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Mark of the Princess

Page 9

by B. C. Morin

  “Well, we know he can’t be in any nearby forest because of the banishment spells.” Cavalon said thoughtfully, running a hand over his beard.

  “Exactly.” Chimed in Alcander. “ So he has to be in the mountains or valleys.”

  “Right , but if he is there that tells us that he has a much bigger plan than what we have imagined thus far.” Cavalon turned quickly and began to walk. “Follow me.” He said to his guards and Alcander.

  They followed him to a library where the walls were lined with books, maps and scrolls. Large cushioned chairs and two oak tables adorned with jewels and carvings decorated the room. In the center was a large table obviously used for meeting or planning.

  The king eagerly walked over to the wall on the north end and began to pull out maps and read their locations and run his fingers along the edges of other maps until he found the one he was searching for. He pulled it completely off the shelf and walked over to the nearby oak table to lay it out. He unraveled the ribbon holding it closed and the map unrolled. The others walked over to the table awaiting to hear what Cavalon had to say.

  “Gentlemen, we are here.” Cavalon pointed to an area on the map pictured with trees and creeks and to it’s side a waterfall. “Alcander, your forest is here.” He pointed to the forested area on the other side of a waterfall.

  “Our banishment spells should reach to here.” The King pointed to the outer regions on the map.

  “The other forests are too far for Saros to fly to while carrying Alannah. So the only place to go…”

  “Is here.” Chimed in Alcander, picking up on Cavalon’s train of thought.

  “Exactly.” Cavalon jumped in. “But why? If he simply wanted to get a ransom he could have done so from the waterfall. Why would he go across the clearing all the way to the mountains or the ravines? Where ever he is.” Cavalon finished, pushing himself away from the table. “He is planning something.” King Cavalon said, pacing the room as he spoke.

  He stopped and looked intently at Alcander. “ It is time to alert the other Kingdoms.”

  Alcander nodded in agreement.

  The five kingdoms had not been alerted to a possible battle since the defeat of the Mallafays. As it stood, there were five kingdoms of Faeries within the surrounding forests. What unified those faeries within each kingdom were usually their powers. There were the faeries with many different powers all under the same area. That was where the forest of Meira was found. There were several small villages surrounding that were part of the kingdom as well. To the East lied the Kingdom of Talom ; faeries whose powers were more concentrated or related to the elements. Many dragons lived among those faeries as they had the same elemental abilities. To the southeast there was the Kingdom of Spiritus. They were known as the spirit faeries. The spirit faeries were an unusual race. They could take the form of spirits as easily as most other faeries could use magic. It was a level of concentration and magic that no other faerie was able to accomplish. As a matter of fact when a faerie was found born with this ability, they were sent to live with the Spirit faeries so that they could perfect their abilities. In the Kingdom of Anrad which was to the west of them lay the Warrior Faeries. Most faeries were calm by nature, but because there were dangers in the world, these faeries dedicated themselves to the art of battle. They wore body suites made of enchanted thread woven with fae metals. They all carried swords and mastered spells of combat. To the southwest was found the Kingdom of Magi known as the Magician Faeries. So named for the magic that they have developed, that is not shared with any other faerie or creature. As other faeries in Meira they may posses the ability to freeze, or use terrakinesis, or teleportation, but they have one ability over all. They possess the talent to conjure new potions and spells that afford them the ability to enter others’ minds. At times manipulate their thoughts or distract them.

  King Cavalon nodded his head in agreement a very serious look on his handsome face. “Yes, it’s time we alert them to this threat.”

  ~ Chapter 12~

  He opened his eyes slowly and began to look around at the somewhat unfamiliar surroundings. Tristan looked up for the moon but found dawn’s breaking light in the early morning sky. He turned to check on his friends, Kaleb was off sitting on a rock keeping watch, but the patch where Evyette had been sleeping was empty.

  Tristan jumped from his spot and began scanning the area. He saw no trace of her and so began to search for Evyette. He entered a clearing to find Evyette sitting by a pond’s edge.

  His footsteps were silent. By the time he was close enough for her to hear he was only a few feet away. Evyette stood to face him. Her tearstained face and eyes of sadness looked into his soul, he hurt for her. He walked over and grabbed her in an embrace, she tried to hold back the tears but could not. Evyette cried a bit more on his shoulder and pulled back to look at him face to face. Tristan wiped her tears and cradled her cheek in his hand.

  “We will find her. We will find her and she will be just fine.” He glanced at her lips and thought for a moment of kissing her but pushed the thought aside.

  Kaleb, who had already packed their things and readied the horses appeared at the entrance to the clearing. “We need to go. We have to take advantage of the daylight as long as we have it on our side.”

  The morning was long, filled with divided paths and eyes watching them from several forest creatures. Curious to the strangers, but never coming out to greet.

  Until now.

  Suddenly, they heard the hooves stomping on the ground.

  “What is that?” Kaleb asked, looking around him.

  Each looked at the other in hopes that one would respond with an answer.

