Mark of the Princess

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Mark of the Princess Page 14

by B. C. Morin

  He must have been working with whatever this is. He began searching through the pages and found a marker of sorts holding a place. He pulled the marker and turned to it’s page.

  On the pages in front of him he saw a symbol, that was almost circular in shape and had unique markings in its center.

  Below he saw a caption :

  The mark of the Omnis Validus. Appearing only once every millennium, this mark will identify the bearer as one who can exponentially multiply his or her birth/inherited powers.

  Velius stared at the page. Who could have this? He thought to himself, it couldn’t have been the warrior faerie that they had imprisoned or he wouldn’t have bothered with the mind spells to try to persuade him to lead the army, He continued to think pacing the floor in front of the book and looking at it repeatedly. The girl! He must know that she has the mark. After all, he worked closely with her family before and at the time of her birth. He could easily have seen it. He stopped pacing, anger and jealousy welling up inside him. “Why was he hiding this from me?” Velius said out loud, he didn’t want me to know. He didn’t want me to be as powerful as him. With the right spell, he can kill her and take her power! We’ll see who will have the power. He thought to himself. He stalked out of the chambers and walked quickly down the corridor.

  “You.” He pointed at a guard troll that was standing by a hallway.

  “Yes?” The troll responded bowing his head slightly.

  “Gather all your people. I have an announcement.” Velius said with a smug look on his face.

  Hours later, Velius walked out into the courtyard examining his audience. They were hideous to look at, but at least they were subservient. His head was held high and his shoulders back, his new found confidence gleaming in his eyes.

  “You should all know that Maligo is not coming back.” He paused as the crowd began to mumble among themselves. “You will all be answering to me now.” The roar of the crowd was slight and he couldn’t tell if they were relieved or disappointed, but he didn’t care. “Furthermore, I require your four most skilled and most trained guards to go on a quest with me.”

  Four trolls that had been scattered within the group slowly walked to the front. They were clearly in better shape than many of the others and were armed.

  They each took a knee in front of Velius.

  “Sire.” They said in unison.

  Velius smiled at his accomplishment. “The rest of you may go back to your posts.” He said addressing the crowd once more.

  He stepped to the side with the four guards. “Eat well, and sleep well and be sure to rise early. I will be gathering some weapons and potions. Meet me by the back gate at dawn, we’ll be hunting for the girl.”

  Velius quickly went back to Maligo’s chambers and opened his spell book. He skimmed through the pages searching for a spell to summon a demon that he could send to make sure that Maligo did not return. Being inexperienced and in a hurry, he swiftly thumbed through the pages and briefly read how to summon a demon. He grabbed a white chalk-like stone that he found on the desk and drew a pentacle on the floor. Velius stood back and looked at his work. It was crooked. I’m sure it will do.

  Reaching over and grabbing the book he began reciting a chant that he came across on a page depicting a risen demon. Before long, it seemed as if the floor was moving and coming alive. Out of the dark stones and the crooked white lines began to rise a dark mass. It didn’t have an exact shape but it’s eyes were definite, it’s eyes were set on Velius.

  “Who summons me?” It’s voice was loud and at the same it sounded as if there were a multitude of them speaking.

  His heart sank down to his stomach. He couldn’t believe that he had done it, he pulled his shoulders back and stood tall before responding. “It was I, Demon. Velius, apprentice to the sorcerer Maligo.” His head inclined toward the demon.

  “An apprentice?” The demon gave a haughty laugh. “You have no right to summon me.”

  “Ah but I do. My master is gone and I am now the lead sorcerer here.” Velius responded, a slight tremor in his voice. The demon looked at him, or looked into him, he couldn’t tell. It was a feeling he had never had before. “Demon, I have work for you. If you succeed, and I succeed in my own task, I will have enough power to bring you and so many more back to my realm to roam free in these lands.”

  “I may be willing to strike a bargain with you Sorcerer.” The Demon said, leaning forward to listen more intently.

  Velius gave his instructions and sent the demon on its way. The spell had taken more of his energy than he had expected. The room became cold and suddenly he found himself on the cold hard stone floor. He couldn’t move. He could barely breathe. What have I done? He thought for a moment before passing out.

  * * *

  Although she never thought that there could be this much greenery among the mountains Alannah was certainly grateful, as it didn’t make the walking and climbing too bad. She passed a rose bush and thought of the roses right outside her bedroom window. She stopped to look at one of the roses for a moment, let out a sigh and kept walking.

  Brennus had led the way all morning occasionally glancing back to check on her, or stopping to help her get by a slippery slope, or small ledge. He wasn’t the type of faerie she was used to. Most of the faeries she knew were outgoing and playful. At the very least they would start a conversation when too much time past in silence. But not him. His demeanor was arrogant and cold. He rarely spoke to her unless he had to. He wasn’t mean, but he wasn’t overly friendly.

  To keep herself busy, she had been trying to remember all the spells she had ever heard and what they would mean. She didn’t want to try any for fear of embarrassment in front of Brennus if they were to turn out wrong.

