Mark of the Princess

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Mark of the Princess Page 4

by B. C. Morin

  "Mmm, no thank you." King Alcander responded as he swallowed the last bit of food in his mouth.

  The small sprite reached for the King’s plate as he nodded approvingly and she proceeded with it to the kitchen.

  King Alcander sat back in his chair and stared reluctantly at his guest who was dropping crumbs all over the table and using no utensils unless absolutely necessary. "So, Velius, where will you go after this?" King Alcander’s voice was firm with no hint of warmth for Velius.

  "Well, as I told you, your highness, I will be staying here for a few days and then venture along to another forest…" Velius shifted his weight, and tried to quickly change the subject.

  "So Kaleb, what did you do today?" Velius asked desperately.

  "Huh? Oh, nothing really, Tristan and I visited Meira for a bit today." Kaleb responded nonchalantly.

  Alcander and Etana looked at their son and his friend with a questionable look, as that was not something they did very often or at all.

  "The King and Queen said they’d love to see you both sometime soon." Kaleb mentioned catching the glares of his parents.

  "Son on what business did you go over there?"

  "A gir…"

  Kaleb shot Tristan a look before he could finish. "No business really father, just a gorgeous sound. I heard some music so I just wanted to see what the celebration was about. Tristan and I went over and we tried to stay to the side, but the guards thought we were spying.” Kaleb saw his father’s eyes widen, “Of course, that was until they found out who I was and we explained our presence there." Kaleb explained.

  King Alcander leaned back in his seat again.

  "So did you meet anyone there?" Velius obviously catching what Tristan almost said raised one eyebrow at Kaleb. "What’s her name?" Velius continued, not bothering to wait for a response.

  "Velius, I didn’t meet anyone there. There is nothing to tell," Kaleb dropped his fork on his plate and pushed it away.

  "So King, doesn’t it bother you that he was over there?"

  Alcander was deeply infuriated at the feeble attempt of Velius to begin trouble in his house. However, to see how far he’d take it, the King played a game of his own.

  "No Velius, why should it?" The King asked, glaring at Velius with his deep blue eyes and leaning forward. His large frame clearly adding to Velius’s intimidation.

  "I do not know, I was just asking." Velius replied looking down at his plate again as he pushed around some berries with his fork. "So, are you going to go visit them? What are you going to do?" Velius broke the awkward silence that had followed the last statement, but it was a futile attempt.

  "Velius!" The mighty king slammed his fist on the table, rattling the dishes and standing from his seat. "Why do you come to my house asking all these ridiculous questions, and trying to start trouble?"

  Alerted by the King’s shout and slammed fist his guards appeared at the entrance of the dining hall. Their hands on the hilts of their swords. Alcander turned to them and raised his hand indicating for them to stop.

  He focused his gaze once again on Velius. Alcander’s voice came to a deep, low very inquisitive tone. "What are you looking to find boy?" Alcander asked, leaning in to be almost eye to eye with Velius.

  Velius looked around nervously and realized that his welcome was more than worn. "Nothing your Majesty. I’m sorry." He said, fumbling his words and not looking the King in the eye. "I, I meant no harm. I suppose I am not a very good conversationalist." He saw the King retract out of the corner of his eye. "It’s getting late though, and I should be on my way." Velius noticed the irritated and bothered looks from around the table as he stood. "Do not worry, I can show myself out. Thank you for dinner. It was," Velius looked around trying to choose his word or words carefully, "interesting." They watched as Velius was escorted by the guards out of the dining room and inevitably out the front doors of the castle.

  "Well son, what did you think of your guest?" Alcander asked, taking his seat again.

  "Father, I know you think me to be naive sometimes. But let me assure you that I am not." Kaleb said, taking a sip from his golden goblet.

  The king gave his son and inquisitive look, and then turned to look at his wife and Tristan. Finally he turned his attention back to his son he and replied: "Well then son, enlighten me."

  "Father, I know that Velius is not what he seems. That some ulterior motive lurks in him. But I was hoping that he would let his guard down tonight and that maybe we'd be able to find out just what is going on. The last thing we need is another faerie like Maligo." Kaleb said, sitting up in his chair and looking his father in the eye.

  Alcander smiled and nodded his head, thoroughly impressed with his son. He raised his goblet. "A toast. To my son who has reminded me that he is and for quite sometime has been, no longer a child. To the future king!" The King exclaimed raising his goblet higher, before taking a sip.

  "To the future king!" The others repeated, the words ringing from the dining room through the hallways.

  * * *

  Meanwhile, back at the feast, the music was beginning to fade and so was the amount of faeries present.

  Alannah and Evyette walked through the remaining crowd holding lush lilac colored roses they had snuck away from the feast to pick. The two girls walked over to the queen handing her the two beautiful roses.

  "And to what do I owe this honor?" Nalani said, taking in their sweet smell.

  "Oh, for not noticing when we disappeared to go flower hunting." Alannah replied, smirking at her mother.

  "I thought you were just trying to lose Greer." Nalani said with a laugh.

  "We were , but the little gremlin stuck to us like sap!" Evyette exclaimed.

