Surrendering To Her Sergeant

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Surrendering To Her Sergeant Page 13

by Angel Payne

  He unfurled a slow smile. “Oh, I’ll get it.”

  She volleyed with a little smirk. “We’ll see.”

  Fuck, it was good he still had his shorts on, not that they helped much in hiding how her spunk fired his spirit—and his cock. “Well, one of us will.” He inserted enough wry command to assure she got his meaning. Not that he had to worry about that. Before he’d even kissed her the first time, he’d seen that the woman’s mind shined bright as her beauty.

  Sure enough, Ava’s mouth dropped open again. “You said I got to pick, Sir.” She stomped on the title hard enough to suck any trace of respect from it. “Wrists or blindfold, right?”

  “I said you got to pick where we started, mouthy girl.” His blood surged with exhilaration as he hooked the scarf behind her neck and pulled, making her eyes spark again. “But that little line just cost you the privilege.” He tugged her an inch closer, lowering his face so she didn’t miss an inch of how deeply he desired her. “Now up on your knees, with wrists presented up front.”

  It was a pleasant surprise to watch her comply so fast. He left the first scarf draping from her neck, the sheer black fabric playing at her breasts like the magical mist from the forest where they’d first touched lips. The image fit. This was an important first for them, too. Though this afternoon had been incredible, he hadn’t been dominating her, pushing her. Not as he would now.

  The longest scarf in the pile, a knitted crimson thing, was his choice for looping around her wrists in a figure eight pattern. He had to improvise on the technique since this wasn’t typical bondage rope, though he was able to finish off the knot with a nice circle wrap between her wrists, ensuring she wouldn’t squirm her way free anytime soon. With what he had planned for the things he’d seen on her nightstand, that was a good thing.

  Ava sighed as he tugged at the improvised cuffs to test his work. He double-checked the space he’d left to give her proper circulation but didn’t give her any sound or response in return. Still without speaking and keeping the scarf’s lead in hand, he swept off the bed in order to make her lean forward, extending her hands toward the footboard. Her bed was a sturdy piece of furniture, heavy wood embedded with wrought iron cutouts that looked inspired by a church in one of the missions that dotted the bottom half of the state. When he secured the scarf to one of them, her torso angled down and her flawless bronze ass shot straight up. Glory Hallelujah.

  He lifted her face toward him with a thumb and forefinger. Her gaze was cloudy with deep indigo smoke. She’d been biting her lips, because they were plumped and crimson with the rush of fresh blood. “Beautiful.” he growled.

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  She whispered it with quivering reverence. After that, the dark cherry planes of her lips parted, all but roping him in for a kiss—and calling every swollen inch of his dick to come out for a long dip between them, too. He locked his teeth in resistance and instead rubbed a rough thumb across them, before offering, “One more chance to do this easy, sunshine. Right now, all I want is his name. We don’t have to dig any deeper than that tonight. One name, and—”

  “What?” she interjected. “You set me free?” She pushed out a playful pout. “After all your hard work?”

  “Didn’t say that was happening.” He used the same urbane fluidity to pull the black silk from her neck. After wrapping the material twice around her eyes, he fastened the knot hard against the bridge of her nose, ensuring she knew that his glib mien didn’t cancel his serious purpose. “Just thought you’d appreciate knowing the options again. There’s a fun side of being bound and fucked and a not-so-fun side. Your choice.” He smoothed both his hands down the column of her neck then over her shoulders. “One name gets you the fun, baby.”

  She released an unsteady breath. Dipped her head. For one moment, Ethan thought he’d get to disregard the stuff on the nightstand and get right to claiming her body in all the ways his mind could conjure and his cock could stand.

  That was before the next second, when her muscles stiffened beneath his touch. A tight whimper emanated from her throat. “You’re like a damn dog with a bone, aren’t you?”

  He sighed and dropped his hands. “Let’s hope you’re a dog lover, Miss Chestain.”

