Talosian Chronicles 1: Olympus

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Talosian Chronicles 1: Olympus Page 24

by Ben Winston

  “Ty and his crew are patrolling just to make sure no one actually makes a run for it, but so far, they’ve only been approached by a few of the men, asking about infantry and other positions available for them. I could really use Oly’s help down here, Ian, He’s a lot better at fielding these types of questions and can help us keep track of people down below,” Elias said.

  “I’m really sorry, guys, but Oly’s gone. The new AI will go online during the Change of Command and Re-Christening Ceremony this afternoon,” Ian explained, and held up a hand before the shocked men started asking what’d happened to the old AI.

  “When a new Commander takes charge of a ship, it’s customary to rename it, and redefine the visible profile of the AI. Oly told me it was like a rebirth for him. So, when the new AI gets here tonight, try to remember, it’s still Oly’s core, but he will look and act completely different,” Ian finished.

  “I’d have thought the old guy would’ve at least said good-bye,” Elias said sadly.

  “Elias, our friend will still be here, and in fact, is only on stand-by right now. Just remember that when the new persona comes online, under that exterior will still be the heart of our friend,” Ty tried to explain. “Sir, I heard a rumor that we might be gettin’ our own AI?”

  “That’s the plan at the moment, but Chief Laskar’s had some difficulty with understanding the core programming, so he’s taking it slow for now,” Ian said.

  “I’m sorry Ian, I guess I just don’t understand. I thought you said Oly was gone?” Elias asked.

  Ian took a deep breath while he thought of a better way to describe what was happening with the AI. “In terms of AI programming, there are a couple different layers of what could be called the personality profile. The first layer deals with appearance, speech patterns, mannerisms, things like that. The second layer is much deeper, and deals with the core of the personality. You need to have like five PhD’s just to apply for access to that. That level is the part of Oly that we know as our friend. Now, the first layer has been rewritten, and cannot appear as the avatar of the ship until the ship is commissioned.

  “So though neither the name nor the appearance will be the same, it’ll still be our friend deep inside. The new avatar will still remember, and interact with you, as if it was still Oly, but it clearly won’t be,” Ian explained. Seeing Elias was still confused, he added, “Try to imagine someone getting downloaded into a new body.”

  “Now, THAT I can understand. Why didn’t you guys just say that to begin with?”

  After the four men finished laughing, Ian asked a question. “So, what’s next for you folks?”

  “I get to ride herd on the eggs while Dr. Punjab goes up to see you to get the moon base started. That out to be... interesting, at the least,” Luke said with a straight face, while Elias and Ty tried hard not to laugh.

  “The eggheads came up with something like a shield for the town. My team and I are going to be supervising the placement and installation of ‘receiver posts’. If it makes our job easier, I’m all for it,” Ty answered.

  Elias was nodding in agreement with Ty. “I have surveyors out figuring out where to place these posts as not to confine us too much. The Eggs say we could just put them around the perimeter of the whole property, but I can’t even imagine that. Anyway, they should be done later tonight or tomorrow, and then I’ll send out four-three man teams to plant the posts. In actuality, the drones will be planting most of them, but our teams will make enough of a show that they should be ignored. We’re getting more and more of the permanent housing finished now that we have the utility and paving folks. Personally, I don’t know how they can pave in this heat.”

  “Speaking of medical issues,” Ian grinned. “How’s your new wife taking to her new duties, Elias?”

  “She’s booked solid, and spends about half her time consulting with Beth. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her happier,” Elias replied.

  “I hope no one minds, but I’m reassigning the young Johnson family back to Talos to help with training their younger friends. Talena reported to me that there had been a marked difference in their behavior since your kids left. Perhaps returning them will help re-establish their old behavior patterns,” Ian said. “Hmm, which reminds me, how are the adults taking the relationship thing?”

  “A whole lot better than I thought they would. No one is rushing out to find more lovers, but they don’t seem to be too repulsed by the thought, maybe it just hasn’t really sunk in yet,” Luke replied.

