Mark of the Princess

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Mark of the Princess Page 6

by B. C. Morin

  “You brought me here to discuss the powers of your bird?” Celina asked, her attitude overtaking her confusion.

  “No. I brought you here because I need a volunteer.” Maligo answered, managing something of a smirk.

  “Excuse me?”

  “I need your help.” Maligo explained, his tone that of an increasingly impatient man.

  “Well, you’re not going to get it.” Celina said crossing her arms protectively over her chest.

  “I don’t think you understand!” Maligo sneered so loudly that it echoed in the cave. He came out from the shadows a bit more. “You will help me or you will die." He walked around, his tone softening. "Besides, when you really put it in perspective I am helping you.” He dragged his withered finger across her back.

  “How do you mean?” Celina asked, intrigued.

  “I will give you something that I need you to give to the prince.”

  “Now I know your crazy old man! I’d rather die first before hurting him. And besides, I’d be killed if I did anything of the sort.”

  Maligo had just about enough of her uncooperative attitude. He charged up to her so quickly she had no time to move. Staring into her eyes he sneered once more. “You will be killed if you do not!”

  She stared into his dark almost black eyes. He backed off of her a bit and closed his eyes for a moment, taking deep breaths to regain his composure. He motioned her to a table nearby. She walked over and saw a silver bracelet at the bottom of an open velvet satchel. It was decorated with such fine details one would almost say that the maker twisted real vines together and somehow turned them to a metal.

  Celina reached for the bracelet and Maligo quickly slapped her hand away. "Ouch!" Celina cradled one hand in the other and took a step back. "Why did you do that?" Celina snapped. Maligo moved to stand where Celina had been, keeping her from seeing the bracelet.

  "You will not touch this. This bracelet is for your Prince. You will give this to him, and" Maligo was cut off again by the annoying tone of Celina's voice.

  "I am not a messenger. If you want to give him something, you can give it to him yourself!"

  Maligo's rage grew. He reached into the satchel at his waist and dusted his hands with what seemed to be a whitish translucent powder. Quickly, he thrust his knarred hand towards the girl, just barely missing her throat. "Levictum Thrownas!"

  Celina's feet lifted from the ground, and she was thrown against and then pulled up the wall. She felt his hands crushing her throat, but when she looked at him she saw that Maligo was about six feet away from her. She struggled to look for the ground with her feet but to no avail. She felt fingers tightening around her throat as her eyes began to water, and she began gasping for air. Maligo walked over to her, and in a calm, yet threatening tone he spoke. "I don't need you. So if you interrupt me again I will kill you." He said, dropping his hands and turning away. He made sure that she could not see him as he shook his hand and tried to regain the energy that spell took from him.

  She fell to the floor grasping her throat, and coughing hysterically to pull air back into her lungs. She slowly stood to her feet and walked over to Maligo, who was again in front of the bracelet, marveling at his own work.

  Maligo did not take his eyes off the trinket as he began to speak to her. "You will give this bracelet to the prince and be sure that he is the only one who touches it. This bracelet has been drowned in a potion that will enter the prince's skin on contact and help him to forget all about the princess. Giving you an open opportunity to swoop in to her place. I will need an ally on the throne one day."

  Celina opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out. She thought of the fingers around her neck and kept her thoughts to herself. I would not help you once I am princess. In fact, I will have you killed for what you have done to me today. She thought calmly, trying to form a plan of her own.

  Celina turned her attention back to the bracelet ,daydreaming about her own plans to rule and claim the prince's heart.

  ~ Chapter 7~

  The sky was the lightest blue they had ever seen. Thin clouds drifted by as the winged horses flew as high as they were able. As far the girls knew, only Dragon's flew this high.

  Alannah’s arms tightened around Kaleb’s waist as she brushed her face against his ear, to ensure she would be heard. "This is amazing.” She whispered in the quietest of tones. The usually loud, excitable girl was almost silenced by the awe of the site before her. Her attention was drawn to the horse that pulled up beside her. She looked at Evyette and smiled. They had never ridden on such magical steeds, or ever been this high in the sky going so fast.

