Grave Concerns

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Grave Concerns Page 19

by Lily Harper Hart

  “So, what, you guys do this as a team?” Maddie asked finally. “You hunt women and children down and then … do terrible things to them? How long has this been going on?”

  “Kyle was a quick study,” Howard replied, unruffled. “He fell in line with the program when he was thirteen.”

  The implications of the statement weren’t lost on Maddie and she felt sick to her stomach. “You’ve been using Kyle to lure teens and young girls for years, haven’t you?”

  “What can I say? I like them young,” Howard sneered. “I’ll admit that Kyle has never enjoyed the process as much as me. He takes a more clinical approach to things. I think he’s going to be some sort of mad scientist when it’s all said and done. He has an IQ of a hundred and sixty. That makes him officially a genius.

  “I wish he’d take a more … practical … approach to the hunting, but he’s a work in progress on that right now,” he continued. “Still, he’s been great at baiting the hook – kind of like you were doing for Nick that day down at the river.”

  “You were the one watching me the night we arrived at the campsite, weren’t you?” Maddie asked, focusing on Kyle. “Your father doesn’t like grown women. He likes children. That means it had to be you.”

  “Actually, it was neither of us,” Howard supplied. “Kevin was the one who saw you first. He loves that bright hair of yours … and those cutoffs? Whoa, baby. Your legs are so long they give him ideas … he doesn’t know how to handle them.

  “You see, Kevin has been the one fighting the process for the past year,” he continued. “He’s been a complete and total wuss. He didn’t want to hunt with us. I knew Kyle was getting too old to keep the young ones coming, so we’ve been working on Kevin’s self-esteem so he’s more comfortable with the family … business.”

  Maddie’s heart rolled. “Kevin watched me and you decided that the best way to move him to your side was by letting him go after me,” she surmised. “Kevin was the one who watched me that first night, but he wasn’t the one on the path last night. He’s too short.”

  “Yes, well, that was me,” Howard admitted. “I’d been watching you for days, waiting for a chance to get you alone. Unfortunately, you and Nick are joined at the hip and it’s … distracting. I thought I could take you and let Kevin play with you for a little bit. I’ve learned that reward is better than anything when it comes to motivating my children.”

  “You followed me because you were hoping to grab me, but Hayley showed up and threw things in a tizzy,” Maddie suggested. “You had a problem because while you were initially there to grab me, the idea of grabbing Hayley for yourself was too much to ignore. That’s why you changed directions and went after her.”

  “Well, you might be a little smarter than we’re giving you credit for,” Howard hedged.

  “Just a little,” Kyle added, holding two fingers about an inch apart for emphasis. “Dad thought that he could grab Hayley instead of you. Our initial plan was to grab you and leave in the middle of the night. Even if your stupid boyfriend figured out we were the ones who took you, the Martins don’t technically exist.”

  “You’re using fake names,” Maddie muttered.

  “Oh, our first names are real,” Kyle clarified. “The key to a good lie is keeping it as close to the truth as possible. We didn’t want anyone messing up – especially Kevin, because he’s prone to making mistakes – when it comes to names. There’s no easier way to make people suspicious of you than to mess up on names.”

  “Where is your mother?” Maddie asked, rolling her neck. Hayley was pressed so tightly to her side she was starting to get uncomfortable, but there was no way she would make a move to detach the girl. She wanted to be able to put herself between Hayley and Howard if it came down to it.

  “My ex-wife had a tragic bathroom accident five years ago,” Howard replied. “She fell asleep in the tub and drowned.”

  That didn’t sound likely to Maddie. “You mean you drowned her in the bathtub and made it look like an accident,” she filled in. “She probably knew what you were and didn’t want you around your sons. You decided to fix it so you would have constant access to your children. You wanted to mold them in a very specific way, and you couldn’t risk that if your ex-wife was still alive.”

  “That’s not true,” Kevin protested, the distraught look on his face enough to tug on Maddie’s sympathy. He was being manipulated. She knew that. He probably didn’t understand everything that was happening to him. Even though he was in a rough spot, Maddie knew she couldn’t trust him. “Mom’s death was an accident. That’s what the police said.”

