Mark of the Princess

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Mark of the Princess Page 12

by B. C. Morin

  She was amazed at the agility and speed with which he fought. It seemed as if he didn’t tire. With that, he ran his blade through the other troll. He pulled out the blade, cleaning it on the guard’s clothes before returning his attention to the entrance to the hallway.

  “All clear Princess”. She rounded the corner and began walking swiftly to him when suddenly an arrow protruded through her right shoulder. The jolt of pain knocking her onto her knees. Brennus ran to her and pulled a dagger from his belt, hurtling it across the hall into the chest of the troll that stood with the bow and arrow. Alannah watched in horror as the troll fell over on the spot, a dark puddle of blood seeping out from under him.

  She looked up and saw Brennus as he leaned down to help her up. “It’s not too bad, but I will have to wait until we are on the other side of the door to take it out.”

  “Take it out?!” She exclaimed. She realized the minute she spoke that she must have sounded ridiculous. Of course it would have to come out some time. But now?

  He put her down in front of the door and tried to open it but found that it was locked.

  He took a step back and she saw that he was going to kick open the door. “No!” She threw up her uninjured hand against his chest. “Then they will know which way we went.” She stepped in front of him. Expediere!” She yelled. Two heavy clanks echoed in the corridor as the locks hidden within the door came undone and the door eased open.

  “For the record, I’m sure the three dead trolls in the hallway will probably let them know which way we went.” A proud smile crept across his face, as he eased the door shut.

  She realized he was right though, and watched curiously as he stepped around and then behind her. “Alright, this will hurt. I will not pull it out now because it will begin to bleed a lot, I will simply snap off the back so that we can get through that cave.” Brennus explained, putting one hand on the back end of the arrow and the other hand on the front.

  Alannah shook her head giving him permission. She took a deep breath and then ‘SNAP’. The pain radiated from the wound throughout her entire body. She had never felt anything like that.

  “We have no time to waste. Lets go.” Brennus said as he jumped into the water. Alannah plummeted herself into the cold water immediately feeling the weight of her dress as it soaked itself.

  “I will see if I can find the cave entrance.” Alannah said, holding her breath and ducking into the water before Brennus could stop her. The throbbing pain of the wound pounded at her shoulder but she tried to push it to the back of her mind. She could barely move that arm and was forced to maneuver with one arm and her legs.

  She reached the surface and gasped for air. It took more energy than she thought to maneuver with one hand and pull on the weighted dress.

  “I found it. It is just below my feet here. But I cannot swim well with my arm like this.” Alannah said motioning to her arm with her chin.

  “I thought as much. Get behind me and grab hold. I will take us both.” Brennus said, moving closer to her. Alannah lunged herself forward to get behind him. She wrapped her arm around his chest holding on to his shirt and brought her other arm around to his waist as far as she could without hitting the arrowhead on his back. He swam over to where she indicated the entrance was and ducked his head into the water for a moment to see if he could see the cave entrance.

  “Ready? Take your breath” He said, both of them looking around making sure that there were no trolls around and seeing nothing but some of the castle walls and several trees. For a brief moment she saw what this castle might have been at one time, the tall castle walls surrounded by beautiful trees and lush vines growing along the walls.

  They breathed deeply and he plunged them under. It was a bit difficult at first for Brennus to take them both as low as they needed to go, but Alannah tried to help using her uninjured arm. The cave entrance was not large but it was just enough to fit the two of them. He swam through the cave as quickly as he could but found that the cave truly was as long as the troll had told them. It’s a death trap he thought to himself. He turned so that he was facing the roof of the cave and using his hands and feet on the stones, guided himself and Alannah through this cave that seemed to go on forever. His chest began to tighten and he could feel Alannah’s grip loosening. She must be running out of air as well, he pushed as hard as he could along the stones of the cave, until he saw a bit of moonlight shining through the water along the end of the cave. He grabbed a hold of the stones around the exit and gave them a push that thrust them to the surface of the lake.

  Their lungs burned as they gasped for air that they could not take in fast enough. The air was cold and stung them, but it didn’t matter as long as they were able to breathe. He put his arm around Alannah and pulled her to the edge. There, both of them on their knees dripping wet on the bank they realized that they were free, although not free enough.

  “We need to get as far as we can,” He gasped, pulling his chin up as he got to one knee and flung his hair back, “Can you handle that a bit longer?” He tilted his head up indicating to the arrow in her shoulder.

  She shook her head in agreement, still breathing heavily and not meeting his eyes.

  He put his hand on her cheek close to her jaw and pulled her face up to meet his.

  “Princess, are you alright?” She could hear the concern in his voice.

  She was shivering. She was cold and in pain. She was running from who knows how many trolls into a mountainside that could eat them alive. She missed her family and her new friends. She thought of Evy and of Kaleb. Kaleb. Could Kaleb still be alive and be searching for her? Why was she even taken in the first place? No, she was not alright.

  “Yes, I’m fine. Just a bit out of breath, and cold.” There was no time to not be alright, they had to move on.

