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Initiation Page 19

by Ruth D. Kerce

  Braden was the first to break the silence. “All right, everyone. We have business. We won’t stay undiscovered for long. Not with these collars on.”

  Leila turned when she felt Erik move. He walked across the room to stand over Rave and the masked man. A look she couldn’t discern crossed his face as he stared down at the naked woman. His intense gaze rose to meet hers, then he turned away, dismissing her completely.

  She’d never seen such a cold look in anyone’s eyes. Her heart thudded hard in her chest, and she swallowed the lump in her throat. She didn’t know if he blamed her or not. She never could read him. But she knew his feelings had somehow changed. And she ached for what might have been.

  Braden turned to his brother. “After we get these collars off, we’re going down the throughway.”

  “No,” Kam murmured.

  “You know about the throughway?” Leila asked.

  “I used to navigate one of these freighters and submitted plans for their conversion right before The Council decided to junk them all and invest in new ships instead.”

  “Egesa,” Kam mumbled.

  “What?” Erik asked, crouching down over the masked man.

  “He was attacked by an Egesa in the throughway,” Leila explained. “The body is blocking the way. Even if we manage to move it, they’ll probably be watching that passage for the rest of us.”

  Braden clamped a hand on Kam’s shoulder. “We’ll get you back to The Lair, somehow. Don’t worry. Leila will fix you up good as new.”

  Leila watched Erik pull at the mask.


  “What?” she asked, moving closer.

  “I can’t get it off. It’s adhered somehow.”

  Torque’s head snapped up. “Found it. These collars are history.”

  * * * * *

  Laszlo flipped some switches, trying to get the information he needed. Monitors snapped on and off. If he thought whacking them on the side would help him find what he needed, he’d try it. He hated technology. All the Monitor Assistants had left to parts unknown, and he didn’t know how the tracking equipment worked.

  So many Warriors had defected or gone into hiding, not only from the ship, but on Xylon too, that The Lair was weak. He should never have left the planet.

  Another uprising from the banishment zones. He feared what he’d find once they got back home.

  He couldn’t find the team he was looking for. They hadn’t defected. They’d never turn their backs on Xylon. He knew they were still in the thick of things…somewhere.

  But were they dead or alive? He really doubted they were dead. Though most others would consider it a distinct possibility, he knew better. He’d learned long ago not to underestimate anyone in that group. They wouldn’t give up easily.

  He checked the time. The entry point back to their star system was almost upon them. If the team didn’t show up soon, he’d have to leave without them. He had no choice. If he had enough crew left to navigate the damn ship.

  * * * * *

  They all exited the engineering shaft. Ventilation was under guard on the deck below security, and they couldn’t re-enter. Using the engineers’ shaft wasn’t safe, but their last chance. And luck had been with them. Only one Egesa had stumbled upon the group, and Torque had taken care of him with speed and efficiency.

  Braden came out first, his eyes immediately searching for Alexa in the transport bay. He spotted her crouched behind some barrel-like structures. She was safe. Relief flooded through him.

  He saw two Egesa enter on the far side of the bay. Other than that, the area seemed deserted. Probably some sort of shift change. Their window of opportunity wouldn’t last. They needed to hurry.

  Leila tumbled out of the shaft. She looked drained. He’d have to look into her Initiation. He hadn’t known that she was one of the females abused by Dare, Shear, and Rave before they were banished from The Lair. From Erik’s reaction, he suspected his friend hadn’t known either.

  Erik emerged and dragged Kam out after him. He hefted Kam over his shoulder. The man had fallen unconscious from blood loss and pain shortly after they entered the shaft.

  Torque brought up the rear, still trying to wipe the Egesa’s black, sticky blood from his hands.

  They quickly made their way over to Alexa.

  At their approach, her eyes widened in fear, then she visibly relaxed. She rushed forward and fell into his arms. Braden covered her lips with his in a tender kiss. She felt so good against his body. She’d been crying. He could taste the salty tears. He held her tighter, wanting to take away all her pain.

