Friends With Full Benefits (Friends With… Benefits Series (Book 2))

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Friends With Full Benefits (Friends With… Benefits Series (Book 2)) Page 14

by Luke Young

  “Wow, you uh…”

  Jim exhaled deeply.

  Brian said, “Seconds before I took the picture, you were crying, and then you have wood? What the hell is wrong with you? That’s not even pos—”

  “I was not crying.”

  Brian gave him a skeptical look.

  “Okay, I was crying a little. Take the damn picture down before it goes viral.”

  “Okay, okay.”

  Jim got up from the seat so Brian could log in to his page.

  Two blocks away, Victoria sat in front of her large PC monitor, looking at the same photo. Nude from the waist down, she licked her lips, sighed, and used two fingers to slowly pleasure herself. Just as she was approaching orgasm, Brian left Jim in the den. Jim brought up the remaining picture of he and Victoria—the one with his hand covering his groin. He got up and locked the door—he liked having doors with locks. After pulling down his shorts, he placed them neatly on top of the chair, sat his naked ass down on them, and did things to himself that happened to be the same things Victoria was currently fantasizing about doing to him. They both finished at just about the same time.


  The next morning, Jillian invited Victoria over for a light breakfast and a game of doubles with Jim and Brian. Victoria hadn’t played in almost a year; she was a competent player but preferred indoor sports. Victoria picked out her sexiest thong underwear, shortest tennis skirt, and most cleavage-revealing, skintight top, put her hair in a ponytail, and headed over.

  Jim sat at the outdoor table and nearly spit out the orange juice he was sipping when he saw Victoria heading his way. As she approached, there was rock music playing in his head, and it seemed like she was walking toward him almost in slow motion, with her bright smile and full breasts bouncing ever-so-slightly with each seductive step.

  He politely stood and pulled out a chair for her. She smiled at him, impressed, then took a seat. After stealing a glance at her cleavage, he looked into her eyes. And as he gazed, mesmerized, at her he thought, I should have jerked off today. How the hell will I get through this match without… My God, she’s beautiful, and… She can’t be older than thirty-five, right?

  After the foursome enjoyed their breakfast and some conversation, they headed to the court. Jim and Victoria won the first set six-four, but they were down in the second set four-two. Jim noticed that Victoria let him handle most of the work. She moved out of the way on many occasions as he flew all around the court, panting and sweating, and returning almost every shot. She only seemed to be taking the shots when there was no other option. A couple times, he spotted her sizing him up, wearing an expression that suggested she might be interested in more than just his tennis skills. At other times, she appeared antsy, like she’d rather be doing something else. Jim was dying to know what was actually running through her mind.

  Observing Jillian and Brian whispering to each other on their side of the court, Jim approached Victoria. “Are you tired or…”

  “No, I’m fine.”


  He watched as Jillian patted Brian on the ass and said, “Yeah, let’s break him here.” Brian headed toward the net as she got into position to return serve.

  Jim struggled to catch his breath as he walked to the baseline and prepared to serve. Looking back from her position near the net, where she waited for him to serve, Victoria grinned and bent over, exposing her thong-clad, perfect rear to Jim. He glanced at it and swallowed hard, as blood traveled south. He tossed the ball and completely missed it.

  Brian chuckled, then yelled to him, “What the hell?”

  “Sorry about that.”

  Jim pulled a ball from his now-overcrowded pocket and prepared to serve again. Victoria bent over even more, this time swaying back and forth. Staring directly at her ass, Jim bounced the ball over and over as he said to himself: Dear God, I’d give anything to have sex with her… or just see her naked for five minutes. She’s gorgeous. Please. Anything. I just—

  “Come on. Just serve it,” Brian said loudly.

  Jim tossed the ball and hit it horribly. Brian followed the ball as it traveled directly over his head and turned to watch it fly over the fence.

  Returning his attention to Jim, he asked, “What the hell was that?”

  “Sorry, uh, my racquet slipped.”