  ~ Chapter 16~

  Kaleb was on his side with his head resting on a small log, trying to fall asleep but the constant movement of positions told Evy that his sleep was not coming easily.

  She sat with her knees pulled to her chest. She glanced over at Tristan, caught his gaze and looked away. She slowly looked back at him and this time he was looking at the fire. She shivered as a chill ran up her spine.

  “Are you well?” Tristan asked softly.

  She was relieved that it was his voice that broke the silence.

  “Yes, just a bit cold.” She answered, meeting his gaze for only a moment, and feeling herself blush.

  Tristan stood and she watched him as he walked over and sat down next to her.

  He put his arm around her and pulled her close. She felt the muscles of his arm on her back and arm. Her head resting on his shoulder and his chest, listening to his heart beating. It was going as fast as hers.

  “Better?” He asked in a low voice.

  “Yes, thank you.” She said quietly, staring into the fire knowing her cheeks were flushed and hoping that the light of the fire would conceal them.

  “We’ll find her you know. She will be alright. He wouldn’t hurt her, at least not much.” She pulled her head back and looked at him with a questionable and somewhat disgusted look. “No, I mean that he probably wants to just use her as a bargain. He knows that the wrath of the five kingdoms would fall upon him if he hurt her badly.” Tristan explained nervously.

  “I suppose so.” Evyette said, still unsure if he could be right. She laid her head back on his chest, as he released a breath he didn’t realize he was holding.

  “Have you ever been to the mountains? I mean besides to see the dragons?” She asked, hoping he would say yes and ease some of her anxiety.

  “No Evy. I haven’t.” Tristan answered, pulling a lock of hair away from her face.

  “What do you think his plan is?” Kaleb asked, as he turned to face them.

  Startled, Evyette jerked her head upright and away from Tristan.

  “I don’t know. But it is very strange that it is not a ransom. It can’t be, otherwise a letter or message would have been lef
t just as she was taken or shortly after.” Tristan responded, disappointed that Evyette had moved.

  Evyette sat quietly as the boys discussed possible situations of what Maligo could be planning and possible situations they could encounter in the mountains.

  For a moment she wished that she had the connection with Alannah that Alannah’s mother did. She wanted to know that her sister was alright. That she was alive and to let her know that they were coming for her.

  The conversation had long since ended and Kaleb and Tristan were sleeping. Evyette sat looking at the fire and listening to the forest around her. All the sounds seemed amplified tonight. She rehearsed spells in her mind to keep her occupied. Preparing for what they may encounter.

  For a moment she thought she had heard footsteps, but when she reached over to rouse Tristan the noise had stopped. Forest creatures she thought.

  Although she knew that Kaleb and Tristan had laden the area with glamour and that they couldn’t be seen to anyone else, she was unusually nervous. We probably should have put some protective spells around the camp she continued thinking as she looked around.

  She looked at Tristan, even asleep she knew it would make her feel better just to look at him, but he was facing in the other direction. His dark golden hair sprawled onto the old log he used in place of a pillow.

  Suddenly she felt something tighten around her neck. She reached around her but couldn’t grasp anything. It was as if something was choking her. She reached for Tristan but was too far, the tips of her fingers grazing his hair as she gasped for air that she couldn’t take in. The force that was strangling her pulled her down, she tried to stand but couldn’t. It was as if there was something pushing her onto the ground. Her eyes began to water as she realized that there was nothing she could do. She couldn’t even recite a spell. She tried to think of the words to a spell, any spell, but they were pushed away by panic. She had stopped kicking and writhing as her energy drained from her body along with her life. As her body began to go limp she saw a flash of light, and the force pulling her down and choking her released it’s hold. A dark shadow stood a mere couple of feet from her. Her invisible attacker was not so invisible anymore.

  “Incendium!” the bolt of fire shot out of Tristan’s hand, past her and at her attacker propelling him into the dark forest.

  Tristan ran over to her as Evyette laid sprawled on the floor barely breathing. Evy tried to catch her breath but the pain on her throat was unbearable. Almost as unbearable as her lungs screaming for air that for some reason they still weren’t taking in.

  “Evy.” She heard Tristan but it was as if his voice was a thousand miles away.

  “Evy! Breathe, Evy Breathe!!” Suddenly as if her body decided that it had had enough she gasped, and then again. She reached instinctively for her throat but remembered that nothing was there anymore, save for the medallion that hung around her neck falling just beneath her collarbone, and now the trickles of blood coming down from where she had been choked.

  “What… What was that? She asked, stunned and panicking looking in the direction Tristan had shot the fire at.

  Tristan sat her up and held her against him. “Evy, it looked like a Night Spirit. I’m not sure if I killed him, but I know he is gone.” Suddenly she grabbed onto him as if she were falling and needed to hold on to something. As if he were her only hope of living. He held her back just as tightly. He ran his fingers through her honey hair, as he felt her tears wet his shirt.

  “It’s ok Evy. You’re alright now. I won’t let anything happen to you.” He whispered reassuringly.

