Friends With Full Benefits (Friends With… Benefits Series (Book 2))

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Friends With Full Benefits (Friends With… Benefits Series (Book 2)) Page 16

by Luke Young

  When she finished with him, he was dizzy from experiencing the biggest orgasm of his short career. Next, she took him on a trip around the world, which of course, was strictly against Brian’s advice. They even joked beforehand about the fact that Brian had told her not to do it with him. It made it that much better.


  The next morning, Jim woke up first. He lifted the covers slightly to drink in Victoria’s body. His penis was already sporting morning wood and this didn’t help. Slipping out of bed, he put on boxer shorts, and explored the house. He discovered a completely empty room, the guest bedroom, then went to the kitchen. There he looked in the refrigerator to see if he could whip up some breakfast. Victoria had one egg and a carton of milk that was two weeks past the expiration date.

  Returning to bed, he sat up next to her, staring straight ahead and reflecting on how much fun they’d had in the thirty-six short hours they’d known each other. He tried to count how many times they had done it and in how many positions. As he reviewed the sex acts in his mind, she began to stir. She moved her hips, cried out slightly in pain, and began to rub her thigh muscle.

  He pulled the covers down from her. “Where does it hurt?”

  She rubbed the area and said in a whiny voice, “Right here.”

  “What happened?”

  “It’s probably from playing tennis. I never play, and I was using muscles yesterday that I never ever use.”

  Smiling, he began rubbing out her thigh muscle.

  She moaned. “You have amazing hands.”

  “Does that feel better?”

  “Actually, every muscle in my body hurts.”

  “That can’t be. Every one?” he said, in a playful voice.

  “Yes, they all hurt.” She groaned as if she were really in terrible pain.

  Resting his head on one of her firm ass cheeks, he pointed to her lower back. “Does this one hurt?”


  He touched her shoulder. “This one?”


  Reaching back, he touched her calf. “How about this one?”

  “That one really hurts.”

  He grinned and gently placed a finger on her vagina. “Is this a muscle?”


  “Does it hurt?”

  “Not at all.”

  “Uh-huh.” Grinning, he slid his finger slowly until he reached her ass. She squirmed, then purred.

  He said, “Now, I know this is a muscle. Does this one hurt?”

  “No.” She giggled.

  He sat up and gazed at her body. “How about I get some baby oil and work all the muscles that actually hurt? Then, when I’m finished with that, I’ll work all the ones that don’t.”

  Smiling, she snuggled with her pillow. “I can’t think of a better way to start the day.”

  He found the baby oil, returned, and sat right on her shapely rear while still wearing his boxer shorts.

  She shimmied a little. “Are you wearing something?”


  “You can take those off if you want.”

  He happily slipped off the shorts and sat back down on her.

  She moaned, “Now, that feels better.”

  He dribbled the oil on her back and began to work it into her shoulders. She melted with his touch.

  “Hey, I was snooping around your house this morning. Hope you don’t mind. What’s with that completely empty room?”

  “Oh, I just cleaned it out.” She struggled to say, stopping to let out a low moan before adding, “It was a junk room. I’m trying to decide what to do with it.”

  “I was going to ask if I could transfer to the University of Miami and rent it from you.”

  “If you were here, you’d be sleeping right here with me.”

  Smiling, he moved his hands to massage her neck. Her head was turned to one side with her chin pushed up against her shoulder. He found it difficult to work her neck fully. “Have you ever had a professional massage? You know on one of those massage tables where there’s that comfortable support for your head?”

  “That padded hole? Yeah, those tables are so comfortable. It’s like heaven.”

  He dribbled baby oil down each of her arms and used both hands to work it in.

  “That feels incredible,” she groaned slowly.

  After massaging her entire upper body again for a few minutes, he focused on her neck as he said, “Maybe you should put in like one of those feng shui relaxation rooms.”

  “Relaxation room? Can I smoke pot in there?”

  He chuckled. “I guess.” He moved to rub her lower back. His penis was now super-hard, and it looked pretty good, bordered on each side by the milky, white skin of her stunning ass.

  “Maybe I’ll put in a billiard room,” she said before letting out a groan as he worked his fingers firmly into her back. “Please, do my legs and everything else now.”

  He moved off her, turned around, and sat gently on her lower back. He dribbled oil down each leg, then on each cheek, and began to work it in.

  “Yes,” she said softly. “That’s where it really hurts.”

  Using both hands, he worked her right leg firmly, starting at the ankle and moving up to the calf and finally to the thigh. Then he did the same to her left leg, and when he reached her thigh on that side, she said, “Yeah, that’s the muscle I pulled.”

  He spent extra time there, then moved on to her ass cheeks.

  She moaned, “That feels amazing.”

  He kept working her glutes harder and harder as her moaning intensified. Then he turned his attention to both legs, working each with one hand simultaneously. She sighed and playfully shook her rear. “Please, do my back again.”

  Turning around, he went back to rubbing her upper body. He sat a little farther back, his knees against her hips and his erection gently pressing into her as he returned to rubbing her lower back. She moaned, and he moved back and forth half an inch or so, teasing her. He looked down, admiring the sight.

