Mark of the Princess

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Mark of the Princess Page 18

by B. C. Morin

  There was a lot of mumbling between them and most of them curtseyed as she and Kaleb walked by.

  She leaned over to Kaleb. “News travels fast, huh?”

  “I guess so.” He responded lowly, putting his arm around her

  Suddenly another cloaked faerie appeared before them, this one with a hood, bowing at them.

  “I am Magister apprentice Elias. I have been sent to escort you to the infirmary.” Elias who noticed that Tristan was limping badly motioned for two of the guards to assist him in walking.

  “The Magisters have begun work on your sister your highness but I have no news as of yet on her condition.” He spoke over his shoulder to Alannah who was a few steps behind him.

  “Thank you Elias, your help is much appreciated. And Brennus? What of his condition?” she asked, taking a step forward, causing Kaleb to retract his arm.

  “Brennus is just fine.” The voice came from behind two guards that were obviously trying to stop him. The guards turned to face Elias. “Sir, we tried to stop him, but he would not stay.”

  Elias waved his hand indicating for them to stop and that it was alright.

  “Brennus, you are almost completely healed!” Alannah walked over to him examining him.

  “Surprised?” He questioned sarcastically, his lip curled, raising an eyebrow at her.

  She cocked her head to the side and raised an eyebrow to him in return. “Not really I suppose.” She smiled at him as they all turned to follow Elias.

  When they entered through the large wooden doors Elias took Tristan and the guards to one of the healing rooms. Alannah stayed behind with Kaleb and Brennus. As Brennus explained the layout of the infirmary and pointed to the corridor where they had him take Evyette, Magister Torin turned the corner.

  He looked serious. Alannah examined him as he walked closer. He was an older faerie from what she saw of his face. Unlike the other magi’s she saw his robe was closed along the front. His hands peered out from under his sleeves showing his age and the wear of potion-making.

  He partially bowed when he approached them. “Your highnesses.”

  Alannah and Kaleb inclined their heads toward the Magister.

  “Princess Alannah I presume?” His hood still hiding his face, they could only see his lips moving.

  “Yes Magister. You can just call me Alannah.”

  She could see a slight smile from beneath the hood.

  “Alannah. I was told by Brennus that the girl I am treating is your adopted sister?”

  “Yes sir.”

  “I need to speak to you about her condition. Do you feel that it is alright to speak in front of Kaleb and Brennus?”

  “Yes sir. I trust them with my life and I know Evyette does as well. We are only missing-“

  As if on cue, Tristan appeared walking with a slight limp down the hallway where they all stood,

  “We were only missing Tristan but it appears your healers are quite skilled.”

  “Indeed” Magister Torin agreed seriously.

  “Follow me then. There is no need to keep you all standing after all you have been through.”

  Torin turned and began to walk in the direction that Tristan had been coming from. He stopped short of large white wall and waved his hand. The wall seemed to dissolve in its own place giving way to a door. “Recludere” he said lowly as he waved his hand. Suddenly locks from the other side of the door unhinged and the door swung open. “I thought we would be better off in this room. It is made so that no one here can see us or hear us.”

  Alannah’s heart dropped. What could he possibly have to say that would require for them all to be in such a private room. The room was much more inviting than the rest of the infirmary. There was a warm color on the walls and the seats all had pillows adorned with silks. There were five throne like chairs along each wall. Each was tilted slightly to face the front of the room where there sat another throne chair.

  “Please, take a seat.” Torin walked directly to the front of the room and sat down in the main throne. Alannah followed and sat in the first chair to the right while Brennus sat in the chair to the left. Tristan limped over to sit behind Brennus and Kaleb sat behind Alannah, but not before giving her shoulder a re-assuring squeeze to let her know he was behind her.

  Elias stood toward the back of the room by the door.

  The Magister stood and pulled his hood back enough so that his face could be seen.

  He was an older gentleman. His grey hair could be seen beneath his hood now. His eyes were light green, and there were lines around them. His face was thin as were his lips but they were not sinister. He reminded Alannah of her grandfather.

  “Princess Allan-“ Alannah smirked at the magister, raising an eyebrow.

  “Alannah. How long has Evyette been a part of your family?”

  Alannah didn’t know what kind of questions she was going to be asked but she didn’t think that this would be one of them.

  “According to my parents, she was left at our home when she was but a couple of weeks old.”

  The Magister leaned forward and put his elbows on his legs and his hands on his face. He rubbed his face for a moment and sat back up.

  “Do you know who her parents are?”

  “No, we do not even know who left her in our forest. Magister, what do all these questions have to do with healing her?”

  “Nothing. At least not for the wound she acquired during battle. However in connecting with her spirit while trying to heal her I found something that was buried deep within her soul.” He stood and began to pace in front of his chair. “I have not seen a mark like this in a long time. It is a mark that comes from very dark magic.”

  Tristan and Kaleb looked at each other.

  “Either her parents or someone prior to her in her bloodline promised an heir to the dark world… to the demons.”

