Loving Annabelle

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Loving Annabelle Page 23

by Priscilla Melinda Visser

  “Did you not enjoy it?” I ask and she blushes under me and hides her face to my chest. I see the curve of her naked thigh and smoothes my hands along its silky feel. “I loved it” She says and looks up at me and then we kiss again.

  Chapter Sixteen

  I can’t believe that had just happened. I never thought that I would ever be able to open up to someone like that, but James… I don’t know… He seemed different but it could also be of the drug I had consumed that made me so fucking horny. I lay thinking about it for a second and feel the shame moving up from my vagina to my face and it burns like a freshly pricked tattoo. I dare look over my shoulder at the man lying behind me with his arms wrapped tightly around my waist. I was lying very uncomfortable and the faint pain in my side had waked me up. I look at the clock against the wall and see that it was almost eleven. I feel him move as I try to shift out of his arm and stretch a bit. I roll out of his arms and then I just stare at him. The way his chest moved up and down from his slow steady breathing and I see his neck pulsating where the life runs through his veins. He was beautiful. I bite my lips feeling like a silly school girl and hesitate if I should touch him or not. I lift my hand and rub my index finger slowly over his lips and then his eyes and then his hair. I could not believe that he had taken my body the way he had and had owned it to him. I know we didn’t actually have sex but what he did to me was more than sex, he claimed me. He made it all about me and satisfying me and I feel my heart swell with love and affection for him. I see his eyes flutter and then they open slowly. He looks at me and sighs. “I thought for second I was going to wake up and then you were going to be gone” He says and smiles at me softly. “Why would you think that?” I ask and frown at him. He lifts himself up on his elbow and pulls me down to him again. I lay on my back facing him and he bends down and kiss me softly at first and then more urgent. I return his kisses with fire and hot hot lust. I feel my love button throb again and my nipples go hard again as he kisses me. The places his hand on my side to hold me in place and I shiver to his touch. “I don’t know why I would think that… Maybe you felt that this was a mistake and that you are still mad at me about the last fight we had…I don’t know” He says against my lips and then he kisses me again. I can barely make sense of what he was saying I was too drunk from his love on my lips. “I’m not mad at you… And I don’t want this to be a mistake” I say and pull away from him. He looks so hot and flustered. He smiles at me and then kisses me again. We stop when I realize I need to go to the loo and he gives way so that I can leave. He looks a little disappointed and my heart swells with excitement. I was only going to the toilet and he looked like I was leaving him forever. I pick up my panties and walk to the toilet and he suddenly slaps my ass. I jump and then I let out a little laugh. I hear him getting up to and walking into his brother’s room. I sit in the toilet and marvel on the memory of my very first sexual encounter. I’m kind of glad it was with someone like James and not someone random who I would hate seeing for the rest of my life. I think about how my body had reacted to his touch and how he had manipulated me with his sexual ways. Oh God. I feel myself throbbing again I remember that I had finished peeing and then I get up and wipe myself clean. I was still very moist between my legs and I get tingle when wiping it. I hear a toilet flush and then I put my underwear on and flush on my side too. I walk out of the toilet to the bedroom and pull his top over my head again. I see him coming out of the bathroom wearing a clean pair of underwear and I blush again as I recall him climaxing with me. I look at him and he smiles. “Now I’m