Broken: A Mountain Man's Romance

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Broken: A Mountain Man's Romance Page 22

by Mia Ford, Bella Winters

  Johnathan held her gaze for a little while longer before nodding in agreement.

  “Okay. Good. I’m glad to hear it,” he grinned and sat back, feeling relieved that the plan was still on. If he had to wait a second longer, he thought he might burst.

  He didn’t remember feeling this way the first time. Although, it was more presumed by that point in the relationship. So maybe that had something to do with it.

  Or you knew more than you thought… Johnathan thought to himself but shook the idea out of his mind.

  Tonight, especially, wasn’t about old flames, or past failures. Tonight, was about future successes and taking the necessary steps toward building a life with the woman he loved.

  The waiter came interrupting Johnathan’s thoughts. He was thankful, because the more he thought about what he was planning, the more noticeable he felt the tiny box in his pocket was.

  He had hidden it well from Carrie, with Kassandra’s help. Now, all he had to do was keep it a secret for a little longer.

  After they ordered, Carrie looked around, taking in the sights of the restaurant.

  “The apartment is closer to this place too,” she added.

  “I’m just going to be happy to have a real couch instead of that dead horse that Kassandra refuses to get rid of,” Johnathan insisted with a grin.

  “I know, right? I’m starting to think there’s like…evidence in there or something. She’s normally not sentimental but she will not part with that damn couch,” Carrie made a face and proceeded to ask more questions about the apartment.

  “Carrie, I’m excited,” Johnathan insisted, “But you realize I’m still getting used to having reliable running water and a toilet that flushes consistently. When it comes to colors and couches, I am good with whatever you want.”

  Carrie’s eyes were alight at this, which caused Johnathan to worry that he had said something he would later regret.

  “Within reason, Carrie…” he warned.

  “Oh no!” Carrie insisted with a sneer, “You’ve done it, now. Normal men know that telling a woman they can do whatever they want is like writing a blank check…”

  “Good luck with that,” he retorted lightheartedly, “You know damn well that my blank check won’t get you very far. It’s more likely to bounce than to buy a damn ice cream cone.”

  “Yeah, but still, you don’t say things like that to me. When you come home to an apartment that is a replica of Versailles, you cannot say a word.”

  “Why would you want that?” he teased.

  “Gold…Everywhere!” Carrie responded, her eyes growing large as though she was imagining the sight.

  “Ewww,” Johnathan replied, not the least bit impressed.

  Carrie burst out laughing, “My point, exactly, love. Be careful what you say, even to me.”

  Johnathan rolled his eyes, “Great! Now I have to be active in the decorations…”

  “Yay!” Carrie insisted, genuinely enthusiastic, and returned to asking random questions about the décor options throughout dinner.

  After ordering desert, something that Johnathan had missed a lot while he was on sabbatical from reality, he decided that this was a good time to change the subject.

  “Carrie,” Johnathan finally insisted, reaching across the table, and grabbing her hand.

  Midsentence, about lighting, or a bedframe, or something, Johnathan had far too much on his mind to genuinely be paying attention, she stopped short and stared at him.

  “What’s wrong?” Carrie asked, tilting her head to the side curiously.

  “Absolutely nothing!” Johnathan grinned, hoping that his nervousness didn’t give anything away.

  Inside, he felt his body shaking, but he hoped to God it wasn’t as noticeable as it felt.

  He sighed, preparing himself as best as he possibly could.

  “Carrie,” Johnathan began, “I know that we haven’t known one another all that long, but the time that we have been together has been extremely impactful on…both of our lives. We have gotten to know one another better in the last few months than I believe many couples get to know one another in years. I have loved getting to know you…And I cannot wait to continue this journey of exploration with you…You have made me a better man then I ever thought I was capable of being. You have raised me up and even though I know I still have a long way to go, I now have the support and assurance that I can get there,” he paused, grinning at her still confused, yet appreciative expression. “I love you, Carrie and since we’re moving into our apartment, I thought it was only right that we did so, with the assurance that we are going to be husband and wife.”

  With that, Johnathan slid off the chair, onto one knee, as he grabbed the tiny box out of his pocket.

  Carrie was speechless as tears of joy filled her eyes. She screamed with excitement and hugged Johnathan tightly.

  “Yes!” She exclaimed, “Oh my God! Yes! Of course!”

  At this, Carrie kissed Johnathan ravenously. Eagerly, Johnathan wrapped his arms around Carrie and pulled him into her.

  By now, the entire restaurant had figured out what was happening. There were cheers and clapping all around them, making the couple feel as though it truly was a celebration.

  When they broke apart from their kiss, Johnathan stood up and placed the ring on Carrie’s finger.

  For the first time, Carrie was able to see the ring. It was beautiful; a perfect stone, embedded in a cradle of surrounding diamonds. The band was white gold and the centered stone was encased in its own illustrious clasp, prominently displaying it apart from the rest.