  “The boys and I, as well as Tasha, Sam, and Tommy, are getting asked a lot of questions...” Ty grinned at Elias who was nodding vigorously in agreement. “...about our situations. I’m pretty sure the down-siders get asked a lot too. By the way, the Friday night party has gotten a lot bigger. One of the first things that the folks top-side did was invite the down-siders to the cook-out.”

  “Jees! All this since last night?” Ian shook his head. “Well, at least you guys have reassured me. I was really worried about what would happen. Whose idea was it to make a production of the history? I actually thought the folks at the history channel got hold of this.”

  “That was Ty’s suggestion actually. He pointed out that while your original vid was good, it was too sterile; no one would believe it was real as much as they would believe you were trying to make them believe it was real. So we snagged Saunders, and he called a friend, who called a friend, and well... this just... happened, and we got two more super-smart recruits in the deal,” Luke said.

  “That was very good work guys. Hell, it even convinced me, and I was already convinced!” Ian’s smile dimmed somewhat. “Are you and Lara still coming up for the ceremony Luke?”

  “You can bet you ass we are. I think Lara’s a little anxious to see the ship. I just wish I could bring my partners in crime here. But we do understand; we can’t leave the town totally without leadership. Ty was going to let Tabitha take over for tonight, but he seems to think we’re being watched, Elias and I have discussed it, and we agree that one of us should be here all the time in case of emergency. Elias gets to go up there for the Graduation Ceremony.”

  Ian nodded his agreement. “We gotta get the old girl off the moon first, but we’re working on it.”

  “Speaking of work,” Lara’s voice broke into the call. “You boys need to quit yakkin’ and get back to it! I swear I’ve got everyone out here wanting a tour of down-side.”

  “Ahh the dulcet tones of our taskmaster! We’ll be right there sweetheart.” Luke replied amid chuckles from the other three men.

  “Good luck guys. We can talk more later. I’ll see you at the ceremony Luke and Lara,” Ian replied.

  “Not if that giggling gaggle of school girls doesn’t get busy! We should be getting ready to leave on the shuttle in forty minutes, but Luke promised to talk to these folks first,” Lara said sarcastically, but with humor.

  “Remember dear, I can ask Ty to take you out!” Luke said in a mock-stern voice.

  “I don’t think his husbands would allow that, but if they did, I hope it’s someplace nice. You know I don’t care for that fast food you always treat me too!”

  Laughing, Ian waved to his friends. “Get to work ya bums!”

  “Talk to ya later, Ol’ Son.” Elias said for the other men as Ty and Lara started making outrageous plans for dinner which had put Luke in stitches. The screen went dark as Ian heard them start a fake argument over after dinner sex.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Ian shook his head at the antics of his friends, and went to see Jenny on the bridge. “XO, what’s this I hear about my not having any privacy today?”

  “My apologies, sir; I thought you knew. Oly set it up before his day off,” Jenny replied.

  “He didn’t say anything to me, I guess he must have simply forgotten,” Ian said.

  “Sir? Computers can’t forget things.”

  “Radically overloaded ones can. Look, I asked Chief Laskar to give him a check-up. Perhaps we’ll know
more when he’s finished,” Ian said.

  Although Jenny looked skeptical, she let the issue go. “Traditionally, you’re supposed to be in our quarters, ‘meditating’. Since you’ve still got three hours before the Ceremony, what are you going to do?” Jenny asked.

  “Go to our quarters and meditate of course. I need to try to calm down or I’ll give myself a headache from high blood pressure,” Ian replied.

  “I’m sure Beth can give you something to help with that. Why don’t you give her a call to find out?” Jen asked.

  “Well, I don’t want to be drugged up for the Ceremony, but I’ll ask her,” Ian said. “Did you ask Chekov to take over for you early?” One of the navigator/helmsman was named Ensign Coryov Shostakovich, and even had a slight Russian accent. He very quickly got the nickname ‘Chekov’ after the helmsman on the old TV show, Star Trek.

