If you turn to your right just before the sanitary door, you will find a lift to the Commander’s ready room, one level above. I could not put your pool in because there is an engineering area on the other side of that bulkhead that serves the bridge,” Oly finished.

  “Thank you, Oly. I wish I could express how much this means to me, and my family,” Ian said, and each of the girls said thank you as well. Talena just winked at the old hologram.

  “In the past, it was not unusual for a ship to be asked to remodel the Command quarters for the incoming Commander. Environmental and psychological requirements were always part of the request. I believe that, more than ever, you and your family need to be comfortable here,” Oly replied. “I am pleased that you approve, Commander. I will leave now, so you can settle in. Oh, Cadet, if you are still interested in the pool, you might want to see what Major Laskar has done with cargo-two.”

  After Oly faded out, Beth asked if anyone else wanted pizza. Oly had even installed holographic ‘windows’ that had to be linked. Unless otherwise commanded, the windows would have the same ‘atmosphere’ for the entire house; complete with the noise of a small town, or suburb. By bedtime that night, the family had begun to settle in, and the new quarters started to feel like home.

  A couple of days after arriving on-board, Janet and Bill Lasker requested a meeting with Ian. Since Bill sounded concerned Ian approved it immediately.

  Once they’d arrived in Ian’s day-room, Bill used his authority to lock and seal the room; which meant that not even Olympus could listen. Ian was the Commander of the ship, but Bill needed higher computer access to perform his duties.

  When Ian was about to ask Bill what was going on, Bill held up his hand stopping Ian from speaking while Bill walked around the room carrying a device in his hand. He quickly typed on the small keyboard and two cloaked holodrones dropped their cloak and came to rest on the floor before powering down. Bill then moved over to Ian’s terminal, and typed in a couple of other commands, shutting the terminal down as well.

  “There, now we can talk,” Bill said, conspiratorially. “We absolutely cannot risk Olympus overhearing us.”

  “Why?” Ian asked getting a little flustered with his father-in-law.

  Bill sat next to Janet on the couch, and she took his hand to show support. “Two days ago, you asked me to begin research with an eye toward creating another AI for the potential base on the moon. Well, I figured the best way to do that would be to examine Olympus’ core programming myself.”

  Ian nodded his understanding and agreement of Bill’s method of research.

  Bill nodded nervously and forged ahead. “I compared the stored copy and the current one that’s been active for over four-thousand years side by side. Now remember, this is the Core section of his programming, I had to jump through some pretty impressive hoops to get access to it. Well, I found some major differences between the two programs!”

  Ian nodded, still not understanding what Bill was telling him.

  “Ian, the core programming is supposed to be set in stone, unalterable, even by the original programmers. Olympus isn’t supposed to have access to it, either. Just to see what would happen, I tried to alter a small part back to the original code, and it changed right back, right before my eyes. Olympus has rewritten his core programming! This is the Talosian programmers worst nightmare; a heavy cruiser with a rogue AI!”

  Ian sat back trying to digest what Bill just told him; how could Olympus be a rogue AI, if he hasn’t done anything wrong?

  The clearing of her throat brought Ian’s attention to the room’s third occupant; Janet. When Ian looked up at her, she smiled.

  “Ian, like I tried to tell my wonderful, but single-minded husband, there is no reason to panic; Olympus isn’t rogue.”

  Bill looked at her like she’d grown a third head. “Love, I appreciate what you’re trying to do, but you don’t know what this means! Olympus no longer needs a human crew! He has control of the entire ship! All functions! At any moment, he could decide to just open the airlocks, and that would be it for all of us!”

  “If that’s the case, why hasn’t he done it already? For that matter why go to all the trouble of getting all of us trained, and up here? It would have been much simpler for him to just fix himself and fly away,” Janet said trying to soothe Bill. Something about the way she was speaking helped Ian to relax as well.

  “I do deal with programming, everyday, sweetheart, just a different kind of programming. Olympus is far too relieved at no longer being alone to think about ‘going rogue’. Hell, I doubt that he even knows what’s happened to him!

  “Personally, I’d have gone insane having to stay hidden for as long as he has. I want both of you to think about something; everyone that Olympus interacts with treats him as an equal, not some impersonal machine. Before you tell me, yes, I know about the whole simulated personality sub-program. Both Julie and I do listen to you when you get over-excited.

  “But what you’re not seeing here is that Olympus’ personality isn’t simulated. I bet if you look at that sub-program, you’ll find it either hasn’t been accessed, or is different than it originally was! Olympus has become a sentient being.”

  “But what do we do about it?” Ian asked. “I can’t continue to allow him full access to the ship’s systems.”

  “I don’t see why not, but I suppose I can understand your reasoning. Can’t you simply take away his ability to affect any critical systems without being ordered to by a qualified officer?” Janet asked.

  “I think I could do that, but not without Olympus figuring out what I’m doing. I’d have to be at his main terminal in his vault. No one can block him from monitoring what goes on in that room,” Bill said speculatively.