  She snickered. He let her have the defiant moment. It was the least he could do, considering what the shit on her nightstand was mandating for the evening. He stopped there on his way back to mounting the bed again, making no effort to mask the sounds of his search from her—including a nice long slide of the drawer. That gained him the sight of a gorgeous shiver up her spine, no doubt inspired by what she knew he’d find in the compartment. With a smirk, he pulled out the handheld vibrator and joined it with the other items in his hand.

  After he dumped all the items onto the bed, she treated him with another long quiver. “Ethan, why the hell are you raiding my nightst—oww!” She writhed as he let the hard plastic teeth of a hair claw dig into her left buttock. As he grabbed her hip to hold her in place, he balanced it by securing one to the other side of her ass.

  He hummed in satisfaction. Those things held firmer than he’d anticipated. They looked pretty cool, too. One was embossed with zebra stripes, the other with leopard spots. “Wild thing,” he murmured, “you make my heart sing.”

  “Shut. Up. Oh, shit!” Her scream pierced the air again, as he got a smaller tortoiseshell clamp into the skin below the zebra clip. Holy hell, could this woman let out an expressive wail.

  “You want to try for number four?” he taunted. “Forget my proper address again, and I’ll be happy to make it one of the big ones, too.”

  She snorted. “Don’t you know how to just spank a subbie like everyone—oww!”

  He made it a big one, anyway. This clamp was giraffe print. It blended nicely next to the leopard colors, and slid into her skin with beautiful perfection. “Are you still obsessed with swats, baby?” His chastising chuckle lasted until he leaned deep enough to get his lips against her shoulder, taking care not to hit the clamps on the way. “That’s so cute. You’re actually trying to change the rules, aren’t you?” He gently bit into her shoulder. “But the thing is, they’re my rules. My way. You want to help call the shots again? Just give me his name, Ava.”

  Her head slumped. “Why?” she moaned. “Why do you even care? It’s over. In the past. Far in the past, okay?”

  “Then it shouldn’t be such a big deal to talk about it, right?”

  She didn’t say anything for a long moment. “Damn it.”

  He shifted back to his position behind her thighs. “I’ll take that as a sign to carry on.”

  She fumed again in response. Ethan sat and gazed at her for another moment. Her upper thighs, as bronze and breathtaking as the rest of her, spasmed in anticipation of him pulling off the clamps. When he left the wild-patterned torture tribe right where they were, she seethed with a little more gusto—right up to the moment he slipped the vibrator between her thighs and turned it on.

  “Ohhh!” she cried. “Oh…mmmm…”

  While she slipped from pissed to blissed, he took the four jumbo paper clips he’d also found on the stand and expanded them to fit the tops of his fingers. A quick tug on each one transformed the innocent office utensils into small but purposeful spikes. If his instincts were tracking right, Miss Spank-Me-Please wasn’t going to like the sensation of the four sharp tines marking her skin.

  His intuition was right. She yelped with surprise at first, but settled into an exhilarating shriek when he started the spikes down her right thigh—especially because he timed the move with shutting off the vibrator.

  “Aggghh!” She threw back her head, unknowingly turning him on in at least ten new ways. Her blindfolded face thrusting in the air…her lips open and straining on that scream…the sight was achingly similar to how she looked this afternoon on the wine room’s couch, in the throes of the orgasm they’d reached together. Again, thank fuck for the board shorts. If he was naked right now, this would be torture fo
r them both.

  He pressed the tines against the back of her knee. And scraped his way up to her ass.

  “Shit!” she cried. “I—I don’t like this.”

  “And yet you’re trembling for me, Ava.”

  He let his hand continue, spreading his fingers over her ass cheek, weaving them around the hair clamps still fastened there. He let the vibe drop from his other hand long enough to swipe those fingertips through the slick layers of her sex.

  “And your pussy is dripping for me.”

  He scooped the pleasure stick back up. Started it back up on the low setting, brushing it over her dark genital curls.

  “And I haven’t heard you call red light.”

  He switched off the vibrator again. That, along with the deliberate arrogance he laced to the words, made her spine stiffen in anger.

