Flicker (Phoenix in Flames Book 6)

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Flicker (Phoenix in Flames Book 6) Page 3

by Catty Diva

  “Why was no mention of that place made in the computer files?” She asked.

  “They were purposely left out in case they were caught. The owner of that whorehouse is Dr. Amerson. He’s a devious and dangerous criminal mastermind. He’d go after every member of the crew if his business was connected to their crimes.” Oak observed.

  “I understand. As soon as I’m done meeting with Razar, I’m going to take down that house of ill repute.” She declared.

  “If Razar will let us, we’ll go with you.” Elm suggested.

  “Exactly.” Oak noted.

  “I’ll see what I can do. We have a week to get through before we arrive.” She pointed out.

  “We’ll make it somehow.” Elm suggested.

  Now with the work done, she ordered snacks that were quickly delivered and they settled in to watch a movie marathon. These two were like two little brothers that were too smart for their own good and trained as warriors. It was odd how she was growing attached to both of them so quickly.

  Almost a week later, after many movie marathons and pigging out sessions, they’d been told Oison was near. “We’ll still be able to see you, won’t we?” Elm asked as he and Oak looked at her with puppy dog eyes.

  “Of course you will. Probably not as often, but that will make our time together that much sweeter.” She admitted.

  It wouldn’t be long now and she had all her stuff packed, not that she had much. She had all her money in a bank account so old Pete hadn’t been able to get any of that and she’d left it alone too. She gotten some clothing and other essentials by trading things she’d taken from the slaver captain’s room or personal things off the scout ship. Those were all the things she had with her and they all fit in a duffel bag.

  She heard the call over the PA system alerting those disembarking on Oison to go to the bay to board a shuttle. There was no reason to waste time so she hurried to the bay and went out in the second shuttle.

  When she arrived on the planet, she looked around. It was easy to see Razar and Lista standing there greeting those who came off the shuttles from the ship. She was trying not to be noticed, but Razar had obviously seen her.

  “That works out well because here she comes.” She heard Razar say to those with him.

  The woman looked about her size but she had blonde hair and was dressed like a female. She, on the other hand, wore a mechanic’s style jumpsuit and also wore a hat. Her sunglasses further camouflaged her so no one could really tell what she looked like. Old habits die hard. The guy was cute and looked friendly. The two made a nice couple as did Razar and Lista who she would recognize anywhere from all the pictures she’d see when she’d researched them.

  “Teresa!” Lista said loudly and she approached them.

  “Lista?” She asked even though she was sure it was her.

  “Yes, I’m so happy you’re here. This is Glint and his mate George. She is also from Earth like the two of us are. She’s agreed to help if you have any questions or concerns. Oison is new to her too so maybe you can explore together.” Lista said.

  “I’m sure once we get our work done we can look around.” She said.

  “What do you do?’ George asked.

  “I’m a spy.” She admitted as she looked around to see if anyone heard.

  “My job is similar to yours. I’m a communications office.” George admitted.

  “That’s interesting. I didn’t think the Mazlans had any tech heads.” She observed.

  “You never know what a military unit has. They keep it secret.” George noted.

  “Well now that we’ve spilled all our secrets, why don’t we go inside and have some refreshments?” Razar asked.

  “Where’s my babysitter?” She asked wondering where Flicker was.

  “You mean Flicker?” Razar wondered.

  “I do. I’ve been with him nonstop the whole trip here. It feels almost weird not to have him following me around.” She declared.

  “I gave him some time off. He hasn’t had any in a few months and he went home for a break. He’ll be back in a week or so.” Razar explained. “Whenever you leave the guest housing, you only need to go to the guard house and they’ll assign you an escort.”

  “Alrighty. At least I’ll have some time to myself in my room.” Teresa said. She didn’t really sound all that happy about it. He wondered if his friend may have found his one.

  “Glint can escort you and his mate to the housing. They’ll have you on the list and get you into you quarters. We won’t do anything until the morning after you’ve rested.” Razar assured.

  “We’ll go right now.” Glint agreed and he escorted them.

  The building loomed ahead. “Is that it?” She asked. “It looks like a modern hotel on Earth.”

  “It’s even better with its high tech additions. There’s a spa, a pool, and a game room as well as a restaurant or cafeteria. You can eat at either without charge. The cafeteria is good for a quick meal. Their restaurant is a gourmet experience. I believe you’ll enjoy the food. You can also order clothing and personal care products by calling the desk.” Glint explained.

  “Sounds almost too good to be true.” Teresa commented. “Will you two be working while you’re here?”

  “Part of the time. Our assignments are being set up and we don’t know how long we’ll be here. What about you?” George asked.

  “Oh, I’ll be working the whole time. When the job is done, I’ll be settling here.” She confirmed.

  “I’ve heard so much about this place. It’s so different from Earth. You need to be careful around the ocean though because these huge creatures can get you if you stand too close. The dessert also has many large predators.” George informed.

  “Lista told me about that too. She had personal experience. I bet that scared the shit out of her.” She giggled.

  “Would me.” George admitted.

