Flicker (Phoenix in Flames Book 6)

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Flicker (Phoenix in Flames Book 6) Page 5

by Catty Diva

  “Alright, but if we tire, we stop and go to bed. Mom, come with us. I think you’ll enjoy this.” Her mother followed them as they headed to the suite she shared with Flicker.

  It was beginning to look like life might settle down and things would be okay after all. She’d met her biggest life goal in freeing her mother and she would settle her down on Oison. This raid had been successful regardless of how things panned out from this point. Razar was itching to get his hands on Amerson and the others. Still, it was the information on the computers that would probably hold the most value.

  The rogues had no sense and they were in the habit of putting everything on their computers. It was encrypted, but even a beginner like Oak could decrypt it. He’d already done a couple pages that listed the names Razar needed to get on top of this rebellion. Sympathy? She had none for these greedy people, only for their poor families.

  They had made deals with Razar and his people with the plan of cutting him loose once they got what they wanted. These guys were liars and cheats as well as slavers. It would be her pleasure to help defeat them. She came out of her musings when they reached the door to her suite.

  Once inside, they all found seats while she ordered snacks from the kitchen. They relaxed once the snacks were there and a movie on. The evening went well as they retired one at a time. She walked her mother back to her room last.

  “I must work tomorrow, but I’ll see you at supper. If that’s okay?” She asked.

  “I understand truly.” Her mom said.

  They parted with good nights and a hug. Now she hurried back to her suite where she found a naked Flicker lounging in her bed. Her body heated as she shed her clothes and joined him. He rolled them around until she was on top.

  “Ready to ride me, Baby?” He asked.

  “God, yes!” She answered. She moved up and his cock was under her as she slid down his length.

  Flicker grunted once she was fully seated and he began to thrust to meet her as she moved up then down. She rode him hard until she fell apart as her orgasm hit her. He followed shooting his hot seed into her. Once she was calm, she rolled off to the side and fell into a deep sleep, satisfied and worn out.

  Morning came and she had much to do. There was no time to waste as she went through the information that had been gained from the interviews. Breakfast came along with Oak, Elm, and Flicker who had finally woke.

  In between bites, they discussed what her plan was, “So what is your intention with those that were kept against their will?” Flicker asked.

  “I think we should help them find a place to settle. Razar said he would take them, even the males. If they have a job they want, we’ll help them find it, and after a review yesterday of what we got from Hattie, I plan to give each of them enough to live six months to year. I’d estimate it at fifty thousand dollars if it were paid in Earth money. Each of the crew will get a ten thousand dollar bonus with you three getting an additional ten that doesn’t need to be discussed. You will all take it. If you don’t want to keep it, start a charity.”

  “What is your plan with the rest?” Flicker asked.

  “I’m nice, but not stupid. It goes in my account and if I die, my mother will get it. I didn’t negotiate for the money to give everything away. So moving on. Today we see what we can get out of the computers and the prisoners. All the information that affects Razar and Oison is to be sent straight to him encrypted. Any questions?” No one said anything as they were all finishing their food. “Let’s blow this taco stand.”

  The twins chucked while Flicker shot her an odd look. “You missed that show. It’s old Earth lingo.”

  “You remind me of Ladonna and Patty.” Flicker admitted. “Those two are hooked on old Earth movies and shows.”

  “There are worse things to be hooked on.” Elm quipped.

  “So true, Brother.” Oak added.

  “We’ll divide up the bad guys. I want to question Amerson.” She insisted.

  “Let’s do him first.” Flicker suggested. “We’ll give him good cop bad cop.”

  “Okay. I’ll be bad cop.” She declared.

  “Fine, I want to see you pull this off.” Flicker admitted.

  It was clear her lover had no idea what she was capable of when necessary. He would know soon. Meanwhile she had the brothers begin to question the guards and the manager. There were only a few, and they would finish quickly. They each had to question their chosen in and there was video in each room.

  Meanwhile, they had Amerson moved to an interrogation room where he could sweat it out for a while. He probably knew the technique, but it didn’t mean it might not work on him. Flicker grinned. “I should be scared that you are so mean, but I like it.” He bumped her shoulder as they watched Amerson try to act nonchalant when he clearly wasn’t.

  He’d been a bad boy and there was plenty of proof. His life hung on the edge, no one cared if he lived or died and his partners in crime preferred if he died. When he started to fidget, they entered the room.

  ‘Do you need anything?” Flicker asked solicitously.

  “He doesn’t need anything. Stop babying him. Don’t you know what this guy has done?” She asked.

  “Yes, I know. It doesn’t mean we have to be barbarians.”

  She grunted. “Does too. He doesn’t deserve any kindness. We all know what’s going to happen to him if he doesn’t make himself useful.”

  Amerson cleared his throat. “Are you that woman’s daughter?”

  “You think you deserve to know something? I’ll share. You’re a stupid fool to deal with Pete. The drunk assumed what he wanted to and acted on it. We had a tip that females were disappearing around him. I was sent in to investigate and he assumed I was someone I’m not. He sent me to you and I was able to get all the information I needed because that’s what I do. This is the follow up and Razar is working with me. His guys are so sweet, what pussies. But they take good care of me. Plenty to eat a comfortable place to stay. I like it here. It’s not rough like the squad house on Earth.”

