Guarded by a SEAL

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Guarded by a SEAL Page 2

by Julie Morgan

  “Look,” Suzy started and squatted down. “I get it. You need this. I was only saying it would be nice, maybe fun, to have a hot man guarding you twenty-four seven. You know? Like the boy next door grew up all hot.”

  Andria shook her head. “Go get me more coffee, would you?” she handed her the cup.

  “It’s still full.”

  “Yeah, and it’s cold. Go.”

  As Suzy took her cup and left the room, Andria reopened her laptop. She clicked on the About Us link and read the information. The middle banner had an anchor with a machine gun crossing it with angel wings. Guardian Angel Protection Services—we cover your six when God’s too busy.

  Andria read more and found them to be a security detail for business and private matters. She picked up her phone and put in the address coordinates and found them to be only a few miles away. She stood from her desk as Suzy walked in with a to-go cup sealed and ready to go.

  “I have their address on my phone and they’re pretty close by.” She felt small with the next words she spoke. “Will you go with me? I don’t want to do this alone.”

  Suzy smiled. She stepped closer and placed her hands on her sister’s shoulders. “Of course. I would have anyway.”

  Andria nodded with a smile. She felt a small win release the tension in her body. It’s not a sprint, Andria, this is a marathon. One small win at a time. “Of course. Let’s go.”


  Andria and Suzy pulled up in front of a building a few miles in from the coast of Virginia Beach. Andria stepped out of the passenger side, allowing her sister to drive this morning. She felt it best considering the circumstances. Depending on the outcome of the situation, Andria did not want to be held responsible for senseless driving.

  Or drinking.

  Or binge eating. There would be food, alcohol and chocolate, but maybe not necessarily in that order. She had a predator after her and what she wanted more than anything in the world was to disappear. But she was no ostrich. She wanted the turn the tables on that asshole, Draven. She wanted to become the predator now and make him feel like the prey.

  Maybe GAPS would do this for her. Maybe whoever was hired to protect her could teach her a thing or two on fighting, or at least self-defense. She was tired of feeling like a sitting duck in a wide pond. She was ready to be the shark in an ocean full of fish.

  “Are you ready?” Suzy walked up to the door and gripped the handle. “We can go in and state our case, or turn and leave if you want.”

  Andria shook her head. “No. I’m tired of being scared. I’m tired of always looking over my shoulder. I’m tired of the nightmares, Suzy. I’m tired of running. I’m ready to change all that.”

  Suzy smiled. “That’s my sis.” She opened the door and motioned for Andria to pass.

  Letting out a long sigh, Andria rolled her shoulders, cracked her neck, then passed through the entrance. The air conditioning of the building gently blew over her body and she had a thought of being in a boxing ring. She would wear a silk pink robe with bright pink boxing gloves. Black would be smeared under her eyes like football players wear, and in the corner, Suzy would be her personal cheerleader.

  They approached the GAPS door and Andria settled back into her own reality. She looked to Suzy then back to the door. “Do we walk in or knock?”

  “Well,” a deep, gravely male voice sounded behind them.

  Andria gasped and quickly turned around to a tall man standing behind her. He was quite tall as she looked up to his full height. Maybe six-foot-four? He had wide shoulders and brown hair. He smiled and she saw beautiful white teeth and lips.

  “You’re welcome to hang outside if you like, but I suggest the interior. It’s much cooler inside. And by cooler,” he said as he reached for the handle between the two women, “I mean we have cookies and coffee.”

  He stepped through the opened door and held the door open for Andria and Suzy.

  Suzy smiled and looked to her sister. “You ready?”

  Andria held her breath and twisted her hands in front of her. Nerves plagued her and she felt cemented to the ground. She could not hear her sister when her lips moved and could only stare at the man in front of her. He was so different from Draven in looks, size and build, but she had no idea who he was. He came so close reaching between them, and he smelled so good.

  Stumbling slightly, she grabbed the wall when she realized her sister pushed her. “What the hell?” she whispered.