  “Do the kissy-face stuff later, you two,” Erik interrupted.

  Alexa pulled back and looked his way. “Kam!” She rushed over to him, new tears rolling down her cheeks. “Is he alive? An Egesa came up behind us in the ventilation shaft. He saved my life.” Her hands fluttered over him.

  Braden owed Kam a lot. He wouldn’t forget what he’d done for Alexa.

  “He’ll be all right, Alexa,” Leila assured her. “As long as we get him back home.”

  “There’s our ride.” Torque pointed to a nearby orbiter. “It’s open, with a clear launch path.”

  “Let’s go.” Braden grabbed Alexa’s hand, and they all ran up the orbiter’s ramp.

  An alarm blared.

  “We’ve been spotted! Strap in, everyone.” Torque took the pilot’s seat.

  Braden sat at navigation.

  Erik pulled out a sleeper and lay Kam on it. Leila strapped him in, then helped secure Alexa.

  Braden turned in his seat. “Leila, get on communication. Tell the Xylon ship we’re coming. Erik, man the weapons. The Egesa will fire their lasers as soon as we clear the bay. Their hand disruptors can’t do much damage, so don’t worry about any minor hits we sustain while still docked.”

  Alexa couldn’t stop shaking. She pulled at the strap across her chest. She wanted to help Kam, help the others, but knew there wasn’t anything she could do.

  “Hold on!” Torque shouted.

  The orbiter’s engines charged to full, the ship vibrated and shot forward, out of the bay, and into space.

  An on-ship alarm pierced the air.

  “What’s that?” she shouted.

  “They’ve locked onto us!” Braden yell back. “Stay strapped in.”

  The orbiter lurched. Something hit them hard from outside.

  “Shot starboard,” Erik reported. “Minimal damage. Returning fire.”

  Leila flipped switches and pushed control squares. “Xylon 306108, this is Q-Team 03. We’re heading your way in a Marid orbiter. We are being fired upon. Request assistance.”

  Another jolt hit them. Then two more, from a different side.

  “Shit!” Braden hit some controls. “The Xylon ship is firing at us. Leila! They think we’re Marid, probably on a suicide mission to ram the orbiter into their engines.”

  “I can’t get through to them. They’re not responding.”

  Kam groaned and moved his head. He said something, but all the noise drowned out his words. Alexa unstrapped herself and staggered to his side, barely able to keep to her feet with the ship jerking back and forth. “What is it?” She lowered her ear to his mouth.

  “Kam says to use Channel 108,” she relayed.

  “The channels don’t go that high,” Leila responded.

  “It’s a control-only channel,” Braden shouted back. “Damn! I thought The Lair ships discontinued those years ago. It’s worth a shot.”

  The ship jolted as three more shots hit them.

  “It’s supposed to be an over-ride,” he explained. “If it’s still active, that particular one will open the Xylon transport bay. They’ll know it’s us.”

  “I’ve never heard of it,” Erik replied.

  “It’s classified. Leila, try it!”

  “I can’t. The Marid system won’t connect that high. I’d need some of their communication circuits to add to the board.”

  “Someone better come up with
an idea,” Torque responded. “Two more major hits, and we’re gone.”

  “Wait!” Alexa pulled the vid-cell from her pocket. “Will this help? It’s one of their communication devices. Kam said their hand-helds couldn’t connect to the Xylon ship. And it’s not working—”

  “Doesn’t matter.” Leila snatched the cell. “The circuits will charge. And a transmitter board can lock into any system.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Alexa’s eyes fluttered open. She yawned and stretched her sore limbs. As she turned over onto her back, a brown and gold ceiling came into her line of vision. Where was she now?

  It was disconcerting to keep waking up in strange or unexpected surroundings. This was the third time it had happened to her lately.

  Once they’d finally docked on the Xylon ship, she’d fallen asleep immediately in the quarters Braden had ushered her into. And this was not the same room. She had no clue how long she’d slept. She didn’t even know if she was still onboard the ship. It didn’t feel like it.