  “You work with Earth force?” He asked.

  “What do you think? It’s almost gone though. I need to find another job. You’re my last case.”

  “What do you want to know?” Amerson asked. He looked completely defeated.

  “Just roll on your fellow slavers. After that, Razar wants to know about this rebellion that’s brewing. Just start talking and we’ll bring you a drink and something to eat so you can be comfortable.”

  He did start talking and it was being recorded. Once he got to a stopping point, they called down for food and drink. She took what he’d already told them sending it to Razar right away. This information was urgent and Razar knowing could save lives. If the Mazlan leader wasn’t impressed by what they’d managed to accomplish, nothing would impress him.

  She felt a sense of accomplishment as far as the mission went. Her love life was going well too. Her mother would soon be set up in a new house on a small farm where she would have no worries. The brothers had managed to interrogate all the other questionable people and all were guilty in varying degrees. Razar would determine their punishments.

  Her next thing to do was go through the computers and the last thing was to go through the money and items of value. She’d already set aside the money the victims would be gifted with and the bonuses her crew would get. The rest would provide a safety net for anything life might dump at her feet and ensure her mother a life of ease.

  “I thought you might be in here counting your money.” Flicker said.

  She’d left after lunch and he’d just now managed to find her. “I set aside the funds for the victims and for bonuses for everyone. I believe this will be a good crew. What do you think?”

  “Yes, they are good males. We were lucky on this mission. I believe you should get them more training in case we run into some bad luck.”

  “I can’t deny you have a point. When we get back on Oison, we can discuss it with Razar.”

We?” Flicker asked.

  “Yes, you are my second in command.” She giggled when he snorted. Males hated being second at anything. “Anders said we might make it back in three days. He’s found a way to push her just a bit.”

  “That’s good. I know Razar anxiously awaits our return.” Flicker admitted.

  “What happens to us when we return?” She asked.

  “What happens how?”

  “Do we continue as we are or will you be done?”

  “Do you joke, Female?” Flicker asked a harsh note in his voice.

  “We’ve discussed nothing about what is between us. How could I possibly know?”

  “I’m sorry. I forgot for a moment the way Earth males are. My kind aren’t like that. Few kinds that I know of actually are. Had I just wanted sex, I would have made sure you knew it. There is no way I would have played with your feelings that way. There is something here,” He tapped his chest. “I feel something strong there. Only once in our lives do we get that feeling and it lasts the rest of our lives. Do you understand?”

  “I-I think so. Your kind mates for life. That’s a big step to take. I also feel something strong, something special, but I want us to build up to more. I believe we’ll get there, but so much is happening right now.” She explained.

  It was hard not to see the look of disappointment on his face, but he recovered quickly.

  Chapter 6


  The talk, the one they’d had about their relationship had occurred nearly three days ago and now they were approaching Oison. The people onboard they’d freed from Amerson’s clutches were upbeat for the most part. Teresa had shared with them that she was giving them each some of the money from Amerson’s house. It was above and beyond the assistance Razar planned to give them.

  Angel, one of the small humans, had become close to Teresa. They shared an interest in technology which would serve the young woman well. Two of the males, Ranger and Radley, they were twins, had been lured in with the promise of a job then drugged. He was certain Teresa was considering hiring them.

  He wasn’t concerned about them because if she didn’t take them, he bet Justice or Razar would. Not only were they tall and muscular, but they could fight. Teresa spent time with all the victims from Hattie’s as tried to help them figure out where they might have a place with the Mazlans. Surprisingly, most if not all had useable skills.

  His mate was talented at helping people. No one was more surprised than he was. Her mother stayed at her side now that the ugly parts of her work were complete. They went through the items she had gotten and talked to the victims. She seemed to gain loyalty easily. Even the crew who while they were well paid by most standards, had never gotten a bonus especially one that was more than a month’s pay.

  The goals he had were to get to Oison, complete this mission, settle in Teresa’s mom and then take her to his home to meet his family. He worried that she would agree to accompany him. His appraisal of their relationship was that it was solid. The sex was mind blowing, they got along well, and he’d found they had much in common. Her mom was a sweetheart and they got along well. What more could he possibly do? He had no idea.

  All that as left to do was introduce her to his people and get a commitment out of her. It sounded easy, unless you knew his mate. “What are you thinking so hard about?” Sandy asked.

  “You daughter, she’s all I ever think about. I want us to mate, but she says she’s not ready. Any idea why she resists committing?”

  “Yeah, I do. Her father left us and never came back. She fears the same thing will happen to her. It was hard on her as a child. Earth is tough enough on those with two parents. Everything’s been going to hell the last two hundred years. But it’s hit bottom now.”

  “She doesn’t share much about her past. I only know about you because you’re here.” He admitted.

  “She may look hard, but she’s soft on the inside. Teresa is just afraid she’ll get hurt.”