  Alannah brought her hand to her mouth. Tears were streaming down her face but she wasn’t making a sound.

  “The Mark on her soul is not easily removed. It is usually only satisfied with a death.”

  Alannah’s eyes widened.

  “Oh, No dear girl we will not let her die. Her wounds were almost fatal but we have stabilized her. However her wounds are not what concern me most, it is her soul. To be honest I am surprised she has lived this long. Something or someone has been protecting her for quite some time.”

  Tristan stood, bracing himself with the arms of the chair, “she was attacked a few nights ago by soul hunters. Kaleb put protective wards around her to keep them as far away as we could but they even attacked her in her dreams the very next evening.”

  “In her dreams?” Torin brought his hand up, rubbing his chin for a moment. “The bind is deeper than we thought. Well, you have all helped a great deal I will go back to her and speak with the other Magister about what we have uncovered.” He walked over to Alannah and grabbed one of her hands with two of his. “Do not worry, Alannah. She is in the best place for the care that she needs. I cannot tell you when she will be better or when she will regain consciousness from the wounds she incurred, but be sure that she will have a Magister with her at all times.”

  “Thank you.” Alannah sat back down releasing the Magisters hand and burying her face in her hands. It was obvious by the way her shoulders shuttered that she was crying.

  Brennus stood and hurried over to Torin. “Magister, is there anything that I can do? Anything at all?” He pleaded, with a hint of desperation in his eyes.

  The Magister thought about it for a moment. “We will perhaps be able to use you at a later time, but not right now. Thank you Brennus.”

  Brennus turned watching Tristan and Kaleb kneeling by Alannah’s chair trying to comfort her a tinge of jealousy creeping up his spine.

  Elias stepped forward, clearing his throat in order to catch their attention. “I am sorry, but The King and Queen would like to meet with all of you.”

  Alannah stood and wiped her face.

  ~ Chapter 22~
  They walked out into the hallway and followed Elias past the recuperation rooms, stopping at another wall. Elias waved his hand over the wall in the way that Magister Torin had. This wall gave way as well, but behind it were two very large and intricately carved doors. He waved his hand over them again and the visible locking system turned in several places, came undone and the thick, heavy doors swung open slowly.

  They passed through them and found instantly that they were in the main castle. The walls were decorated with all sorts of crystals gems and tapestries. In the distance of the long hallway they saw two figures walking toward them, they had two guards walking in front of them and two behind. The male faerie was dressed in fine dark colored linens and had a gold crown sitting atop his chestnut colored hair. He wore a cloak like the other Magi, but his was made of velvet and was embroidered along the edges. His face was square and he was tall and built. The female who walked alongside him was almost as tall as he, her dark blue dress was tight around her torso and flared out at her hips dragging behind her. She had a thin crown that sat delicately atop her black hair. Her build was somewhat athletic, but her eyes were soft.

  “Brennus!” The King exclaimed as he got closer. The three others turned to look at Brennus as they did not expect such an informal greeting.

  Brennus smirked at Alannah as the other two watched and picked up his pace to meet the King.

  They walked right up to each other giving a quick hug.

  “Look at you. It has been years since we have seen you here!” The King’s powerful voice reverberated off the walls.

  “My only regret is the circumstances that have brought us here.” Brennus responded, a hint of sadness in his tone.

  The king shook his head. “It is of no consequence. That we can help you and your friends is our pleasure.”

  Brennus turned to face the others, standing with the King and Queen.

  “Your majesties, this is Princess Alannah of the Forest of Meira in the Kingdom of Meira, and her friends Prince Kaleb of the Forest of Talom and Tristan of Talom as well.”

  “Kaleb and Tristan! You have both grown so much since the last time we saw you!” The Queen sounding genuinely surprised and excited to see them

  Alannah whirled to face Kaleb and Tristan. Her face, contorted in confusion.

  The Queen stepped closer to look at them. “Why the last time you were here you were just becoming men and now look at you.” The queen turning her gaze to Tristan “Tristan, still causing trouble?”

  Tristan chuckled, “always in good fun my queen.”

  Queen Calla rolled her eyes and looked at Alannah, “Always the prankster, this one. You’d think he had born to pixies! And you Kaleb,” turning to face Kaleb once more, “I am sure that Alessa will be so glad to see you again.”

  Brennus looked at Kaleb and gave him a smirk.

  Kaleb, acting like he didn’t see him continued looking at the queen as she spoke, he couldn’t see Alannah’s face but could feel her eyes burning into him.

  “Yes, Alessa, how is she?” Kaleb asked clearing this throat and still averting Alannah’s eyes.

  “She is well thank you. Around here somewhere I am sure.” Queen Calla responded, looking around the hallway, half expecting her daughter to appear.

  “Alannah, we have spoken to your parents and they are on their way over here to meet with you. Kaleb, we spoke to your parents as well to give them news that we will provide shelter and anything else you may need.”

  “I am in your debt Queen Calla.” Kaleb bowed.

  “As am I, your highness.” Alannah quickly followed

  “Kaleb, you know that kind of formality is not required between us friends. Alannah, I appreciate it, but it is truly my pleasure.”