  Memories of Braden holding her tenderly made her smile, and she felt all warm inside. He’d told her that she’d done well, and that he’d protect her forever. Not a declaration of love, and forever was a scary thought, but at the same time, a measure of comfort and security lay in his words.

  Now what? She didn’t know what choices she’d make about her future. She figured whatever choice she did make would be permanent, so she had to be absolutely certain that she did the right thing.

  Oh, this bed felt good. The soft mattress cushioned her body like a cloud. Draped across her was a deep blue, silk sheet. She peeked underneath. Naked. Figured.

  Her eyes scanned the room. Deep greens, blues, and browns. Masculine, but safe. That’s how it felt.

  Only one room, it looked like. A combination bedroom and living space, with a small kitchenette, and what she assumed was a bathroom behind one of the three closed doors she saw. The other two probably being a closet and the entryway.

  A brown couch and a couple of green, over-stuffed chairs sat in the center of the room. It looked sort of like an old-fashioned, fancy hotel room on Earth. She’d expected alien furnishings, strange colors, and textures.

  “Braden,” she called.

  No one seemed to be around. She eased off the bed. “Oh…” Every muscle hurt. She needed a hot shower and a good massage. The image of Braden washing her, then kneading her limbs and sore back came to mind. A tantalizing thought.

  She needed to find something to put on. She could hardly remember the last time she’d been clothed properly. A tall dresser stood next to the bed. She began rifling through the drawers. Underwear, handkerchiefs, a box marked Toys. Toys? Oh, no. Please.

  Did Braden have a family? Children? She was so stupid. She’d asked Leila about other women, but not about children. The thought made her chest ache.

  The box wasn’t very big to contain playthings. She gently lifted the lid, as if expecting a monster to jump out, and peeked inside. She almost laughed, and her worries melted away. She should have known. Sex toys—a cock ring, vibrator, anal beads, plus some items she couldn’t identify.

  A deep chuckle reached her ears.

  She spun around at the sound. A gasp stuck in her throat. She grabbed for the sheet, tugging and pulling until she was able to cover herself.

  “I’ve already seen you naked.”

  Her heart pounded. “When?” Probably while they were on the Marid ship, before he’d given her his shirt.

  “In your bedroom.” A wolfish smile crossed his face. “I got so close to helping with your Initiation. That would have been…satisfying.”

  No! “Who are you, Torque?”

  He pushed away from one of the doors. “Braden didn’t tell you about me?”

  “We haven’t had time to talk.”

  He stepped in front of her. “My brother never was much of a talker.”

  Brother? Yes. She saw the resemblance now. No wonder he seemed familiar. “Where is Braden? For that matter, where are we?”

  “We’re in Braden’s quarters in The Lair.”

  “We’re on Xylon? Already?”

  “Once the ship entered the system, we were close. You actually slept for almost two days.”

  “I did?”

  “Braden’s at a Council meeting or what’s substituting as a Council meeting. Not many of the original members are still here. He asked me to watch you while he was gone. Make sure you were all right.”

  “And Kam?” This place had an odd feel to it. The room had no windows. She felt air circulating though, and large pictures of alien-looking landscapes and seascapes kept her from feeling closed in. The pictures seemed familiar. Similar to visions she’d had in her dreams.

  “Your brother will be fine.”

  Their secret was out. “You know?”

  “He told us. Braden pitched a fit about it, but that was to be expected. My brother doesn’t like it when he’s uninformed. Seems Kam and Laszlo manipulated quite a few people to go against The Council’s recommendation of who would initiate you. It was all supposed to be very hush-hush. I don’t know the details. Why’d you keep it a secret about Kam? You could have said something at any time.”

  “I guess I was trying to get used to the idea myself. Besides, the time never seemed right to say anything. Things got crazy fast.”

  “Doesn’t matter now, I suppose. Laszlo’s disappeared, and Braden is ranking Warrior, so he has access to all the files and information at this point. At least, everything that was recorded.”