  Nalani giggled as she began to explain to the girls that Greer was only there for their protection, and that someday they will appreciate him. The girls nodded that they understood, they just didn’t like it. "Let’s go home girls." Nalani suggested as she held out her arms and wrapped them around her daughters’ waists. The queen and her daughters began walking toward the castle…. "Oh!" Nalani exclaimed as she remembered. "It’s a shame you girls left. You missed Prince Kaleb of Talom and his friend Tristan."

  "What were they doing here?" Alannah asked as she and Evyette looked at each other questioningly.

  "They said the music caught their attention and they wanted to inquire about the source, that is all. Now, let us be on our way, it’s getting late…." The girls proceeded to walk toward the castle, not far behind them were the King and his guards.

  The next morning the sun shone bright causing Alannah to wish she had drawn the curtains before going to bed the night before. She groaned and turned to face the other side of the room that did not have a window.

  The door slowly opened and Evyette tiptoed inside her room. "Evyette how is it that you have soooo much energy in the morning?" Alannah asked, pulling the blanket over her head.

  "Just lucky I guess." Evyette’s sarcastic tone made Alannah laugh. "So, what are we going to do today?" Evyette sat on the edge of the bed, eagerly waiting her sister’s response.

  Alannah suddenly pulled down the blanket and smirked at Evyette. "Well, to tell you the truth, I had thought we could go see Tritious, and then maybe go out to the creek for a while."

  Tritious was the oldest and wisest Dragon in the land. Many faeries went to him when they searched for counseling and wisdom and even healing. He had been known to predict faerie births, powers and even gifts that they would be born with.

  "Alright then, let’s go!" Evyette exclaimed as she pulled the blanket off of Alannah. "I will speak to father.”

  By the time Alannah had finished Evyette was walking back into the room, her face beaming.

  Alannah’s eyes widened, “He said yes?”

  “It was not easy. It took myself and mother to convince him to let us go without Greer, and I had to tell him exactly where we would be, but yes, he agreed.”

  The girls waked along the forest leading to
the cave where Tritious lives. The forest was full of bright flowers, lilacs, roses and jasmine surrounded the landscape, adding a lush aroma to the air. Large trees lined the dirt path and filled the forest with just enough space between the leaves and trunks to let in glimmers of the sunlight.

  "So, I wonder what the Prince was doing here." Alannah asked.

  "I know, so many years and we’ve never seen him and he just drops by one night?" Evyette said turning to look at Alannah.

  "Yes, I’d say it’s a bit odd…."

  The girls stopped just shy of a large opening to an underground cavern.

  Alannah moved the hanging vines and ivy out of her way, and leaned into the cave, calling out for Tritious.

  Tritious responded with a huff letting Alannah know that he heard her. Alannah and Evyette took a seat on a nearby fallen tree branch and waited.

  After just a moment, Tritious began to emerge slowly from his cavern, lumbering slightly from side to side. Tritious was the largest dragon in the forest. Most dragons around these parts were just a bit bigger than the palm of a Faerie’s hand. But, there were those few forest dragons that were about four times the size of a faerie. These dragons were the healers, seers, and teachers.

  There were dragons among the humans, but those giants were never seen in this or any forest nearby. Tritious spread his enormous wings leaving Alannah and Evyette in awe. His wings were three times the size of his body. "Excuse me for a moment while I stretch… those caves can be quite cramped." He said sleepily, his voice a deep rumble in his throat. Tritious lifted his head and pointed his nose to the sky stretching his neck. He had a long snout which was slightly pointed at the end. At the top were two big deep green eyes that looked sinister even when he wasn’t upset, and on the sides of his face, close to his neck, he had what looked like tiny wings or flaps. He clawed slightly at the ground, stretching his legs and arms, his large talons unsettling the dirt around them. The scales that covered his body resembled all the magnificent colors of a sunset, orange and red hues mixing to form colors that had never been named. The mighty dragon settled down in his place and turned his attention to Alannah. "I know why you are here child." Tritious said, leaning closer and glaring at Alannah. "You’ve come to ask of your powers."

  ~ Chapter 5~

  The dark cave walls were thrown into relief by the light of a single candle. Maligo sat staring intently at a bowl with a silverish liquid inside of it, devising a plan with every second that passed. He stood and began to pace the cave.

  How will I bring the princess to me? How do I get the prince to follow? Should I even bother with him? He thought to himself as he reached up stroking his long white goatee with his thin fingers.

  Suddenly a dark figure appeared at the edge of the cave. The sun shining behind him gave him the appearance of a shadow.

  “Who goes there?” Maligo asked squinting his eyes trying to get a better view of the figure’s face.

  “It is I.” The dark figure responded.

  “Aaaahhhh my apprentice. Have you news or information for me ?” Maligo asked as he brought his hands together in front of him touching only his fingertips together.

  “Oh yes sir.” The figure responded walking deeper into the cave. He looked at the chemicals mixed in vials set up at one corner, an empty perch where Saros sits, and finally stopped to stare at the bowl that Maligo was so concentrated on just as he walked in.

  “I think you may have quite an interest in my…” He paused for a moment. “ Information.” He said, his lip curling on the last word.