  Again, Carrie felt fresh tears start to stream down her face. The proposal completely surprised her, though she didn’t even have to consider her answer.

  “I got a little nervous when you started talking about all gold,” Johnathan joked.

  “You know me better than anyone!” She exclaimed, holding the ring out so she could admire it against her finger. “It’s perfect!”

  Hardly able to believe what was happening, she wrapped her arms tightly around Johnathan, as the wait staff brought out their desert.

  “I figured that now, you don’t have to feel like you are doing the same thing,” Johnathan told her as they sat down to enjoy their meal and the eyes of the other guests eased off them, giving the couple back their privacy.

  “What do you mean?” Carrie insisted, searching her fiancé’s eyes for further explanation.

  “Moving in together. I thought that you might be nervous about it and I figured if it isn’t the same experience, you will have an easier time separating it. Instead of moving in together as girlfriend and boyfriend,” Johnathan raised his glass, tapping it against Carrie’s, “You will be moving in with your fiancé.”

  Carrie giggled, made giddy by the word that she had always thought was a long way off, in terms of describing her and Johnathan.

  However, after a moment, Carrie lowered her glass and turned serious, “Now, I’m the one who feels the need to clarify…You didn’t feel like you had to do this, did you? I don’t want to rush you into anything. I know how big of a step this is for you too. After all…”

  Johnathan stopped her abruptly, “Carrie, when have you ever known this stubborn ass to do anything he didn’t want to do?”

  Carrie grinned, but felt only slightly relieved by his words.

  “You taught me to let go and move on. That is exactly what I am doing. The relationship I had and the relationship that is going to last the rest of my life are entirely different. There is nothing about moving in with my fiancée that gives me any kind of reservation,” he assured, “I promise.”

  Carrie shook her head in agreement, raised her glass and expressed, “To us!”

  “To the future we were meant to have,” Johnathan added before clanking his class against Carrie’s again. “I love you, Carrie.”

  “And I love you, Johnathan,” she exclaimed.

  “Oh, and I have one more surprise for you,” Johnathan added after a
moment of silence.

  “There’s more?”

  “Well, it’s more of an…in addition to…I booked us a room upstairs.”

  “Wow, you were pretty confident in this, weren’t you?” Carrie teased.

  “Well, I figured I couldn’t lose. If you said yes, we’d have a wonderful night, without any interruptions. If you said no, I’d have a place to wallow in my pity,” he sneered, and Carrie playfully swatted at his arm.

  “You knew I was going to say yes!”

  He shook his head, genuine in his response, “No. I was scared shitless.”

  Carrie shook her head, “I would’ve thought you knew me better than that.”

  With that, Johnathan’s eyes dropped to a seductive expression and the corner of his mouth curled up, into a suggestive expression.

  “What do you say we go up to our hotel room and get to know one another, just a little bit better?”

  Eager to show her fiancé just how pleased she was by the night’s turn of events, Carrie was nearly at the door of the restaurant before Johnathan had even finished his suggestion.

  Johnathan met up with Carrie in the lobby, he hastily walks up to her and immediately takes her into his arms.

  The two begin to kiss intermittently as they walk toward the elevator.

  Waiting for the elevator, Cassie eagerly turns toward Johnathan and deepens the kiss. She wraps her arms around his neck and pulls herself close to him.

  By the time the elevator arrives, the couple barely notices.

  Yet, Johnathan has the presence of mind to guide Carrie back, into the elevator and close the doors before they make anyone uncomfortable.

  The surge of the elevator going upward, along with the pressure of Johnathan pressing his muscular body against, her, makes Carrie’s heart start to race, while her stomach churns enthusiastically.

  By the time the elevator doors open on their floor, neither of them cares about making anyone else uncomfortable. The two are too enamored in one another.

  As soon as the door opens, Carrie presses Johnathan out, backing him up until his back hits the wall behind them.

  Carrie giggles as Johnathan grasps her, yanking her up so that her legs can swing around his waist.

  Continuing to deepen the kiss, secured in Johnathan’s arms, Carrie weaves her fingers through Johnathan’s hair, reveling in the familiar, yet erotic taste of him.

  Together, the couple stagger down the corridor, until they reach their room number.

  Johnathan already has the key in hand and as he presses Carrie against the door, his eyes drop to the key slot. He shoves the key into the slot and opens the door, seemingly in one movement.

  Once inside, Johnathan closes the door again and swings Carrie around, so that they both land on the bed.

  Carrie yells out and holds on tight to Johnathan, who chuckles as he separates himself from her, only to gaze down at her.

  Johnathan takes in Carrie’s magnetizing beauty. The red dress that she had decided to wear tonight was stark against the soft, alabaster skin that lead to her cleavage. While her long hair flowed around her head, like a golden crown. Her lips, a deep rouge, were moist and puffy from Johnathan’s kiss and her chest heaved, regaining the breath that was lost during their intimacy.

