Book Read Free


Page 1

by Mac Park


  Title Page


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8


  Long ago beast and man shared one world. Then they began to battle.

  After many battles the world was split in two. Beasts were given Beastium. Man was given Earth.

  A border-wall was made. It closed the two worlds off.

  The beasts tried to get through the border-wall many times. The Border Guards had to stop them. Border Guards were trained to defend the border-wall. Battles won by beasts made beasts stronger. Battles won by guards earned them new battle gear. And they got new upgrades. Then their battle gear could do more.

  Five guards now defend the border-wall. Their work is top secret. They battle and learn. One day they will become Border Masters. Just like their dads. But first they must learn and become Border Captains.

  Their dads were also Border Guards once. They kept learning until they became Border Masters.

  And now they make up the Bordaria Master Command. The BMC. The BMC help the Border Guards during battle. They show them how to defend the wall. They give the Border Guards new battle gear.

  The guards must earn their new battle gear. They need to learn from their battles. And from their mistakes.

  Kai Masters is a Border Guard. He wants to become a Border Captain. The BMC watch Kai closely. Kai must keep learning.

  The beasts of Beastium lived in four different lands. There was a fire land and a rock land. There was a water and an air land. Past these lands were the Outlands. Only the BMC knew about them. That would soon change.

  Over time, the edges of the lands mixed. That was how the borderlands were made. The beasts from each of the worlds mixed too.

  The BMC had been watching Beastium closely. New things had been happening. Strange things.

  Kai Masters must think about his old battles. He must learn. If he does, he will make it to Border Captain.

  It was Sunday morning. Kai Masters was at home in his lighthouse. The lighthouse was Kai’s Border Guard post.

  Kai Masters was a Border Guard. He had battled lots of beasts in Beastium. Kai was hoping to be made a Border Captain soon.

  Kai was in the games room. The games in the room changed a lot. The BMC put new things in the games room when Kai battled well.

  One time the games room was an indoor pool. Then it was a tenpin bowling alley. And once it was a ping-pong room. It was an indoor skate-boarding park now. And Kai thought it was awesome.

  Kai was doing some jumps and 360 flips on his skateboard. This will make me so much better on my hover board, thought Kai. Soon the BMC will make me Captain for sure.

  Just then Kai’s orbix beeped.

  Kai looked at his orb.

  Oh no! thought Kai.

  There must be a mutant beast in the wind land. And it’s putting dirt and dust from the rock land in there. I’d better get BC3.

  BC was Kai’s dogbot. He was in his doggy digs. BC was busy chewing on some metal bolts. BC’s digs were under the lighthouse. The lighthouse hill had lots of secret rooms in it.

  Kai took the slide from the games room to the lab. On the way down the slide he stopped at the doggy door. Kai pushed the doggy door open.

  ‘There is trouble in the wind land, BC,’ said Kai. ‘We must get ready for battle.’

  ‘What kind of trouble?’ asked BC. He climbed out of his hole and onto the slide.

  ‘Beast trouble I think,’ said Kai. ‘There are dirt and dust storms there. Come on. Let’s go.’

  Kai and BC slid down the slide into the lab. ‘I’m going to open the battle chamber,’ said Kai.

  The battle chamber was hidden behind the lab wall. Kai took out his Border Guard Card. He put the card into the lab computer.

  Then there was a loud noise.

  Kai watched as the bricks in the wall behind them began to move. They made a hole in the wall big enough for Kai to climb through.

  Kai and BC climbed into the battle chamber. ‘We are going to the wind land, BC,’ said Kai.

  ‘We need to battle wind with wind,’ said BC.

  ‘Yes,’ said Kai.

  Kai looked at the gear on the battle chamber walls.

  ‘I think I will pick the T-F-1000. It has three blasters. The Gear Mash-Up will change them. It will make them work for a wind land I think. Three blasters is better than one.’

  Kai put the T-F-1000 into the first chamber.

  ‘What will you pick next?’ asked BC.

  ‘I’ll need to fly,’ said Kai. ‘I’m going to pick the Astro Jet-Striker. It was handy in the wind land last time.’