  A measure of pride filled her. Braden would make a great leader. “Not you? You’re older, aren’t you?”

  “Yeah, I’m older.” A grin stretched Torque’s mouth.

  When that’s all he said, she fidgeted and clutched the sheet tighter. “What happens next?”

  He shrugged. His gaze dipped down the front of the sheet, then back up again. “What do you want to happen?”

  She felt uncomfortable being alone with this man and wished Braden would hurry back. “Do I really have a choice?”

  He closed the space between them. “You always have a choice.” He reached out and plucked at the sheet. “You could even come with me.”

  Alexa couldn’t suppress the nervous laughter that bubbled out of her. She backed up and bumped into the dresser. “Why would I do that? Why would you want me to?”

  “You’re a super breeder, right?”

  “So I’ve been told.”

  “Super breeders are rare. And have certain sexual needs. What’s yours? Your cunt looked like a real tasty morsel. Do you like being eaten? Or do you prefer getting fucked up the ass, maybe?”

  Alexa inhaled sharply and felt her face heat. “How dare you be so crude!”

  “Life here is restrictive. I could show you adventure, Alexa.”

  “I think I’ve had enough adventure for a while.”

  “I’ll teach you to love it. Crave it. Crave me.” His hand rose to touch her cheek.

  “Don’t.” She crowded against the dresser. Why would Braden leave her alone with him? He had to know what his brother was like. If he did touch her, she’d scratch his eyes out. She only wanted Braden touching her. A brief memory of Erik flickered through her mind, but she pushed the sexual images aside.

  “Move away from her, Torque.”

  Alexa jumped. Braden. Thank goodness. She hadn’t heard him enter. His hands clenched, and the muscle in his jaw ticked. He looked wound tight and ready to explode.

  Torque raised both hands in supplication. “Just trying to find out her loyalties. For your own good, brother.”

  “Don’t do me any favors. I’m not going through this with you twice. I told you to stand outside the door.”

  Twice? Alexa’s gaze shifted from one man to the other. The tension was palpable.

  “I thought I heard her call out.”

  Had she? Right before she woke up maybe. She’d been dreaming of Braden. So it was possible, she supposed.

The new Council has decided to lift your banishment due to your help in getting us back home. They’re getting you a room and rank assignment now. You should see to it or they’re liable to give you a closet and trash duty. You’re not on their top ten of favorite people.”

  “Why? Just because I refused to train as a Dispenser and burned down the facility? They can kiss my ass. See you around, bro.” He glanced back at Alexa before stepping out the door. “Enjoy her…while you can. Unless you replace the rest of The Council, they’ll turn on you, as they did Dad. They’ll take her from you and put her away for the good of Xylon, no matter what you do or say. Just as they tried to do with Mother. On this one thing, at least, listen to your older brother.”

  Alexa saw Braden stiffen. After Torque closed the door, she asked, “What did he mean by all that? Put away? What’s a Dispenser?”

  “Nothing for you to worry about.”

  She practically growled at his response. Frustration and impatience built up inside her. “Don’t put me off.”

  He let out a heavy breath. “A Dispenser is Xylon’s version of a Pain Master, like those three who came after us on the Marid ship. The other subjects are not open for discussion at this time.” Braden walked toward her, a scowl on his face.

  His attitude left something to be desired. She’d leave it alone, for the moment, but only because the intense look on his face as he approached gave her pause. She’d have backed up, but there was nowhere to go. She knew he’d never hurt her. Still, that Alpha male thing was unpredictable.

  Maybe he intended to grab her, kiss her, and toss her onto the bed. That would be okay. Instead, he squeezed past her and opened one of the dresser drawers.

  He pulled out a silky, black shirt with short sleeves. “Here. Wear this. I’ll have more appropriate clothes sent up.”

  Their fingers brushed as she took the garment from him. A little shiver of excitement traveled all the way up her arm. She studied the material. “More than a tad small for you, isn’t it?”


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