starving… You want to get some breakfast… Or rather some brunch” He says throws me back on the bed and looks at me soft and loving. I look at him and take him again. “Sure… But I need to call my mom first and let her know that I’m okay before she gets the cops looking for me” I say and he pulls me up and we start walking to the kitchen. He grabs his phone and sees that the battery had died and I roll my eyes. “Why do you have such an out-dated phone…? I would think that you would have something more modern” I say and motion to the luxury around me. He looks at me and lifts his brow and suddenly he looks hurt. “The one I had broke” he says and take my phone off the charger and plug his in. I look at him hard and wonder what painful memory he was recalling must be one with his ex-Chloe. I feel strange knowing that we had just basically had sex and for the most part he wasn’t really over his ex-yet. I feel a stab of resentment for getting into this with him knowing that he could just as well been thinking about her when he was doing all those things to me. I swallow the tears welling up in my throat and then he catches me. Dammit. “Hey… Hey… What’s wrong?” He grabs my hands and holds them tightly. I feel stupid for acting like this is a big deal. “I’m just being silly…” I say and he frowns and looks at me again. “Silly about what?” he asks and I can’t bring myself to say the words. I want to but it would ruin this, this moment between us right now. I will deal with it later; I think and shake my head. “I…” I say and am interrupted with my phone ringing hard in my ear. I see the name mom on the screen and lift my brows to him and he smiles softly. He motions to me that he was going to other room and I nod yes. “Hi mom…” I say and pull a cringing face as I know she was going to crap on me from a dizzy height right now. “Annabelle… Thank God you’re okay” I hear her say and I feel guilty. “Where are you? We were worried sick about you” She says and I wonder how she was going to react when I tell her I was drugged. “I’m with James” I say and she barely hears me and continues talking. “Annabelle… Summer… Summer…” I hear her say the name stuttering and feel my stomach turn in knots. “Mom… What about Summer?” I think about the baby and in the space of mind Summer was in and I fear that she might have done something stupid. “She was… She was…” She says and I feel like screaming at her and then I see James come in and stand looking at me attentively. “Annabelle… Summer was attacked last night…”I hear the words but I can’t understand it completely. “What… What do you mean attacked?” I say and I feel my tummy turning with fear and my legs feels numb again. “She was attacked at the Fest last night… They found her body in the toilet near the mall’s parking” She says and I fall to the floor and sit against the kitchen cabinets and within seconds James is by my side. “Hey… What’s going on?” He asks as I allow the words to roll over in my mind. “Is she…” I can’t bring myself to say the words and the tears well up in eyes. Oh God this wasn’t happening. “She is alive… Barely… She is in hospital” She says and I can’t stop the tears from falling and I sniff the pain away. James looks at me worried and holds my free hand. “They found a rose by her body…” She says and I feel myself choke and I drop the phone to the floor. A rose; a rose that was meant for me. I hear my mother’s voice echo and then I see James pick up the phone and starts talking to my mother. I see him looking over to me frowning and nodding his head. I can’t move. I can’t think. Everything was standing dead still in my head. Summer was attacked because he couldn’t find me. That is why he drugged me; he planned to take me last night. I start breathing rapidly as the fear comes sitting on my chest. I blow out the air and then I see James looking at me worried. “Mrs Spencer…We are on our way” He says and hangs up the phone. I feel my body start to shake and then I feel my entire body go numb and the room starts spinning.