  “Yeah, it was an accident,” Kyle chimed in, rolling his eyes.

  “It was,” Kevin said, turning to his father. “It was an accident, right?”

  “Of course it was an accident, Kevin,” Howard said, patting the boy’s shoulder. “Your brother is just messing with you … and Maddie here will say practically anything to save her life right now.”

  Kevin glanced at Maddie, conflicted. “My mother’s death was an accident.”

  Even though Maddie didn’t want to purposely hurt the teenager, she knew she needed to do something if she wanted to keep the focus of the conversation away from Hayley long enough for Nick to get to them. If that meant hurting Kevin, well, she wasn’t going to lose any sleep over it.

  “Your father killed your mother because she knew he was a monster and she was probably trying to keep you guys away from him,” Maddie countered. “Don’t kid yourself, Kevin. Your brother is a sociopath and your father is a garden-variety psychopath.”

  Kevin lashed out with his fist, smacking Maddie across the face and taking her by surprise. She cried out, her hand flying to her cheek as she listed to the side, causing a gap between Hayley and herself.

  Kyle took advantage of the situation and grabbed Hayley by the hair, jerking her away from Maddie and tossing her like a rag doll, the teenager landing a few feet away. “You sit there and be quiet, Hayley,” he ordered. “All that crying you’re doing is giving me a headache. We’re going to spend some time with Maddie first, but don’t worry, you’re going to get your turn.”

  “Yes, you’re definitely going to get your turn,” Howard said. “I think Kevin and Maddie have some issues to get out of their system first, though. Isn’t that right, Kevin?”

  Kevin clenched and unclenched his fists, his chest heaving as he regarded Maddie.

  “She’s not so hot now, is she, bro?” Kyle asked. “Go ahead. Do what you know you want to do to her. She’s right there. You can take her.”

  “Yeah,” Kevin said, his voice ragged. “Yeah. I can take her.”

  “Make her yours, son,” Howard prodded. “Make her hurt like she made you hurt.”

  “YOU can’t just run out there,” John hissed, grabbing Nick’s arm and hauling him back into the bushes. “We need to approach this the right way.”

  “I’m going to kill that kid,” Nick seethed, his eyes dark as he watched Kevin stare Maddie down after striking her. He could hear Howard and Kyle urging the boy on. They were trying to get him to attack Maddie, and Nick didn’t doubt they had more on their mind than physical violence.

  After starting their search for Maddie and Hayley, Nick was alarmed when Olivia’s whispering voice infiltrated his thoughts. She told him Maddie and Hayley were in trouble, that Kyle and Kevin were with them and real danger was afoot, and when John caught up Nick was poised for action. Despite the fact that they were weaponless, Nick and John had no doubt they could take two teenagers. Howard’s appearance was another story.

  “We can’t just sit here,” Nick whispered. “We have to make a move on them. You know what’s going to happen if we don’t do something. I am not just going to sit here and let those … animals … go after Maddie and Hayley.”

  “I’m not suggesting that,” John replied, his voice calm. “Do you honestly think I want us to just sit here and let something bad happen to the two of them?”

  Nick ran a hand
through his hair, frustrated. “Of course not. What do you have in mind?”

  “We need to separate,” John said. “I’m going to go the long way around the building and get behind them. I need you to keep their attention. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

  “I do,” Nick replied, nodding. “I’m not sure it’s a good idea, though. If they see me, they’re likely to grab Maddie and Hayley and use them as hostages.”

  “Do you see a way around that?” John asked. “We’re still outnumbered. They don’t have weapons that we can see. Maddie will fight and that will even the odds. I’m guessing she has some anger to take out on Kevin. They’re still dangerous. You know that.”

  “I’ll get as close as I can before I let them see me,” Nick said. “I’ll give you as much time to get into position as possible, but if they make a move for Hayley or Maddie … I’ll have no choice.”

  “I know,” John said, his brown eyes serious. “You can only do what you can do. We have to move now, though.”

  “Let’s do it.”