  Tristan shook his head slowly, never taking his eyes off the surrounding trees.

  More leaves were rustling, more hooves pounded the ground, but they could see nothing.

  Evyette looked at the boys. “You don’t think those are wild horses or Pegasus do you ?”

  “No.” A simultaneous response came from Tristan and Kaleb.

  The pounding got closer, coming from the North, they thought, or is it the East? The sound grew louder and seemed to come at them from all sides. They quickly dismounted their frightened steeds and the boys gave them the sign to hide. They each reached to their waists and drew their swords in preparation to fight. Tristan grabbed Evyette and pulled her behind him, in an effort to protect her if they were attacked.

  The pounding on the ground in the small clearing ahead became so loud it was thunderous. A sound they knew had to be made by a large creature. All three turned to face in the direction of the thunderous noise. Kaleb and Tristan positioned themselves with their swords forward and Evyette behind them.

  There, in front of the faeries he stood. His enormous muscles glistening from the small rays of light that made it through the thick canopy of trees. His face seemed as though it was chiseled from stone, a jaw that was obviously not easily broken. Long black hair flowed from the top of his head, down his back. The muscles on the rest of his body were much like the ones on his upper body, seemingly indestructible. The lower half of his skin seemed darker than the rest, and the hooves were the largest the faeries had ever seen. In his hand was a bow with but one arrow, pointed at them.

  “Centaur. We do not wish to harm you.” Kaleb stood tall trying not to show fear.

  A deep laugh came from the centaur and slowly more of his kind appeared between the trees, surrounding the faeries.

  “Do not worry. You will not harm me.” The large centaur glared at Kaleb as he surveyed the situation. All of the Centaurs that had appeared held either a bow and arrow nocked and ready to strike or a steady sword.

  “What do you want Faerie?” The centaur asked in a deep voice that resonated off the trees.

  Kaleb put his sword down to show that he was not intending to begin conflict. “We are looking for a princess. Princess Alannah of the Forest of Meira. She was taken ….”

  “By Saros” The centaur interrupted.

/>   “You’ve seen them?” Kaleb asked in surprise taking a step forward.

  “We saw but a shadow fly through the clearing toward the mountains. That was but a night ago.”The centaur took a step back and bowed. “I am Alaricus.” He said straightening again. “You must be Prince Kaleb.”

  “How did you know that?” Kaleb asked, taking another step closer to Alaricus.

  “News travels fast in the forest, faerie.” Alaricus replied looking at his fellow centaurs and nodding for them to put away their weapons as well.

  “What is there to the South besides the mountains? Why would he take her there?” Tristan asked, having already lowered his weapon also.

  “You must not know the history of the land young faerie. The clearing you see between the forest and the mountains is where the battle of the Mallafays took place. The Mountains were home to them and their leader.”

  “The Mallafays?” Evyette questioned, poking her head between them, taking a better look at Alaricus.

  “The Mallafays were an evil race of faeries and creatures brought forth by Samil. He was the most evil faerie ever to have lived.” Alaricus responded.

  “I thought that was Maligo?” Evyette wondered out loud.

  “Maligo has done nothing in comparison to Samil. The stories say that Samil was born in the mountains to a captive faerie. She had been a prisoner of the trolls. One day she managed to escape, but they hunted her down and killed her before she was able to get very far. The trolls then took the child back with them and raised it.” Alaricus watched the group, surprised that they hadn’t heard of Samil.

  “But why? I thought trolls hated everyone?” Kaleb asked.

  “Ah, you are right prince. They do. And it was because of that hatred that they kept him. They intended to make the most corrupt faerie they could create. It is said that as he grew, they taught him the same hate that they carried for the fae people. It is also said, that there were many dark rituals performed on him as a baby. So that the evil they wanted in him would be deeply rooted. They used his magic for their own benefits. Building a castle where they would all live within the mountains and enchanting captured faeries and other creatures to follow them. Thus, the birth of the Mallafay. I am not sure what or who is there now, but it is not Samil. He was defeated long ago by your race. He and his army were wiped out. There was even a land beyond the mountains and the battle field where all the remains were taken. The entire area was enchanted. Many spells were put on the remains and the land to try and keep a resurrection from occurring.” Alaricus finished, surveying their faces as they took in all the information. The three friends stood in silence, taking in the severity of the information.

  ”Take heed faeries. The forest can be unforgiving when outside the walls of your kingdoms. Keep your wits about you.” Alaricus warned.

  The leaves rustled once again and the sound of hooves pounding the ground quickly resonated through the area. The faeries turned to look and found that the clearing behind them was empty and the other centaurs were gone.

  “Alaricu…” Kaleb’s voice dropped off when he saw that the giant centaur had disappeared so silently.

  * * *

  Maligo stood in his make-shift office preparing himself for his journey, a sack full of potions hanging from his waist.

  A stocky troll spoke stood at the doorway looking at the floor. “Master.”

  “Yes?” Maligo turned seemingly annoyed and distracted.