  “Now you can move on to a muscle that doesn’t hurt.”

  “Can I pick the one I want?”

  Thinking a moment, she shook her ass a bit to tease him. “Normally, I’d say yes, but you’re not exactly an average-sized guy, and what we did last night has put me back on the wagon for that muscle. I’m a little out of practice.”

  Hovering over her, he smiled at the compliment.

  “Don’t move,” she said.

  He held still as she performed a quick maneuver forward and up and back. Before his eyes, his erection was buried inside her. They both gasped. After pausing for a few seconds, she moved her hips back and forth. She lifted her head and wore a sexy grin. He looked straight ahead, his eyes glazing over from the intense pleasure.

  “You’re probably… exhausted… from giving me a rub. Just hold still. I’ll do everything.”

  She went on to do all the work, and it was amazing.

  After spending every minute together for another day and night Victoria woke up early, left Jim still asleep, and went to the supermarket to buy what she needed to prepare breakfast. It was the one meal she could actually cook. She put his plate of fried eggs and bacon in the oven to keep warm, stripped down to her bra and panties, and woke him up.

  She softly kissed him on the neck, whispering in his ear, “I’ve got a lot of errands to run today, so I won’t be back until about two.”

  Rolling onto his back, he looked groggily up at her.

  She said, “I have your breakfast in the oven. Do you want to eat it now, or would you rather watch while I have my breakfast right here?”

  Appearing confused, he asked, “Uh, what are you having?”

  Her answer was to rip the sheets from him and move down until her head was just over his boxer shorts. “So, which would you prefer?” she checked.

  “I’m not really hungry right now, so I’ll just watch you… eat.”

  “My preference, as well.” She grasped his boxer shorts, he lifted up off
the bed, and she pulled them down. He was unusually soft.

  “Sorry,” he said.

  “I love a challenge.”

  She leaned in and went to work. Soon things were different down there, much different. Lifting off of him, she grinned at her accomplishment. He watched, mesmerized, as she went back to it with surprising early-morning eagerness.

  Taking a deep breath, he gripped the sheet on either side of him so hard that it snapped off the mattress from both corners. Ten seconds later, it was over. Gasping for breath, he shut his eyes and let his head fall to the pillow.

  She pulled up and drank in his body, smiling and fully pleased with her work. “How was that?”


  Victoria returned a few minutes later with his warm plate, dropped it off, kissed him on the cheek, then headed to the closet. When she came out dressed in her workout clothes, he asked, “Do you want me to drive you?”

  “No, you just relax. I’d like to find you right here when I return. You can return the favor.”

  He grinned. “What kind of workout do you do?”

  “Some cardio and weights.”

  “You don’t need to. You look amazing.”

  “I’ve already told you… do you think this body is an accident? I’m almost forty. If I didn’t work out four days a week, believe me, you wouldn’t want to see my body.”

  “I’d still want to,” he said. She smiled at him, and he asked, “So you’ll be back at two?”

  “I should be. I have a bikini wax at noon and then a nail appointment at one.”

  “You don’t need a bikini wax either.”

  “It’s been three weeks. I really do.”

  “I was just there. I mean, like, really, really close in there, and I didn’t see any hair.”

  Rolling her eyes, she pulled down her spandex shorts and thong, and got right next to him, pointing out a few stray hairs here and there.

  “Oh, okay,” he said, unconvinced and now a little horny.

  “Plus, I think I’m going to take all this off.” She ran her fingers through what little hair remained on her tiny landing strip.

  He nodded breathlessly. “Okay, uh, have fun. I’ll be here—right here.”

  Thirty minutes later, after a shave and shower, Jim wandered back to Victoria’s empty extra room and stood, rubbing his chin and thinking. Then it hit him. He walked with purpose to the computer and performed Internet searches for local businesses that had what he needed.

  After borrowing Jillian’s car, Jim drove to two stores, brought some items home, scheduled delivery of other items, and returned to Victoria’s to place online orders for everything else. Exhausted, he sat back on the sofa and checked the time. Victoria was due back in fifteen minutes. He rushed to the bedroom, stripped down, and climbed into bed.

  When she returned a few minutes earlier than expected, he closely—really closely—inspected her new hair-free look for almost thirty minutes, and they spent the rest of the day by the pool.


  Several packages addressed to Jim arrived the next day. Victoria eyed him suspiciously as he carried the heavy boxes through the house. Jim arranged for Jillian to take Victoria out for lunch while he prepared her surprise. The deliverymen arrived on time, and an hour later it was ready.

  When Victoria walked through the door, she found him sitting on the sofa and reading a book. When she entered the room, he hid the book under a pillow and looked at her like he had something to say.

  She gave him a smirk. “What is it?”


  “Really, what is it?”

  Rising quickly, he went to her. “I kind of have a little surprise for you. It’s just… I hope you like it.”

  She lit up. “I love surprises. Is it sex-related?”

  “Well, I guess…” He thought a moment and amended, “No, not really.” She frowned a bit, and he said, “But I think you may like it anyway.”

  “Well, what is it?”

  “I have to show you.” Leading her toward the back of the house, he began, “You know how we talked about that amazing massage I got in Atlantic City?”