  “Annabelle… Baby please… Annabelle…” I hear his voice but I can’t respond. I can’t.

  James in standing over me the horror on his face mixed with fear. “Annabelle… Oh God” he says and puts his forehead against mine and I feel confused. “What happened…? I was still talking to my mom…” I say and then I remember the conversation I was having with my mother. “Oh God Summer… Oh…” I try to get up and James helps me up. I look at him and then I feel the tears burning in my eyes again. Summer was attacked as revenge for not getting to me last night. I look at James I realised that he had saved me, but because of him saving me I had put Summer in harm’s way and the baby… Oh my God the baby. “We have
to go…I need to go” I say and he looks at me confused. “Okay… let me get you something to wear” He says and picks me up and carries me to the bedroom. I was still in my undies and his shirt. He puts me down on the bed and hands me one of sweat pants and pulls a pair of his socks on my feet. I watching him working with me and I feel safe again but the guilt of Summer still flames high in my consciousness. He pulls on his pants and shirt and some shoes and pulls me up from the bed and we head for the door.

  The drive to the hospital is quiet and my mind is in a thousand places right now and I can’t stop my tummy from turning. I try to understand everything that was going on but there is no way of explaining why this was happening. I see James looking over to me and he looks so worried and I hate that he has now been dragged into this mess too. I try to smile at him. He takes my hand put it to his lips and kisses it softly. I sigh hard and he speeds up a bit. We finally pull into the parking lot of the hospital and I can’t stop myself from running inside. I ask the lady at the front desk where Summer was and she gives me the details. I see James walking in and he nods to me and I run to the ward where Summer was admitted. I see my father standing outside and his eyes widen in surprise and relieve when he sees me. He grabs me and holds me close to him. “Annabelle… Thank God you’re okay” He says and touches my arms and looks at my person and I press my lips together in tight smile. I look at the door of Summer’s room and feel like I was going to be sick. My father gives me a comforting look and I feel my whole body shake. I rub my hands together and start walking to the door. I see my mother and my aunt standing outside on the patio of Summer’s room and I glance over at them but they don’t see me. I then look over at Summer and I can’t keep the pain inside any more. I choke on the sorrow and guilt. Suddenly my mother is by my side holding me close and I allow myself to break. I cry and cry. I can’t remember how long I had cried for but eventually stopped when the doctor came in and needed to asses Summer’s wounds. “Let’s go and get some coffee while the doctor is busy” My mother says and directs me out of the room. I look at Summer again. She looked worse than Nicole had looked and she had some severe head trauma and I think about the baby again and I wondered if the doctor had detected that she was pregnant. We walk to the front of the hospital and I see James sitting there patiently and my heart swells at the sight of him. I walk to him quickly and he looks up and gets up to meet me. I walk into his arms and he holds me tight for a second. “You didn’t have to stay…” I say and he frowns at me for a second and then he smiles. “There is nowhere else I would rather be right now” He says and smiles at him and he bends down and kisses me softly. Oh my God in front of my parents. This was going to be very awkward. I see my father looking over at James and at me and what I was wearing. “I take it you were with him last night” My father says and I see his jaw twitch and I can see that he was upset. “We were worried sick about you Annabelle… You know what is going on and still you insisted on running around and act recklessly… Summer was almost killed last night and you were out… doing God knows what…” He stops and I feel the guilt well up inside me again. I close my eyes and then I see James step forward. I wanted to stop him but it was too late. “It’s not what you think Mr Spencer…” He says and then my father interrupts him. “I wasn’t talking to you Mr King…I was talking to my daughter and by the looks of things… It is exactly what I’m thinking…” My father says and has a look of disgust on his face which hurts like hell in the pit of my stomach. It wasn’t what he thought… Well it was a little, not completely, but I had a perfectly good explanation and I think this was going to make things even worse. “Dad please… James was only…” I say and then my father blows up. “James was just what Annabelle… Fucking you while someone was out there trying to kill your cousin. You were irresponsible and out of line. You have clearly no regard for other people’s feelings. This boy… He has a girl like you every single night in his bed. You think his going to remember you tomorrow… No…” My father says and I see James’s eyes drop and he lets out a little gasp. I look at my father and know that there is nothing that I can say right now and I turn around and start running. I see Ethan and Nicole walking towards the entrance and I run pass them and towards the exit. I wasn’t thinking I was just running I had to get away from this place. I hear James calling my name, but I don’t stop I can’t stop. I hear hooters blowing and