  Suzy pointed to the door with a raised brow.

  “Oh,” Andria said and looked to the man once more. “Yeah, we’re here for, umm…well, I’m here…” She trailed off and lowered her gaze to the floor. She felt as tiny as a flea on a mouse. Her eyes burned and tears threatened to spill from her eyes.

  “What my sister is trying to say is, we’re looking for personal protection for her. Is this the right place?”

  Andria raised her eyes to her sister and mouthed thank you. She then closed her eyes for a moment and took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. She opened her eyes and looked to the man. “She’s correct. I need to hire security, please.”

  The man smiled and offered his arm as an invite to the office. “Then you’ve come the right place. My name is Jackson, but you may call me Jax. Welcome to GAPS.”

  “Why not get a restraining order?”

  Andria stared at her lap when the GAPS manager, named Jon, asked her about an order. She sighed and looked up to him. “Forgive me for being so blunt, Jon, but please understand a restraining order is merely a suggestion in the eyes of Draven Combs. He will continue to come after me regardless of whatever order I have in place. He broke out of prison, as I stated earlier in my reasoning for being here. I’m looking for something heavier, deeper, and more personal.”

  She raised her eyes to the man named Jax, felt a blush rush over her, and lowered her eyes once more with a clearing of her throat.

  “Andria has been through hell and back, if I may be so bold,” Suzy stated. “In the documentation supplied, if you’ll take a moment to review it, you’ll see why she needs a bodyguard.”

  “We have had a few cases similar,” Jon stated, “but business is business.” He opened the manila folder and began to review the contents. His brows furrowed as he flipped the page and continued reading. “Shit,” he whispered and shook his head. He removed pictures from the file, sighed, and closed the folder. He handed them to Jax and sat back in his chair. “Miss Huffton, please allow me to personally apologize for questioning your need for the personal guard. After reviewing your file, we’re happy to take your case. I’d like to introduce you to our latest team member, Jackson Masters.”

  Jax looked through the pictures and furrowed his brows. He sighed a long breath, then looked to Andria. “Please, call me Jax,” Jackson stated when he held out a hand to Andria.

  She took his hand and shook it. “Nice to formally meet you, Jax. And Draven has my social security number. So, he can find me anywhere.”

  “Understood,” Jon started. “Jax will be assigned as your security detail. I’ll let you two discuss how this will go down and what he’s able to offer you by way of security.”

  Andria nodded. “May I ask what this will cost me?”

  Jon rubbed his chin and looked up to Jax, then back to the folder. “I won’t lie, Miss Huffton.”

  “Please,” she interrupted him. “Call me Andria, and don’t treat me like a fragile creature. I’ve fought to live on this earth from a man hell-bent on taking me off it. Be frank with me.”

  Jon and Jax both smiled. “I like your spunk, Andria,” Jon told her. “I’ll be frank then. It will not be cheap. We can do a monthly cycle and go from there.”

  “That’s good for me. I can have the first month’s payment wired over immediately.”

  “Just like that?” Jax asked.

  Jon looked up to his guy and frowned. “Seriously?”

  Andria looked to Jax as he raised his brows. “I meant nothing by it, but you have the ability to
wire it now?”

  “Why not?” she asked. “I was left with a healthy trust to do with as I please. I would like to put it to good use with hiring your firm.”

  “Sounds good to me,” Jon stated and wrote something on a piece of paper before sliding it over.

  Andria picked it up, read it, then nodded. She pulled out her phone, punched in a few keys, used the numbers on the slip, then put her purse away. “Consider it done. It will show up in your account in a few minutes.”

  “Great, but I wish we could do the paperwork first,” Jon said with a chuckle. “Here you go.” He slid over a stapled document and Andria picked it up.

  She read it over with Suzy and initialed where she needed, signed where it required, then slid it back. “Do you require anything else?”

  “Nope. That’s it. Jax here will follow you home and get started on detail.”