  “KEVIN, you don’t have to listen to them,” Maddie said, struggling to a sitting position as she rubbed her sore cheekbone. “They’re trying to manipulate you. Deep down, I think you have to know that.”

  “They’re my family,” Kevin shot back, his voice dark and dangerous. Something about the boy shifted when Maddie suggested Howard killed his mother. It was as if the last part of Kevin that was innocent closed off and all that remained was the monster his brother and father worked so hard to create. “I think you’re the one who is trying to manipulate me.”

  “I’m not,” Maddie countered, her heart pounding. She was almost out of time. She could feel it. “You’re letting them twist your mind. Try to fight it.”

  “No! You’re the one twisting my mind,” Kevin howled. “You’ve been manipulating me from the second you met me!”

  “How?” Maddie asked helplessly. “I’ve been nothing but nice to you.”

  “You’ve been flirting with me even though I never had a shot with you,” Kevin charged. “You’ve been teasing me … and touching my arm … and smiling. You want me to be with you. I know it.”

  He was lost. Maddie realized that now. He was lost before she came along and tried to offer him an out. “Don’t you even think about touching me,” Maddie warned, her voice low. “You have no idea what will happen if you even think … .”

  Kevin cut her off, reaching for her shoulders as Howard positioned himself to help his son realize an evil legacy. “You need to stop talking,” Kevin said, his tone ominous. “If you don’t shut up, I’ll shut you up.”

  “You tell her, Kev,” Kyle chortled, keeping watch on Hayley out of the corner of his eye. “Go get her and show her what she’s been missing.”

  “If you touch her, I’ll kill you.” Nick appeared out of the gloom, his fists clenched at his side as he regarded the Martin men.

  “Well, well, well,” Howard sneered, straightening to a standing position. “I guess Maddie was right about you coming to look for her after all.”

  “I guess she was,” Nick replied, nonplussed. “You need to step away from Maddie and Hayley. I’m not messing around. I’ve already sent word back to the campsite and they’re calling for state police reinforcements. You’re out of time.”

  Maddie scanned Nick’s face for hints that he was exaggerating. She found none. Could he have been here longer than she realized?

  Olivia popped into view at Maddie’s side, her face somber. “John is on the other side of the building. He’s moving in behind everyone. Nick is supposed to keep them focused on him. You need to try and get Hayley away from what is about to come.”

  Maddie pursed her lips, nodding to let her mother know she understood. She kept her gaze on Kevin, who seemed shaken by Nick’s arrival. The anger she’d felt coursing through the boy only moments before fled and was replaced by abject fear. She was hoping she could use that to her advantage.

  “Listen, Nick, I don’t want to tell you your business, but you’re woefully outnumbered here,” Howard said. “How about we make a deal? If you walk away now, we’ll take Hayley and Maddie with us and promise not to do anything to them. Once we’re clear of the campsite, we’ll let them go. You have my word.”

  Nick snorted. “Yeah, I’m sure you understand that the word of a child rapist and murderer doesn’t mean a lot to me.”

  Howard balked. “I’ve done nothing of the sort. This is all a horrible misunderstanding.”

  Maddie rolled to her right, increasing the distance between Kevin and herself, not stopping until she was almost on top of Hayley. “When I tell you to, I want you to run,” Maddie whispered. “Run in the direction of Nick. Do you understand?”

  Hayley nodded, tears coursing down her cheeks.

  “How is it a misunderstanding?” Nick asked, steadily moving forward. “You have my girlfriend and niece and have been threatening them with … God knows what. I know what you are. I think Kyle knows what you are, too. As for Kevin, well, I don’t think he ever had a shot. You made sure of that.”

  “If you know what we are, where is your backup?”

  “I don’t need any backup,” Nick replied.

  “And why is that?”

  “Because you’re not smart enough to take me on as it is,” Nick replied. “Now, Maddie!”

  Maddie didn’t hesitate, she pushed Hayley to her feet and jumped between the girl and Kyle when he reached for her, raising her knee and slamming it into Kyle’s testicles. Kyle groaned, grabbing his screaming groin as Maddie took a step away from him, glancing over her shoulder to make sure Hayley was a safe distance away.