  “Yeah, I offered to trade a half-shift with him. Corrine is getting close to her due date, and Cory’s a nervous father,” Jenny replied as her eyes twinkled.

  “I can sympathize.” Ian caressed Jenny’s belly. “I’ve got three of you, and your dates aren’t all that far off.”

  Jenny laid her head on her husband’s shoulder while he held her. “You know, Oly’d be giving you a very disapproving look for this if he were here.” Jenny all but purred.

  “He’d get over it. I love you, Jen,” Ian replied.

  “I love you, too. You’d better get going if you need to relax. If you stay here, I’m liable to relax you in a different way!”

  “Oly would blow a processor! But, I think you’re right. I better call Beth as well; just touching one of you gets me really going.” He sighed, kissed her cheek, and stepped back. “You have the Con, XO.”

  Jenny smiled. “I have the Con. Rest well, sir.”

  Ian opened his eyes at the soft chimes of the alarm he’d set. He hadn’t been napping, though it would seem so to an observer. It was the best way he’d found to calm and center his mind.

  Cindy and Talena were on shuttle duty, so he’d had the place to himself. The time alone had really helped him calm the chaos of his mind. He would have taken a hornet out, but he was still a little nervous about firing up the super-high performance warbirds.

  He knew he would eventually have to assign patrol flights, and put the small ships to work, but he was determined to make sure that his command was space borne before he did something that could attract the attention of the Enemy.

  The Ceremony today was one more step; once he was the official Commander of the ship, he’d have full control, and the full responsibility for the survival of the Human and Talosian races would fall on his and his crew’s shoulders.

  During these thought’s Ian had taken a shower, and was drying off before asking the replicator for his formal dress uniform.

  The Ceremony itself was scheduled to begin on the main hangar deck of Alpha bay in an hour and a half. Ian had people to greet and a VIP tour to conduct. Beth and Jenny would take care of the crowd in the hanger while he gave the tour.

  It was bound to be an interesting afternoon and evening, since most of these people had never been around same sex, or multiple partner relationships. Yep, an interesting evening indeed.

  “Commander to Bridge, what’s the ETA on the last of the guests?”

  “Cadet Williams is due to land in twenty minutes on Beta, Cadet Talena should be thirty minutes later. Both shuttles are fully loaded, sir,” Shostakovich answered.

  “I take it the XO is on her way here then?” Ian asked.

  “Aye sir, she’s just leaving.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Chekov. Carry on,” Ian said breaking the contact.

  A moment later he heard Jenny getting off the private elevator. When she stepped off, she had her shipsuit draped over one arm, and was carrying her boots. Ian admired her gloriously naked body and her pregnant belly. Like the old saying goes, she glowed.

  “You better get dressed, or we’re going to be very late,” Ian said as he felt himself react by just looking at her.

  “Behave! I will not show up to your Ceremony smelling like sex. Now scoot! Beth and I’ll meet you in Alpha bay in a few minutes,” Jenny said as the front door slid open for Beth.

  “Wow, your ability is getting stronger, love,” Ian said to Jenny while giving Beth a kiss.

  “Working with Gram has helped a lot. Now quit stalling, and go. People are waiting to see you,” Jenny said as she took Beth’s hand and led her to their bedroom.

  It was the first time Ian had worn the formal uniform. It made him feel a little uncomfortable, and he wondered if he could find someone willing to design a new one. He felt like he was an extra from a pirate movie.

  The shirt was a blue, puffy-sleeved thing that had a stiff collar and cuffs. His rank was displayed on the stiff collar. There was no neck-tie; instead he wore a wide sash that denoted a heavy cruiser command officer. Over all that, he wore a dark blue vest with shoulder boards marking him as a Ship’s Commander. With the matching dark blue slacks, and highly polished short boots, he felt the only thing he was missing was a rapier on his hip and a funny looking hat. Steeling himself for an evening of odd looks, and mild teasing, he stepped off the maglev at the main entrance to the hanger deck in Alpha Bay.

