Demons & Hellholes_A Grimmer Legacy novel

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Demons & Hellholes_A Grimmer Legacy novel Page 9

by Eleanor Rousseau

  I found the one I was looking for and leant down. The small screen scanned my retinas and the lock clicked. I pulled open both doors. “Aren’t you beautiful.” I pulled out the suit and tucked it carefully into the backpack. Then I signed Tia’s name on a card again before heading out.”

  I grabbed a few extra clips on my way out before locking everything down behind me. Then I walked back to Raiden at the counter. “Have you spoken to the twins lately?” I asked.

  Raiden was the biological father of Wes and Cas, he was also an extremely powerful Shifter. He was a good man and when he had discovered he had sired two kids he had sworn his allegiance to the Grimmers in exchange for being a part of their lives. “They came in last weekend and ordered way more that two people could possibly consume, as usual.”

  I smiled. “They and I may have had a little spat. They said some things, I said some things but I apologised and we made up.”

  “Did they apologise?” he asked.

  “Well, no, but I was the one who took it too far, I made them question their motives.”

  “Oh, you never want to make a man question his motives,” said Raiden.

  “I think one should always question their motive. Well, except in this case. I may have implied that they were subconsciously using reverse psychology to turn me into my mother.”

  He laughed, “That’s so cruel.”

  “I know, hence why I apologised.”

  “Were they subconsciously using reverse psychology to turn you into your mother?”

  “Of course not, they were just being overprotective assholes.”

  “Jar.” He pointed to the end of the counter.


  “No buts.”

  I sighed and pulled a pound coin out of my purse and dropped in into the jar. On one side it said ‘tips’ but on the other it said ‘swear jar’. “I supposed I shouldn’t complain as you’re giving me a free meal.”

  “That’s right, you ungrateful swine.”

  A large bag appeared on the counter behind him, “Order up,” said the cook.

  Raiden snagged the back and ducked around to my side of the counter. He pulled me into a hug before handing me the bag. “I told them to put extra fortune cookie’s in there for you,” he said.

  I beamed at him, “Thank you so much.”

  “You go cause some trouble,” he said, squeezing my shoulder.

  “I will,” I promised with amusement.

  “Damn, that smells good,” said Grant as I sat in the car. “Where to next?”

  “Back to the warehouse.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Are you just desperate to see your honeybun?”

  I laughed and showed him the backpack, “I’ve got what I need, don’t ask questions.”

  He shrugged and pulled away as I belted in.

  I was snacking on a spring roll when we reached the warehouse. “You’re going to have let all the heat out,” Grant whined.

  “They were cooked like ten minutes ago, they’re fine,” I said as we stepped out. We walked to the kitchen and I began to unpack the cartons.

  “That didn’t take long,” said Avon as he emerged from the bathroom, drying his hair with a towel.

  I tried not to stare, really I did. He wore only a shirt and a pair of boxers. He walked over, stopping when he was beside me. “Like what you see, little one?”


  He smirked. “What did you bring me?” He pressed against my back and kissed my neck.

  “Um, there’s spring rolls, noodles, sweet and sour chicken.”

  “I didn’t mean the food.”

  “I brought explosives, some spare ammunition...”


  “Something special that you’re not getting your hands on.”

  “Oh really?”


  “I have ways of making you talk,” he informed me.

  “I have ways of making you stop talking, it’s called food.”

  He growled, “You’ve found my one and only weakness.” He took the seat beside me and snagged the noodle.

  “I wouldn’t say it’s your only weakness,” said Grant.

  Avon bared his teeth at him.

  Chapter Twelve

  “Are you serious?” demanded Antony at lunch the next day.


  “That’s crazy.”

  I sighed and took a sip of my milkshake. “Anyway, how did the date go?”

  He grinned, “It was awesome, your advice really worked. That girl drives me crazy. I was thinking of a movie for the next date.”

  I shrugged, “That’s not where I would go with it. I mean you’re comfortable with each other but you don’t know that much about each other yet. Maybe take her to a restaurant and then out for ice cream, or dancing.”

  “Okay, she does like dancing.”

  “Dancing is fun, get her a little tipsy and maybe take advantage of her,” I joked.

  He chuckled, “And what about your guy, have you tried getting him tipsy?” He ate a bite of his pancakes.

  “No. With what’s going on we’ve been spending a lot of time together and the guy is so... physically attractive and...”

  He smirked “You want me to offer up some adjectives?”

  “He acts all possessive and dominating, if it were anyone else I’d kick there ass but with him I kind of like it.”

  “That’s probably not the best basis for a relationship.”

  “It’s not just that, before I told him he was so... contained and protective. Which I liked just as much as the newer rougher version. Is that weird, I mean, surely I should have a preference.”

  “Unless the thing you like is the guy and not just the mood he’s in.”

  I poured more syrup onto my waffles. “You have a point.”

  “How did you convince them to let you come to lunch with me?”

  “I told them I was meeting with my friend Maya.”

  “Ohh, that’s going to go over well when they find out you lied.”