  “Come. Let me show you to your rooms so that you can wash up and change and then join us in a meal. You must all be famished. I hope you do not mind but two of the Magisters will be joining us so that they can be informed as well of the past days events.”

  “Not at all Calla.”

  The King and Queen walked ahead as the other four followed.

  Alannah leaned over to Kaleb and trying to hide her anger and frustration beneath a low tone, “You never said you’d been here.”

  He could tell she was bothered. “You never let me. You were more interested in Brennus’s tale of the Magi kingdom.”

  Brennus who had heard them snorted a bit while stifling a laugh.

  Both of them shot him a look.

  Brennus smiled, lifting an eyebrow, “Can you blame her?”

  Kaleb rolled his eyes while Alannah scowled at Brennus before turning her attention back to Kaleb.

  “I was not more interested in what Brennus said.” Kaleb knew he had hurt her. He hadn’t meant for it to come out that way but it was already said.

  “Well, you sure didn’t give chance for anyone else to speak.”

  Alannah pulled away from him, facing forward, she opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. He was right. She had been paying more attention to Brennus.

  But why? The one I had been falling for was Kaleb. Right? she thought to herself.

  Once they reached the main stairway Calla reached out and grabbed Alannah’s hand. “Come, my dear. We need to get you into a proper dress.”

  “Oh, majesty that is not necessary. Your hospitality is enough.”

  “You are a Princess, Alannah. I will not have you walking around in torn dirty clothing any more than I would my own daughter.” Calla finished, leading Alannah up the stairs and to the left wing of the castle.

  The King led the boys to their rooms and left them to get ready. Each room had a bath prepared and clothing laid on the bed.

  Alannah walked in to find there was a handmaiden to help with the bath preparation, washing and dressing.

  As soon as Alannah walked in the handmaiden curtseyed. “Hello ma’am. I am Lilian. Your handmaiden for your stay.”

  “Thank you Lilian.” Lilian didn’t look as young as most other handmaidens. She actually seemed to be quite a bit older than Alannah. She had dark red hair with some grey streaks, her dress plain but not dirty or ragged.

  Alannah passed a mirror and took a look at herself. She hadn’t seen a mirror since the day she was taken. Her hair seemed longer somehow. But perhaps that was because it was all down. It was untamed. Her pointy ears dirty enough to blend in with her dark hair. Her beautiful bodice and skirt were dirty and torn. She had small cuts and bruises from the fighting and the climbing around the mountains. She looked at the scars from the injuries that Brennus had healed. The arrow had left a small circle that looked almost like a heart. The cut on her arm was nothing more than a thin line now. She looked at her spell casting mark. They were like vines that began beneath her bicep and swirled around not quite meeting, new vines stemming out where previously her arms were bare. One crawling up her arm and the other crawling down. She smiled. She sprouted her wings to see their condition. Not as dirty as the rest of me but they could use a wash.

  “Ma’am. Your bath is ready.” Lilian dashed out of the small room found recessed within the walls past the fireplace, hurrying over to Alannah and helping her undo her corset. Once she was in the bath, Lilian sat behind the tub helping to wash Alannah’s hair.

  “Your highness you have beautiful hair.”

  “Oh, thank you and please, call me Alannah.”

  “Thank you… Alannah.”

  “Lilian.” Alannah’s voice wavered.

  “Yes ma’am.”

  “Have you worked here long?”

  “Yes ma’am. My family has served the royal family for centuries.”

  “May I ask you something?”


  “Do you know Prince Kaleb?”

  “Yes Ma’am. He visited here many years ago. He and Tristan. They had left I would say about the time Mr. Brennus came to train.”

  “Oh. And who is Alessa? Was she one of Kaleb’s teachers?”

  Lilian let out a gent
le laugh. “Goodness no. She is the King and Queen’s daughter. Alessa and Kaleb had some of their training together. They were very good friends.”

  Alannah didn’t want to ask too many questions for fear of having Lilian say something to Alessa. She sat quietly in the tub while Lilian ran a brush through her hair and helped clean her wings.

  Later, Alannah followed Lilian through the maze of hallways to the dining room, passing walls made of smoothed wood and some made of smoothed stone. For a moment she stopped to glare out a rather large window constructed of many different color crystals, the view of the village was amazing. The dining room reminded her much of the one in her own home. There was a large table with beautiful carvings. Most of the drapery and seating was decorated in hues of dark blue, dark reds, and grey. The crystal goblets sat delicately on the table with the family crest carefully etched on each one.

  Everyone else had already been taken to the dining room by the time she arrived. As Alannah walked in, all the men stood up. She looked first at Kaleb, standing in his new clean clothes, his blue eyes piercing through her. She was almost lost in them but her attention was drawn to the dark marks that could be seen beneath the soft linen shirt. She looked then at Brennus sitting just a few chairs down from Kaleb, wearing a similar shirt in black, his markings creeping out from under the rounded collar reaching up to his neck. His grey eyes fixed on her.


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