  Brian and Jillian shared an odd look.

  Jillian said, “Guys, I need a minute. Something’s wrong with my shoe.”

  As Jillian headed toward the bench, Victoria walked to Jim and got really close. She whispered to him, “What’s wrong? You were playing so well.”

  “I, uh…”

  “Look, I really want to beat these guys. I kinda stink. I’ll just get out of the way, and you do most of the work.”

  He gave her a hesitant look. “Could you maybe not bend over like that… so much?”


  “Well, it’s very distracting.” Victoria’s face lit up as he added, “Look, you are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, and I’m about to have a heart attack over here if you don’t stop, uh—”

  “Do you think you can concentrate if I stop bending over?”

  “I think so.”

  Looking Jim in the eye, she moved real close as she whispered, “I think you need a goal. Do you need a goal?”

  “Like what?”

  “You see these breasts?”

  He swallowed hard. “Uh, yeah. See, this is what I’m talking about. This isn’t help—”

  “Just let me finish. These breasts are real, and they’re amazing. I have the tits of a twenty-year-old. They’re a fucking freak of nature. I take this bra off, and they stay up like… like bartenders should still be carding me.”

  She looked at him waiting for some acknowledgement. After an awkward moment and her change in facial expression to anger, he replied, “I believe you. I really do!”

  “You beat these guys, and you can see them.”

  “Okay, that uh, sounds like—”

  Grabbing the collar of her shirt, she pulled it away from her body so he could see all of her cleavage. He glanced in and exhaled. “Wow.”

  “I think the secret is I eat a lot of whole-fat dairy… you know, milk, cheese—oh and I absolutely love ice cream. Then I kill myself in the gym to burn off the calories, which seem to only go to my breasts.”

  With his eyes still locked on her gorgeous cleavage, all he could manage to say was, “Huh.”

  Narrowing her eyes, she whispered, “Now, you destroy them—I mean, they don’t win another game—and you can do to…” she pointed at the twin perfect peaks, “…them whatever you want, for as long as you want. We win four more games, we win this set, and we can end this crap, get off this hot court, and do something fun—much more fun.”

  He swallowed hard and nodded his head rapidly like an idiot.

  Smiling, she asked, “How’s that for a goal?”

  “That’s the best damn goal I’ve ever heard.”

  Jillian returned to the court and stood with Brian, waiting. She sighed. “Come on, you two!”

  Victoria glared back at her. “Just a second.” Reaching into his pocket, she fished around and extracted a tennis ball, putting it between her breasts. “Now, take this ball and hit a fucking ace.”

  He gave her a determined nod, reached between her breasts, and pulled out the ball. She smiled at him and headed for the net.

  He walked to the service line, looked skyward, paused, then tossed the ball perfectly. He hit the best serve of his life. Brian didn’t even reach for it. He didn’t have a chance.

  Jim grinned.

  Victoria turned and pumped her fist. “Keep it up.”

  Brian asked, “What the hell did you say to him?”

  “I just gave him a pep talk.” Turning back to him once more, Victoria held up her fist. “You can do it, Jim.”

  And he could. He was on fire for the rest of the match. Jillian and Brian shared about twelve “what-the-fuck’s-got-into-him
” looks. Forget winning a game, team Grayson/Nash won only one point in the final four games. Team Wilde/Nash took the match two sets to none.


  The two tennis couples stood in the kitchen drinking water. Jillian said, “Jim, you were really in a zone.”

  “I’ve never played like that in my life. If I did consistently, I’d be on the Tour.”

  Brian shook his head in agreement as he stood behind Jillian. Slipping her hand behind her back, she playfully massaged his package. Brian covered his mouth to keep from gasping. He saw Victoria grinning at him as if she knew exactly what they were up to. He figured Jim did not, since his brother’s eyes were currently focused on his tennis partner’s smoking hot body. Brian whispered into Jillian’s ear. She smiled, and he announced, “Why don’t we go for a late dinner? You guys aren’t hungry, are you?”

