Grave Concerns

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Grave Concerns Page 16

by Lily Harper Hart

  Kelly didn’t miss the shift in John’s body language. “What do you know?”

  “What makes you think I know anything?” John protested, holding his hands palms-up. “I’m the last one in this family to ever know anything.”

  “That’s true,” Kelly conceded. “I still think you know something, though. You were over there with them for days. You and Nick had your heads bent together for hours today when you came back from your hike. Don’t think for a second that I don’t know what you were doing out there, by the way. I know darned well that something really bad almost happened to Hayley last night.”

  John sighed, glancing around to make sure no one was eavesdropping. They were alone. “We don’t want anyone to panic, but we also don’t want anyone wandering around alone tonight,” he said. “That goes double for the kids.”

  Kelly stilled. “You think that whoever was out there last night went after Hayley instead of Maddie because of her age, don’t you?”

  John nodded.

  “Oh, God.” Kelly pressed her hand to her stomach, horrified. “If Maddie hadn’t been there … .”

  “If Maddie hadn’t been there things might have gone a different way,” John finished. “She was there, though. She stepped in and drew the guy’s attention to her and that gave Hayley the chance to escape. You owe Maddie.”

  “I apologized to her this afternoon,” Kelly said. “We decided to start fresh.”

  “I heard.”

  Kelly furrowed her brow. “How did you hear about that? Is Maddie telling people?”

  “Maddie and Nick have been glued to each other since we got back,” John replied. “She hasn’t talked to anyone but him. I heard from Mom.”

  “How did she know?” Kelly’s voice was shrill.

  “She watched you two talk things out and she’s really, really proud of her daughter,” John teased, grabbing Kelly’s cheek and giving it a jiggle. “She thinks you’re maturing into a wonderful woman right in front of her eyes this week. It’s a camping miracle.”

  Kelly slapped John’s hand away, irritated. “I can’t believe Mom eavesdropped on us.”

  “I don’t think she was eavesdropping,” John clarified. “My understanding is that she merely watched you from afar. I’m not joking about her being proud, though. I heard her talking to Dad. She thinks that whatever conversation you heard between Nick and him was harsh. She also thinks it’s done you a world of good.”

  “Ugh,” Kelly grunted, annoyed. “I hate it when she’s right.”

  “Are you admitting that Mom is right? I’m shocked!”

  “You drive me crazy,” Kelly muttered, cuffing her brother. “I’m not saying that Mom is right. I’m saying that … she’s kind of right.”

  “Oh, well, Hell really has frozen over,” John said. “I can’t believe you’re admitting you were wrong about Maddie and her intentions.”

  “First of all, I didn’t say I was wrong,” Kelly corrected. “I was, though. I admit it. Seeing Maddie and Nick together makes me realize that they’re building a life together and it’s one that’s going to last.”

  John’s handsome face sobered. “Kelly, you know you’re still young enough to build a life of your own, right? Nick and Maddie don’t have a monopoly on happiness – no matter how gross they are when they cuddle like that.”

  John’s disgusted made Kelly smirk. Sarcasm was a weapon they had in common. “I know that. I know I’ve been bitter. I also know I haven’t done Hayley or myself any favors by being so bitter. I have to set a better example for my daughter, especially since she’s going to start dating soon. I don’t want her taking her cues from me.”

  “Oh, Hayley can’t start dating,” John countered. “She’s too young.”

  “I had my first date when I was fourteen.”

  “Then Social Services should’ve stepped in and taken you away from Mom and Dad,” John replied, scowling. “Hayley is too young to even think about dating.”

  “In case you’ve missed it, Hayley has spent days mooning over that Kevin kid,” Kelly pointed out. “She has a huge crush on him. Unfortunately for her, he’s got a huge crush on Maddie.”

  “Yeah, Maddie really is every teenage boy’s wet dream.”

  Kelly scowled. “Do you have to be so crass?”

  “What? Maddie has legs that go on for miles, blond hair, blue eyes, a butt you just want to squeeze … .” John mimicked the potential “squeezing” for good measure.

  “That’s your brother’s girlfriend,” Kelly reminded him.

