Loving Annabelle

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Loving Annabelle Page 27

by Priscilla Melinda Visser

  “Well Adele called last night late… The doctor had some news about Summer” My mother says and my heart skips a beat. Right now all my mind can think is the worst. “Summer is expecting” She says and for a second I’m not sure what she meant until my father blurted out the words again. “Summer is pregnant?” he says and I look at him shocked. Well a little shocked I actually know that she is pregnant but with the beating that happened I thought that she might have lost the baby. “The doctor said that it’s a miracle that she hadn’t lost the baby from the trauma of the beating…” I see her looking at me and I know what her next question was going to be. “It was not my place mother” I say before she can attack me for keeping the secret with Summer. “And besides Aunt Adele suspected that she was she asked me about it, but I lied because this was something Summer had to tell everyone or not it was her choice about what she wanted to do” I say and my mother looks at me without saying word. “Well… Now we have two lives to pray for” Is all she says and gets up from her chair and walks towards the basin and places the cup inside. I watch her and she walks out on the patio again and looks at the writing. “Why does this message look like a farewell message” She says and I frown. She was right something about the words made it feel like he was giving up or letting go… Well at least for now. “I really hope so…” My father says and looks at me. “He must realize that he had caused everyone to become alert and the chances that he will get you alone were very slim” My father says and I see a look of pride on his face. “He had still come into our yard and that is what I will always fear dad” I say and look at him and he sighs. “I will never be able to let my guard down knowing he was still out there lurking around still waiting” I say and think about the email. Maybe I should read it. Hear what it says, maybe I can make some kind of plan to lure this guy out and get him alone and see who he is and what he wants from me. Well I know what he wants and that is me. “I’m going to tuck in again for a bit… I don’t feel completely rested” I lie and get up from beside the table and start walking up the stairs. “We are going to the hospital at eleven to visit Summer and she how she is doing…” My mother says and I keep walking on without saying a word. I don’t know if I want to see Summer like that anymore. It was horrible know that it should have been me, but I know that I would not have been spared, this guy’s wants to make Romeo and Juliet come live and then he was planning on killing me and I suspect himself too. I walk into my room and see my phone’s notification light flashing. I open the screen and see that it was a text from Nicole. She was saying that she hadn’t seen James at all last night and that she was sorry that she couldn’t help. I reply saying that it was okay and that I had talked to him. There was nothing else there. Not a message or a miss call from James and I curse the fact that he had such a shitty phone. I glance at my laptop and the fear creeps back into my heart. I should just check my email maybe James had replied to it. I walk over and open the screen. I click the little envelope icon and then the screen opens up. I see the message count. Twenty! All sent in this short space of time. I read the opening lines. The words float around the room sounding loud in my ears words like I hate you. You lied to me. I love you. I need you. We will always be together. Why are you running from me? I can’t bring myself to open any of it and close the screen with a loud clasp and run back to my bed and fall down with my hands covering my ears trying to block out the crazy bellowing loud in my head. Why is this happening to me? Who is doing this to me? I start to scream and then I start crying again. I feel arms around me holding me close but I can’t come to grips with everything that was happening. My life hadn’t been perfect and I know it was one big fucking nightmare and there was nothing I could do about it. “Please leave… Just leave me alone” I say when I finally feel the calm returning to me. My mother looks at me and presses her lips together in a tight smile. My father gets up and walk out of the room with my mother following not far behind. I walk to the door and close it behind them and then I fall on my bed again and allow the thoughts of the last couple of weeks to just run through my mind. Maybe something will pop up that will give me an indication of who this person might be. I know that I will be leaving for London soon so I just needed to stick it out a couple of more weeks and then I will be gone and this will be over. I close my eyes and say a little pray for guidance, protection and strength then I ask for recovery for Summer and the baby. Suddenly I sit up and wonder if Peter knew. I slowly sink back onto the bed and sigh; I wonder how he would feel about being a father? That was what Summer was afraid of that he would not want the baby. Oh Summer… I sigh and close my eyes as the sadness come welling up inside me again. I need to try and clear my mind. I think about him again, the thought of him gives me peace, makes me calm. James King.