  Ethan steeled himself for anything. Though the woman played the Hollywood game with success, it was clearly never at a price she wasn’t willing to pay. She maintained her pride like most starlets in this city took care of their fingernails but tonight he’d been yanking it out piece by agonizing piece. He’d tied her up, rendered her sightless, and now controlled more and more of her body’s reactions. It was a power for which she was either going to hate him or thank him when this was done. At the moment, he couldn’t predict either outcome. She’d let her head fall back between her shoulders but her fists were still balled against each other, and she let out huffs like a she-bull preparing to charge.

  “Well?” he prompted.

  “What?” she seethed.

  “Where are we at, Ava?” He flattened the vibe back against her clit but didn’t turn it on. At the same time, he pushed the paperclip spikes into the top of her other buttock. “Red light says you’re free and I’m gone. Stubbornness earns you another spike bath. But a name gets you more pleasure and my cock deep inside you.”

  Her breathing got rougher. “You don’t get it, do you?” she finally bit out.

  He didn’t alter his position. Was this actually a crack in her window? Without having to pull out the sledgehammer? “Enlighten me.”

  “You think that I simply won’t talk. But the truth is…I can’t.” Her head weaved as if a huge weight rolled inside it. “I can’t.”

  “Why?” He lifted it just above a whisper.

  “Because it hurts.” There were tears in her voice now. “I can’t. It hurts. It will hurt. I—”

  “Ssshhh.” He cut her off after flicking off the paper clips and lifting his hands to trace the length of her spine. “That’s what I’m here for.”

  He got the reaction he was seeking. Her lips fell silent as her whole body quivered. A tiny whine shook in her throat, full of question and confusion. He smiled at the sound. Oh, yeah. There it was. The crack.

  “Let me take care of the hurt, Ava.” He repeated the long drag down her back, using his fingernails this time. Her ass rolled in visceral response; her hips clenched in blatant need. “Fuck,” he murmured, “you are so beautiful.” She moaned, juicing him to go on. “Give me more, sunshine. I’m not worth a damn without your gift…without your choice to give everything over, be it your passion, your pussy, and yeah, your pain. Just for now, let it go. Put it in my hands to give to you,” —he pulled the smallest of the hair clips off her ass, making her yelp— “and to take from you.” He soothed out her sting with a gentle sweep of his palm but just as she relaxed, he yanked one of the bigger clips. She yelled louder, reacting as more blood rushed back to her skin, but again he smoothed the burn, turning her cry into a whimper. “It’s all mine now, baby. I’m going to control it so you don’t have to. You’re safe, Ava. You’re safe.”

  She shrieked again as he took off another clip. She sighed again as he rubbed the pain into warmth…and admired the crimson slashes left on her dark gold skin, as well. But even after all the clamps were gone and she undulated beneath him in a bath of raw sensation, her lips remained tight. Her resolution hadn’t changed.

  Ethan growled low. “Does the cat still have your tongue, Ava? Damn it, I thought we were turning you into a dog person.”

  She pushed her bottom against his hand. “M-maybe if you did that longer…or turned the vibrator back on…”

  He had to steel his own resolve. “Devious minx.” He meant every syllable. How the hell did she know he’d crawl on glass for her right now? How had she figured out what the sight of her was doing to him? How had she discerned that her stunning response to his domination was flipping every fucking switch of elation inside him and that now, all he wanted to do was slam into her body until they both screamed with completion?

  But he had her at the brink. There weren’t just cracks in her window now. Full fissures showed in her composure and he couldn’t stop just because his dick gushed precum and his balls pounded with demand.

  He squeezed her hips and loomed over her once more. “Are you red lighting on me, Ava?”

  “No.” her answer was immediate. “God, no. Ethan—Sir—please, I need more. Please…m-more!”

  Her breath hitched. Her whole body gleamed with need. She hadn’t stopped undulating her hips or biting hard on her lips. She began to babble as her senses started flying, ascending to a space of pure, hot desire. Goddamn, it was incredible to watch. To experience. To feel her giving in to him, inch by hesitant inch, and experiencing such bliss because of it.

  He knew what had to happen now. What had to be implemented so that she released her last bit of resistance. The last piece of the arsenal he’d snagged off the nightstand. And ironically, the smallest weapon in the stash.