  “So Brennus,” Alannah said finally breaking the silence that had persisted all morning. He glanced over his shoulder to look at her, and raised and eyebrow. “Tell me about this journey you were going on.”

  “Well, we recently came across some information that may indicate that Samil, the most evil faerie that has ever existed, may have had a family. I was off to investigate whether or not this was true.” He said as he continued walking forward.

  “So your family and your people probably do not even know about your abduction?” Alannah asked alarmed.

  “Probably not.” His muscular shoulders shrugged. “It would not matter if they did, they would not worry due to all my training and power.” He said very ‘matter of factly.’

  “Well, not to abate your training or skill, but if I knew I …” She stopped mid sentence to concentrate on climbing onto a small ledge. Brennus who had already climbed it without a problem, stretched out his hands to help her up. She grabbed them, steadied her foot on a rock and gave a bit of a jump. She realized instantly that it was more Brennus’s force that pulled her up than her own jump. She landed standing merely inches from his face with him holding her arms to steady her. “Would worry.” She finished her earlier train of thought but without taking her eyes off of his.

  He curled his lip and tilted his head slightly. “I appreciate that my lady.” He slowly let go of her arms as he took a few steps back and turned.

  Alannah didn’t understand why but her heart was beating hard against her chest. She felt her breathing as it was harder and faster and was now slowing as he got further away.

  She shook it off and began looking around.

  “So, um, how much longer do you think we will have to go before we can reach the forest?”

  Brennus had been examining the paths and terrain that laid ahead of them.

  “Maybe one or two more nights. Depends on how far we get today and tomorrow.”

  Alannah shook her head in agreement. She closed her eyes for a moment realizing that she was becoming horribly thirsty, she had been so determined in her walking and her climbing that it didn’t occur to her that she hadn’t drank or eaten anything since they woke that morning. She listened for running water and heard nothing but the
ir feet on the ground and the birds in the air.

  “Are you alright?” Brennus was suddenly right in front of her as she opened her eyes again.

  “Oh, sorry. Getting a bit thirsty and a bit hungry.” She responded trying not to sound whiny.

  “Yes, me too. I suppose the food could wait until later, but we will need some water or nectar soon.” Brennus said, looking around for any possible sources of food or drink.

  She thought of the rose bush that she had seen earlier. But it was so far back that it would not be worth turning around for. She closed her eyes again, all she could concentrate on was the horrible pain in her stomach and chest and the dryness in her throat.

  “Well, we will keep walking and hopefully we will come across some nectar bearing flowers, or water, or even some berries.” Alannah looked forward trying to hide her discomfort.

  “Are you sure you can make it? You look very tired.” He asked with obvious concern in his voice.

  “I am, but I am made happier by the distance between us and that wretched castle.” She took the lead and began walking ahead of him.

  The sun setting behind the mountains would have been a beautiful sight to sit and watch at any other time. Today though, they would give their backs to it and keep walking.

  Alannah had been walking and climbing so fiercely and with such determination that she hadn’t even remembered what she might have seen around her in the past hour.

  Perhaps if I concentrate on gaining distance, I can ignore the thirst and hunger. She kept thinking to herself.

  Suddenly her arms and legs became very heavy, her head was light and everything seemed to spin around her. She tried stepping forward and stumbled sideways and then to the ground, cutting her arm on a sharp rock formation next to her.

  “Alannah!” Brennus exclaimed, running to her side. He knelt next to her and put his hands on her arms to help her steady herself as she sat.

  “I’m sorry.” She said, trying to steady herself as she sat down.

  Brennus almost chuckled. “Sorry? For what? For being thirsty and hungry? It is not your fault that there has not been a thing around all day to eat or drink.” He slid one arm beneath her bent knees and the other around her back and onto her side.

  “Come, I can see a cave entrance from here about thirty feet ahead. Perhaps I can leave you there to rest while I hunt, and try to find some water or at least something to hold water.”

  She said nothing but moaned a bit and leaned onto his chest as she swung her arms around him to hold on.

  He walked over to the cave entrance which proved to be less of a cave than they thought as it was only about eleven feet deep or so. However as shelter for the night it would more than suffice. Brennus laid her down near the entrance to the cave.

  He brushed her hair off of her face after laying her down on the ground, and looked at her. “I will be right back. I can conjure water with a spell but it’s no good if I have nothing to put the water in. I will try to find something to hold water if I cannot find a water source. I will also see if I can find some food.” She looked up at him, and he could see her eyes sunken in. She was worn but not just from the hunger or thirst. Something else was going on, and it bothered him that he didn’t know what it was.

  She watched as he stood and walked out the cave. She rolled onto her back and stared at the ceiling above her. The thoughts poured in like a tidal wave. The thirst ate at her so much so that it hurt. It was almost like it was driving her to something but she couldn’t understand what.

  Moments later, Brennus returned with a dead hare and a handful of berries.

  “I’m sorry Alannah. I couldn’t find any water or even anything that could hold any. I thought I would at least bring you some food.” He said extending his hands out to show her what he had brought.