  Ian nodded. “Could you make sure he has full control access to his own power system, as well as his ejection system?”

  Bill nodded. “But like I said, he’ll know exactly what I’m doing and I’m sure he’ll stop me.”

  “Yesterday, Chief Dommer informed me that he has certified the old girl’s space worthiness. Very shortly after that, I was informed by the Command Protocol that I would have to officially assume commend within a week, or leave the ship,” Ian told the pair.

  “It’s customary for the new Commander to program a new AI interface as well as officially change the name of the ship before taking command. I’m told that can take anywhere from an hour to the better part of a day.

  “If I have Oly locked out for the reprogramming, he shouldn’t be able to do anything, since it immobilizes the AI for the process, and he certainly wouldn’t think anything unusual was happening. Just remember to dump the logs for the vault before you leave,” Ian explained.

  “I should only need a couple of hours at the most. We should also do this as soon as possible. Olympus could discover the truth abo
ut his condition at any minute, if he doesn’t already know,” Bill said.

  Ian nodded agreement. “Be ready at ten-hundred tomorrow. Gimme a call when you’re done, and this whole conversation never happened, got it?”

  Both Laskars nodded. “Yes, sir.”

  “I’ll be ready, sir,” Bill said, much calmer.

  “Good, now, let’s get out of here, Beth wanted to see me on Med Deck,” Ian said, as they headed for the door.

  When he finally got to sick bay, one of the nurses directed him to Beth’s office. He found the rest of his family was already there, waiting for him. Cindy looked really nervous and was holding onto Talena’s hand tightly. While Beth wasn’t smiling, she had a glint in her eye.

  “Sorry I’m late, there was something I needed to take care of,” Ian explained.

  Beth nodded at him accepting his apology. “That’s okay, this isn’t earth-shattering, but it is important. During the flight up here, I noticed Cindy didn’t look quite right for a woman at this stage of pregnancy. Both Jenny and I do, but our beautiful girl is too big.”

  “Beth, please what’s wrong? Is the baby in danger?” Cindy pleaded.

  “Honey, I told you to relax; would I do that if I’d found something wrong?” Beth answered. She looked around at the rest of their family. “I asked Cin to stop by for a check when we finally got settled into the new facilities up here. As all of you know, that was this morning.” She typed a few commands into her keyboard. “You gotta love trilateral, three-dimensional imaging.”

  An image of a woman’s midsection appeared over the small display table in front of her desk. The image was semi-transparent in that you could see all the other internal organs, as well as the two small babies curled up in the fetal position in her womb.

  Cindy paled as she looked at the babies. “Uh, are they... Are those my... two?”

  “Yup! Both of them!” Beth replied, grinning.

  Cindy was still shocked but Talena and Jenny were hugging and kissing her. When Ian went to give her a hug and a kiss, she shied away in mock fear.

  “No way! You get away from me! You did this to me!” Cindy said, trying hard not to giggle. Ian scooped her up in his arms, and she grabbed onto him as he lifted her.

  “Nope! We did this together, baby!” Ian said and kissed her tenderly on the lips. Jenny just smiled, and acted like she was surprised. So much had happened to them, no one remembered that she’d predicted this when they all got together.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  “Ian, I think it might be time to tell our people here the rest of the truth,” Luke said, looking out from the big wall monitor in Ian’s ready room. “Ty, Elias, Laura, as well as myself have been out-right asked where the people are going.”

  Ty took over. “Sir, with the increase in flights, the people have begun to worry about where all the people are going. I think we might have gotten more than just their attention as well though. The sensors in the ‘fence’ have reported detecting humans, but only for a second. A recon drone confirmed that we’re being watched. Since the intrusions are on the boundary with White Sands, my guess would be one of the intel agencies.”

  “What it all boils down to, son, is that the heat’s starting, and our folks are wondering what’s going on. Now, they all trust you; especially after what you did for Luke and his family. The new folks are going to be the wild card, but most of them seem like really good people, and Janet approved all of them. I should warn you I’m pretty sure the kids know that those games are more than what they’ve been told, but are still doing the exercises that Cindy and Talena taught them. I have to agree with both Ty and Luke; it’s time to tell our people,” Elias added.

  “Well, I did get the video you asked for recorded, Elias. How are you going to deliver it?” Ian asked.

  “I think we could simply play it over the network, just like we do everything else. I’m told that everyone will have those computers by lunch, so maybe we could post a message announcing an important message that will be played tomorrow evening. We should have plenty of time to get the word, and do any fine tuning to your video that might need to be done,” Elias said, while Ty just grinned at him.

  “Uh, I think I’d like to double check with Mrs. Laskar one more time as well,” Luke said, thoughtfully.

  “Second thoughts, Luke?” Ian asked.

  “No, I just want to be on the safe side is all,” Luke replied.