then I get hit. Some guy on a bike hits me full on and I fall to the ground face first. I feel the pain rip through my body and before I know it James was next to me. “Jesus Annabelle…” He says and pulls me into his arms and I cry. “Is she okay” The guy on the bike asks and James looks at me again. “Yes she looks fine… Annabelle what were you thinking” He says and I feel my body shake. “Come let’s get you back” He says and I shake my head violently. “I’m not going back there” I say and he looks at me again and I see the soft love in his eyes. It was like he wasn’t even affected about what my father had said. He didn’t care. “Come… You have to tell the police what happened; maybe you will remember something about last night that could make a difference in finding this guy.” He says and then I see a car stop beside us. It was Ethan. He jumps out of the car and rushes to my side. “Hey… Is everything okay here” He asks and helps James pull me up. “Yes…” I say and pull my arms free from their grasp. James looks at me and I see the compassion in his eyes. I get into the car and we drive back to this hospital. I walk inside with James tightly by my side. My father looks at me and he comes walking over to me and looks like shit. “Honey… I’m so sorry for losing my temper like that… We were worried about you…” He stops and then he looks at James and I feel angry at him. “James…I’m sorry… It was wrong of me to say those things about you” My father says and James smiles at him understandably. I look at James and can’t believe how forgiving he is, and then I wonder about Chloe and what will happen if she comes back and apologises will he forgive her just as easily. Suddenly I hear someone calling my name it was the inspector that was at our house when I was confronted by the attacker at our house. “Can you tell us what happened last night before you had left with Mr. King here” He says and looks at James. James looks at me and nods that it’s okay to tell them. I walk over to one of the tables and the inspector follows me. I sit down and look up at James again and take a deep breath. He walks over to me and takes the seat next to me. “Just tell them what you can remember” he says and gives me a comforting smile. “Well… I don’t remember much… because…” I say and James touches my hand and looks at him and takes a deep breath. “I was drugged” I say and I see my father’s head whip into our direction and looks at James. “If it wasn’t for James… I would have been dead right now and Summer would be alive and well” I say and start crying again. I see my father and mother walking towards us and they look confused. The inspector looks at James and he takes a deep breath. “I saw her at the bar in Raj…She seemed relaxed at first but I soon realised that she was a bit out of it and I figured that she must have had too much to drink. But then she ran out and threw up all over her dress and before I knew it she passed out. I didn’t know what to do so I took her back to my place and cleaned her up. She woke complete deranged and lost…She was talking funny said she saw him… And then I managed to get her to sleep again. I had sent a message to Peter telling him that she was with me but he never replied.” James tells his side of the story and I feel grateful for having him by my side. “It’s only this morning after I spoke to her and she told me that she had no alcohol and I figured the only other reason why she would act his way was if she had been drugged” He says and I hear my mother repeat the words behind me. “Well Ms Spencer… Can you recall drinking anything that could have been spiked?” I think hard and can’t recall anything. “We had many drinks I had a drink with Garett and then I had water at another place and then I had another drink at the Raj, but I didn’t finish it…I think, but I can’t recall having any alcohol” I say and look at James. He looks at me comforting. “And you didn�
��t see anyone slip something into your drink?” The inspector asks again and I look at him again confused. “No… I wasn’t really checking that…The places were so full and I really wasn’t alert” I say and feel guilty for putting myself and Summer in this terrible position. “You told Mr King here that you had seen him?” The inspector asks and I look at James. “I don’t know if I had seen him or if I had a dream while being under” I say and frown. “Okay… So you have no idea who drugged you?” He says and I feel stupid. He looks at James accusingly. “Its quiet odd that you would show up right in the nick of time” The inspector says to him and I see James frowning at him. “Excuse me… What does that mean?” He looks at the inspector. “Did anyone see you get sick outside Ms Spencer?” The inspector asks and looks at James again suspiciously. “I don’t know… I don’t remember anything” I say and look at James and he rolls his eyes. “So all we have right now is Mr King’s word about what happened to you after the Raj” he says and I feel confused. “Ms Spencer… Are you willing to do a rape test?” The inspector asks and I see James jump up from his chair and I don’t know what is going on. “What? Why?” I ask stupidly. “Because this fool thinks that I drugged you to have sex with you” he says and I look at the inspector in shock. “What! No James would never to that to me?” I say and he shakes his head. “How sure are you Ms Spencer? For all we know he could be the one who is doing this to you drive you out of your mind and into his arms” The inspector say