  “She’s also sweet, pretends to listen, and knows how to catch a boatload of fish,” John finished. “To a teenage boy, she pretty much sounds like a superhero.”

  “I guess.”

  “Speaking of Hayley, where is she?”

  “Oh, she’s mooning over Kevin somewhere,” Kelly replied, craning her neck and pointing to a group of trees. “They’re over there. I see Kevin.”

  “Well, just don’t let her wander off tonight,” John cautioned.

  “I’m sure that will thrill her, but don’t worry about it,” Kelly said. “I’m hoping we can have a nice bonfire and that everyone goes to bed early. For some reason, I’m exhausted.”

  “That’s what plotting does to you. It tires you out.”

  “Oh, stuff it,” Kelly muttered, causing her brother to smile.

  “By the way, not that I miss her, but where is Sydney?” John asked, scanning the campsite. “Did we luck out and miss her exit?”

  Now that he mentioned it, Kelly hadn’t seen Sydney in hours either. “I don’t know,” she answered, joining her brother in his optical search. “I’m a little worried that she’s up to something.”

  “It doesn’t matter if she goes after Maddie. Nothing will get between our brother and his blonde.”

  “Yeah, I know that,” Kelly said. “That doesn’t mean Sydney can’t do some damage on her way out. She hates to lose.”

  “Don’t all women?”

  “Yes,” Kelly agreed. “The problem is, Sydney makes revenge a game and right now she thinks that both Nick and I have somehow done her wrong.”

  “She’s mental.”

  “She is,” Kelly said. “I still think we need to find her. I want to make sure she’s not causing problems. This is our last night here. I want it to be a pleasant one.”

  “I think we’ve all earned that,” John said, draining his beer and getting to his feet. “Let’s find the troublesome snake and make sure she’s not plotting something. If she bites me when we find her, though, I’m going to cut her rattler off and choke her with it.”


  “Who wants to hear a ghost story?” John asked, smiling broadly as everyone under the age of eighteen broke into enthusiastic applause. “Okay, if you want a ghost story, you have to get your snacks ready and settle around the fire.”

  “Why can’t we cook s’mores at the same time?” Spencer asked, making a face. “I can listen to your dumb story and eat chocolate at the same time. Mom says I’m gifted.”

  John narrowed his eyes. “You’re going to make some fine woman really miserable one day, Spencer. You know that, right?”

  The boy shrugged. “She’ll be lucky to have me. That’s what my mom says.”

  “You’re going to find that with an attitude like yours the only person who will date you is your mother,” John countered. “Have fun taking her to the prom. As for the rest of you, roast your marshmallows and stuff your faces, because when I’m done with you, the terror will be so real that you won’t be able to eat for the rest of the night.”

  Maddie glanced at Nick, enjoying John’s show. “Do you want a s’more?”

  “I’m pretty full from dinner.”

  “Okay, but it’s your last night to have one until we go camping again,” Maddie reminded him. “I have a rule about s’mores. Do you remember what it is?”

  Nick smirked. “S’mores can only be eaten when you’re camping,” he supplied. “Otherwise it’s illegal to mak
e them. I told you I remember everything, Mad. Here’s my problem with that little rule, though: They make s’mores granola bars and cereal now. I don’t think that rule still applies.”

  “Those are not real s’mores. The rule only applies to authentic s’mores … and what do we know about authentic s’mores?”

  “That I’m going to stuff one in your mouth to shut you up,” Nick teased, brushing a quick kiss against Maddie’s cheek. “How about I handle the s’mores and you handle getting us drinks? If we’re going to have to listen to one of John’s absolutely ridiculous ghost stories, I think we’re going to need beer.”

  “Deal,” Maddie said, grabbing Nick’s cheeks and planting a solid kiss on his lips. “When we’re done with the ghost story, I’m going to tell you a story of my own back at the cabin.”

  Nick loved Maddie’s good mood. She was energetic and happy, exactly how he liked her. “Is it a ghost story?”

  “It’s a dirty story,” Maddie whispered. “I probably won’t actually tell it to you because I’ll be too embarrassed, even if I do have a few beers, but I can guarantee that I’ll be willing to reenact it for you.”