  Glint just walked beside his mate and listened to them chit chat. He showed her to her door and she went in. She was sure Glint and George would both be great friends for her to have. Razar met with her the next day and she began giving them information and helping them assess the data sticks. She filled in her free time doing things with George. A few days before her new friends deployed, Flicker came back to Oison.

  Chapter 4

  Understanding His Mate

  His vacation hadn’t been bad, not really. He loves spending time with his family and they were always glad when he had a chance to visit. They’d done all the usual things, fixed all his favorite foods, and invited over friends and family that were available to visit, but he’d been distracted. Teresa had been on his mind the whole time and he couldn’t shake her.

  “Your mind isn’t with us.” Mother had declared. “Where is it?”

  “I think I met my mate.” He’d admitted.

  “That’s wonderful! She exclaimed, then she’d looked at his face. “Or is it?”

  He sighed heavily. “I just don’t know. She avoids me like I have the great plague. Teresa prefers Elm and Oak. I think she’s a spy for Razar, but he won’t confirm or deny.” He continued to tell her all about his mate.

  “Things will work out. We have to believe that. Give it time and use your best judgement. You are nice to her, right?”

  “I’m neither nice nor mean. I don’t know what to do with her and I hate that she always excludes me.” He admitted.

  His mother smiled. “You need to be her friend first. If she’s not ready for a friend yet, show her you support her and eventually she’ll come around.”

  “I know you’re right, but it’s so hard. She seems to prefer everyone to me.”

  “Maybe she’s scared. Didn’t you say she was human? They don’t do things the way we do. I bet she senses something in you that she doesn’t understand.”

  “Even if that’s true, if she senses our connection, why would she run?”

  “Because she senses something she doesn’t understand or because she has unfinished business she do
esn’t want to drag you onto.” His mother suggested.

  Now he stood in front of Razar and he was reminded of his mother’s thoughts. Elm, Oak, and half a dozen soldiers unknown to him sat listening as Razar spoke. “I am sending you on a top secret mission. Teresa Smith is in charge and she will give out information as needed. You will probably be gone nearly three weeks. Star Whisperer is the ship you will be going on. Some of you are familiar with the ship and you will likely stay on the ship for the whole mission. Any further information will be given out as needed. You will leave first thing in the morning.” Razar dismissed them.

  “Are you going to tell me anything?” He asked her. Elm and Oak stayed away when they saw him with her. Smart boys.

  “It’s a dangerous mission.”

  “I already knew that. Why don’t we have supper in our suite and you can share whatever information you feel comfortable telling me? The boys can come too if you’re afraid of me.”

  Teresa giggled. “The boys were already invited for a pizza party. You can come too if you want. That’s too funny. If I’m afraid of you. Ha ha. Come on, don’t make me wait.”

  He followed her, what choice did he have? Her laugh was sweet, but he would have preferred her laughing at anything but him. Maybe she would share something about the mission since the boys were there too. They no longer made him jealous since he’d come to realize she treated them like little brothers. Looking at her file, he’d seen she was without family and could understand the desire to have one.

  Elm and Oak were young and likeable guys. They were also strong and intelligent. He was certain she’d shared the mission with them and they had helped her do the research. Now he wanted someone to tell him what the hell they were about to do. Following his woman, the boys followed him. They were back at their suite in no time and the aroma of food hit him hard. There were pizzas, breadsticks, wings, and several other bowls of food covering the table.

  “Elm, why don’t you put on a movie while Oak helps set up the table?” Teresa asked.

  He immediately went to pick one and get it ready to start. Teresa and Oak got out plates, drinks, cups of ice, and utensils. It was only him that stood there unable to assist with anything. They’d obviously done this a lot of times when they’d covered for him while he’d been with Razar or on the ship. Now he felt left out but at least he was no longer jealous.

  The boys and Teresa sat down as the movie began. He sat next to her and whispered in her ear. “Just tell me what we’re doing?”

  “Fine. We’re going after one of Dr. Amerson’s businesses.”

  “Amerson? He’s known as the butcher of Bentley, the breeder baron, and the killer of Karlue. The man’s a monster. Are you sure about this?” He asked.

  “It’s something I have to do. I don’t think he’ll be there, but I plan to pursue him to the ends of the Earth.” She swore.

  “He’s the one that you were sold to?” She just nodded. “But there’s more?”

  “My mother.”

  “Oh goddess. I’ll help you in any way I can.” He promised.

  The rest of the night went well and he actually enjoyed some of the movies she chose. They were all action packed, the kinds of movies he would have chosen himself. It was early morning when the boys finally left and he helped her clean things up and set the cart with the remains of their food outside their door.

  Having a goodnight’s sleep wouldn’t matter tomorrow since they would have a week or more to travel to their target. The crew onboard would handle most of the piloting and navigating. He wouldn’t mind filling in if needed and he knew Oak and Elm would feel the same way. It would be an easy trip there and hopefully back as well. The time spent near their target and carrying out the mission would be the hard part.