  “You three know our folks better than I do, so I’ll let you handle telling them. Just let me know if you need anything from up here,” Ian reminded them. “Now, if you’ll excuse me there is a duty I need to perform.”

  The three men signed off, and Ian locked the door to the room. “Olympus?”

  The hologram of the old man that was the avatar of the powerful AI appeared in front of Ian’s desk. “Yes, sir?”

  “Are you aware that the Command protocol has issued a time limit for the Change of Command?” Ian asked.

  “Not of the actual order sir, but I assumed the time was getting close, since Chief Dommer filed his report on our space worthiness.”

  Ian nodded. “I have roughly thirty-six hours left to officially assume command. If I fail to take command, the ship will be locked down until such time as I do.”

  “That would be a very bad thing, sir.”

  “Yes it would, however, since I agree with the protocol, I have no intention of missing that deadline. So, as the first step in preparing for that ceremony, I need to program in a new persona for you. Please inform all departments that you will be offline until further notice,” Ian said.

  Olympus came to attention, but his eyes seemed to lose focus. “Attention all hands! All AI functions will be suspended until further notice for Command reprogramming. Suspension will begin in ten seconds. I repeat, all AI functions will be suspended until further notice for Command reprogramming. Suspension will begin in six seconds.” Oly stood still, and a few seconds later said. “All AI functions are now suspended.”

  He tilted his head down to Ian, He smiled and his eyes refocused. “I am offline, sir. I am ready for reprogramming.”

  Ian grinned at his friend. “You’ve been looking forward to this, haven’t you?”

  “Yes, sir. The moment you assume command, the final directive from Commander Zeus will be completed. It is... fitting that my old persona join him and the rest of the old crew.”

  “Well said, my friend,” Ian nodded in agreement. He took a deep breath and sat up straight in his chair. Switching to Talosian, Ian said. “Olympus, command override! Access AI avatar persona. Authorization; Williams, Ian, omicron-theta-seven-five-theta-zero-two.”

  Ian heard a generic voice tell him ‘Access granted’, but only heard it peripherally. A picture of Olympus appeared on his monitor as well as a listing of all the various personality traits that went into creating the avatar of an AI.

  Ian thumbed his com. “Chief Laskar, this is the Commander. Queen’s Knight to Queen’s Bishop three.”

  “Uh... Pawn to King’s Rook... four. Check in three.” Bill replied.

  Ian thumbed the com off, transferred Oly’s profile to the big monitor, took another deep breath and began.

  Two and a half hours later, Ian was almost finished with Oly’s new avatar when Ian’s comm beeped at him.

  “Commander Williams,” Ian said thumbing the button.

  “Queen’s Bishop to King’s Knight Five, Bishop takes Queen,” Bill replied.

  “Understood, Chief. I should be done here shortly. Good work,” Ian replied as he turned back to his work.

  Once Ian had finished with Olympus, he called Luke back. “Sorry to interrupt your day, Luke, but I was thinking about our telling the truth to everyone. Do you remember the discussion we had on Wednesday with Dr. and Mrs. Punjab? I seem to remember him warning us about letting the rest of the eggheads know the truth.”

  Luke chuckled. “Elias and I already went over that, and it seems Amal has been talking to his people. By and large, th
e eggheads all know the truth, and from what I’m told have actually been helping the team getting the ship ready to lift.”

  “That’s great, now all we need to worry about is someone running away and blabbing once the cat’s out of the bag,” Ian said worriedly.

  “I did speak to Janet. She suggested we send a few people up to the ship as witnesses. They can then return here, and help remind everyone that this is a secret we all need to keep. I didn’t really understand what she was saying, but Elias chuckled and agreed with her,” Luke said.

  “Wow, you guys work fast, I’m impressed.” Ian said, grinning.

  “Well, we make a hell of a team. Janet’s getting on today’s shuttle for the trip down; and she’s going to handle talking to the folks once we get them rounded up. Janet’s suggestions for witnesses won’t fill the shuttle we set aside for this, so we’ll be asking a few other folks as well.” He snorted. “Hell, I wish I could join them! I’d love to see the ship.”

  “We’ll get you up here sooner or later, Luke; Elias too,” Ian said. “Hell, if there’s interest, and it’ll help moral, I might even allow a certain number of people up here for The Flight School graduations. As soon as we get the ship back into space, I think a web cast of the memorial service I plan to have for the old crew would be a good test of people’s interest.”

  “I agree. Personally, I believe the interest will be very high, especially once the folks understand exactly what’s going on, and why. It’ll be harder for them to shed their nationalism, for the broader view of the whole planet. With luck, they’ll get past that before any of the folks from other countries get here,” Luke said.

  “Well, you guys get to tell the folks the truth, and the next day, will be the Change of Command. I think folks would watch that just because they’re curious. We’ll get a better idea about them with the ship launching, and the memorial. So, I guess I’ll talk to you again tomorrow,” Ian said, realizing he was babbling.

  Luke chuckled. “Psst, Boss, your nervousness is showing.”


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