  "Where are we going?" Evyette asked Tristan.

  Tristan twisted his head slightly to ensure she could hear him. "You will see."

  The smirk on his face made the girls all the more curious. They continued flying for quite some time, high over tree tops, and then over the clearing toward the great towering Southeastern mountains.

  The horses approached the mountains and began to search for a place to land. Alannah realized that Kaleb and Tristan rarely had to speak commands to their horses, and questioned Kaleb about it.

  “When a bond is made between a fae and a Pegasus, a fealty or loyalty is made. In that fealty a connection is made over thoughts. I can speak to him in my mind and as long as I am addressing only him, he can hear me. When I am concentrated on other things, those thoughts get in the way and I have to speak the commands.“ Kaleb responded patting the Pegasus along his neck.

  Alannah was astonished at such a beautiful connection between a faerie and an animal.

  The valley was deep, and lush with green grass covering the bottom and laden with pathways that lead around the surrounding mountainsides. Behind the waterfall and to the top of the cliffs. Along the pathways there were door like frames carved out of the mountains. The waterfall ran off the highest cliffs onto carefully placed rocks as if through a maze, flowing out into a sparkling lake that reflected not only the mountainsides, but the beauty of the blue skies above as well.

  Kaleb, still drained for having used so much energy manipulating the winds to get them there quickly, leaned against the mountainside and nodded to Tristan. Tristan drew the attention of Alannah and Evyette to the cave that they most often came to see.

  A cloud of smoke came billowing out, mixing with the cool air. The talons, large as any they had ever seen and almost half the size of one of them, inched out slowly one group in front of the other. The faeries looked in awe, as they perched over one of the mountain peaks and gazed at the wonder that began to emerge. This dragon, ten times the size of Tritious emerged from his dwelling. His silver scales shining in the afternoon sun, his enormous wings glittered with hues of silver, blue and gray. His face looked older. Older than any other dragon they had ever seen. He stretched his wings out and flapped them as he sat on his hind legs. The wind created by these wings was so strong that the faeries had to hold onto the stones and each other in order to not fall off the mountain top.

  "Who is he?" Alannah asked in awe, not taking her eyes off the dragon.

  "He is Decimus. He is the last of the first group of dragons hatched." Kaleb glanced briefly at the massive dragon, and then looked over at Alannah. "He was the most powerful of the dragons."

  "Was?" Evyette asked although she could not look away from the mighty dragon.

  "Yes, was. Years and years of fighting, hiding from the humans and trying to save others began to wear on him." Kaleb replied, still looking at Alannah whose gaze was locked intently on the magnificent beast.

  Decimus bent over and dipped his long snout whose end pointed downward into the lake. The three horns on his snout submerged one by one. His eyes were a luminescent white with a dark center, shaped like that of a cat. He lifted his head for a moment searching his surroundings, obviously feeling the eyes upon him but found nothing, as the fae had ducked down in order to not be seen.

  Evyette leaned closer to Tristan. “Are there others?” She
asked intrigued.

  "Yes, there are at least a dozen living here in The Valley of Eternal Rest. They have to live here in order to survive, as the humans are too afraid to venture out here." Tristan said nudging his head in the direction of the other openings.

  Alannah hung her head in disappointment. The pictures she had been painted of the world were fading. At that moment she realized the reason her father didn't want her ‘venturing out’. Because she would know. She would know that the world was not all dancing and roses with only the occasional bad fae.

  She had heard of The Valley of Eternal Rest. ‘No one ventured here, as those who did never returned.’ She remembered hearing.