  I’m awakened by a knock on my door. I sit up abruptly and look around the room for the source that had woke me. I hear the knocking again and get up fast. I try to get my thoughts together and see my mother looking at me frowning as I open the door. My face feels thick and so does my mouth and throat. “Yes…” I say and my voice sounds hoarse in my ears. “Are you okay honey?” My mother asks and I look at her confused. “Yes… I’m fine… Just over slept” I say and flatten my hair. “Well were heading out to the hospital… uhm you have a visitor… James is down stairs” I hear my mother say and I can’t register at first what she is saying. “Do you want me to tell him to leave?” She asks and I frown. I then I rehearse her words again. “What… James is here? What is he doing here?” I ask and feel frantic at the confusion going on in my mind. “He said that he wanted to see you… Make sure that you were okay…” She says and I’m looking at her still a bit confused. “Do you want me to tell him to leave?” She asks again and I think for a second. “No…It’s okay… I will be down in a minute” I say and walk back into the room with a sigh. I should have known the email would have alarmed him. “Okay I will tell him then…” She says and walks out of the room. I look at myself in the mirror and decide I wasn’t in the mood to dress or even comb my hair. I smell my breath and shrug my shoulders. To hell with it James just has to see me like this right now. I walk out of the room and down the stairs. I see my father sitting on the sofa next to James talking. They see me and get up. I see my father shaking James’s hand and I know they must have made up from the mess things were in yesterday. I look at James and he frowns at me and I know he must be thinking about my clothes. I roll my eyes and walk over to the kitchen and put the kettle on to make myself a fresh cup of coffee. “Well we should get going… James I would appreciate it if you would stay until we get back… I don’t want Annabelle staying here on her own” I hear my father speaking to James as if I wasn’t in the room. “I’m right here dad… And I will be okay with or without James or anyone for that matter being here” I say and become angry at everyone treating me like a child. I see James look at me and I see the spark in his eyes as his jaw start twitching. “Well we shouldn’t be long…” My father says and he and my mother walk towards the front door. I stand looking at them and let out an annoying sigh. I turn to the cupboard and take out the cup and starts making my coffee. I hear the door close and I then I’m alone with the blue eyed hotty. Oh God. My mind went south again. Why whenever I’m around him all I can think about is being with him. I feel myself blush and shake my head. “Are you okay? You’re father told me what happened” He says and I roll my eyes again. “My father should really learn to shut up once in a while” I say and take a sip of my too hot coffee and I curse. “They are only concerned and worried Belle… You’re not the only one going through this” He says and comes walking towards me. I look at him and try to take another sip. “Well the last time checked I’m the only one someone wants dead right now…” I say and I see him pulling a funny face. “Well that has now changed since someone wants me dead too…” He says and points to his person. He was right both our lives were in danger and again it was all my fault. “I’m sorry I dragged you into this mess… I really didn’t think that
it was going to go this far” I say and feel guilty. I put the cup down on the counter and sigh as I wipe the hair out of my face. “Well if it makes you feel better I don’t blame you… if it wasn’t me it would have been someone else” He says and comes standing right in front of me. I look up at him and my heart start beating uncontrollably. “You think so?” I say and can barely breathe. “Don’t you think so?” He says and then he bends down and cups my chin in his hand and then our lips meet soft at first and then more urgent and more soft again. I can’t believe how wonderful this feels. I can’t believe how I had not done this sooner. I feel him pulling me closer as his tongue goes deeper inside my mouth owning it to him. I feel myself throb under his touch and I put my hands on his chest and feel his heart beating hard against my palms. He pulls away from me and then looks at me hard. “But for some reason I can’t think of you with someone else” He says and starts kissing me again and I’m transported away again. He feels and taste amazing. I feel his hand going under my top and playing over my stomach and I gasp and feel him smiling against my lips. I smile too and then he lifts me up onto the counter top and moves his hands up my top and cups my breast softly. I feel his lips moving down my neck to my chest and I feel my moistness against my panties. Oh God I wanted him again. Why does this keep happening when I’m with him? Then he stops and I breaths against me. “We need to stop or I won’t be able to stop myself this time” He says and I pull him close to me again. “Then don’t stop…” I say and he looks at me hard and starts kissing me again. I yearn as he bites my bottom lip and grazes my nipple with his thumb. “We need to stop” He says again and I bite his lip and he moans with the pain and then he laughs. He picks me up from the counter and starts walking with me towards the stairs. “Right up first door to your left” I say against his lips and we head up the stairs towards my room. My heart is pounding hard and I feel my palms starting to sweat. I kiss his neck and nibble on his ear. Oh he feels so good and I want him so badly. I feel his manhood pressing into me through my shorts and I can’t wait anymore for him to be inside me. We enter my room and then he stands gaping. “Wow… It’s like you have your own house inside your house” he says is in awe at how huge my room is. “Didn’t you know I was recluse” I say and he looks at me thinking. “I thought that was just a myth…” He says and I lift my brow at him. “Apparently not” I say and we head over to my bed where he sets me down and then falls next to me. I look up at him and then he smiles. We start kissing again and his hands all over me under my clothes and inside my panties. I love the feeling it wakes up inside me and I arch myself towards him and he smiles under our kisses. “Annabelle…” He says and I feel frustrated that he was holding back on me. “What…” I say and pull away from him. He looks at me and I know he was going to say something that I did not want to hear. “You know we can’t” He says and I sit up and stare at him. “Why not?” I ask and folding my arms over my chest. “You know why… I told you if we do than how am I going to let you go” he says and I feel myself growing angry at his stupid rule. “Why is this such a big deal for you? If it was some other girl you would be all up in her without blinking an eye.” I say and he looks at me defeated. “Because this is your first time and I know if I introduce you to this… I don’t think I can bear the thought of another man being with you” He says and I frown at him “I can’t be the first Annabelle not if I can’t be with you forever” He says and I look at him dumb founded. “So if I understand this correctly… If I was not a virgin then you would have sex with me anytime without hesitation?” I ask and looks at him waiting for an answer and he makes an agree face. “But because I’m a virgin… You won’t have sex with me because you’re afraid to introduce me to sex and then I end up leaving and start having sex with everyone” I say and he frowns. “Not everyone… But someone else.” He says and smiles politely. “But here you are a man whore of note and I expect me to have sex with you” I say and lift my brow at him questioning. “I don’t expect you to have sex with me Annabelle… All I’m saying is that if you do decide to have sex with me I’m telling you that I want to have sex with you for the rest of my life” He says and I feel confused again. “I love you Annabelle” He says and I feel my heart swelling to bursting point. “What? You can’t love me? You don’t even know me” I say and look at him questioning. “Well… I have the rest of my life to get to know you Belle… I’m in no hurry to love you just yet” He says and then he lifts himself up and takes my face in his hand and starts kissing me again. I kiss him back and we fall back onto the bed and I feel my moisture returning again.