  “They won’t find out, I plan on waiting at least five minutes after you leave before calling them to come pick me up.” I popped a bite of waffle into my mouth.

  “You know that’s crazy, right?”

  “I plan on taking a trip to the underworld with my Fey and Daemon buddies to execute a perfectly planned heist, the Daemon’s possessive jealousness is the less crazy thing in my life right now.”

  “You ever worry that you tell me too much about what’s going in you're life?”

  I shrugged, “Who are you going to tell? And even if you did who would believe that shit?”

  He smirked. “So have you slept with him yet?”

  “No. I mean we’ve kissed and he doesn’t seem to understand personal boundaries but so far it hasn’t happened.

  “And do you feel like that’s a good thing?”

  I huffed, “It’s probably for the best. I’m still conflicted. I’m helping him because... well because it’s what I do, and it’s on a whole new level to my usual stuff, and that’s exciting. Am I going about it a different way than I usually do because I like him? Yeah, maybe.”

  “Well, how would you usually do it?”

  “Well I’d file a request, that would probably get denied so I’d have to fill out the paperwork for talking on a case pro bono. The moment we had the Axitross I would have had to send it to the lab for weeks of testing, which I couldn’t do because this is someone’s life we have on the line. And of course my family would insist on sending back up with me which neither of the guys would be comfortable with, especially because they would either have to fill out a bunch of paperwork or be excluded from our part entirely.”

  “You job seems pretty restricting.”

  I nodded. “It usually wouldn’t be so bad but it is a high risk case and I’m still pretty green as far as everyone’s concerned. Once I’m more established I’ll have more freedom but those kinds of things take time.”

��And how would things go down if you were a seasoned veteran?” he took a sip from his coffee.

  “I would go straight to the pro bono files and I’d be able to fill out a form that excuses all the lab testing temporarily as long as I list all the details I know about the artefact and can state, in my professional opinion, that it’s not a threat to the public. It would still go to the lab but I’d get about a week to do what I needed to do.”

  He nodded, glancing out the window. “And what would you do about your Demon Blood friend?”

  I let out a breath. “Maybe I’d feel more confident and have less hang ups about going after something I want. I know that the others wouldn’t be giving me such a hard time if I wasn’t the baby of the family.”

  “So, Avon, he’s something you want?”

  “Kind of. But it’s like when I look at a bucket of ice cream, I want it but I know it’s probably not going to be good for me.”

  His eyes crinkled in amusement, “And what do you usually do with the ice cream?”

  “I eat it anyway. You’re not helping.”

  “I suppose icecream is less of a commitment than a Daemon. He seems clingy enough already, I can’t imagine what he’d be like after you sleep with him.”

  “You say that like it’s inevitable.”

  He raised his eyebrows “Isn’t it?”

  I gave him a frown. “Oh course not, I... well, maybe.”

  He glanced over my shoulder and pulled a face, “Trouble.”

  I winced and Avon appeared beside our table, darkness surrounding him.

  Anthony rose to his feet, “I don’t believe we’ve formally met, I’m Maya.”

  Avon glared daggers at him. I pulled the backpack over my shoulder and rose too. “Avon, what are you doing here?”

  “Interrupting your date apparently,” he snarled.

  “This isn’t a date, it’s just lunch,” I said softly.

  “If it’s just lunch why is your heart pounding?”

  Damn supernatural hearing. “Because I’m a little worried you’re going to kill my friend.”

  He snagged my waist and pulled me against him, glaring at Antony, he bared his teeth which were sharper than usual. “She’s mine,” he growled.

  Anthony raised his hands in surrender, “No argument here. The girl’s too high maintenance for me anyway.”

  “Hey!” I protested.

  Avon growled and leant down to kiss my neck possessively. Then he tugged me towards the doors. I gave Anthony a small wave over my shoulder.

  “He really is just a friend,” I said as he held the door open for me. I slid inside. “He’s dating an English teacher from the west side,” I added once he was settled in the driving seat.

  He clenched his jaw but his hand came over to rest on my knee. I rested my hand over his and squeezed apologetically. “I’m sorry I lied but I’m not sorry that I went to see my friend.”

  He growled, “He can’t have you.”

  “He doesn’t want me. He’s just a person who I like talking to. You don’t have this problem with Grant.”

  “Grant knows you’re mine,” he growled.

  I glanced out the window, “Anthony knows it too,” I said softly.

  I felt his eyes on me. His hand squeezed my leg to get my attention but I didn’t look at him. “Something happened,” he told me and I did glance at him now. “It opened far enough that we can see something inside. I want you to take a look.”

  “Okay, sure.”

  After a moment of silence my phone rang. It was Jay. “I know what you took,” he said the moment I answered.

  “So do I.”

  “You shouldn’t have taken it!”

  “I’ll bring it back when I’m done.”

  “That’s not the point, what on earth do you need it for?”

  “Lets just say I have a plan and it increases my chances of survival exponentially.”

  “Bring it back immediately!”

  “Why? it’s just sitting there and I’m one of the few people who can actually use it. The whole reason we have it is so we can do good with it, let me do good.”