  Victoria said, “No.”

  Jim replied, “No,” with his eyes still locked on Victoria’s ass.

  “Good,” Jillian said.

  “We’re exhausted. I think we’re going to take a shower and a nap,” Brian said while trying to keep a straight face.

  “Jim, I put some fresh towels in your bathroom.” Jillian turned to Victoria. “Just meet us back here about seven.”

  Victoria nodded her agreement, and Jillian turned and headed out of the room. Brian glanced at his brother and saw him eyeing Victoria’s body. He didn’t want to notice, but Jim had the same telltale bulge in his tennis shorts that Brian was also currently sporting. After grinning unnoticed at the couple currently ignoring him, he took off after his own tennis partner. They walked up the stairs, giggling like two horny teenagers.

  Victoria could feel Jim’s eyes on her. She loved the dance of seduction and felt that the anticipation before the sex was almost as much fun as the sex itself. Turning away, she pretended to look at a photo on the wall and quickly slipped her hand under her skirt and adjusted her panties.

  When she turned back, she took a step and grimaced. “Ouch.”

  “Are you okay?”

  Frowning, she began to limp. “I think I have a splinter or something.”

  She struggled to move to the sofa and sat down, wearing a pained look. “Would you mind checking my foot for me?”

  “No problem.”

  Wearing a more relaxed expression, she swung her leg up on the sofa. Jim sat at the other end of the sofa, facing her. She lifted her leg up to his lap, and he smiled. She pulled her already short skirt up a little while he carefully removed her shoe and sock. Holding her foot gently, he looked closely for the splinter. Fighting back the urge to smile, she lifted her leg a little higher. His gaze traveled up her delicate calf to her creamy thigh to between her legs, and his heart stopped. Her tiny, silky thong was on full display as it struggled to cover her most intimate of areas. His eyes locked on it a moment, and his mouth flew open. She wore a slight grin as he held her foot but continued to stare between her legs. While letting him have his moment, she glanced down to see the bulge growing in his shorts.

  Jim snapped out of it and looked up at her face. “Um, where does it hurt?”

  “Oh, it’s on the bottom, I think.” She lifted her leg even higher and grinned, sure that he could probably see a little of her ass now, as well. He stopped breathing as he glanced at all her wonders before returning his attention to her foot. His eyes darted between the two a few times until she said, “I think you got it out. It feels so much better now.”

  Moving her foot down, she brushed it not-so-accidentally against his throbbing groin. “Oh, sorry.”

  He gave her an embarrassed smile. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  Before she could answer, Brian called down from the second floor, “Victoria, are you still here?”

  “I am,” she answered back.

  “Can you come up for a second?”

  She smiled at Jim. “Be right back.” Then she rushed up the stairs and met Brian halfway.

  Brian whispered to her, “My brother has a thing for you.”

  “Really?” she said sarcastically.

  “Okay, yeah. I guess you knew that. Am I picking up that you are attracted to him, too?”

  “Oh, God yes!”

  “Be gentle.”

  She glared at him.

  “I’m serious.”

  After giving him a tired look, she smiled. “Really, you don’t mind?”

  Brian motioned for her to follow him up the stairs, and she did. He said softly, “He needs it. He’s a straight-A student who never dates. I wish when I was twenty I’d met a woman like you.”

  “When you were twenty, I wasn’t like this at all.”

  “Take him to your house, though, and if you don’t make it back here by seven, that’s okay.” He flashed his eyes up the stairs. “She seems to be a little horny today.”

  She paused a moment. “You want a tip?”


  “I just read about this.” She put her hand in front of him with her first two fingers together pointed straight out, her third finger tucked in and her pinky extended.

  He looked at her hand confused. “What’s that?”

  She held her hand in that position. “The two fingers go in her pussy, the pinky goes in her ass, and then lick her clit while you work the fingers gently inside. Her head will explode.”

  As the lights came on, his eyes widened, and he smiled. “Good tip.”