  The crackle of the plastic candy wrapper would’ve been as inelegant if he’d pulled the stunt in the middle of an opera. This occasion definitely trumped the middle of La Bohème for sinful satisfaction. The payback potential didn’t suck either.

  Ava’s thick curls bounced against her back as her head tugged higher. “Wh-what is—are you seriously eating a damn peppermint—”

  “Ssshhh.” He issued it as a full command this time. To drive the point in, he took advantage of having all that hair so close. With one well-placed jerk, her soft curls filled his hand and her aroused gasp filled the air.

  It was the calm before the storm.

  “We’re almost there, sunshine…but you haven’t turned it all over yet, have you?” He slipped his hand from her hair, skating it down again, stopping when he had his palm flat against the top of her ass. What a sight. The full globes of her raised backside. The symmetrical ladders where each clip had marked her skin. And, as his prodding fingers revealed, the perfect whorl that led into her body’s back entrance. “You need to be pushed just one more step outside that comfort zone, don’t you?”

  With ginger care, he spread her rectum a little wider.


  He maintained his grip. “Wouldn’t recommend that screaming stuff, baby. The tighter you clench, the harder this is going to be.”

  “This—this isn’t going to be anything. You—I can’t let you just—”

  “You can.” He slipped one finger in, teasing the ultrasensitive flesh just inside her tight tunnel. “And you will.” He pushed a little deeper, making her whine again. “Because you won’t be able to stand not knowing what this is like. Not knowing what it is to give me everything…even this, the naughtiest kind of pain I can inflict.”

  Her body squirmed. Her hands bunched back into fists. “You really are Sir Bastard.”

  “And you’re ten versions of sexy when you whisper it like that.”

  “Vete a la mierda.”

  “I’m sure hell would be thrilled to see me. But I plan to fuck you right here—just as soon as I turn your sweet ass into a really sweet ass.” Ignoring her skittering whimper, he took the red-and-white candy out of his mouth. Lowered it to her puckered entrance. “Relax, Ava,” he murmured. “Surrender it all to your sergeant.”

  He felt her suck in a breath. When she blew it out, he pressed the peppermint into her tight little back hole. />
  Oh, how she fought it. She bucked and shoved and bore down against the finger that held the candy in as he waited for her body heat to start dissolving the candy, and—


  Ethan withdrew his finger. He used the sanitizer he’d also brought over before caressing her back with more long, lingering strokes. The muscles beneath his touch were the texture of noodles, though she still wiggled her hips, reacting to the mint that awakened every tissue in that dark, naughty tunnel. As she did, he watched the depths of her pussy get shinier with her need to be filled there, too. She was swimming in new sensations and it was breathtaking. Damn, she was so open, so hot…so ready.

  It was time.

  As he pressed his body against hers, letting her feel the length of his aroused dick through every hot fold of her pussy, he snarled in her ear, “Did he ever make you feel this way?”

  As he expected, she tensed. Gulped hard. And set free a sorrowful moan before she whispered, “Colin. His name was Colin.”

  He turned the snarl into a kiss. “Thank you, sunshine.”

  “And Flynn.”

  He kissed her ear again. “It’s okay. I don’t need the middle name, too.”

  “It wasn’t a middle name.”

  He stilled. Released a huff against her neck. Dumb shit. Dumb shit. “There were two.”

  Her jerking nod came a second before her full sob.

  “Ava.” He trailed soft kisses along her neck and over her nape, into the valley between her shoulder blades. “Ava…oh, sweet Ava…”

  He needed to bring her back to him. Back to them. Back to this, here and now. He started that by jerking on the circle tie on her wrists, setting her free. As her arms separated, he flattened them to the bed, his own framing them, his hands atop her wrists. He sank his teeth into the curve of her ear as his cock seemed to move on its own power, nearing her sweet vagina. The air smelled like peppermint and coconut and the sea. Her body felt like golden satin. Her sobs, now coming through the hole of the window he shattered inside her, officially crashed through the triple panes of his.


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