  Alannah took one last look at the dragon. This time she did not focus on the majesty and beauty. But rather at the scars she saw, the marks on his horns where he had struggled and fought. Some of the horns on his tail did not end in a point, as if someone cut them off. Then she saw the marks and scars on his body. Singe marks where flames had burned away at his scales. Scars where he had been made to bleed. Alannah saw the others getting up and followed suit. “Do you know him?” She asked, still taking glances at Decimus.

  Kaleb looked as his friend, somewhat amazed that a Princess could be so ill informed. “Alannah, No one knows him. We all just know of him. There is not one fae brave enough to speak to one of those dragons. Their anger burns deep. Many of us are afraid that they do not discriminate with their animosity.”

  "I just don't understand why they would be mad at everyone and not just the people who attacked them?" Alannah questioned sadly.

  "Because sometimes it's easier to just lock everyone out to ensure your survival." Tristan said, turning slowly to look at her.

  Alannah understood, but it broke her heart that she could never befriend these beautiful beasts.

  “You are far from home faeries.” The raspy, eerie voice came from directly behind them.

  Kaleb and Tristan instinctively reached for the hilt of their swords, moving to stand in front of the girls.

  “Show yourself!” Kaleb called out into the surrounding trees.

  To the group’s surprise, from behind two rather large pines, two strange looking fae stepped out.

  Kaleb glanced at Tristan who had clearly been expecting goblins or some other creature known for mischief or thievery.

  The fae that stood before them were like none they had ever seen. The bodies were very much like theirs, but their skins were much darker and damaged. Not the kind of darkness one might be born with, but a darkness and damage that could only be obtained by spending too much time under unfriendly elements.

  The tallest one stepped forward first. A disturbing smile spreading slowly across his face reaching several small scars, surveying the fae as an animal would its prey.

  “We have not come looking for trouble.” Kaleb stated, cautiously stepping forward.

  The second fae stood forward next to his companion, an unsheathed dagger dangling in his impatient hand.

  “Perhaps,” The raspy, eerie voice coming from the taller of the two, “but you have found it none-the-less.”

  “What Kingdom do you hail from?” Kaleb questioned in an attempt to establish some authority.

  The two fae laughed slightly. “We claim no Kingdom” the tall one spoke again, “I believe your kind call us Rogue Faeries, and out here,” He opened his arms gesturing to the mountains, “Your laws do not apply.” Tilting his head, setting his chilly eyes on Alannah.

  Kaleb reached his arm around in a clearly possessive gesture to ensure that Alannah stay behind him. “The laws in regards to harming a royal fae apply to all.” Kaleb’s voice growing louder and stronger.

  “We shall see.” The taller fae’s brow furrowed at being challenged. He unsheathed his sword and charged quickly at Kaleb.

  “Stay back” he requested over his shoulder looking at both girls and unsheathing his sword.

  Kaleb lunged forward blocking the first strike of the rogue faerie as his smaller companion rushed at Tristan waving his blade and duplicating himself so that there were two to attack. Tristan quickly ducked out of the way of the two oncoming fae and ran into the nearest group of trees glancing over his shoulder to and stopping briefly to ensure that he seen. The fae and his copy quickly turned and followed.

  Alannah and Evyette unsheathed daggers that they had hanging from their belts and began walking toward Kaleb and the tall Fae until Kaleb turned and saw, “Stay there! I will take care of him.” he yelled, blocking another strike from the fae and bringing up his hand. With that, a sudden burst of force came at the rogue fae hitting him in the chest and sending him flying out onto a nearby cliff. Kaleb rushed forth unknowing if he had killed the rogue fae, but stopped short of seeing the fae’s hands still holding on. He turned to look for Tristan but saw only a few shadows among a group of trees nearby.

  The smaller fae and his double walked carefully among the trees, searching all around and even up in case Tristan had climbed to get away. “Where are you, coward?” The small fae yelled, spinning in a circle trying to avoid being surprised. As he passed one of the pines, an arm covered in bark reached out punching the fae in face, knocking him out instantly. The copy of the fae saw what happened and quickly ran toward the tree preparing to stab. Tristan quickly released his hold and threw himself onto the ground as the copy dug his blade into the bark of the tree. Struggling to get it out, he looked at Tristan who thrusted his sword into the copy causing it to disintegrate.