  Kai took the Astro Jet-Striker from the wall. He put it into the first chamber with the T-F-1000. Then he closed the door and waited.

  Soon the computer screen flashed.

  Kai opened the other chamber.

  ‘Look at this, BC,’ said Kai. ‘It has two wind blasters and some sort of zapper blaster.’

  ‘And the jet pack looks lighter and better,’ said BC.

  ‘Yes,’ said Kai. ‘I think we chose well. Now we need to get our ride ready.’

  ‘Time to go to the transport chamber,’ said BC.

  ‘That’s right,’ said Kai. He grabbed the T-J-Striker. Then he and BC took the slide to the transport chamber.

  Kai and BC stood in the transport chamber. They were looking at the computer screen.

  ‘We need a flying ride for a wind land,’ said BC.

  ‘We do,’ said Kai. ‘But it doesn’t have to be a jet.’

  ‘What else can fly?’ asked BC as he looked at the screen.

  ‘What about the charge-bot?’ asked Kai. ‘We can add good wind battling gear to it.’

  Kai hit the button for the charge-bot.

  Kai waited for a new image to come onto the screen.

  ‘Three things!’ said Kai. ‘But what? Dirt and rock are in the wind land now.’

  ‘Can we battle with dirt and rock as well then?’ asked BC.

  ‘No,’ said Kai. ‘We can’t bring dirt and rock into the wind land. But we can use the dirt and rock that is already there. So let’s take the rock changer. It must take the rock and dirt from the wind land and change them into something. Better for the wind land.’

  ‘Good. We can clean the wind land up,’ said BC. ‘And we can hit the beast’s rocks with the swat. It’s like a big baseball glove. What do you think the sucker does?’

  ‘I’m not sure,’ said Kai. ‘But I think we have to take it. We can’t use water jets in a wind land.’

  Kai hit the button for the three add-ons. Then he and BC waited. Soon the new ride came on the screen.

  ‘It looks awesome,’ said Kai. ‘We will be able to battle well with this one, BC.’ Then he turned to watch part of the floor behind him open up. ‘Here it comes, BC.’

  Kai and BC watched the new SC2-bot rise up in front of them. ‘Hey, look, BC,’ said Kai. ‘It’s holding your jet pack in its swat hand.’

  ‘Good,’ said BC. ‘I’ll need it.’ Just then Kai’s orb beeped.

  Kai took his orb out of his pocket. He looked at the screen.

  ‘We’re going to take the lift,’ said Kai. ‘Put your jet pack on and climb in.’

  Kai and BC sat in the new SC2-bot. The lift doors closed around them.

  Then they went straight up to the top of the lighthouse.

  The SC2-bot stood on the take-off pad. Kai keyed in the codes for the wind land. Then he hit the light button on his orb.

  The lighthouse roof opened. The take-off pad filled with light. The light shot up into the sky. It took Kai, BC and the SC2-
bot to the wind land.

  The SC2-bot dropped down into the wind land with a bump. ‘These winds are wild,’ said Kai. ‘It’s hard to drive straight.’

  ‘It’s blowing like crazy,’ said BC. Then his tail began to wag. And Kai could see why.

  ‘It’s a massive red dust storm,’ said Kai. ‘And it’s coming straight at us.’

  ‘Looks like a big wall of red dirt,’ said BC.

  ‘A wild wall,’ said Kai. ‘It’s strange that the dirt is red. We can’t go around it. And we can’t go under it. We’re going to have to go through it.’

  Suddenly the dust storm closed in on them.

  ‘I can’t see a thing,’ said Kai. ‘And it’s tossing us about.’

  Before they knew it the bot was upside down.

  ‘We have to get out of this, BC,’ said Kai. ‘We’re going down. I’m going to try the sucker.’

  Kai hit the sucker button on the dashboard. There was a loud noise.

  ‘It’s sucking up the dust!’ said BC.

  ‘And look at the dashboard,’ said Kai. ‘It’s storing it in the bot.’