  “I suppose I can understand that. But what should I do?” He asked.

  “Have patience. Show her you intend to stick around. That’s what she needs more than anything.”

  “Okay. I’ll try to do that and pray the goddess will help me.” He said before he left walking back to his suite. Teresa wasn’t there, she might be fighting with the twins.

  Her fighting skills were impressive, he’d admit that was true. Her time with a mercenary group had given her skills most soldiers didn’t possess. She’d once said she was assassin and he was beginning to believe her. Looking around the room there was little to keep him busy and he’d admit he was bored.

  Leaving the room, he headed to the bridge. There was Oison in the distance with its moons orbiting around it. The time was early morning and Razar was probably still asleep. They would be there in less than an hour and then they would take a shuttle down. The rooms they stayed in before were still empty and waiting for them.

  He went back to his room to pack a bag and this time Teresa was there packing a bag too. “It will be early morning there. I doubt Razar will be awake.”

  “He’s already awake and waiting for us.” She replied. He grunted not knowing what to say to that.

  Once they were both packed, they left the room to go to the shuttle bay. Other warriors would arrive in due to time so all of the crew would have time off. It was even possible the relief crew might be sent on a mission while Teresa researched the next mission she intended to pursue. He had no doubt Razar would give her a lot of control on what they did and how they did it.

  This recent success would sit well with him. The information gained in less than a month was more than he’d gotten in over a year. His mate was good at what she did. Hopefully she would retire once a few good missions were completed. It was hard to bring up the subject since she was such a dominate person.

  He was dominate too and that made it hard for them to work with each other. She didn’t mind but only because Razar had given her the final word on all decisions. Teresa did listen, but usually she did things her way anyway. In the case of the mission, she had been proved right. When it came to attacks of this kind, she really knew her stuff.

  The entered the bay where others were loading on the shuttle already. A small crew would remain until they were replaced later in the morning. The shuttle was full as they lifted off to exit the ship. It wasn’t far to the surface. Everyone was quiet as they worried about what their future would bring. Teresa had discussed things with them, but until Razar greeted them as they exited the shuttle, they couldn’t be sure of what kind of reception they would get.

  Lista was there to take charge of them and get the victims settled. She led them away as Razar’s guards escorted the prisoners in a different direction. “I have to commend you and your team on a successful mission. You’ll want some time off before you head out again, I’m sure. Once you decide on the next target, I’d like to hear about it. I will give you all the information we have.”

  “Thank you. I thought we would choose a target from the computer files that Amerson had. You input would be greatly appreciated.” Teresa diplomatically announced.

  Razar grinned. “Since you asked, I have a list of high priority targets already made. Any of the targets on the list would be perfect.”

  “I’m sure my team can accommodate you. I was thinking we’d begin planning in a month. Meanwhile, I hoped to get my mother settled and aid with other refugees. If you need any help getting information out of the other prisoners, you need only ask.” She offered.

  He had to admit he was amazed at the way she dealt with Razar. She was helpful without being pushy and she acquiesced to his requests. The perfect diplomat, a side of his mate he’d never seen before.

  There were many sides to this mate of his. He hoped to discover them all. Now that Razar had greeted him, he had a guard escort them to their rooms. Why, he wasn’t sure since the rooms were the same ones they’d stayed in previously.

  Teresa’s mother was with t
he other refugees because Teresa wanted her to get whatever help Razar would provide. A counselor was one thing they had available she was particularly glad they’d get. They dropped their bags and fell back on the couch.

  “What should we do now? After lunch we’ll be debriefed.” Teresa observed.

  “When did Razar say that?” He asked.

  “He didn’t, but it’s in this schedule he gave me with several things of interest on it.”

  “May I look at it?” He asked and she shrugged and handed him the paper.

  It clearly listed future targets in order of priority. The paper also showed what assistance Mazlans would be giving the refugees. All the assistance was generous and would get them on their feet. There was also a heads up about Razar’s new plan of action. He was sending a large group of employees to the new planets to start businesses for him. These people had proven their loyalty and would be well paid.

  By flooding the planets with people only looking for a good life and not those eaten up with greed, he would balance out the rebels and cause dissension in their numbers, hopefully. It was worth a try anyway. As he read he nodded.

  “I see Razar has your approval.”

  “He does, but why did he give you all this information?” He asked.

  “Because many of those suggestions were mine.” Teresa admitted. Why was he not surprised?

  “Would you like to rest for a short while?” He asked, but rest wasn’t what was on his mind.

  Teresa yawned. “I am a bit sleepy. We had a busy voyage here. I’m sure everyone will be resting by now.”

  “Come, let me out you to bed.” His words were soft but didn’t reflect his true intentions.

  Sitting on the bed as she came to him he began to undress her slowly watching as she was bared. His mouth moved against her skin unable to hold back the kisses he felt were needed. She moaned with need.

  Standing, he traded places with her as she watched him strip bare. Her eyes glowed with desire that did his confidence good. Once he was naked, he lifted her onto his arms where he kissed her with all the heat inside him. His hands moved over her warm flesh, it felt soft and smooth.


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