  “Really?” Maligo asked, his dark beady eyes narrowing in intrigue. “Then tell me my son. What news have you for me?”

  “It concerns her…” The apprentice responded pointing at the bowl on the table with reflections of people showing within it.

  * * *

  “Tritious, you are right, I do have a question to ask you.” Alannah said looking at the leaves that she had been playing with beneath her feet.

  “Wait” Tritious said, lifting his head and scanning his surroundings.

  “What?” Alannah asked in obvious confusion.

  The mighty dragon began to rise from where he had lain, his senses aware to everything that was going on around him.

  “What?” Alannah repeated more urgently, looking around as well.

  “I said wait. Say nothing that you would not want others to hear!” Tritious exclaimed through his teeth.

  “But no one else is here.” Alannah said, looking around and growing increasingly confused and anxious.

  “So you think” Tritious spoke in a low tone, his voice rumbling in his throat. His eyes piercing every angle of the trees surrounding them. He lifted his mighty tale from the ground slowly and with it he hit the tree behind him so hard that it caused everything inside it to fall, or fly away. Including Saros.

  Alannah and Evyette jumped at the sight of the bird and looked at each other in wonder.

  The dragon watched as Saros flew away, and finally turned his attention again to the girls.

  “So, tell me Alannah, although I am sure I know…. What is your question?” Tritious asked settling back into a comfortable position.

  “Tritious, it is about my power.” Alannah sighed, as she stood and began to pace the clearing. “I want to know” She continued, her voice dwindling a little. ”When?” Her eyes stopping on the dragon.

  “Alannah, I understand your frustration. But you need to realize that although I can occasionally predict the power or powers that some fae may be born with, that does not mean that I can predict the time.” Tritious said, a smirk on his face as he stretched his neck bringing his face closer to the princess. He knew how much having powers meant to a young fae. “ Besides, even if I was able to predict times, it is not something I think I should share.”

  Alannah walked back to where Evyette was sitting and noticed that Evyette had been busy toying with something in her hand. To Alannah’s surprise, she saw that it was a dragon. It was so small that it sat in the very palm of her hand and had its tail wrapped around her wrist. Alannah got closer to the little dragon. She was mystified by the hues of metallic green and blue that covered its body.

  The little dragon leaned forward and took a closer look at Alannah, as if he were the one sizing her.

  “He is adorable,” Alannah said, turning to face Tritious again, “who is he?”

  Tritious looked at the tiny dragon that was about the size of one of the scales on Tritious’s back.

  “Kontar. He lived in a forest not too far from here. But he was forced to leave when careless humans set it ablaze. He seems to have taken well to Evyette.”

  “Tritious” Alannah began again. “Perhaps if you just told me the meaning of the other mark that no-one else has been able to decipher, then…” she trailed off giving the wise old dragon an innocent look.

  “I can tell you no more princess.” Tritious interrupted, his voice becoming more serious now. “There is only so much you can say before you truly begin to interfere with destiny. I can say this however…” He lowered his head so that he was face to face with the princess.

  Her body barely as large as his snout, she looked intently into his green eyes, almost seeing the vast oceans of knowledge behind them. The breath coming out of this nostrils heating her body. He allowed everything to fall to total silence before speaking.

  “Be careful in the decisions you make. There are forces coming for you that not even I can foresee.”

  Alannah opened her mouth to interrupt but no sound came out.

  “In due time you will see what you are capable of, and you will have to make decisions that you have never dreamed of.” Tritious warned as he sat up.

  “Yes Tritious, and thank you.” Alannah inclined her head politely toward him.

  Alannah walked disappointedly back to her sister and joined her.

  He watched as the girls played some more with the tiny dragon and started on their way home.

  He looked around
the forest knowing that he was to have another visitor this morning when a small deer walked by.

  “Ah. Breakfast” he thought to himself as he ran his rough tongue over his sharp white teeth.

  * * *

  Kaleb snapped out of the trance he had fallen into while sitting in the plush seat across from the fire. I will speak with her today. He assured himself. He stood and walked over to his wardrobe pulling out his shirt and sliding it over his head, his dark marks creeping out from underneath. He glanced in the mirror. That will not do he thought looking at the unkempt waves of dark lush hair. He ran his fingers through it a few times, relieving himself of his messy hair. Satisfied with his reflection he headed toward the front doors of the castle.

  He walked down the stone path bordered by thick enchanted hedges that reached above his head. He ran his fingers along the hedge feeling the energy of the magic. The hedges stood firm against anyone that was not royal, guards, or otherwise invited. He continued walking the familiar path leading to the home he had visited so many times before.

  He turned onto another walkway made with large stones carefully placed between patches of grass and small flowers. Before he could reach the large wooden door he saw that it began to open.

  “Now, how did I know you would be coming by today my friend?” Tristan said finishing the piece of apple that was in his hand.

  Kaleb chuckled to himself.

  “I was just wondering if you had an inkling to go to …” Kaleb paused looking around the garden and up to the sky before returning to Tristan. “oh, I don’t know The Kingdom of Meira perhaps?”


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