  The first thing Ian noticed was the noise. It sounded like the bay was full of people. As he got to the open double doors to the bay, what he saw made him wonder if the entire population of Talos had come up.

  He also noticed that there was an honor guard posted around the room. The odd thing about them was that no two of them were in the same uniform. Ian noticed the formal dress uniforms of the United States military’s and so assumed that the rest of the guards wore uniforms from other countries. It was a statement that no nationality would be favored over the others.

  He suspected Janet was behind the dress of the honor guard, so he started looking around for her. As he entered the room, he heard someone yell out, “Officer on deck!” and all the ‘guards’ snapped to attention.

  Ian found the culprit standing at attention in front of the small stage where the Ceremony would take place. Barb Reynolds was bedecked in the formal attire of a Canadian Senior Non-Commissioned Officer. She had a straight face, but Ian could see her eyes sparkle from across the room.

  “As you were!” Ian replied, and the guards resumed the pose of ‘parade rest’. The whole episode served to alert the crowd that Ian was now in the room. He also spotted Janet Laskar near Barb, so he started to work his way in that direction. It seemed everyone in the crowd wanted to meet the man of the evening and congratulate him.

  When he finally got to Janet, she was closer to Barb. “Congratulations sir.”

  “Thanks Barb, where’s Debbie?” Ian asked.

  “She and Stevie are mingling.” Her eyes sparkled. “Stevie has developed an insatiable curiosity.”

  “Ian, I think I have a problem,” Janet said interrupting Barb. “Excuse me, Barb.

  Barb just nodded as Ian answered. “What’s up, Janet?”

  “Could we borrow your office Barb?” Janet asked, worriedly.

  “Of course.” Barb replied with a concerned look on her face. “Anything I can do to help?”

  “I don’t think so, dear, but thanks for asking,” Janet replied.

  “Barb, don’t say anything when I come back in. I think the less people that know I’m missing this time, the better,” Ian said.

  “Yes sir,” Barb replied as Ian led Janet to Barb’s office.

  “What’s got you so worried, Janet?” Ian asked once the door was closed.

  “One of my people is being stalked, but she doesn’t know by whom. She’s a short-term precog, and all she’s getting is visions of him catching, and killing her,” Janet explained. “Poor girl’s all alone with him out in the middle of the Nevada desert.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  “That’s not good, let’s get Ty in on this, and you can tell us both how this happened,” Ian said as he got a video li
nk to Ty Anders going.

  “My people have found a couple of people that are ‘blank’ for lack of a better description. When my people tried to scan them, they read as black, like they didn’t exist, or simply weren’t there. Before this evening, we had only encountered two of these anomalies,” Janet sighed. “Since most of this is new to us, we didn’t know if it was something that should be reported. I decided that if we found any more of these blank people I’d report it to you, Ian.”

  “Hi Ian! Aren’t you supposed to be getting crowned or something?” Ty said cordially.

  Ian smirked at him. “We have a problem Ty. I’ll need you and your team to gear up for a rescue. Tell him what you’ve told me, Janet.”

  When Janet had finished, Ian took over again. “Ty, the priority goes to rescuing the young lady. However, I would really like to ask her pursuer some questions. Obviously he’s not a Caldarian, so I’d like to know who he’s working for.”

  “What do I do if we can’t take him?” Ty asked.

  “Try to get as much information as you can about him. But...” Ian closed his eyes and shook his head. “Allison reported that she saw this asshole kill her in a vision. Even if he isn’t working for our enemies, he shouldn’t be left to kill someone else.”

  “I understand, sir. I hope we don’t have to do it very often, but I do understand the need,” Ty replied.

  “I agree. I do have to get back before to many people notice I’m not there anymore. Please keep Janet and I in the loop,” Ian replied.

  “Will-do, Anders Out.”

  “Ty and his folks will take care of this problem. Come on. Let’s get back to the party,” Ian said, taking Janet’s arm.

  Ty put his team on alert, and had the emergency shuttle put on stand-by before he called the young lady they were going to save.


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