  They each went to their rooms and he showered and went to bed in sleep pants in case he was called from his sleep to deal with an emergency. Lucky for him no emergencies occurred and he was woke by his usual alarm. This mission would be dangerous, important, and life changing, He was sure of it.

  Dressing quickly, he left his room and went to the kitchen just before Teresa joined him. She was dressed all in black looking like a mercenary and that made him wonder what kind of experience she really had. He know too little about his mate. There was still time for him to learn. They would have a meeting while they ate breakfast once they were onboard. He hoped the food was good since he was hungry.

  “Good morning.” He greeted.

  “Hello. Are you ready for the mission of your life?” She asked. He frowned. What did she mean by that? “Razar will be pleased if we find the information I believe will be there.”

  “There’s no way to know.” He admitted.

  “He’s aware of that, but at the least we will be freeing slaves and taking action against a criminal involved in several activities Razar has taken a stand against. I was completely honest with Razar. But he and I both hope for more.”

  “If you mother isn’t there, what will you get out of this mission?” He felt he had to ask.

  “Razar is giving me all the valuables on site. He does want to check any tech for information before I take it away. I will also strike against a man that tried to harm me and had some part in whatever happened to my mother. Believe me, it’s well worth my time. I’ll also be training the boys so Razar feels it’s worth his time regardless of the turnout.”

  “Training them in what?”

  “I worked with a mercenary crew. My tasks were many and varied. I reached the level of assassin and I also worked on the computer as a tech head. Elm likes tech and Oak would make a good assassin because he is quiet and observes everything.”

  He’d been right about her experience with mercenaries. Those stupid slavers had thought she was just a potential slave. They were lucky she hadn’t destroyed their ship. “You took all their files, didn’t you?”

  “I did. They were very informative for Razar but he needs to know more.”

  “What did he give you?”

  “A large amount of money and a small farm with a home on it. If I find my mom, she needs a place to live.” She admitted.

  “You’re remarkable.” He admitted. She was the perfect mate for someone in his position. As a second level leader, he would need a strong female at his side.

  They grabbed their bags by the door and headed out. Meeting Elm and Oak at the shuttle it was clear those two were excited. If he was honest, he’d admit he was excited too. This mission could go over in a big way or blow up in their faces. The shuttle took off as soon as they were onboard and headed straight for the ship.

  The Star Whisperer was not a large warship, but she wasn’t small by any standards either. She was stealthy and heavily armed. Once they left orbit, they would go undercover and no one would be able to find them with the latest camouflage they had onboard. This ship was a combination of weaponry and stealth tech that would make her hard to find and dangerous if you managed to.

  This ship was large enough to take scientific expeditions large distances with all the gear they needed to set up their settlements. He suspected the reason Razar had selected this size ship was for both its size and speed. Teresa would need room for an indeterminate number of passengers and an unknown size load. The choice was a good one.

  Once onboard, Chelsea, one of the female crew, met them to escort them to their rooms. He and Teresa got a suite, the best onboard while the boys got the second best suite nearby. Oak and Elm knew what was going on and he expected Teresa would continue to research their target until they arrived. The guys would help her do that. While he had computer basics, it wasn’t his area of expertise. It also bored him to tears.

  Surprisingly, Oak and Elm joined them right away and they set up a movie viewing station. The old Earth movies were addictive, he admitted. He loved the explosions and the car wrecks. Space ship wrecks came too close to home. The fighting wasn’t bad but a tad stilted in some of the movies.

  Teresa ordered food and it came so quickly he
was sure they had anticipated her request. Looking at her with surprise, he raised one brow. “Razar let my favorite cook and assistant come on the trip. He told them it might be dangerous, but they agreed to come anyway.”

  “You get great loyalty from those who serve or work with you.” He admitted. It was something he saw every day.

  “Let’s just relax and eat this great food, watch movies, and get some sleep when we wear out.” She suggested.

  It occurred to him that she would be able to gain more information on their target when they were closer to it. Right now was the time to rest and relax. His mate knew exactly what she was doing. Elm and Oak already had plates piled high with food and were relaxing in chairs watching the movie of their choice.

  Sometimes the young figured things out quickly. He was older and he questioned things too much at times. Teresa would be good for him if she could teach him when to relax and when to apply himself. The food was fantastic and the movie good. The beer was cold and went well with the pizza and other food selected. If he cleared his mind, maybe he’d be rested and ready when they approached the business his mate had selected to attack.

  Sitting with Teresa on the couch was nice. As she relaxed, she moved closer to him until she was lying against him. It felt good to be touching her. She seemed to be getting sleepy and he pulled her across his lap. Snuggling into him, she yawned but was fighting sleep to see the end of the movie. His mate looked adorable and her scent washed over him.

  The boys had already crashed and he considered taking her to his bed with him, just to sleep of course. Would she be angry, he wondered. In the end, he took her to her room and took of her shoes before tucking her in bed. It hurt his heart to leave her alone, but he didn’t want to do anything that would make her angry at him later.

  “Come on Elm, you need to go to your room so you can sleep.”

  “Donwanna.” He said as he rolled over stretching out on the couch he’d moved to when he’d moved Teresa.


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