  She nodded and stood. She held her hand out to Jon and he shook it. “Pleasure doing business with you. And thank you for making this easy, rather than taking pity and telling me he won’t be back for me.” She dropped her hand and looked to the floor. “No one knows Draven the way I do. He’s pure evil incarnate.”

  “I’ll second that,” Suzy whispered and stood. “Thank you for looking out for my sister, Jon and Jax.”

  “Are you in need of detail as well?” Jon asked Suzy.

  She shook her head no. “I’m good. Draven has never come after me.”

  He nodded. “Thank you again, Andria. We’ll be in touch soon if anything comes up on our end. Otherwise, you’ll have Jax here with you.”

  She nodded and looked to Jax once more. She bit the inside of her mouth to control the sob she wanted to let go. She was a big girl and didn’t need a big brother that she never had to watch over her night and day. But in reality, she did. She needed Jax in her life.


  Andria stepped out of Suzy’s car and pushed her sunglasses onto her head. She bent over and rested her forearm on the roof of the car. “I’m scared.”

  “I know, honey, but you have tall, hunk, and dreamy to look after you,” Suzy said with a smile. “In all seriousness though, sis, you’ll be in good hands.”

  Andria lowered her gaze. “That’s what concerns me.” She looked up with a perked brow. “He’s very easy on the eyes.”

  Suzy grinned. “You’ll be fine. And I’m only a short drive away if you need me.”

  Andria nodded. “Love you.” She shut the door and pulled out her house keys. Jax pulled to a stop behind Suzy’s car just as she pulled away from the curb. He drove a newer Hummer H3 painted black. The windows were tinted dark as well. He rolled down the window and leaned over in the seat toward her.

  “Is it okay to park here?” Jax asked. “If you have a garage, I’d rather us park in there sooner than later.”

  “Yeah, absolutely.” She pushed a button on a key fob and the garage door opened automatically. “My car is in there right now, but there’s enough room for yours. Go ahead.”

  He grinned. “Nice. Thanks.” He rolled the window back up and pulled his car into the garage. The ignition cut and Andria watched him step out.

  She’d never had another man park in her garage in Virginia Beach. Hell, she’d not been romantically involved with another man since Draven. Between her fear of sounds at night and nightmares of her past, no one could really blame her.

  Andria walked toward the garage and met him inside as he stepped out. Jax was tall, something she was not used to.

  “I’d like to get started on our setup and get things moving. Can we go inside?”

  “What?” Andria asked then shook her head. “Oh, I’m sorry. Yes, come on.” She stepped past Jax. “Follow me, please?”

  She heard his steps follow hers. I wonder what size shoe he wears? He’s so tall. Not that it matters, of course.

  “I’ll get you a key. All the locks are the same.” She opened the door and stepped inside. Jax followed her and closed the door behind him, twisting the deadbolt.

  He nodded. “That would be great. I need an extra set for the office as well.”

  “Why, if I may ask?”

  Jax looked around her laundry room as he answered. “In case of emergencies.”

  Andria realized where they were standing. She had a few bras hanging to dry as well as undergarments. A blush rushed to her cheeks.

  “Umm, come inside.” She rushed through the room that led to her kitchen. “Would you like some water or a Coke?”

  “Water would be great,” he told her with a hint of a chuckle.

  “I wasn’t expecting company or I would have, you know, put things away.”

  “No worries,” he told her and pulled out a seat at her breakfast nook.

  She pulled a glass from her cabinet and poured water in it from her fridge spout. “Here you go.”

  He took it and sipped. “Thanks. Now as for the set of keys at the office, as I said, emergencies. But also in case we’re not here, or worst-case scenario,” he folded his hands on the table. “If something happened to me, one of my team members would need a way in without busting down your door.”

  “Oh,” she whispered. A scenario ran through her mind of Draven holding her down and Jax nowhere around to help her. “Umm, what if, you know, your worst-case scenario happened, and we had no way to get to your team or a phone?”

  “That won’t happen,” he told her.

  “How do you know it won’t?”

  “I’m going to have cameras installed outside the house and in every bedroom.”