and I feel myself growing hot. “What the fuck… Are you fucking out of your mind…I don’t even know what the fuck all of you are talking about.” James says and he is now furious. I look at him and my heart breaks at the treatment he was getting. “The two times you had gotten threats from the attacker was when Mr King was around or when you were with Mr King right” The inspector ask and I nod. “Yes but I don’t think this has anything to do with James…” I look at James and he looks at me hard and confused. “Maybe he has an accomplice” the inspector says and gets up and walks over to James who looks at him hard. “Who are you working with Mr King? Who is your partner?” He looks at James and then he looks at me and I don’t know what the hell was happening. “Fuck you…I don’t know what the hell is going on here or what you are talking about” He says and walks out. I get up from my seat and walk out after him. “James… James please wait” I shout as I see him walking hastily to his car. I pull on his arm and he stops. He is livid and I feel guilty for having put him through this. “I don’t know what the fuck is going on here. All I know is that I had nothing to do with you getting drugged or Summer getting beaten up” He say and points at the hospital. I take his hands and hold them tight as I feel them shaking. “I know okay I know… Just listen to me” I say and he shakes his head. “I don’t want any part in this Annabelle” He says and walks to his car again. “James please… I’m sorry…” I say and he stops and looks at me. “Take a walk with me” I say and he looks at me questioning. “Please…” I ask and he closes his car door and comes walking up to me. “What the fuck is going on here Annabelle?” He asks and I close my eyes. “It’s a long story and I don’t even know how I ended up in a mess like this…But I’m sorry that you had been dragged into it too” I say and he looks at me showing no emotion. I know that I will have to tell him everything or I risk losing him today, not that it really matters I will be leaving for London soon that is if the predator doesn’t get to me before then. It was a horrible thing to think about but I could not ignore the reality of the matter, this guy was capable of anything to get to me. “I’ve got a stalker… A real seriously crazy stalker.” I say and James looks at me for a second like I was the crazy one. I go on and tell him everything and he listens attentively to every detail and then he shakes his head in disbelieve. “And the police think that I’m your stalker?” James asks and points to his person. “The police are grabbing at straws because they have no leads on who this guy is” I say and shake my head. “And unfortunately it is kind of weird that every time this guy makes a move you’re there or was there or I don’t know” I say and look at James trying to not make him feel more shit than he already was. “So what do you think all this means?” He asks and I wish I had an answer for him. “I have no idea what this is all about?” I say and James turns to me and I see the love return for me. “So what does this mean… you just sit around and wait for this sick bastard to strike again… Wait for him to come after you and hurt you?” He says and I see his jaw twitch with anger. “I really don’t know… I’m scared” I say and he pulls me into his arms and holds me close to him. I see the police coming over to us and I feel James straighten his back and I look at the inspector approach us. “Well… As soon as your cousin regains consciousness we will find out what she can recall of her attacker and then hopefully we get a concrete lead and find this guy before another innocent girl gets hurt” He says and looks at James hard. I feel James shaking and I take his hand and hold it tight. “If any of you remember anything please let us know” He says and walks towards their car. I look at James and he watches the inspector drive off. “Asshole” I hear James say as he turns to look at me before he bends down and kisses me softly and I kiss him back. We stand holding each other for a long while and then I hear my mother calling to me. “I have to go… Come by the house later” I say and he nods his head yes and bends down to kiss me again. I watch him walk to his car and get inside. He smiles at me and drives away. I walk back to the hospital and right pass my parents back to Summer’s room. I need her to get better and tell us what she knows about her attacker. They wanted to blame this on James and I know the police will do anything to find a perpetrator. I see Nicole come in and I look up at her and she smiles at me softly. “I heard what they police said about James…” She says and then I look at her. “It is kind of weird how he just manages to be there or around whenever this guy appears… Don’t you think” I could not believe what I was hearing. I turn to her and she comes walking in closer to me. “Remember how you told me about what he said about always being in love with you and how he knew that he would end up having you someday…” I let out a little laugh… I could not believe it. “Annabelle… All I’m saying is… Keep an open mind…” She says and I allow the tears to flow down my cheek at the disappointment I feel with Nicole right now. I look at Summer and I pray that she wakes up. She was my only hope in finding out who this guy was so that I can clear James’s name. “Summer please babes… I need you to fight this” I say as I hold her hand tightly.


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