Demons & Hellholes_A Grimmer Legacy novel

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Demons & Hellholes_A Grimmer Legacy novel Page 15

by Eleanor Rousseau

  Feet appeared in front of me and I looked up.

  He smiled and I wanted to collapse onto the floor in relief. “You might have delayed them enough for us to get there but it won't take them long to reach you. We’re coming from the west, that way, if you keep moving you might be able to reach us. I’m sorry, love, but you can’t stop.”

  “Send the twins ahead, they’ll move much faster on their own and they could easily protect me in this environment.”

  He blinked but nodded. “Say my name when they reach you, so I know you’re safe.”

  I nodded, “Is everyone okay from the attack on the other building?” I asked as I began to force my legs in the direction he had indicated.

  “Everyone is fine, barely a scratch. Are you- did...” he glanced away, pain stark in his expression. He paused, “Did he do anything?”

  “I’m fine, he didn’t- didn’t do that.”

  He let out a loud breath of relief, his shoulders shuddering visibly. “I’ve got to go. Be safe, love.”

  “Thank you,” I said softly.

  He disappeared and the forest seemed darker for his absence. I hadn’t had time to study my surroundings as I was running but now that I had slowed I realised there were differences from this forest and the one I had visited previously in the underworld.

  The trees here had a dark purple hue and slick vines glowed a vivid blue, hung in thick ropes down from the trees. This deep into the forest the trails were little more that deer tracks and the forests were more dense.

  I glanced up to try and gauge which direction I was moving in but the thicket above my head was too dense for more than brief glimpses of the sky. I kept moving, trying to continue in the direction he had told me to go but after a while I wasn’t sure I was still even going the right way.

  Some time had passed before I reach a fallen tree and I dropped down heavily on the truck, struggling to breath through the pain in my hip. It was only a few minutes before I heard rustling. I straightened, glancing back the way I had come.

  After a moment the sound became clearer. They were coming, and there was definitely more than one of them. I pushed myself to my feet, groaning between clenched teeth at the pain, and then I started moving quickly through the forest again.

  Someone shouted behind me. They must have found my trail, not that I’d been all that careful to conceal it. I stumbled through some bushes and tripped, the earth falling out from beneath my feet.

  I fell down a steep hill, rocks hit me and branches scratched at my skin as I tumbled down into a large pit. I gasped as my back hit the trunk of a tree, forcing me to a stop. I rested a hand on my stomach as I felt queasiness rise in my stomach.

  I groaned and let my eyes fall shut.

  “Avon, how far away are they?” I breathed.

  “They left when we were thirty minutes out. Get up, little one, please get up.” His voice sounded desperate.

  “They shouldn’t be much longer, they’re really fast,” I murmured.

  “Come on, love, please get up.”

  “I just need a minute,” I whispered.

  “You can’t stay here, little one. Please,” he begged and I knew he was right, I needed to more or they’d catch up to me.

  “I can’t, Avon, I just can’t.” I blinked away tears of pain and hopelessness.

  “Don’t give up, they’re nearly here. I’ll stay with you until they get here. I’m not leaving you,” he promised.

  I heard another shout in the distance and the rustling got louder. I shifted onto my side and groaned again. “God.” Everything hurt. I felt blood drip down across my abdomen.

  “That’s it, love, you’re okay,” his voice shook a little, enough that I knew better than to believe his words.

  I stumbled behind the tree that had stopped me rolling and dropped to my knee. I braced myself with hand as I tried to catch my breath.

  “Come on, love, you’ve got this.”

  I heard them break through the tree line on the other side of the pit. I forced myself forward, leaning on trees when they were close enough. I stumbled into a clearing and fell.

  Footsteps sounded, right behind me.

  I turned over and propelled myself across the clearing. I was almost to the other side when a large bearman stepped through the trees. A snake creature was just behind him, probably one of the one’s I had kicked in the balls. This wasn’t good.