  ‘It turns the dust into something else,’ said BC. ‘Like the rock changer does.’

  ‘Yes,’ said Kai looking at the dust change button. ‘But I wonder what? No time for that now. We have some cleaning up to do.’

  Kai flew the bot and BC drove the sucker hand. It sucked up dust wherever he pointed it. Soon the wind land skies were blue again.

  ‘Now it looks more like the wind land we know,’ said Kai.

  ‘And we have all the dirt stored in the bot,’ said BC. ‘That’s good for the wind land.’

  ‘It is,’ said Kai. ‘But now it’s time to find our beast.’

  Kai flew the bot deeper into the wind land. The skies were blue and the wind was not as wild.

  Suddenly the bot was hit by something. ‘What’s going on?’ asked Kai as he looked out the bot’s window.

  ‘We are being hit from behind,’ said BC.

  Kai turned the bot around. ‘They look like some sort of bird.’

  ‘Rock birds,’ said BC.

  ‘But with fire. The rocks are glowing red,’ said Kai. ‘I bet they’re burning hot rocks!’

  ‘I can get them with my eye lasers,’ said BC. ‘Open the hatch and I’ll fly out.’

  As Kai hit the button for the hatch he saw the rock changer button.

  That could be handy, Kai thought. But before he could push it the bot was hit by a large rock. The bot was thrown backwards. BC fell from the cockpit.

  ‘BC,’ called Kai. He looked down to see BC falling. ‘I’ll get you.’

  Then BC flew straight past him. ‘It’s okay, I have my jet pack on,’ he said. Then he flew into the group of rock birds.

  BC zapped the birds with his eye lasers. One by one they fell away.

  Kai hit the button for the rock changer.

  A loud noise came from above him.

  ‘The rock changer’s on the bot’s head,’ BC called to Kai. ‘You catch the rocks in it.’

  ‘You get the birds and I’ll get the rocks,’ said Kai.

  Kai watched the dashboard as he caught the rocks in the bot’s funnel. This bot will be filled with dirt and rock soon, he thought.

  ‘Only three more birds to get, BC,’ said Kai. ‘Good job!’

  Kai caught the last few rocks in the funnel. Then BC flew back inside the bot. ‘You caught them all,’ said BC. ‘Go you!’

  ‘Yes, and you got all the birds,’ said Kai. ‘The bot is nearly full.’

  ‘But another dust storm is coming,’ said BC. His tail began to wag madly.

  ‘The storm isn’t moving,’ said Kai. ‘Let’s go and suck that dust up.’

  Kai flew over to the edge of the dust storm. He began to suck the dust up with the sucker. And then he saw that something was inside the storm.

  ‘It’s a baby beast and a wind beast!’ said Kai. ‘And the baby is a mutant.’

  ‘It has the wings of a wind beast,’ said BC. ‘And two heads.’

  ‘It’s a mix of rock and wind beasts,’ said Kai. ‘I think if it grows it will have fire too.’

  Kai quickly took a photo on his orb. A card popped onto the screen.

  ‘It’s bombing the wind beast with rocks,’ said Kai. ‘We can’t let it win. Or it will change.’

  ‘I can try to make it follow me,’ said BC.

  BC flew out of the cockpit. He hit the beast with his eye lasers. But the beast flapped its wings at the dogbot. BC was sent flying. Kai put the bot between the baby beast and the wind beast. He bent the bot’s head and began catching the rocks.

  The beast flapped its wings once more. The bot twisted and rolled through the air.

  As Kai tried to gain control of the bot, the baby beast hissed. Then it shot a load of huge hot rocks at the wind beast.

  Kai and BC watched as the wind beast fell away.

  It’s won, thought Kai. And now it will grow and change.

  The baby beast spun around and around. Dust flew around it like a twister.

  When it stopped spinning, Kai sucked up the dust.

  Then he took a photo of the beast with his orb. He waited for the card to load on the screen.

  ‘It has three heads now,’ said Kai.