  She walked to the front of the cave and looked at the food. She thought she would be famished but again the thirst drove it away. Tears welled in her eyes from the frustration and she felt the anger boiling inside of her like lava in volcano. She wanted to scream but knew she couldn’t because that would give away their position in the mountains. She gritted her teeth and held her fists at her side as she stifled a scream and fell to her knees.

  Just as Brennus saw her and began to drop the wood for the fire to go attend her he looked up and saw dark rain clouds roll in. He looked around the sky and saw no other clouds in site other than the ones that seemed to be right above them. By the time that he reached her it had begun to rain on them. Alannah who was by this time on all fours saw the rain hitting the ground in front of her, and began to crawl toward it.

  She felt Brennus’s arm around her as he helped her out and stood her in the rain. She tilted her head back and opened her mouth. Instantly the thirst was quenched and she was feeling better. It was as if the rain was washing away all the emotions she had bottled inside. The rain fell hard and fast and just as easily as it came, it was gone again.

  Alannah stood at the cave mouth soaking wet, and smiling. She looked at Brennus who had only stepped a couple of feet away from her when he realized that she was now able to hold herself up.

  “Alannah, I think you did that.” Brennus said watching the clouds disappear, a look of awe on his face.

  “Did what?” Alannah looked around in obvious confusion.

  “That!” he emphasized as he pointed to the sky. “This!” motioning all around them at the puddles of water and their wet clothes.

  “Alannah , there were no other clouds in the skies. There haven’t been clouds all day. You let out a cry or scream and in they came! It was as if they appeared out of nowhere.” He said still glancing at the sky.

  Alannah was beside herself. “But that’s not possible. I didn’t control that. I , I..” She dropped off turning to look at the sky, and all the water around them.

  “You did that.” He professed, now sure it was her. What were you feeling or saying inside?”

  “I, I don’t know. I was frustrated and angry and I felt like I was going to boil over. I wanted water. That was all. I felt like there was something inside of me that I just can’t explain. Like a sea of emotions and pain and, I don’t know, I just, wanted to let it out.” Alannah looked around. She tried looking inside herself for those emotions or any trace of them but they were gone. She was satisfied.

  “Looks like someone’s powers are coming in.” He said with a sly grin, as he turned to walk back toward the trees.

  “Wait, where are you going?”

  “Well, thanks to the rain, I no longer have any dry wood for the fire so I have to find some.” He said motioning to the wet wood that was to be for the fire.

  “Oh.” she smiled.

  ~ Chapter 18~

  Tristan, Kaleb and Evyette had remained mostly quiet since the incident with the shape shifter, climbing and walking with great determination. It was frustrating having wings and not being able to use them, either because there were too many trees around or because flying above the trees would put them at risk of being seen. Most of the day had already passed and they hadn’t encountered anymore creatures. They had heard rustling in the trees around them a few times, but figured it could also be animals. They had stopped once to speak to their parents through a small mirror that they carried. It was a spell that Tristan had practiced a few times with Kaleb at their home. It was quite a power draining spell but it was more effective than sending messages any other way.

  They were told about the five Nations and how they were on alert. All are eagerly waiting for the result of this search and any other information that they could get for them. They were told that the Kingdom of the Magi were scouring all the minds they could contact searching for dark activity. It was then that they realized that even if they found Alannah and were able to rescue her, it would not be the end of whatever was going on.

  Evyette looked at the sky in wonder, “Tristan, did you see that?”

  Tristan who had been tending to his weapons and potions had not even been
looking in the same direction. “See what?”

  “I’m not sure exactly. These clouds appeared in the distance there,” Evyette pointed to an area a bit distant, “as if out of no where and then disappeared.”

  Tristan looked around to the area that Evyette had pointed out and saw nothing.

  “Hm. Maybe it was your imagination or someone doing some magic over there. We are getting deeper into the mountains and there are other fae out here.” Tristan said, turning his attention back to his weapons.

  Evyette stood for a moment as Tristan began putting his weapons away again and walked over to sit by Kaleb. “Are you alright?”

  “Huh? Oh, um yes. I’m fine.” Kaleb responded, grabbing a stick and poking at the wood in their small fire. “Just thinking of Alannah. Wondering what she is going through, and if she thinks or knows that we are coming for her.” He finished solemnly.

  Evyette put her arm around him. “She is tougher than she looks. She will be fine. And I’m pretty sure she has an idea that we are coming. She knows better than to think that I would wait around for news of her.” She laughed to herself.

  Kaleb nodded. She wanted to say more to comfort him but saw that he would rather be alone in thought.

  She looked across the flames at Tristan, the fire lending a golden glow to his blue eyes. The glow of the fire making his face seem a bit softer, not as angled and firm as usual. She watched as the flame’s shadows danced on him and highlighted his Marks. She stood and walked over to him, never taking her eyes off of him.

  “Are you ok?” Tristan asked tilting his head to look into her eyes. Evyette smiled, she knew that he could see that although she tried her best to comfort Kaleb she was still worried.


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