  Chapter Twenty

  The days after that weekend was something out of this world. I’ve been avoiding being alone with her since we end up fooling around more than we do anything else. I know if I get her alone again I wasn’t going to be able to hold myself back. Every time I touched her she came alive and I loved it. I knew that she moved me too I just couldn’t understand why she was fighting it. We had talked about stuff, more about her going to London. She said she needed to experience the world and for the most part I understood, but why leaving was the answer I wasn’t quite sure. Something told me that she was running. We hadn’t heard anything from the stalker in while but we weren’t ready yet to make peace with the fact that he had backed off. Even though we spent most of our free time together she rarely talks about how she was feeling really. She told me about the childhood she had and how she and Summer drifted apart and now are back together, I still felt like there were some things she just left out. I wanted to know everything about her. I loved listening to her talking but I know that one day a day coming too soon she was getting on a plane leaving for London. I sigh and watch her walking towards me. We were at Summer’s place celebrating her home coming. Summer could not remember anything that had happened that night and therefore the investigation was at a stand still. She barely even remembered that she was pregnant. It was a shock to her and I could sense that it was better that way. Peter was all smiles and I knew he had found the woman of his dreams. I was happy for him but inside me I was broken. I had met the woman of my dreams too and soon I will have to say goodbye to her and move on. I hated the fact there was nothing I could do about it. “Hey… what are you thinking about?” She asks and comes to sit down beside me. I look over at Summer and Peter and smile. “Them… They look so happy” I say and I hear her sigh. I sometimes wonder what is going on in her beautiful head. “They are… She was so worried that he would not have wanted the baby” She says and looks at me. I touch her hand and my heart breaks a little bit more. “What?” She asks and I know I could never tell her how I felt. I didn’t want her feeling guilty for not sharing my feelings. I wanted her to love me for loving her. She was hell bent on leaving and experiencing the world and I wasn’t going to stand in the way of it. “I accepted the offer” I say and she looks at me confused at first and then she looks surprised. “You did” She asks and I see her looking at me urgently. “Yes… I’m leaving on Sunday” I say and I know I couldn’t put it off much longer. The sooner I let her know the better. Dragging this out was not a good idea. “Wow… That is so soon…” she says and puts her hair behind her ear and looks away from me. Then suddenly she turns to me and jumps into my lap. “I’m so happy for you” she says and smiles but I can see the sadness glisten in her eyes. I swallow hard at the lump forming in my throat. “Yeah… The time has come to make the right changes” I say and for some reason she looks a little relieved but I know she had expected it. She would have wanted me to accept the contract. I look at her and pull her into my arms and hold her close to me. “Listen…I just want you to know that I will never forget you… Never” I say and I see her eyes fill with tears and then she smiles at me softly.


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