  I rolled onto my front to push myself to my feet but paused when my eyes met a pair of glowing yellow eyes. Large fangs were bared at me from a feline muzzle. My heart jumped and I collapsed.

  The giant cat leapt over me and collided with the beasts. After a few moments of horrific sounds of an enraged cat and the tearing of flesh he padded back to me and lapped at my neck.

  Another, larger cat prowled into the clearing and transformed into an Asian man.

  I smiled, “Radien, you came too.”

  “Of course. Although, I feel I should clarify that when I said go make some trouble this is not what I meant.” He walked closer and knelt by me.

  Another cat appeared and I raised my hand carefully to he could nuzzle it. I glanced and saw a large cut in my forearm. That wasn’t good. I carefully scratched the soft fur on his head.

  “We need to get moving.”

  “Avon was here,” I murmured.

  “I know, I saw him a moment ago before he disappeared. That astral projection thing always did freak me out. Here we go.” Radien carefully scooped me up against his naked chest.

  I winced, because of the pain, not because he was naked. Although that was weird too.

  “You just hold on tight.” He kissed my hair and then began running.

  He was careful not to jostle me but I was already hurting and at times he couldn’t help it. I rested my head against his shoulder. The forest passed us in a blur and in my exhaustion I was half asleep when he stepped out of the forest and onto a dirt road.

  I heard footsteps and started to panic but Radien squeezed me. “It’s alright, kitten. They’re ours.”

  I relaxed and then I was jostled as other arms pulled me against a warm chest. Familiar warm lips pressed urgently against mine.

  “Avon,” I breathed softly.

  His hand grasped my hair firmly and her dropped to his knees as he buried his face against my neck. Warmth filled me and I felt the pain from my wounds ease up.

  I gasped.

  “It’s okay, you’re okay,” he murmured, holding me almost uncomfortably tight.

  “Don’t drain yourself,” I whispered, nuzzling his chin as I felt his shoulders slump. It felt so good to be in his arms, where I knew I was protected.

  He kissed my neck as I felt the healing warmth ease off. “It’s okay, little one.”

  I relaxed against him, “I’m so tired.”

  “Sleep, love, you’re safe with me.”

  I closed my eyes and smiled a little as I felt whiskers brush my cheek. “Thanks, boys,” I murmured before falling into unconsciousness.

  Chapter Twentyone

  I woke up still in Avon’s arms, only this time we were in the backseat of a minibus and Jay was sitting beside us. I smiled tiredly. “Hey, Jay.”

  “Hey, honey.” He leant over to kiss my forehead briefly.

  “See, he’s not so bad,” I murmured tiredly, the energy used up in the healing hadn’t quite been replenished and even before that I’d been exhausted.

  Jay smiled but I felt like maybe he was just humouring me, “I suppose he’s not. We’re nearly home.”

  “Is mum mad I missed dinner?” I frowned.

  He shook his head, “Of course not.”

  She probably had been mad. “I’m not going to another one, they’re hazardous to my health.”

  He chuckle, the sound catching in his throat slightly. “Okay.”

  He had agreed way too easily, I must have been a real mess. I closed my eyes, sighed softly and rested my cheek against Avon’s chest. “Why aren’t you wearing a shirt, you animal?
” I murmured.

  “I told him the best way to get a girl was to strip naked but he refused to take his jeans off too,” said a familiar voice.

  I grinned. “How unreasonable.”

  “I know, right?” Grant huffed.

  Avon kissed my forehead, “I thought it would look better on you.”

  I opened my eyes and glanced down, remembering my own ruined tshirt. I blinked back sudden tears, bowing my head as my cheeks burned with embarrassment. “Thank you.”

  “You- you said he didn’t-” Avon’s tone was somehow both angry and panicky.

  “He could have,” I whispered, sobbing softly against his neck.

  “I’ll kill him, I’ll kill him and burn him to ashes,” he said venomously.

  I whimpered softly and clenched my fist in my hair. “I have to get out,” I whispered as I felt my lungs tighten with panic.