  Nick took advantage of the confusion and broke into a run, tackling Howard and slamming him to the ground before he got a chance to collect himself. Howard grappled with Nick’s weight, and even though he was fit, he was no match for Nick’s rage and anger.

  Maddie heard John’s heavy footsteps before she saw him. He raced out of the night like a shot, his attention fixed on a recovering Kyle as he reached for Maddie. Maddie easily sidestepped him, making room for John to ram a fist into the teenager’s surprised face and topple him.

  Maddie focused her attention on Kevin as Nick and John struggled to subdue the rest of his family. “It’s over, Kevin. You don’t have to do this any longer.”

  Kevin’s face twisted. “But … they’re my family.”

  “Family doesn’t make you do atrocious things,” Maddie countered. “Family loves you.”

  “I … do you think my dad really killed my mom?”

  Maddie nodded.

  Kevin dropped to his knees, lowering his head as his shoulders slouched. “I think I always knew that.”

  Maddie couldn’t argue with him. She thought he probably knew it, too. “We’ll get you some help, Kevin. We’ll … make sure you’re not alone.”

  “I’ve always been alone.” The dejected boy didn’t speak again, not even as the rest of the Winters family swarmed the location and started asking a myriad of questions. He was mute and resigned … and Maddie couldn’t help but wonder if there was any help out there for a kid like him.



  Nick pulled Maddie to him, hugging her tightly against his chest as he stroked the back of her head.

  “I’m okay,” Maddie said, tilting her head back after a few moments of cuddling. “I’m … fine.”

  “You don’t look fine,” Nick replied, running his finger over Maddie’s cheek. It would bruise by morning, something that fueled Nick’s receding anger. “Where is, Kevin?”

  Maddie pointed to the spot on the ground where Kevin sat. He was listless and lifeless, Don watching over him with an eagle eye as the state police swarmed the area amidst a myriad of swirling lights.

  “I think Kevin and I should have a little talk,” Nick muttered, moving to head in the kid’s direction.

  “No.” Maddie stopped him with a hand on his forearm. “He’s been through enough.”

  “He’s been through enough?” Nick was incredulous. “I saw him hit you, Mad.”

  “I was purposely goading him about his mother’s death,” Maddie pointed out. “I knew he wasn’t ready to deal with it. I was trying to keep the focus on me and away from Hayley. Speaking of Hayley … .” Maddie scanned the area. “Where is she?”

  “She’s with Kelly,” Nick said, pointing to the opposite side of the registration cabin where Kelly was soothing her sobbing daughter. Sharon stood next to them, her hand busy as it rubbed the back of Hayley’s neck. “She’ll be okay. She’s upset right now, but … things could’ve been a lot worse.”

  “Please don’t tell her she learned a valuable lesson in all of this,” Maddie instructed. “That’s the last thing a teenage girl wants to hear after the boy she has a crush on turns out to be a member of a murdering menace of a family.”

  “You’ve been in her shoes, have you?” Nick asked, going for levity despite the surreal situation.

  “No, but she’s going to need some time to understand all of this,” Maddie said. “Heck, I’m an adult and I’m not sure I understand it all.”

  “Join the club,” Nick said, pulling Maddie back against his chest. “I don’t think we’ll ever understand this.”

  TWO hours later Maddie answered the last of the immediate police questions and watched as troopers loaded Howard, Kyle, and Kevin into separate vehicles. Kevin was a stone, refusing to engage in conversation and instead rocking himself in the back of the squad car as he stared at a blank spot only he could see.

  Howard repeated his “it’s a misunderstanding” mantra over and over again, screaming to the high heavens that no one was listening to him and that they were all going to be sorry when his lawyer got done with them. It was a threat law enforcement heard often, so they weren’t particularly swayed by it.

  Kyle was another story. He spun a yarn about being under his father’s thumb and a childhood of abuse and neglect. He said he had no choice but to follow his father’s wishes, offering up a litany of evidence in exchange for a deal.


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