  She raised her brows. “Wow, that’s a bit invading.”

  He lifted a brow. “You want to be safe, right?”

  “Yes, but if there’s a camera in my room…”

  A grin slowly spread his lips and he chuckled. “Don’t worry. We’ll only watch the coverage if it is required. No one will spy on you while in your own privacy.”

  She had a sudden thought of masturbating while he watched. As erotic as that sounded, the thought shot fear through her, as well as laughter. She giggled. “Understood.”

  He smiled. “Now that this is out of the way, where will I stay?”

  She thought about that. A bodyguard twenty-four seven meant he needed a room. “I have a spare room with a Jack and Jill bathroom that will be all yours.”

  “Perfect. We’ll head home and grab a few of my personal items and we’ll be back.”

  She raised her brows. “We?”

  He nodded. “We’re doing this by the book, Andria. Anywhere you go, I’m there. Anywhere I go, you’re with me.”

  She sighed with a nod. “Understood.”

  “Please know I need you to be absolutely honest with me about everything. Hold nothing back and don’t worry about feelings or anything of the sort. The more I know, the better I’ll be able to protect you. Jon already put a call in to the Denver Corrections facility. He ordered a copy of Draven’s records. We’ll have those soon. The more information the better, right?”

  She nodded again. “Yes, totally.”

  “You happen to have old pictures of him?”

  She frowned. “Hell no.”

  He grinned. “Okay then. No worries. We’ll get one from Denver and keep it with your records. Now,” he stood and rubbed hands together. “Do you have any food allergies?”

  She frowned. “What?” This sudden change of subject confused her. She tilted her head. “Why?”

  “One of my passions is cooking. If you’ll let me, I’ll cook for us during the day.”

  She raised her brows. “Oh wow. I hate cooking. This is perfect,” she said in a rush, then blushed. “I mean, I don’t really know how. And no allergies.”

  He smiled. “I’m a good teacher. You have pots and pans?”

  “Of course, but they never get used other than to boil water if I need to make mac and cheese or something.”

  “See? You cook,” he grinned. “Tonight, I’ll make us chicken and stir-fried vegetables. Sound good?”

  Her sto
mach growled and she placed her hands over her belly to hide the sound, if it were possible to. She grinned. “Yes, sounds good.”

  “Andria,” Jax started. “No one should have ever had to go through what you did. I’m very sorry about your father and what you’ve had to survive on your own.”

  She smiled a soft smile and a part of her melted inside. “Well, I’ve not been totally alone. I’ve had my sister, Suzy.”

  He nodded and stepped closer to her. “You’re a survivor, Andria. Take a moment to recognize that. You’ve been through more than some soldiers I have known. You came out on top and lived to tell about it. Others haven’t been as fortunate.”

  “Thank the police for showing up in the nick of time then. Otherwise he would have killed me.” She lowered her head and turned away from Jax. “He shattered my arm, broke my nose a few times, broke my leg once, and the last time, he stabbed me in the chest and stomped on my head. I was in a bad space in my head for a long time. If it weren’t for Suzy and the therapist I was talking to, I don’t know if I would be here right now.”

  She rubbed her wrist that had the metal rod and lowered her head. “Well, are you ready to go?” She turned to face Jax and gasped at the closeness between them. She backed up a few steps and felt her heartbeat rise. Her chest tightened and she felt the air pull from her lungs.


  Jax held his hands up. “I’m sorry, Andria, it’s just me. I’m sorry. Did I come too close?”

  She nodded and closed her eyes. She swallowed hard and let out a breath. “Give me time to become accustomed to you being here, Jax. It’s nothing personal, it’s me.”

  “I understand, but Andria, please don’t apologize for anything. You did nothing wrong. You’re in a safe space. I promise, I will not come close to you again until you give me permission to do so. Okay?”

  She thought about what he said, giving permission. No one had ever offered anything like that before, but then again, she hadn’t let anyone new in her life since the ordeal with Draven. She met his gaze.


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