  “I love you, Maddie Graves.”

  “I love you, too, Nick Winters. Now, make me a really good s’more.”

  “Your wish is my command,” Nick said, smiling as he watched her go. He didn’t believe life could get any better from what he was experiencing right now. He wanted to enjoy it. “Bring us two beers each, Mad,” he called to her back. “I want you tipsy so I can take advantage of you.”

  “Nicholas Winters, don’t talk fresh like that in front of the kids,” Sharon scolded.

  “Sorry, Mom.” Nick rolled his eyes. “I still want two beers, Mad. Pretend my mom isn’t here. She’ll forget what I said in twenty minutes anyway.”

  “I heard that, Nicholas.”

  “I wasn’t whispering, Mom.”

  “VOILA!” Sydney said, brushing the mascara across Hayley’s eyelashes with a flourish and pulling back to study her handiwork. “You officially look like a hot piece of … teenager.”

  Hayley glanced at her reflection in the bathroom mirror. Since the family campsite was directly across the trail from the dedicated bathroom facilities, it was easy to con Sydney into going to the building with her. Sydney loved makeup, and Hayley knew she was the only one who would be able to make her look like the woman she was sure was buried inside. She definitely looked older, which was what she wanted, but it still felt like something was missing. She just couldn’t decide what. “I think I need something else, but since my mom won’t let me play with makeup, I have no idea what it is.”

  Sydney looked Hayley up and down. “You need lipstick.”

  “That’s it!” Hayley beamed. “Kevin won’t know what hit him now that I’m wearing makeup. He’ll have to notice me now.”

  “I told you that the true way to a man’s heart is through his eyes,” Sydney said. “You’re far too pretty of a girl to be hiding under plain skin and drab hair. Don’t worry, we’ll work on your mom and get her to let you dye your hair with some Manic Panic.”

  “She says she’s never going to allow it.”

  “Well, she’s a real killjoy this week, that’s for sure,” Sydney said. “I think once she gets away from the campground and spends some time in the real world, though, she’ll be back to her usual self. I can’t tell you how excited I am for that to happen.”

  Hayley bit her lower lip, uncertain. “I kind of like the way she’s been today.”

  “How has she been today?”


  Sydney snorted. “Your mother is always nice,” she said. “She’s not a pushover, though. The past two days she’s been nothing but a pushover, especially where Maddie is concerned.”

  “I like Maddie,” Hayley argued. “She’s been really nice and she’s easy to talk to. She even forgave us for hiding her kayak.”

  “Yes, well, she’s clearly a saint,” Sydney snarked. “All she’s missing is wings and a halo.”

  “I think you don’t like Maddie because she’s with Uncle Nick and you want Uncle Nick to be with you,” Hayley countered. “It’s okay if you’re jealous. I’m jealous of Maddie, too. Kevin has been practically drooling he’s so in love with her. Uncle Nick is happy with Maddie, though. Mom says Maddie is going to be my aunt one day so we have to be nice to her and to forget everything bad she ever said about her before.”

  Sydney made a face. “Did she now? What else did your mom say about Maddie?”

  “Just that she judged her too harshly for something she did as a teenager and she wasn’t being fair,” Hayley replied. “She said everyone does stupid things when they’re teenagers and she should’ve remember that. Then she told me that her forgiving Maddie wasn’t an excuse for me to purposely do stupid things.”

  “And what do you think, Hayley? Do you think your uncle is going to marry Maddie?”

  Hayley shrugged. The nuances of adult relationships often escaped her because she hadn’t witnessed very many of them up close and personal. “I think Uncle Nick used to smile, but it was never a real smile. Now I think he smiles all the time and it’s always real. Everyone knows he smiles because of Maddie.”

  Sydney rolled her neck, tugging on her limited patience. She didn’t have a lot of allies left at the campground. She couldn’t alienate the only remaining holdout. “Let me tell you a little something about Maddie and your uncle, Hayley. No matter what your mother says, your uncle is not going to settle down with that milquetoast blonde,” she said. “Your uncle is the type of guy who needs fire and passion. All Maddie does is giggle and tell him what he wants to hear. That’s going to get old pretty quickly.”