  “Turn left up here and pull over,” called Jay.

  We stopped and I rose to my feet, running past my family and out the door. I glanced around as I stepped outside. The bus had pulled up outside a scrap yard. Bless Jay. I ran straight through the metal fence which melted the moment I hit it.

  Then I ran, scrambling over the scrap metal. I stopped when I was a good distance from the fence. I cried, sniffing, but I wasn’t just upset, I was furious, I was relieved, I was terrified. I was broken.

  I dropped to my knees and bowed my head. Then I screamed, an earth shattering scream that came straight from my soul. I punched the ground and it shook, the metal around me groaned and then melted as it was hit by a tidal wave of power.

  I dropped to my side, curling up as the magic was drained from me, as were the emotions. I felt empty, shelled out and in that moment I was grateful for the feeling.

  My eyes opened as someone touched my cheek. “I’m so so sorry,” he whispered.

  “Please take me home.”

  “Okay, love.”

  Chapter Twentytwo

  “What the hell are you doing?”

  I jumped a little, startled by the voice and stepped back, brushing my hands across my face. I got back into stance and punched the bag in a simple combination as I regained my composure. “Working out,” I murmured.

  “It’s been three weeks, you couldn’t pick up the phone and call?”

  “I’ve been busy.” I punched again before spinning into a roundhouse kick. I felt a slight twinge in my hip. if I kept this up I’d be limping again.

  “Too busy for everyone?”

  “Can we do this later?” Or maybe never.

  “No, we could have done this earlier but that didn’t happen.”

  I punched again, a few times, and didn’t respond. What was there to say?

  “Those boys and half your family came to save you and you immediately disappear on them.”

  “Fuck off, Anthony.” I just couldn’t deal with this right now.

  He walked closer, “No, because I care about you and I’m not letting you wallow in self pity.”

  Bastard. I did another combination before wiping furiously at my face. “Leave me alone.”

  “No, you need to snap out of it.” He stepped closer and I shoved him away. My hands were trembling, I clenched them and hit the bag but the punches were weak now, feeble even. “You went through a trauma, it’s okay to be affected by it.”

  “I didn’t though. I’ve got no right!” I was crying openly now, much to my dismay. I glanced away, I didn’t want him to see me like this, I didn’t want anyone to see me like this.

  He stepped closer, concern stamped on his expression.

  “Don’t touch me!” The words were out before I could stop them and then I was embarrassed.

  “You’ve got to talk to me, K,” he implored.

  “They all keep looking at me like- like I’m broken. And I am but I don’t want to be.” I gasped, sobbing softly.

  He pulled me into his arms and I let him, if only so I could hide my face.

  “I’m better than this. He had her for years, she suffered for years. I thought I was better than this.”

  “It’s okay.”

  He didn’t understand. “It’s not. I can’t stand being alone but I don’t want anybody to see me like this.”

  “How’s the hip?”

  I shrugged a little, “It only hurts when I kick stuff.”

  “So you thought you’d come down and kick some stuff?”

  I pulled away and nudged the punching bag. “Maybe.” It wasn’t logical but I wasn’t feeling particularly logical.

  “When was the last time you saw Avon?” his voice was soft.

  I bit my lip, “A few weeks.”

  “You can’t leave it like that.”

  I pressed a hand to my forehead. “What could I possibly say?”

  “That you don’t blame him for what happened.”

  “Of course I don’t.” I glared at him, he knew I’d never do such a thing.

  He gave me a pointed look. “Never would have guessed from the way you’re avoiding him.”

  “I’m avoiding everyone.”

  “I’m absolutely sure he’ll see it that way.” His sarcasm was not lost on me.

  I scowled at him, mostly because I knew he was right. “Did you drive here?” I pulled off the gloves I had been wearing.

  He nodded, a sympathetic smile curving his lips.

  “Could you drop me off somewhere?” I asked hesitantly.

  His smile widened a little, “Of course, come on.”