  Tristan ran out of the trees just as Kaleb was approaching.

  “I was starting to worry about you, Trist.”

  “You should know better than that.” Tristan smirked, walking quickly with Kaleb to the girls who had already brought the horses around.

  “Let’s go before he finally makes his way up.” Alannah half yelled, motioning to the taller fae that had just manifested his wings and released his hold on the ledge. He hovered for a moment seeing that his companion had not returned and fled quickly to the nearby trees to find him.

  They quickly sheathed their swords and daggers once more and mounted up, heading back to the forests, leaving the attackers behind.

  ~ Chapter 8~

  "Sire, I do not like this one bit. I understand that you trust the Prince of Talom. But I feel I should be with them. Who knows what they are out doing!" Greer exclaimed, pacing the castle floors nervously.

  “Greer, I am not happy either that they are without our guards, but being with the Prince and his friend, I would imagine they are quite safe. As much as I would like to, I cannot continue to restrict them as much as I have thus far.”

  "She will be home soon Greer. I can feel it." The Queen assured him in a gentle voice. Her tone and words calmed the creature for all of one minute and then he began pacing again.

  “Kaleb, thank you for protecting us from those Rogue Faeries,” Alannah spoke quietly, her chin nestled in his neck and her lips next to his ear to ensure he could hear her above the winds.

  Chills ran up his spine at her closeness, “It was nothing, Alannah. He clearly had intent to harm, and was eyeing you,” He turned his head to the side to look at her, finding that she was a mere inches from his face. He marveled at her pleading green eyes and full lips. He watched the wind whip her hair behind her as the sun was setting and it all appeared to be going in slow motion. “I was not going to allow him to hurt you.” He said softly, fighting the urge to kiss her and wondering if she was doing the same.

  The Pegasus landed just in front of the castle walls, tucking their wings away as the faeries began to dismount. Greer came running out the castle doors as the four fae walked up the steps. He said nothing, but looked them over for any sign of injury as if he knew what had happened.

  “Greer, what are you doing” Evyette asked sweetly.

  “Well, I am simply making sure that you and your sister are alright.” He said, titling his head back as though it was a perfectly common thing to do. “You left without me this morning and se
nt nothing but a tiny dragon with a message, to inform us that you would be with the Prince and his friend.” He looked at Kaleb and Tristan and scowled slightly as they stifled a laugh at his over-protectiveness.

  “Well, as you can see we are just fine.” Alannah made sure to keep her tone neutral so as not to offend him, knowing that he is to be looking after her. She walked past him patting him on the head lightly, although knowing it would silently irritate him.

  The four fae walked past the guards at the door and directly to the gathering room where Alannah assumed her parents would be.

  “Mother, Father, I believe you know Kaleb and Tristan ?” Alannah said, indicating to the Prince and his friend with her hand.

  “Yes, we do.” King Cavalon stood and walked toward them, inclining his head in return to their bow. “We appreciate you taking our daughters with you today. I trust they weren’t any trouble?”

  The King’s gaze landed on Alannah winking at her.

  “No, your majesty. They were an absolute pleasure to be with. As a matter of fact, my father invited them for dinner tomorrow evening, when we were visiting this morning. I would like to ask your permission to escort them over tomorrow.” Kaleb stood firm, smiling kindly at the King and Queen.

  “Permission is granted, Kaleb.”

  “Thank you Papa” Evyette said, stepping forward to hug her father. “Would it be alright if we went for a stroll around the Kingdom before they went home?” She looked up at her father with imploring eyes.

  “Yes.” The King responded letting out a sigh and kissing his daughter on the head before releasing her, and watching them all walk out the room.

  Outside the castle, the entire village was gossiping of the Princess and her new companion.


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