  Johnathan was breathing hard too, but instead of strain, his heightened breathing had to do with anticipation as the endorphins raged inside of him.

  He grinned down at Carrie, while his hand came up, curving around her throat, while his lips pressed into the nape of her neck.

  Carrie groaned, her pelvis already thrusting upwards, as she felt the rough stubble of her lover’s cheek against her skin.

  Already feeling moisture lubricating her center, Carrie was easing her way toward Johnathan’s manhood.

  She wanted him badly and her womanly aching wasn’t going to allow her to hold out for long.

  Carrie longed to feel him inside of her, pulsing with long, thrusting motions eradicating any doubt of his affections for her, more with every strike.

  Even now, lovemaking was the only time when Carrie felt that Johnathan was truly letting himself go.

  He wasn’t one to lose control and Carrie never thought that he would be. There was always a sense of reservation and pause, hiding behind every motion that he made but when the two of them were together in this way; hearts beating as one, bodies connecting, and souls entwining, Carrie was certain that she was receiving a completely unbridled Johnathan.

  Pulling him close to her, she groaned, as she felt his lips slowly inch down her neck and across her chest, heading toward her cleavage.

  As his lips neared her breasts, she felt his fingers coil around the sleeves of her dress, dropping them off her shoulders.

  When he drew closer to the valley of her cleavage, she felt his hands peel the form-fitting dress down, until he was able to expose her bosom.

  With a prideful, almost animalistic growl, Johnathan pressed his face into the center of her breasts, before grasping one with his hand.

  Carrie felt her body quake with excitement as she eased herself up, so that she was closer to him.

  He grinned, almost devilishly at her, before the pad of his thumb carefully stoked the dark portion of her breast, surrounding her hardened nipple.

  Carrie shuddered, moving to sit up, but Johnathan straddled her, making it clear that he was in control.

  Looking up at him, Carrie simpered, while his free hand ran through her hair, before tracing her hairline and trailing down the side of her body. The light touch of his fingertips, tracing her body, brought chills, trailing behind his touch, while with each circular motion of his thumb, pressing against her breast, Carrie felt a quaking in her pelvis.

  She groaned as Johnathan thrust himself against her, applying pressure in an area that caused Carrie to cry out.

  Johnathan chuckled before running his thumb over her nipple.

  Again, Carrie shuddered, crying out, as bolts of excitement rocketed through her body.

  Johnathan then eased himself down, so that his lips were even with her breasts. Carrie closed her eyes and rocked her head back, as Johnathan took her nipple into his mouth, making the same circular motion, he had with his thumb, but now with his tongue.

  Carrie’s heart was thrusting in her chest hard now, while the wetness between her legs readied her to receive him.

  “Oh, my God…” Carrie moaned, feeling her heartrate palpitate harder as her eyes rolled back and her fist clasped a strong hold on the comforter.

  Carrie swallowed hard, but her mouth was dry with anticipation and her body quivered with need.

  After Johnathan had appropriately teased each of her breasts, his hands spread to either side of her, his large grip encasing her tiny waist.

  His grip was warm and slightly calloused. Her skin yearned for his touch and as he eased himself down, he took the dress with him, until he was gently sliding it off her legs and onto the floor, leaving behind her naked body.

  Carrie’s whole body felt like it was vibrating, instigated by his foreplay.

  Carrie sat up slightly, propping herself on her forearms, as she watched Johnathan undress.

  His solid body was revealed to her, causing her need to intensify immensely. With her eyes in an alluring, come hither glance, she eased herself closer to him; wanting to feel his heavenly body against her skin. She pressed her nakedness against him and her breasts, which were still moist from his attention, tingled with delight upon rubbing against his solid, visceral physique.

  Although Johnathan had conformed to a more clean-cut version of himself, upon re-entering society, the mountain man Carrie had fallen in love with was still exactly the same, underneath his clothes.

  The scent of his essence, the taught rope of muscles that slinked across his chest each time he moved and the line of hair that started right below the waistline of his pants, creating a V, inviting Carrie to his manliness hadn’t changed.

  The sight of him always took her breath awa
y, but with the knowledge that he had chosen her, that he wanted to marry her, made this moment even more impressive.

  He is mine! She thought, hardly able to contain her enthusiasm.

  After holding her against him for a short time, he eased Carrie back onto the bed, following her as he eased her legs apart. She simpered at him as he slid himself toward the apex of her legs.

  Carrie moaned as she felt his manliness against her. His pulsing member was warm and inviting. Her body was ripe, ready to be ravaged.

  Already immensely enthralled by the feeling of her touch, Johnathan wasn’t sure how long he would be able to hold out before he climaxed.

  The thought of her becoming his wife, in addition to the sensual nature of their current position had what seemed like all his bodily fluids rushing toward his manliness.

  Johnathan was nearly overwhelmed by the broken dam of emotions and sensations that were consuming him.

  Rubbing himself against Carrie, he could feel that she too was abundantly ready for him.


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