  I put the gloves down on the bench, snagging my hoodie and water bottle. I sprayed some water lightly into my face before following him up the back staircase. I was glad he hadn’t come through the front, if he had it would have meant passing aunt Jackie.

  I loved Jackie but she had gone into full centurion mode, trying to protect me whilst giving me the space I needed. Only it wasn’t actually enough space. Knowing she was there kept me on edge, even though she had legitimate reasons for being here.

  This was our office on the south side of the city, it was small and none of the important files were accessible from here, not even through computers. The gym wasn’t great either, all it had was a couple of punching bags, a few weights and mats covering most of the floor.

  The back staircase led directly to the parking lot of the convenient store next door. Anthony’s car looked completely out of place in this neighbourhood. I was surprised it hadn’t been keyed. I slid inside the passenger seat without comment.

  “Head to the warehouse district.”

  He raised an eyebrow, “That’s not where I thought this was going.”

  “Avon lives there,” I murmured.

  He nodded, “Ah, I see.” He pulled away.

  It was a quiet ride. I stared out of the window, partially because I was still trying to be mad at him and partially because, well, I had nothing to say. He seemed to respect the silence and didn’t make it awkward by trying to disturb it.

  When we got close I did start talking but only to give him directions. Eventually he pulled up outside the warehouse. His car would probably get keyed if he stayed here too, it was a nice car and this was not a nice neighbourhood. I took a deep breath. “Thanks.”

  “You’re paying me back by having dinner with me tomorrow,” he informed me.

  I paused then murmured, “Okay.” I climbed out.

  He stayed where he was, presumably because he was worried I was actually into some shady business and had lied to him. I would have lingered outside longer but I was self conscious of the fact I was being watched so I stepped forward and knocked on the door.

  Grant opened with his usual grin and quickly pulled me into a hug, one that was probably designed to hide the fact that he waved Anthony off. He needed to work on that. It was fine, I knew when I was being played and I had enough dignity to take the loss graciously.

  “How are you doing, sweetie?” Grant pulled back to look at me and I heard the slight purr of Anthony’s car pulling away.

  “I’m f
ine,” I said softly, tugging at the hem of my shirt.

  He wrapped an arm around my shoulder, pretending not to notice my nervous fidgeting, and guided me gently inside. “Avon’s out doing the shopping, he’ll be back soon.”

  I wasn’t certain whether I felt relieved or disappointed that he wasn’t here. I offered the Fey a faint smile, “You mean the pair of you are eating more than just take out food? I am shocked and astounded.”

  He smiled back, “Seems that now I’ve done my part he’s starting to feel bad about letting me pay for everything so he’s being a little bit more cautious about how much we spend.”

  “I did wonder how you were able to afford all the motel rooms and clothing.”

  “In Monaco I’m a famous model,” he told me.

  “What?” I asked as he led us to the kitchen, genuinely baffled.

  “Oh yeah, this look kills over there,” he gestured to himself.

  Avon’s mother was in the kitchen, looking stress.

  “You remember Kia, don’t you, Madge?” asked Grant as I was still recovering from the news that he was famous in Monaco. I probably couldn’t even point that place out on a map.

  “Of course,” she mumbled, glancing around the mess of a kitchen.

  “Are you alright?” I asked softly.

  Her lip trembled, “I can’t get it right.” She gestured to the cooking bowl which contained a sloppy mess.

  “What’s it supposed to be?”

  “Cookies,” she even sounded stressed.

  “Are you following a recipe?” I asked, my voice calm and low. She was clearly upset and I didn’t want to make matters worse.

  Her frown deepened, “I forgot it.”

  I pulled out my phone and pulled up one of my notes that was labeled ‘cookie recipe’. “Here, use my one.”

  She squinted at the screen and took it cautiously. “Okay,” she said warily.

  Grant wrapped his arms around my waist and nuzzled my neck, “You bake cookies? You are absolutely my perfect woman,” he said playfully.


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