  “The meeting you have requested is at hand.” The troll recited, bowing his head and pointing his stubby arm in the direction of the meeting room.

  “Ah, Good.” The corners of Maligo’s mouth curled exposing an evil grin.

  He made his way out the door and down the hallway, entering a set of double wooden doors that were falling off of their hinges and riddled with age.

  In the middle of the room there was a long table, old but heavy and still sturdy.

  Across from him stood three of the Drow, evil elves known more in these parts for their deadliness as much as their counter light elves are known for their love of nature.

  The Drow were thin creatures with a blue-ish skin and large almond shaped eyes. They were not much smaller than Maligo but obviously steadier. Their hair was silver on one and black on the others, and fell straight down their shoulders and backs. They were dressed as if for battle, with their leather tunics draped across their bodies, tight against them so as not to inhibit them while fighting. Each had a belt around their waist from which hung potions, swords and any other weapon of choice.

  The one in the center stepped forward, the candle’s light highlighting his somewhat fluorescent eyes and pointy ears.

  “You have sent for us ?” His voice was dignified, and serious.

  Maligo reached to his waist and removed a small velvet bag. He tossed the bag on the table and causing some of the coins inside to spill out.

  “I have a job for you” Maligo said, looking them all over, a greedy smile spreading across his face.

  “That is a large payment.” The one that had stepped forward continued to speak, looking briefly at the bag of coins and then back to Maligo.

  “I need to be sure that the job is done.” Maligo said, stepping closer.

  “I need you to find the sister of the princess of Meira and whatever companions she might be traveling with as I am sure by now they are searching for the princess.”

  He looked at each Drow in turn and then back to the leader.

  “You are to kill them” Maligo said, staring him in the eyes, his voice solemn.

  The drow looked at each other and the leader spoke again.

  “It is rumored that she is looking for you and traveling with two others. The Prince of Talom and his friend.”

  Maligo was furious. Celina hadn’t followed his orders. She failed him. He will summon Saros and have him search for her. He showed none of these emotions to the Drow so as not to incite any questions.

  “Then the Prince will be your priority. You must be sure that they do not make their way here and find me.” Maligo’s voice reflected the anger that he had tried to hide.

  “And what of his friend and the princess’s sister?”

  “I do not care what you do with them so long as they never make it here.” Maligo said waving a hand and then turning to walk out of the room.

  * * *

  She sat in a corner of her cell, her body dirty, collecting the years of filth that had accumulated in the cell. There were no tears though, she was sure to hold those back. Constantly, she surveyed those that passed by her cell and those that stood guard, trying to come up with a plan for escape. She thought that with enough luck and a weapon she could take on the trolls, but she knew she could not count solely on that. Alannah prayed. Begging for her powers to manifest. But all she could think of were her mother’s words ; “Your powers will come when the time is right.”

  The night guard trudged over and slid a plate through the bars.

  “Your dinner.” His raspy voice and grotesque look didn’t help her lack of appetite.

  Alannah slowly raised her head. “There must be something I have that you want.”

  The troll who had already started walking away, stopped in his tracks. He turned his head and looked around to see if anyone else was around and listening. “What are you talking about?”

  Alannah knew he might be intrigued. She slowly got up from the corner she was sitting in.

  “You know who I am. I can give you riches, get you out of here.” Alannah said looking up and down the corridor he stood in.

  “That, my dear is not as easy as you think.” He said, taking a step closer, his dark eyes sweeping over her.

  Alannah turned her back again. “Well, I guess you have some work to do then.”

  The troll grunted and began to walk away.

  “Troll!” The voice came from down the corridor. “What were you talking to the prisoner about?”

  The voice got closer and a shadow began to appea
r. He was a younger faerie than Maligo and the trolls seemed to know that they had to obey him as well.

  “Well? What were you talking about?” The fae demanded, crossing his arms impassively over his chest.

  The troll nudged his head toward the princess. “Whining about the food.” He huffed at the end of his sentence showing his annoyance with the prisoner.

  “Very well then. See that she does not use her powers of persuasion on you…. Or your fate will be worse than hers.” He finished, smirking slightly, clearly enjoying his power over these creatures.

  The younger fae reached the front of Alannah’s cell. Although she was curious as to who he was she did not turn around.

  “Oh come on princess. Don’t be rude.” His face inching closer to the cell bars, “Are you not going to turn and see who has come to see you?”

  She rolled her eyes as she listened to his sardonic tone, as if it would be some sort of honor or pleasure to meet him.

  “I am talking to you Princess.” His tone became louder and deeper. “DO NOT IGNORE ME!!” His frustration calling on anger.


  A broken piece of stone that had been on the floor lifted and flew at her. But the princess, who had observed magic before knew the spell and quickly moved allowing the stone to hit the wall.

  “What?” She yelled, finally turning to look at her other captor. Her anger turned to confusion.

  “I know you. Don’t I?” She began, slowly walking closer to the cell bars.


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