  “If I wasn’t covering for you they could have branded you as a rogue agent by now.”

  “I’m not rogue, I’m doing a pro bono.”

  “You haven’t filled out the paperwork either for a pro bono case or to take out the Empress.”

  “According to the Charter, paperwork can be forgone for up to seventy two hours if there is an immediate threat to human life.”

  “There’s an imminent threat?”

  “I believe so.”

  “If more of us should be on this you need to tell me immediately, Kia,” he said seriously.

  “I’ve got this,” I assured him.

  He sighed heavily and hung up.

  “That gives us less than two days,” said Avon.

  I was kind of used to being around people with enhanced hearing, the twins had it, but that didn’t make it any less annoying. “Two days until they come looking for me, we can probably avoid them some time after that.”

  “Hopefully we won’t have too.”

  Once back to the warehouse I ran straight to the device. “It looks like some kind of metal wrist guard.” I reached two fingers to try and pull it out but the gap still wasn’t quite wide enough. But the moment my skin made contact power blasted through me. “Holy mother of-” I jerked my hand back.

  Laughter drifted through my thoughts.

  “Shit, it’s sentient.”

  “What?” asked Grant.

  “All witch magic is partially sentient, it comes from the earth, it’s technically a living entity but not like this. This almost seemed self aware.”

  “Is that good or bad?” asked Avon

  “I don’t know, it’s weird but definitely powerful.”

  “So the whole device was just to hold a piece my jewellery?” asked Grant.

  “A very powerful piece of jewellery.”

  Avon came up and rested his hands on my waist, “You should take a nap, it should be open by tonight and as soon as we figure it out we’ll leave,” he said.

  I nodded, “Good idea, you should too.” I took his hand and began to lead him to the bed.

  “You’re just saying that so there’s no chance I can leave without you,” he growled.

  I smirked, “You couldn’t anyway, you don’t know how the explosives work.”

  He huffed but began to undress. I grabbed the shirt I was borrowing and headed to the bathroom. After changing I let Avon pull me into bed. He held me against his bare chest and slipped his hand beneath beneath the shirt to rub the small of my back.

  I sighed softly in pleasure.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Time to wake up, little one,” said Avon gently as he nuzzled my ear.

  I blinked and stretched out. “Is it open?”

  “You betcha.” Grant held out the plain silver metal wrist cuff.

  Avon sat up and took it from him. “Wow, I can sense the magic, how do I harness it?” he asked as he rose from the bed.

  “Touch the inside.”

  He did as I said and gasped. His eyes darkened and his skin flickered for a fraction of a second, just long enough to leave an impression. Without his glamour his skin was midnight blue and his fangs were twice their usual length.

  It was gone before I could make out any more details.

  “Shit,” he growled.

  “I know, right? Try and do something small, like lift a cup,” I said, climbing from the bed.

  He turned to the kitchen and suddenly all the dishes and cutlery that had been left out began to float.

  I smiled but then a weight hit my stomach and I collapsed. I blacked out for a moment and came too to find myself in Grants arms, inches from the ground.

  “What happened?” demanded Avon as he tossed the bracelet on the bed and knelt beside us. The kitchenware came down with a crash.

  “I’m okay,” I murmured, feeling as weak as a day old

  “What happened?” he repeated, a growl in his voice.

  “The Axitross, it must draw power from it’s surroundings, mostly the earth but also apparently any other source of witch magic nearby.”

  “You can’t come,” said Avon firmly.

  “It won’t be so bad as long as I’m not so close.”

  Grant rose to his feet, lifting me up. “If we drop her and run it will probably take her a while to catch up.”

  “You can’t operate the bombs,” I informed him. “Give me a minute and you can put me down.” I still felt weak but I was slowly regaining my strength.

  He placed me on my feet, still holding my hips to steady me.

  I picked up my bag which I had left beside the bed and placed it on the mattress before sitting beside it. I pulled out the suit. “I will be a minute, you guys gear up.”

  Avon growled as I snagged my weapons and jacket before heading into the bathroom.

  THE SUIT WAS MADE OF what looked like shiny black scales that molded perfectly to your skin. I took off Avons shirt before strapping on my hip holsters and weapons. Then I pulled the suit on over my gear.

  It was all one piece and it didn’t have a zipper it just naturally sealed itself once it was on. Then I pulled on my jacket over the top because, well because without the jacket it just revealed far too much.

  Then I walked back out. Two pairs of eyes landed on my. “What is that? I’m not saying I don’t love it, but what is that?” asked Grant.

  “The suit was invented by my aunt, she called it the Empress because she has a dramatic flare. It has certain properties that are really going to help your cause.” I walked to Avon and showed him the fabric.

  His eyes were dark. He pushed the jacket open and pressed his hand against my stomach before slowly sliding it up to cup my breast.

  “That’s not one of the properties I was talking about,” I murmured.

  He had changed too and he was wearing all dark clothes with a black leather reinforced vest without a jacket. He squeezed gently. “I like the suit,” he murmured gruffly.

  “I haven’t even shown you what it does.”



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