  ‘Yes,’ said BC. ‘With toxic breath, rocks and fire coming from them. And look at those fireballs coming from its claws! You were right about fire in this beast. And the winds will make its fire bigger.’

  ‘But we can suck the fire and wind away with the sucker,’ said Kai. ‘Suck its air away. Fire dies when it has no air.’

  But before they could plan more, a burning rock hit the bot’s chest. And more were coming.

  Kai watched as a huge fire and wind attack hit the bot. It was blasted down towards the border-wall.

  ‘Quick, BC,’ said Kai. ‘We have to get back into the cockpit. We need to take control of the bot again.’

  But Kai couldn’t see BC.

  Oh no, thought Kai. Where is he? Then he flew down to the bot. He got control of it just as it reached the border wall. Phew! Now I have to find BC. Please be okay, BC!

  Kai looked up at the beast. Its three heads were roaring.

  But the noise wasn’t an angry roar.

  It looks like it’s been hurt, thought Kai. And it’s only shooting dirt and rock. Where has all the fire gone?

  The beast’s huge wings opened again. It’s getting ready for another wind attack, thought Kai. Then he saw BC.

  ‘Yes!’ said Kai as he saw BC fly out from under the beast’s wings. ‘You’re okay!’

  ‘I am,’ said BC. ‘My F-R-T Attack worked. Maybe I got an upgrade. When I was wrapped in the beast’s wings I did the F-R-T. It took away all the beast’s fire.’

  ‘Excellent work, BC,’ said Kai. ‘I can’t believe those wings didn’t hurt you!’

  ‘That’s why I chew metal bolts in my doggy digs,’ said BC. ‘It makes my dogbot body strong!’

  ‘That’s good,’ said Kai. ‘But now let’s beat this beast and take it to the Outlands. Where it belongs!’

  ‘Yes,’ said BC. ‘But we need to stop the wind attacks.’

  ‘I think I have a plan for that,’ said Kai. ‘Let’s use the sucker to suck back the beast’s wings. That will stop it from being able to flap them.’

  ‘And then it can’t do wind attacks!’ said BC.

  Just then Kai heard his orb beep. He took it from his pocket.

  Kai read the messages. ‘You did get an upgrade to your F-R-T Attack,’ said Kai.

  ‘What’s the other message?’ asked BC.

  ‘It’s about the dirt we sucked up with the sucker. When we first came here. I can use it in the T-J Striker.’

  Kai pulled the striker’s black cord from his jet-pack. He pushed it into the sucker converter plug-hole on the bot’s dashboard.

  ‘You fly the bot and suck the beast’s wings back,’ he said to BC. ‘I’ll blast it with the dirt from my striker jets.’

  BC su
cked back the beast’s wings. Kai blasted blue jet streams at the beast with the striker’s four jets. Soon the beast began to drop.

  Kai quickly hit the button on BC’s collar for the ray cage.

  Rays of light flew out and caught the beast as it fell.

  ‘We’ve got it!’ said Kai. ‘Let’s get it to the Outlands.’

  BC flew towards the outlands bringing the cage and beast with him. Kai followed in the bot.

  As soon as Kai could see the beast gate he took out his orb. He sent the BMC a message to open the gate.

  ‘Get ready!’ said Kai.

  ‘The gate is opening,’ said BC. ‘I’ll put the beast inside.’

  When the beast was safely inside the gate the ray cage turned itself off. The gate closed and Kai and BC heard the beast growl.

  ‘The beast could still battle, maybe,’ said BC.

  ‘Maybe,’ said Kai. ‘But it’s locked away in the Outlands now. It can’t get out. So Earth is safe.’

  Yes,’ said BC. ‘Time to go home?’

  ‘Time for home,’ said Kai.

  BC climbed back into the bot’s cockpit. Kai keyed in the codes for the lighthouse. And with a flash of light they were gone.

  ISBN: 9781921684296

  Lemonfizz Media

  PO Box 499

  Elwood, Victoria 3184

  Scholastic Australia Pty Limited

  PO Box 579

  Gosford, NSW 2250

  ABN 11 000 614 577


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