  “If that’s true, why did Uncle Nick move in with Maddie?”

  “I think he did it because he’s infatuated with her,” Sydney replied. “It’s a temporary thing. Your uncle only dates women for a few months. Four months from now he won’t even be able to remember Maddie’s name.”

  “I’m not sure that’s right.”

  “Your mother told me the truth when she invited me up here,” Sydney countered. “She said Maddie would run away again and Nick would need someone to comfort him. That’s going to be me. Doesn’t that sound exciting? Wouldn’t you prefer me as your aunt instead of Maddie?”

  Hayley shrugged. “I don’t think Uncle Nick likes you that way. He only likes Maddie.”

  “Well, if Maddie is so great, why did you ask me to help you with your makeup?” Sydney asked, throwing the mascara tube on the bathroom floor. “Why didn’t you have Maddie do your makeup?”

  “Maddie says girls don’t need makeup, but I know she was only saying that because she didn’t want to upset my mom,” Hayley replied. “Uncle Nick seems to like Maddie fine without makeup, but I think that’s because her face is perfect and doesn’t have any zits. I have zits. I need the makeup. The same goes for you.”

  Sydney fought the urge to smack Hayley. “Well, why don’t you take your new face and go and find Kevin,” she suggested. “We’ll just see who is right about makeup, won’t we?”

  “Are you mad at me?” Hayley knit her eyebrows together, confused. “Did I say something I wasn’t supposed to say?”

  Sydney sucked in a steadying breath, reminding herself that Hayley was only repeating what everyone else was saying. She couldn’t know the truth of Nick Winters’ heart. He hid it from everyone, and she was bound and determined to be the one who finally made him realize where he truly belonged.

  “I’m not mad at you,” Sydney soothed. “I’m just tired. I’m not sure I’m cut out for camping. You should go and enjoy your night, though. This is the last night we’ll be here. If you want to make an impression on Kevin, this is your last chance.”

  Hayley leaned forward and impulsively hugged Sydney. “Thank you so much. I just know this is what’s going to finally work for me.”

  “I think you’re going to have a great night,” Sydney said, returning the embrace. “Go and
have an absolutely great time. You’ve earned it.”

  “What happens if Mom starts looking for me?” Hayley asked. “She told me to stick close to the campsite tonight.

  “Don’t worry about your mother,” Sydney said. “I think they’re all overreacting about that whole thing. I’ll cover for you. Don’t worry about a thing. If anyone comes looking for you, I’ll lie. Trust me. If anyone knows how to lie to parents, it’s me.”

  “This is going to be the best night ever,” Hayley enthused. “I can feel it!”

  “HAVE you seen Hayley?” Kelly asked, sidling up next to Maddie behind the cooler.

  Maddie lifted her head, her expressive blue eyes concerned. “No, why? Is she missing?”

  “I saw her a few minutes ago, but now I seem to have lost sight of her,” Kelly admitted. “I told her not to wander away. She’s a teenager, though, and you can never tell what’s going through a teenager’s mind.”

  “It’s usually boys or girls, depending on the gender of the teenager,” Maddie replied. “Where is Kevin? She’s usually about five feet behind him.”

  “Yeah, I’m not sure where he is either.”

  “Don’t worry, I’m sure she’s around,” Maddie said. “There are a lot of people here for her to be hiding behind. She might be going to the bathroom, too. Have you checked inside the restroom building?”

  “No,” Kelly replied. “That’s a good idea, though.”

  “I’ll go and check over there,” Maddie offered. “Why don’t you go and check that field where the kids have been hanging out during the day? I’ve noticed the older kids hanging out there over the past few days. If I see her in the bathroom, I’ll send her to you.”

  “You don’t have to do that,” Kelly said. “You can go back and finish your night with Nick. Hayley is my responsibility.”

  “It’s fine,” Maddie countered. “I have to go to the bathroom anyway. If John is to be believed, his ghost story is so scary I’m going to want to pee my pants. I’m just heading off any embarrassing situations.”

  “Yeah, John’s stories are only scary if you’re under the age of ten,” Kelly said. “Thank you. I’ll go and check that field and down by the river. I’m sure she’s at one of those places.”


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