  Kaleb walked the perimeter of the camp with his sword at the ready. Using his powers he searched as far as he could but with it being so dark it was difficult even for him. He came over and knelt down in front of Tristan and Evyette. “Evy. Let me look at your neck. Some of these Night Spirits can do some very serious damage. I know a number of healing spells if you need.”

  She reluctantly let go of Tristan and pulled her head back for the boys to see. Judging from their reaction she knew that some damage had been done. There was a deep fine line across her neck that was bleeding. It was as if someone had cut her with a thin blade.

  Her skin was still pale but regaining some color, her eyes were sunken and bloodshot it was then that Kaleb and Tristan realized that she had been on the brink of death when Tristan attacked the Night Spirit.

  Night Spirits were malevolent spirits. They could temporarily make themselves invisible, and can also wound a person or animal as they so desired. Often times they were the spirits that come to claim your soul before the angel of death can. They were not common or welcome in the forests but it was hard to banish them all since they were so difficult to find.

  Kaleb began to examine the wound to make sure that it wasn’t deeper than it looked and then began to recite some healing spells. He pulled a vial from his belt “Drink this. Used in conjunction with a well placed spell, the potion can promote quick healing.” He explained, handing her the vial.

  As she put it to her lips she instantly smelled the lavender oil, rosemary and other plant derivatives. The taste stung her sore throat but began to work right away, she handed the vial back to Kaleb and mouthed ‘Thank You’, she wanted to speak but the words just wouldn’t come out. She didn’t know if it was the exhaustion of fighting the creature, the damage it did to her or just that she wanted to retreat inside herself for a bit.

  Kaleb smiled at her and put his hand on her shoulder reassuringly before going back to where he had been sleeping.

  She looked at Tristan who had just gotten up and walked over sitting down against a large tree. Without saying a word he held out his hand. She felt like he had read her mind. She slowly stood and made her way to him. She collapsed onto him, her head resting against his chest. She wasn’t thinking of what to do next, she wasn’t thinking of what else might happen to her, about the sadness and anger and frustration and confusion that she had been carrying around for days… She was just there with him… and her eyes closed.

  Morning came sooner than they thought, the sun shined right through the trees onto their campsite waking them all. Evy reached a hand to her throat and realized that her cut had become a thin scar.

  “Soon the scar will be barely visible. The healing potion and spell that Kaleb used is powerful and since he applied it right after it happened, it should heal immaculately.” Tristan said, looking down at her, breaking the early morning silence.

  “I can barely remember what happened.” Evyette said softly, sitting up and stretching.

  “Trust us, you do not want to re-live it.” Kaleb’s voice came from behind her. He had already doused the fire, and put on all his weapons. He walked around her and reached out a hand to help her up.

  She smiled a warm and thankful smile. As soon as she was up on her feet, she flung her arms around him and hugged him. It was so unexpected that he took a moment to hug her back. She pulled away and looked at him with the most sincere eyes.

  “Thank you for healing me.” She said sweetly, her eyes as large as a doe.

  “Anytime.” He replied with a smile and shook his head.

  She turned to face Tristan but found she was looking directly at his chest since he had already stood up. She looked for a moment at the marks that came out from under his slightly unbuttoned shirt that was stained faintly with her blood.

  “I don’t remember much from last night,” she started, “but, I know that you saved me. You got that thing off of me and you didn’t let me go…” As she spoke Tristan slipped his hands onto either side of her face along her jaw line, tilting her face up to meet his. Her honey eyes were not bloodshot anymore. The dark circles around them were gone and she wasn’t anywhere near as pale as she was last night. “I just want to than-”

  Suddenly his lips brushed softly against hers. Her hands that had been at her sides, found their way to his hips. His lips were soft and tasted of nectar. He pulled her closer and slipped one of his hands onto
the back of her head tangling his fingers in her hair. Evyette wrapped her arms around him, feeling the cords of muscles along his back.

  He pulled back slowly and smiled at her, his hands on either side of her face, his thumbs caressing her cheeks. “You don’t have to thank me Evy.”

  Evy. No man had ever called her that. She never gave them permission to. But when Tristan said it, she wanted him to say it again. Evyette stood too stunned to speak but was smiling wide, a smile that reached up to her eyes.

  * * *

  Alannah’s shoulder was hurting, but not nearly as much as it was the night before, it was as if she could almost feel it healing itself.

  She thought back to all the running and climbing that they had done the night before.

  How Brennus saw her exhaustion and agreed to stop for the night, also reminding her that he had to take the rest of the arrow out of her shoulder before it began to infect. She didn’t want to seem weak in front of a warrior faerie and agreed in an instant. He sat Alannah down on a tree stump and kneeled in front of her. Grabbing her shoulder with one hand and the arrowhead with the other he looked at her frightened eyes.

  “Shall I count?”

  Alannah only nodded, preparing herself for the inevitable pain to come.

  “One” He said firmly, pulling the arrow out swiftly. Blood spitting out of the wound and dripping down her already wet body.

  She had covered her mouth to avoid screaming and giving away their location but she released after a moment.

  “What was that? You did not count down!” She whispered harshly to him.


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