  After turning, he looked back at her. “Oh, remember… take it easy on him—no around-the-world or anything like that. Don’t ruin him for other women.”

  “Don’t worry.”

  His eyes widened as he remembered to ask, “Oh, yeah, what the hell did you say to him to get him to play like that?”

  “I told him if he beat the crap out of you guys, he could do whatever he wanted with my breasts for as long as he wanted.”

  Staring into her cleavage, he nodded with a faraway look. “Okay.”

  She grinned and headed down the stairs, as Brian ascended the steps, taking them three at a time.

  Appearing in the doorway, Victoria smiled at Jim. “Well, I guess I’ll see you back here at seven.”

  He looked at her, crushed.

  “Or you could come over. Do you want to get ready at my house and then you can keep me company until we go to dinner? Oh, and I almost forgot—I need to give you your winnings.”

  He smiled broadly.

  “Go grab a change of clothes, and we’ll—”

  Jim rushed from the room before she could finish.


  Victoria and Jim walked into her living room. He looked around nervously. “Nice place.”

  “Let me show you where the bathroom is.”

  As she led him through her bedroom, he drank in her body, struggling to believe his luck.

  When they entered the large spa bathroom, she walked over to the huge shower with two showerheads and turned them both on. She turned to discover he was clutching his bag near his chest.

  “You can put that down, you know.”

  He grinned uneasily and placed it on the floor.

  She removed her shoes and socks, pulled her shirt over her head, and shimmied out of her skirt, as he looked on with his heart pounding and his shorts straining.

  She shook her head. “Are you getting in with your clothes on?”

  Grinning, he began ripping his clothes off.

  She slipped out of her underwear and stepped into the shower stall. After adjusting the water to a cooler temperature, she put her head under, gasping slightly with the shock of the cool water. “This feels amazing.”

  He couldn’t take his eyes off her as he stepped into the stall, his penis now standing at attention. She soaped up a loofa and washed her body as she gazed dreamily at his prize. Looking up at his face, she said, “You look a lot like your brother.” She thought, Jim’s spectacular penis looks a lot like what I remember of Brian’s and it might even be a little bigger. Briefly, she felt strange having this information, but
as she drank in his young, hard body that feeling evaporated.

  “There’s another sponge over there,” she said.

  He quickly soaped up his sponge and began washing everything really, really well. He stared at her body as the soapy water flowed over her stunning curves.

  She bent over to pump some shampoo into her hand, and he leaned his head against the shower wall, dizzied as he took a long look at her shapely rear. Rising up, she grinned at him, and washed her hair. He continued lazily washing himself as he watched the suds roll down her sizeable breasts as she worked the lather into her hair. Then when she turned into the spray to rinse her hair, he was treated to the breathtaking sight of the suds slipping between the cheeks of her ass. He looked down proudly at his erection, which had never before been this big and hard.

  After finishing with her hair, she looked at him with a sexy smile.

  “Could you hand me some shampoo?” he asked.

  She bent down, picked up the pump, and squirted some into his hand. He lathered up, rinsed, and didn’t repeat. No fucking way was he going to repeat.

  Stepping to him, she moved her lips close to his. “I’m so glad that we beat those guys today. You are quite a player.”

  “You… are, uh, pretty good yourself.”

  She grinned. “I stink. You did everything out there.” After kissing him gently on the mouth, she pulled back an inch and whispered, “Now let me do everything… in here.”

  She kissed his chest, then sucked on one of his nipples until it was hard. She bent over, kissing her way down to his belly button. He tilted his head toward the ceiling, closed his eyes for a moment, then looked down at her. He was more than ready.

  Kneeling, she took told of his equipment. She admired it for a moment, then looked up at him, grinning. She placed a tiny kiss on the head as she maintained eye contact with him. She watched his expression as he melted with the gentle touch of her lips. Then her gaze slowly returned to it as she held it with both hands. After licking her lips, she opened her mouth wide and took him inside.


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