  “And how the one I gave you in bed was good but a little awkward?”


  As he stood outside the closed door to her spare room, he said, “You said you didn’t know what to do with this room, so I…”

  She stared at him and seemed to be holding her breath. He gave her a hopeful look and pushed open the door.

  The room was decked out with a top-of-the-line massage table, massage oils, and new matching cocoa-colored towels and sheets. Scanning the room, she took in the decorative feng shui furniture, knick-knacks, and the set of three large candles that matched the towels and were arranged in one corner of the room underneath a grass sculpture. She walked in with her mouth wide open. She glanced back at him, smiling, then looked at everything in the room, speechless.

  He walked in behind her and went to the table. “Look at this. This is my favorite thing.” She stood next to him and looked down at the bowl of smooth rocks with their own heating system. He saw a tear fall from her eye.

  “Have you ever had a hot stone massage?”

  “No, have you?”

  He shook his head. “No, but it’s supposed to be super-relaxing.”

  “No one has ever…” Without finishing her thought, she simply looked at him, dumbfounded. “Where’d you get the money for all this?”

  “I told you about A.C.”

  She nodded breathlessly. “This must have been expensive.”

  “It wasn’t that bad.” He gave her a faux tired look. “Putting everything together did take a lot of coordination, though.”

  “I’ll bet.” She giggled.

  He looked at her, trying to read her expression. “Could you give me some indication whether you like this or not? Did I overstep way too much here and need to take it all back?”

  Sliding down to her knees, she unzipped his fly.

  His eyes got big as saucers. “Wow, so you like it.”

  She looked up at him, nodding with a grateful expression. “I love it. If I don’t do something sexual, I’m going to start bawling.”

  He leaned his head back as she reached into his fly and pulled out his penis. She began stroking it. He sighed in ecstasy before pulling away from her. “Wait.”

  She looked at him, confused, as he put everything back in its place. Taking a step back, he motioned for her to stand. When she did, he looked into her eyes. “This room should be for complete relaxation only. Not sex. You see this feng shui piece of whatever over here?” He motioned with his hand, and she looked at the strange object.

  “That’s supposed to keep the room’s aura at the proper level. You go messing around in here, and you could screw all that up.”

  “Sex is relaxing.”

  “Not really. All I want you to think about when you’re in here is letting go and unwinding. If you want to have sex, you have the rest of the house for that.”

  Smiling, she warmed to the idea. “Okay, okay.”

  He watched as she walked over to the massage table, and he said, “It’s a wood one. They have so many to choose from; I was starting to get confused. Do you like it? If not, I—”

  “It’s the exact one I would have chosen,” she assured him as she rubbed her hand over it. She gave him a surprised look. “It feels so warm!”

  “It’s heated. You can adjust the temperature.”

  “No way.”

  “It is. You want me to give you a massage? I’ve been reading a book about it and want to try out some new techniques.”

  Minutes later, Victoria’s amazing body was splayed out naked on the heated massage table as Jim remained fully clothed and worked every inch of it. Her head was cradled perfectly in the support. She moaned softly as if she were melting away into complete relaxation.

  Twenty minutes into the perfect rub, she opened her eyes. “Are you telling
me you aren’t thinking about sex right now?”

  “I’m not saying that at all. You can think about it in here; just don’t spoil the feng shuieshness of room by doing it.”

  Lifting her head up, she gave him a look. “Feng shuieshness?”

  He nodded. “That’s a word. I’m… pretty sure.”

  She shook her head with a smile before placing it back down.

  He moved to stand near her feet and began working her legs from her ankles all the way up to her perfect, heart-shaped ass. She spread her legs to improve his access to her inner thighs but this also gave him a breathtaking view of her hairless female parts. With each long stroke up her legs, he stared into her twin holes, his shorts becoming more and more crowded. He was hoping Victoria would tell him she’d had enough so the relaxation would stop, and the fun would begin, but he was willing to go as long as she wanted. Staring at and touching her amazing body was just slightly less enjoyable than exploring every inch of it with his penis, tongue, and mouth.

  A few minutes later she turned over and noticed the bulge in his shorts. “You must be uncomfortable.”

  “I’m okay,” he said unconvincingly as he began rubbing her shoulders.

  “I’m really going to take care of you after this,” she said in a sexy voice.

  He stopped rubbing her. “That’s not helping me. No more sex talk. I’m about to explode.”

  “Okay, I’ll be good. Just do my breasts for a few minutes, and then we’ll go to another part of the house, if you know what I mean.”

  He raised his eyebrows. After slowly pouring massage oil over her nipples, he sensually rubbed it in. Her nipples hardened and stood out almost a half inch. His penis was throbbing now ready to burst as he gazed over her dazzling glistening body. He rubbed her breasts a little harder, and she began to moan slowly as if she were close to orgasm.

  Suddenly, she opened her eyes. “I’m done if you are.”

  He smiled with relief. “Let’s go.”

  He rushed from the room, unbuttoning his shorts to relieve the pressure. She was right behind him. They moved into the bedroom, and somehow the sex was the best they’d had so far.


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